Rating:  Summary: It's good...but it repeats the same idea over and over. Review: I can tell you in few words what the book is about: you just have to believe something and repeat an idea many times a day. By doing this, you are ordering your subconscious mind to do something for you (for example: repeat to yourself "I will get the job", or "I do not want to smoke"). If you think negative ideas, your subconscious mind will believe they are true and all this negative ideas will actually happen. Well, that's it. The book repeats this same idea over and over. If you still want to buy the book, go ahead.
Rating:  Summary: It's not what you believe IN, it's what you BELIEVE Review: I do like the book and think it could help just about anyone. Some parts are a little "iffy" such as reading the contents of a sealed envelope using your subconscious, stuff like that you have to take with a grain of salt.The first time I read the book here's how I used it. I was on an airplane and they were serving wine. I guess I was in business class or something. Anyway, the wine was good and the flight attendent came around with a second pouring. As she was getting nearer to my turn, I asked myself how I could get her to pour me more than a half glass full. The answer came back to me from my subconscious. As she was pouring, I imperceptively lowered my glass away from the bottle (she kind of rested the bottle on the glass while she was pouring for stability). She instinctively tipped the bottle to keep it on the glass and voila! My glass was full of wine. It was funny because it took me a few minutes to realize that I had just tapped into my subconscious mind to find a solution, and it was the perfect solution. To tap your subconscious, most people say you have to hold an image in your mind until your subconscious accepts it as fact. I personally find that I get better results when I just flat out ask myself questions like "how can I get, how can I achieve, how can I obtain..." a certain thing, no matter if it is a physical object or an action or a reaction, whatever. Then wait for the answer. Then test the answer, sometimes the real answer is the exact opposite of the first answer that pops into your mind. So when you get an answer ask yourself "OK what is the exact opposite of that answer?" And then use your conscious mind to rationalize between the two solutions.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book on the power of the unconscious Review: This is an excellent book that teaches how to consciously program your subconscious mind to become the person you want to be. If you want to be more confident or emotionally assertive, simply program yourself before you sleep and after you sleep and with consistency and belief, the subconscious mind will bring it to you. This definitely worked for me and I still continue to apply these concepts daily. Buy this book and you will definitely see the incredible changes.
Rating:  Summary: Hey, cheer up ! ;=) Review: The power of positive thinking is very interesting. Accordingly, "the problem with most people is that they have no invisible means of support." First he enlightens you as to the nature of the subjective and irrational subconscious mind and the objective and rational conscious. What you consciously believe, think, and reason, is impressed upon the subconscious without argument... it does not reason. (however a suggestion cannot impose something on the subconscious mind against the will of the conscious mind. The conscious mind has the power of rejection.)Thus a continous cycle occurs. The conscious feeds the subconscious with seeds, which etch on to the infinite ocean of intelligence, which in turn will manifest back into the conscious world. If you consciously assume something as true, even though it may be false, your subconscious mind will accept it as true and proceed to bring about results which must necessarly follow, because you consciously assumed it to be true. He indirectly identifies this divine subconscious (also the Lord) with the equivalent of either the Vedic atman or Gnostic divine spark. [pp. 212 "Your subconscious never grows old. It is timeless, ageless, and endless. It is a part of the universal mind of God which was never born, and it will never die."] The practice of manifesting this cycle of the mind and of divine order he coins as "scientific prayer." He also uses the subconscious to explain why miraculous phenomena occur in all religions and regions of the world. Thus the infinite intelligence of the divine mind has no preference nor affiliation with external religions. That brings me to another compliment for Dr. Joseph Murphy. He seems to be a Christian, atleast somewhat of one deducted from his recurrent Bible quoting. But with the subject matter of the unconscious mind he brings fresh exegesis to scripture. And as I mentioned his note that the subconscious divinity is not unique to any religion or creed, he also acknowledges the fallacy of biblical traditions with all their superstitions of judgement and hellfire. "The only sin is ignorance of the law, and the only punishment is the automatic reaction of man's misuse of the law" pp. 182. He identifies nothing as inherently evil, e.g. sex or money, and does not believe in the common concept of Theism. By his intuition God = Life. He has realized that this is the only rational concept of any "god." pp. 66 "The one healing power is called by many names---Nature, Life, God, Creative Intelligence, and Subconscious Power."
Rating:  Summary: read this one first, its the best. Review: Over 16 years, I have read this book 3 times. Its is very practical, common sense with good insight. You will be amazed at the powers you already possess, but just have not called upon your subscience mind to release those powers. It's a good read. Keep it as a reference.
