Rating:  Summary: A Must Read For Anyone Contemplating Breat Augmentation Review: After much research, I happened upon Dr. Tebbetts's book. He takes a no nonsense, extremely informative approach - no fluff, just the facts. An important fact to mention is that Dr. Tebbetts by no means sells you on breast augmentation. He gives you complete, accurate information to use in deciding whether breast augmentation is right you. In May, 2001 Dr. Tebbetts performed my surgery. Like so many others, I had heard horror stories as to recovery. Although Dr. Tebbetts book outlines a typical recovery from his BA surgeries, I was skeptical. To my complete surprise, surgery and recovery was unbelieveably easy. I had my hands above my head in the recovery room, went out to dinner the evening of surgery (of course eating a "light" meal), no drainage tubes, no bandages, and very little pain requiring nothing stronger than an extra strength Tylenol (and no, not Tylenol III). Three weeks after surgery, I was at Disneyworld with my children riding MGM's Tower of Terror! After speaking with Dr. Tebbetts about my remarkable recovery, he informed me that this is made possible through the use of certain surgical techniques. There is no doubt in my mind that the trip from Cincinnati, Ohio to Dallas, Texas was well worth the trip. I'm delighted with the results (and so is my husband!). Regardless, of your surgeon, Dr. Tebbetts' book is a must read for any woman contemplating breast augmentation.
Rating:  Summary: An truthful and informative book. Review: After reading this book by Dr. Tebbets I became so comfortable with the idea of breast augmentation, and confiedent that Dr, Tebbets was the right doctor for me. I live near his practice in texas, and I met with him. He is an expert in his field, and I am very happy with my results.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book for B.A. Review: After two years of research--through books, websites, friends and consultations with doctors--I was so relieved to find this excellent resource. Finally, someone was talking to me with respect for my intelligence and with concern about my well-being. The Tebbetts have professional credibility and expertise, but beyond that, this is a doctor and medical-educator team who have respect for women. In the medical world, I find this to be unusual and it was a relief to be talked "with", rather than "down to" in this book. I have wanted this surgery for years, but just couldn't imagine I'd ever have enough information (or trust a surgeon enough) to actually do it. The Tebbetts do an excellent job of walking the reader through the realities (rather than myths) of breast augmentation, so that the reader's decision is based on factual information and an integrated understanding of the many factors involved in a safe and successful augmentation. For me, the right choice was to have Dr. Tebbetts himself do my augmentation. Even though I live in New Mexico, the feeling of "rightness" about traveling to Dallas for this surgery far outweighed any inconvenience incurred. It's been a little more than a month since my surgery, and I am delighted with the results. The Tebbetts' book prepared for me this procedure being a "process"--the surgery is, of course, the most critical part of that process, but knowing what to expect over the days, weeks and months following the surgery is extremely important. This book remains on my bedside table as a constant companion to which I can refer when I have questions. Read this book. Being informed is your most important ally in your decision whether or not to have breast augmentation surgery.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book on Breast Augmentation I've seen yet Review: As a breast augmentation patient advocate for 3.5 years ... I thought I knew everything there was to know about breast implants. However, I learned quite a few new things from Dr. Tebbett's book. I have many pages marked for reference and turn to the book often to help answer questions for my site visitors.
Rating:  Summary: Plain and simple Review: As I began my quest to learn more about breast augmentation I purchased this book. I feel that this book provided me with all of the information that I needed and it was presented in an easy to follow manner. The book did not take long to read and upon completion I felt very knowledgable about the whole process. I would highly recommend this book to anyone considering breast augmentation. It presents the facts...plain and simple. Everything you need to know is in this one book!
Rating:  Summary: Finally, a book that makes sence! Review: Ever since I was 10 years old watching my sister develop a beautiful fiqure, I have been anticpating the day that I, too, would develop. Well, I was still waiting at 43 years old. I have been researching the augmentation process for 27 years. August 2000 I came across The Best Breast at Amazon. I read the reviews and ordered it. When it arrived I read it from cover to cover the very same night. The next night my husband and I read it, together. I was thrilled that I had found answers to my how and why questions. I finally had a choice and, with the books help, I understood them. I had gotten so tired of other doctors telling me to "just trust me". After reading it a third time I contacted Dr. Tebbetts office for an interview. Upon meeting Dr. Tebbetts, Terrye Tebbetts, and the staff, my husband and I were confident that we had found the right doctor to perform my augmentation. My augmentation was done in Dec.2000. After the procedure I felt wonderful. I had no brusing, no drains, no tight restraints, and very little pain. I drove myself to the mall the next day to do Christmas shopping and was back to work in only three days. Thanks to the book, The Best Breast, and the talents of Dr. Tebbetts I now look balanced and no longer look like a penquin. This book is a must for anyone considering augmentation. Don't have the surgery without it
