Rating:  Summary: Wake Up and Smell the Danger Review: We in the civilized world spend a great deal of time and effort insulating ourselves from our instincts. We try to be open and friendly with strangers in the mistaken belief that this will strengthen our position within the circle of like-minded civilized people. We teach girls and women to not offend others, to act in a warm and loving manner, to be "nice." We disarm ourselves and call it a virtue. We beat our swords into plowshares. We value "trust."We are idiots. The Gift of Fear will open a few eyes--not enough, but a few. Buy it. But it now. Read it. Twice. Give it to your family and friends, anybody you care about. Buy a carton of them as stocking stuffers. You won't agree with every word De Becker writes, but you'll decrease your odds of becoming yet another preventable crime statistic.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Important Book to Come Along in Years Review: I'm making a pretty bold statement here: 'The Gift of Fear' is the most important book I've read in years (and I read a lot of books). The book has received much publicity from many of places. But unfortunately, many people still think the book is for women (particularly single women) only. Nothing could be further from the truth. The whole premise of 'The Gift of Fear' is that each of us has a little voice inside of us that warns us of danger from others. Animals have it too. But unlike animals, we often seek to suppress our warning signals, thinking "This guy's harmless, what am I thinking?" or "He's just asking to come inside for a glass of water. What's the harm in that?" or "I can't ignore him. That would be rude. I don't want to appear rude." Every day people ignore the danger signals that are given off in response to those who mean to do us harm. De Becker shows us how and why this happens. The situations are endless: robbers, thieves, stalkers, disgruntled employees, former lovers/friends, even murderers. De Becker tells us how to recognize the danger signals and how NOT to ignore them. He also tells us how to deal with people who could endanger us, how to put a stop to threats, and why most restraining orders not only don't work, but usually work to the detriment of the one requesting the order. Yes, this is an extremely important book for all women to read, but don't stop there. Every man and woman should this book, especially if you have a family. Reading 'The Gift of Fear' will not guarantee that you will be completely free from danger for the rest of your life, it goes an awful long way towards that goal. Very highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Gavin De Becker, My Hero Review: This man knows what he's talking about. Every single word he writes is truer than true. My fellow women, do you wanna stay safe? READ THIS BOOK NOW! Thank you, Mr. De Becker.
Rating:  Summary: Psychologist and rape counselor give this a THUMBS UP!! Review: I have also been a victim of a brutal and violent rape while traveling and I had that "this isn't a nice guy" feeling and ignored it and he drugged me and raped me. Like most women I was raised to be "polite" to men that show me attention. Some man that victimized women started THAT rule in our culture. This is a GREAT book with very real insight into how to listen to your automated response cycles - your body senses things long before you "think" about them and we may be technologically advanced but listing to that gut feeling is important because as people often point out; it is never wrong! Most victims of violent crime will tell you when looking back that if they had not been engaging in politeness or rationalization that there were warning signs of the impending violence that they ignored. In no way does this mean that victims are responsible for what happens to them. Instead this is a good guide to returning to lisening to our instincts. Humans are the only animal that participate in our own victimization. DeBecker says it himself in "Protecting the Gift" ( A MUST READ FOR PARENTS ) that a gazelle will run when there is a lion - not try to tell herself that maybe THIS lion is a NICE lion. Humans are the only animals that sense a predator and then try to talk themselves into believing they should be nice to someone that gives them the creeps. READ this book and don't listen to it - let this book teach you about how to listen to your body's signals about danger and safety.
Rating:  Summary: The gift of stupidity Review: This book is nothing more than random foolishness that plays to the insecurities of people, in particular women. Randomly fearing everything is more likely to make you a victim than keep you safe. Basically, provides no insight into how to avoid dangerous situations and people - just focuses on making the reader scared of everyone and every situation. I truly wonder if there is any truth in the stories and scenarios put forth. Mind you, there are lots of Ted Bundy types out there - but this book gave you no guidance on identifying the truly bad folks and providing any survival strategies.
Rating:  Summary: Required Reading for everybody Review: Mr. De Becker presents in a very clear and concise manner exactly what fear is, and why it is a good thing. Unlike many other "self-help psychology" books out there, "The Gift of Fear" doesn't pull any punches in talking about how violence is all around us. But it also teaches us how to protect ourselves from it, and gives very interesting insights into the minds of people that have minds similar to those who would harm us. All in all, I think that this should be required reading for anybody interested even remotely in living a life without fear!
Rating:  Summary: Develop the proper mind set for survival Review: I have purchased and distributed over 30 copies of this book to friends and relatives over the past several years. As a well-read police commander, I can say that it is the best book I have ever read regarding self-protection. It is not a self-defense book but rather a book to help you understand that "feeling" when something is not right and continuing could result in you being placed into a jeopardy situation. De Becker is a most gifted writer (and speaker, I also bought his VHS tapes) and the many examples that he offers will connect to a very wide audience. He also adds a number of lists and tips that are easy to apply. This is a must read for you, your spouse, children, neighbors and anyone else you care about.
Rating:  Summary: Trust your gut, buy this book. Review: Have you ever had that inner "gut" feeling that something was going to happen? Has it ever been right? Probably so. De Becker does an absolutely astounding job of showing you the gift you already possess and how to make full use of it. If you ever wanted to learn about your "gut" feeling this is the book for you.
Rating:  Summary: No review of this book is necessary...... Review: But we intend to do one anyway. There is simply No Better Source for information on the Psychology of Personal Safety then Gavin BeBecker and The Gift of Fear. READ THIS BOOK - Then read iit again ! Joe @ MAReviews.com
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This book is a must read for all women out there. I felt so strongly about it that I sent it to the women's dept. of the college I attended years ago, and now they are implementing it as a part of their women's safety week. Bad things happen to good people, and this book tells of excellent ways to make everyone prepared.