Rating:  Summary: Responses to the few yet irritating reviews on this book Review: Fist of all, the title clearly states that this is a bodysculpting book, not a book for wanting to lose several pounds and nothing more, if you want that, go run, problem solved. But, if you want to lose weight, and gain muscle mass in all the right places while learning to eat right and maintain your results for life, then this is the best book for accomplishing your goals. Secondly, several reviewers have stated working out 6 days a week is unreasonable. If you don't have the disciple or the will to workout for an hour a day during the week and on saturday, don't, but don't knock the book down because of it. I am following the program in this book and am achieving amazing results I thought were not possible. I was skeptical at first as well, but I gave it a try first and did not go writing a negative review about it in order to justify my not being able to disciple myself enough to follow the program. thirdly, there is a comment refering to the carbohydrates that you are able to consume in the program. Trust me, you WILL have more than enough energy to get through your day and the workout, I speak from experience. I think it's hilarious how the reviewer stated that he thought there was'nt enough carbohydrates in the nutrition program to sustain energy throughout the day, yet never even bothered to try it. I have been on the same program and I have had a huge burst an energy since first starting the program. The bottom line here is that people with disciple will find this program to be the best program ever in providing the results you are seeking to build the body of your dreams, while others will go around complaining about how it can't be done
Rating:  Summary: Different approach to working out Review: The 14 day program that is talked about in this book is an excellent approach to exercising (body building or any other training for your body).It is not a "14 days" and get results program. "14 days" is just part of a methodology for body building (and a good one too). If you are bored with your current work out routine, try this book. It may work for you.
Rating:  Summary: Serious Flaws Review: The first major flaw in this book is that it assumes we all have identical training goals--losing weight and developing huge muscles. Not all of us are overweight and some of us value strength more than size. This routine is not optimal for stength development. The authors should make this clear. Second, the training information itself is flawed. The advanced phase of the plan calls for six weight workouts every week on top of six cardio workouts! It is absolutely impossible for anyone to maintain this routine without using steroids to speed recovery or sacrificing intensity (more important than volume). The most efficient, productive exercises (deadlifts, bench presses, power cleans, and power squats) are either discouraged, underemphasized, or never mentioned. Third, the chapter on nutrition is filled with bad suggestions. For example, it suggests a 2000-2500 calorie diet consisting of 40% carbs, 40% protein, and 20% fat. This is not nearly enough carbs for someone working out 12 times every week! Someone following this plan would lack the energy to perform the workouts well and do anything else other than sleep. It's a great recipe for burnout. Fourth, the suggestions on supplements are not grounded in empirical evidence, but in the authors' personal experiences. Only one of the supplements suggested, creatine, has been shown to be effective for enhancing performance in independent studies. Even then, the effects of creatine are small, temporary, and the long-term effects are unknown. Most people don't need it, but it's suggested for everybody. An additional (subjective) reason I did not like this book is that the tone is definitely not masculine despite the title. In my mind, physical perfection in a man means perfect health, strengh, and confidence. Attractive appearance usually follows if these other things are achieved, but should not be the end in itself. Making appearance the primary goal leads to anorexia and depression(which the authors suffered from earlier in their lives) and unhealthy training and nutrition (which the authors advocate). A much better book if you're serious about training is ESSENTIALS OF STRENGTH TRAINING AND CONDITIONING by Baechle and Earle, which offers a detailed treatment of weight training on both a theoretical and practical level. A good supplement is STRENGTH TRAINING ANATOMY by Delavier, which explains a huge number of exercises. Finally, THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION'S COMPLETE FOOD AND NUTRITION GUIDE offers complete nutritional information.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent...it works! Review: Great book! Easy to ready, covers the entire subject...workouts, nutrition, supplements, etc. I've been doing it for 6 weeks and have seen great results. The concept of the 14-day workout makes sense and allows for a schedule that can last a lifetime! I highly recommend this book!
Rating:  Summary: Filled with lots of great information Review: This is the only men's exercise book you will probably ever need. It has great information on nutrition, lots of exercises for the different muscle groups, and has several workout programs you can follow. Since I've started my body shape has shifted significantly upward. My upper chest is now larger, my triceps have a v mark when I flex them, and my shoulders are much larger and display a bunch of little lines when flexed. I also learned how to properly handle dumbbells from the weight lifting section of the book. Before reading the book I rarely used dumbbells because I found them too difficult to get into position and to release. Now I can successfully handle 200 pounds worth of dumbbells for the incline dumbbell press without any assistance. You may also want to check out the author's web site ...
Rating:  Summary: great book Review: When I start a weight training program to get the body I wanted. I shopped and compared a few different books in which I found this book to be amazing. I would highly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: A couple of grammatical errors, but still great Review: First off, I liked the book a lot. Yes, there are a few grammatical errors, but hey, that doesn't effect the content! The book covers all aspects of physical conditioning and provides a detailed road map that's easy to follow. All in all the book is a must have for anyone serious about looking and feeling good!
Rating:  Summary: This Book Is The Absolute Best! Review: After reading the reviews for this book, I was pretty impressed with the overall positive responses. I purchased the book from a local store and read it in 3 hours! I was psyched, brother! This book has it all...Everything I needed to know to immediately begin my plan of action. There are so many new tricks and techniques, that I have never read anywhere else. I have at least 10 other fitness books, and this book is the one read that I will always refer back to for guidance! Thanks again! Derek
Rating:  Summary: Results! Results! Results! Review: I don't normally praise things out right...but I am so convinced that this program works I just have to speak out. After being 215 pounds and 24% body fat I am now 185 and 10.5% body fat. Those results don't lie! The Body Sculpting BIble for Men works for several reasons: 1. The exercises are clearly photographed. 2. The exercises are explained in great detail. 3. The workout plans are easy to follow. 4. The workout plans provide variety. 5. The nutrition plan makes sense. 6. The authors aren't trying to sell supplements. 7. The book is honest, direct, and very positive. I wholly recommend this book to any and all who want to get on the track to looking and feeling their best. I did. So can you!
Rating:  Summary: No style, no substance, no good Review: I bought this book based on the glowing reviews it received from previous purchasers. After reading the first three chapters, I'm wondering if these other reviewers weren't paid off by the authors. This book is poorly written with numerous grammatical errors. Its language is juvenile. It makes bold claims ("you can have the physique you've always dreamed of!") while criticizing the same of other weight-loss/exercise methods. Its 14-day plan, while admittedly sound, offers nothing new in the realm of weight training. The so-called "zone-tone" method (mentally focusing on the muscles you are working) the authors purport to invent has been around for some time, though I will acknowledge their ridiculously over-the-top attempt at self-hypnosis as little more than page filler and fluff. What I found most disturbing was the lack of scientific data or articles to back up their suggestions. Unlike other sport training books, "The Body Scultping Bible" has no references, other than links to the authors' own websites. They repeatedly bash other fitness solutions for lack of analysis and studies, but seem to have no problem unabashedly proclaiming their virtues without a shred of referenced research. All in all, I was extrememly disappointed with "The Body Sculpting Bible." There are many other well-researched and better written training books out there. Don't waste your time or money on this one.