Rating:  Summary: A must read for all vain women - celebities to teachers! Review: Excellent! Direct! Informative! Profound! Truthful! Irritating! And true! No-holes-barred! Achieving supposedly ideal "great-big-beautiful-bouncy-natural-feeling-and- looking breasts" via plastic surgery is a fairy-tale dream that certainly does not come true easily, if ever at all, for most women... I ought to know. Beginning at the adolescent age of 17, over the past 24 years, I've undergone 5 1/2 surgeries, with a 6th surgery on the way, sooner than I think... Truly, great fame, fortune and "star doctors" do not guarantee great breasts, nor a great surgical outcome, or lasting results, ever. After reading this book, now I understand some of the reasons WHY! The why, why, why, WHY ME, is explained, fully and factually. Definitely, I am highly recommending this book to all of my friends, who are considering either new or repeat breast surgeries. Actually, this book should be considered absolute prerequisite "required" reading, among anyone, and basically everyone, even remotely considering the idea of breast implant surgery! Without a doubt! In the end, I have learned the hard way that we are, indeed, unfortunately, all prisoners of our own making, and our own design, and I only wish that this highly informative book had been available to me when I first began my rather impossible "never-ending-great-breast-search-saga", as I am quite sure that, indeed, my tumultuous odyssey, a journey that bears such a troubled legacy of so much hardship, pain, and disappointment, would have, most assuredly, surely, perhaps, had a quite different outcome...in the end...both physically and mentally... Once again, this book should be required reading for all women contemplating any type of breast-implant surgery! DO NOT have any type of breast surgery, with any doctor, anywhere, at all, period, before reading this book first! What you will learn about breast surgery will surprise, shock, and, yes, dishearten and disappoint you, but at least you'll know the odds, and the unvarnished facts, before plunging deep into the forever endless high- or low-road of breast surgery. I believe, the author of this book, obviously, have a profoundly sincere desire to hopefully educate and influence we women who are, and who have been, so very easy misled, misinformed, and brainwashed by the impossible-to-meet-beauty-standards of our rather warped and ridiculous "bigger-is-always-better-breast-conscious" society, and media... True, I thought "I knew it all", for sure, however, this book proved me wrong... Although, I did not like a lot of what the author wrote, and I will probably continue to ignore some of his good advise, thus, paying the heavy price, both in health and in many other ways as well, indeed, however, he was remarkably correct in his dead-on analyses... Run from any surgeon who does not applaud or endorse this outstanding book! As it should be proclaimed th undeniable new bedside "bible" of breast surgery.
Rating:  Summary: Commentary on The Best Breast Review: For anyone who is strongly considering having breast augmentation, I recommend that you read this book first, before even seeing a plastic surgeon. The information here is important; right from the start. It will allow you to set the tone with the doctor, initially--that you know what you are looking for, and you understand the limitations; your questions will be very specific and this allows you to maximize your consultation with the surgeon. He does however recommend anatomical shaped implants (if your surgeon is really experienced with the procedure), but he talks about the advantages of all types of implants, incision location, and understanding the 'look' that is possible for you, and why. I found it very useful. It discusses pre-op and recovery, and actually is very wholistic generally. I think the price is a little high, and hope that he is not 'pushing' anatomical implants due to some royalties he may be receiving for helping design them, if indeed he did. All things aside, you really need this book, or one that is similar, before going into such a critical decision. There are potentially serious health risks related to this procedure, but I believe they can be minimized, enormously if you make an informed, well thought-out decision, and have some criteria which allows you to make the best choice for your surgeon. Sincerely, an anonymous R.N. who is soon to have augmentation.
Rating:  Summary: The right book to get facts and make the right choice Review: I am a Plastic Surgeon from Guadalajara, Mexico. I had always follow Dr. Tebbetts trends in breast and Nose Surgery. This is a clear, well designed and presented book. Has everything, facts, for real, to take the decission to have breast augmentation. highly recommendended.
Rating:  Summary: Good information, but why shout? Review: I am thinking of having breast augmentation and purchased this book to get more information and facts. I live in Switzerland but have lived for 10 years in the US.I do appreciate the content of the book, it has provided some detailed information about the facts of breast augmentation, and educated me in many respects. I like that the authors try to protect the woman consumer of a breast augmentation as much as possible. However, what I find quite offensive is the whole approach to and style of writing. Throughout the book, the authors use BOLD and about 24 point font to emphasize certain key issues in a way that makes me wonder: Do they think all women interested in the topic of breast augmentation are unable to comprehend anything unless they are being yelled at in bold print? Do they truly believe in large breasts, or the desire to have them = no brains? In the book they sound as if they respect women and their needs, but they certainly had me wonder.. Do they imply that this tabloid style of writing is the only way to get a point across? Maybe the female reader of this book is highly educated herself, maybe even a surgeon, and is used to review complex information? One direct quote:" You don't need to all the scientific data with regard to capsular contracture or smooth versus textured shells. You just need a summary." p. 116. Who are you to determine what I need? If the authors are serious about providing information, would they please leave it up to the woman to judge what level of scientific detail she needs to make up her mind? A better way would be for instance to provide the different levels of detail and leave the choice as to what level of detail the reader wants to go, to the reader. Another complaint: The authors name the two dominant manufacturers of breast implants, but are not able to give the names of the major European providers. This particularly would have been interesting to me. Left out of the book were the long term effects, if any, of implants leaking silicone into the body, something I was particularly interested in. Also missing was at least a hint, that some of the major reasearch projects, being funded by Dow Corning for instance, could perhaps have a certain interest in a certain outcome:-)? What also would have been interesting is more information on other breast augmentation surgery, such as mastopexy. Sincerely,