Rating:  Summary: A MUST-READ FOR EVERYONE! Review: As a counselor working with victims of Domestic Violence, Child Abuse & Sexual assault....and also working with offenders, I found this book to be highly informative and use this book in trainings for both victims & staff. The book is helpful to those working in fields that have the potential to be highly dangerous as well as victims who have already found themselves in harm's way and are trying to extract themsevles from the situation. Furthermore, I have found that the book is an excellent reference point for those whose relationships are in need of reassessment...where the signs of potential danger are present even though the violence has either not yet occurred or has been "low level".
Rating:  Summary: Thought-provoking, but with flawed conclusions Review: This is an excellent book for anyone who is concerned with safety -- both theirs and their family's. It explores in detail why you should pay attention when things "don't seem right." But the author's conclusion at the end is just wrong. Dead wrong. After spending a couple hundred pages detailing rapes, murders, abuse and just about every other nasty thing that one human being can do to another, he suddenly does an about face and says that you shouldn't own a gun to protect yourself. What? In nearly every case he presents, the victim might have been able to avoid or escape the assault with increased awareness and understanding of their fear reaction. BUT, once they were attacked, is he suggesting that they (and we) shouldn't be able to fight back? That's just insane and absolutely counter to the rest of an otherwise fascinating and informative book.
Rating:  Summary: Catchy title yes, but great content Review: I read this book a long time ago and immediately demanded every woman I knew read it. It's that important. And it's not just for women (although, as the author sadly but correctly points out, they are the recepients of the most violence). De Becker is a (now) famous author specialising in protection; he speaks very authoritatively about it and from reading this and some of his other books, I can understand why: he certainly has the pedigree and experience to do so. The tactics he proffers are simple and quick to implement. It requires nothing more fantastic than common sense (which as we all know, isn't common!). Altogether, this is a great book. Read it and disagree, I dare you! :-)
Rating:  Summary: Self Defense Instructor Uses Book As Curriculum Review: As a (female) black belt and self defense instructor, I would give this book 10 stars. The Gift of Fear is a book I use in teaching self defense; it is required reading for all students over 15 (male and female) and recommended for all parents and spouses. I also recommend this book to anyone who asks about self defense and to everyone who has concerns about their safety. Most people want to learn a few "karate chops" or "judo throws". They are better served by learning how to prevent the situation instead of how to get out of it; this book can help. For the naysayers, ask someone much bigger and stronger than you to pin you to the floor and keep you there until you fight your way out. That's a very small taste of what could actually happen to you if you're not aware of the dangers. This book will make you aware! I beg every reader, but especially the women, to please, please, please read this book!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Advice Review: I learned several things here and I already knew quite a bit more than the average bear. Everybody else has said it already, so I'm just chipping in to add my vote. The writing style is loose, but appropriate for the topic.
Rating:  Summary: It is a Gift! Review: Male and female readers alike will find Mr. de Becker's book very informative, eye-opening, and helpful for everyday life. In it, he teaches us how paying closer attention to our surroundings and circumstances and how trusting our instincts can sharpen our awareness toward everyday situations and the people in them. From the simple act of walking to our car in broad daylight to dealing with a persistent ex- or even acquaintance, this book reminds us not to dismiss our intuition where safety and well-being is concerned. As civilians, we may not be able to relate to the likes of celebrities who are confronted or even stalked by overzealous fans, but we've all been in situations that didn't seem quite right and/or met individuals who've maybe made us feel uncomfortable, and perhaps in retrospect we've questioned whether we could have handled those situations/people more wisely. This book gives the tools to key into the intuitiveness that's in all of us but that maybe we've been neglecting to use. If the title's a little intimidating, think of it instead as "The Gift of Awareness" because that's what it is. Well worth reading!
Rating:  Summary: Police Officer gave me this book Review: A police officer loaned me this book after a fellow employee was fired for theft of company property. The book gives excellent concrete information on how to recognize signs of potential violent behavior in all types of people (family, ex-employees, former boyfriends, strangers). One of the most important books I have read in 10 years. I highly recommend it to ANYONE (not just women).
Rating:  Summary: If you're Female, READ THIS BOOK Review: A friend recommended this book to me after I had made some unwise decisions - time and time again. I thought, at the time, how will a book, let alone this book, solve my problems. After all, it's not like I knew the things in my life would happen the way they did. But I was wrong. After reading Gift of Fear, I relaized that many of the choices I had made that created huge problems in my life could have easily been avoided had I only paid attention to myself. Not only did this book help me see the early warning signs of danger from approaching men (known and unknown) but it also helped me look at my friends and co workers in a new light too. Hopefully this book has instructed me enough, so that in the future I will make wiser decision of new situations. I liked the way the book explained situation where the warning signs were apparent if you knew what to look for. Towards the end, the book seemed to get bogged down with celebratity stalkings and what not, but I was able to extract the overall meaning. I would suggest this book to any and every female. Just don't let it make you paranoid. After all the lists of what to look for in a dangerous man, the book should have had a list for what not to get too paranoid about. I say that because at first glance, most of the lists could be applied to any man in a bar trying to get a females phone number. Toward the end of the book, Gavin touched on that a little, but I think the distinction could have been stronger. Overall, it's well worth the read. The things you learn from this book will probably stay with you for life!
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: I was amazed by the stories and the common sense advise given by Mr. DeBecker. This is a must have for any woman or a man with daughters.
Rating:  Summary: -"A survival manual"- Review: Every woman should read this book, or listen to the tape in your car on the way to work as I did. The author, Gavin De Becker is an expert at predicting violent behavior. He has his own company that advises famous and ordinary people, corporations, and law enforcement agencies on how to deal with stalkers and other predators. The author teaches us how to be aware of our feelings when we're in potentially dangerous situations, and to examine our fear. The stranger that asks too many questions, stares at you, or seems to be following you are all reasons to be cautious. The former boyfriend or ex-husband who won't give up, the employee who was fired, the applicant who does not comprehend why you won't give him a job. Anyone who does not seem to understand the word "no" could be a problem. Mr. De Becker says to follow your instincts and teaches survival skills that could save your life. The narrator, Tom Stechschulte did a wonderful job and made the tape very easy to listen to. I highly recommend this fascinating book!