Rating:  Summary: Detailed Guide for Achieving What's Important Review: This new edition of the classic, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, is the best book it has been my pleasure to read on how to engage your mind to accomplish more. The new edition, revised by Dr. McMahan, is clearly more than a five star book. If you sincerely want to improve, this book will make many powerful contributions to your efforts to do so. The book begins by describing the relationship between your conscious (active, focused thoughts) and subconscious (automatic thoughts, such as directing your breathing and heart beat) mental processes. Your subconscious mind is able to tap into all of your memories (even ones that you cannot consciously remember) and takes emotionally-laden messages seriously (that's why you get adrenaline pumping when you feel afraid, so you have more energy to get away from danger). The key lesson of this is that if you consciously believe something, your subconscious mind is ingenious in finding solutions to your problem. An example comes with the well-known placebo effect. If you give people a sugar pill and tell them it will cure their disease, many people will be cured. The way this works is that their belief in the cure provides changes in the biochemistry of the body that causes the body to go back into a healthy state. This effect has been found to work with those who focus on innovation. They will leave a problem for their subconscious mind to focus on, and soon a solution appears in a day-dream or in a sleeping dream. The book takes these well-known connections and applies them into virtually every area of living including: Overcoming disease Achieving a result you want Wealth building Innovating Avoiding marital problems Experiencing happiness Having harmonious relations with other people Forgiveness Removing mental blocks to progress (such as writers experience) Reducing or eliminating fear Staying young in spirit as the body ages. The book provides general descriptions of how these mental processes affect physical reality. Each subject area then contains some examples that relate to the specific area of improvement. Some examples are well-known ones, while others come from the author's life. General references are then cited to reinforce the lessons here, which include the New Testament, historical experiences, scientific studies, and contemporary research on these effects. Finally, the relevant section concludes with very specific instructions for pursuing the effects. This information usually includes possible affirmations to reiterate with emotional conviction several times a day. I personally can subscribe that the methods here work, having employed them in my life for many years. Unlike the books that encourage you to do affirmations, this one makes the connection to holding real belief and experiencing emotion about that belief. Affirmations that are not based on emotional belief that you have made these changes are a waste of time. Most people know about the power of changing beliefs and acting in accordance with those beliefs. Yet, they do not follow through. They lack faith in the reality they want to create. This edition will make it much easier for you to have that faith, because the book is quite credible. If you have enjoyed books like Think and Grow Rich and The Power of Positive Thinking, you will find this book to be an improvement over even those superb self-help classics. This book provides more reasons to have confidence in this method, more ways to apply this way of improving, and directions for you in how to change more parts of your life. As you improve in one area of your life, it will be easier for you to go on and improve in the next. Let me share an experience I had in rereading this book. I was waiting for a friend who wanted to discuss some important decisions he is about to make. Because his flight was delayed, he never arrived at the meeting. With nothing to do but wait, I wandered into the hotel gift shop. It had only about a dozen books in it, and this was one of them. I bought the book, and realized that the book provided the answers to many of my friend's concerns. We finally got together the next day, and I gave him the book. I came away from that experience feeling that his delay in arriving was somehow connected to helping him accomplish his desire to improve. The delay meant that the book came into his hands with directions on what to focus on. That event would not have occurred otherwise. If he hadn't been serious about wanting to improve, he would never have contacted me. I would not have been waiting for him. Further, I would not have been thinking about his problems that night when I saw the book in the store. Also, I would not have been thinking about his problems as I read the book. Because he persevered, he finally made it to see me the next day so I could give him the book. The rest is up to him now. I do suggest that you also share this book with others whose minds are muddled about what they want and expect. In that way you can help them see and enjoy the beautiful life that they can create with the right mental focus. Focus on the good . . . and it will follow. Avoid the alternative!
Rating:  Summary: The Turning point of my life Review: It's amazing, only a year ago I was a whole diffrent man. I was Fat, Un-popular, full of hate human being. Now, after reading this incredible book I have discoverd an awsome new world, the world that existed inside of me. My life has changed. From a desperate man I turned into a loving human being. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Joseph Murphy for writing this exellent book.
Rating:  Summary: It's a great book for anyone who belives in Santa Clauss Review: It's a garbage. This book is a example of pseudoscience knowledge. There are only points of view that are not suported by the science. If you want to buy illusions, buy it. Otherwise, I recommend "The Demon-Haunted World : Science As a Candle in the Dark" by Carl Sagan. "While he touches on various sorts of pseudoscience and antiscience, including repressed memories of all sorts, creationism, belief in miracles and, to his credit, the claims of tobacco companies that cigarettes have not been shown to be harmful, Mr. Sagan's primary target is the widespread belief in alien abductions . . . he is seldom wrong . . . [and] he always writes clearly. "(The New York Times Book Review, James Gorman)
Rating:  Summary: Drawn Out New Age Review: I thought this would be an empowering book that would teach me. It turned out to use a lot of common sence that would be helpful if everyone didn't know it already. Then there's also some crazy stuff - for example, you can heal someone accross the country - using your subcontious mind.
Rating:  Summary: LIFE CHANGING Review: God bless Joseph Murphy's soul into infinity. I would give this book 10 stars if that were possible. I first read it two years ago and it set me off on an incredible journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. It is immensely therapeutic in cleaning cobwebs from the mind. I have reread it twice since and also read about 5 other books by Murphy. I would recommend this as the very best title in the entire field of self-improvement. A similar author whose work has also helped me, is Frederick Bailes. Then move on to Louise L Hay, John Price, Stuart Wilde.