Rating:  Summary: JUST THE BEST BOOK ON EARTH BUYITBUYITBUYITBUYIT Review: First of all, don't dismiss my words just because of my style of writing. I'm real intell but prefer to write casual, not from some high horse. Also this is how I feel like writing so I will do that. We are in a casual forum not in some classroom. Mostly people judge because they are envious. So if you judge/put down my writing style I will think you're jealious. If you don't want me to think that then jus shuddup and open your mind. I'm writing this review after around 8 years of reading this kinda stuff. And let me tell you THIS is the book. All the concepts attempted by other books ALWAYS BOIL DOWN to *this* book right here. I've read books in the past 8-9 years about this material and are reading more. But after reading *this*, all books seem boring, rhetorical and all past books are now clear. but when I re-read them they also seem rhetorical. Boring. It is as if I am at a whole new 'n higher level. It is a life changer and it will lift you to a higher level of knowledge. Now, my godam review:Who knows why more don't know about this book. Who knows ESPECIALLY WHY government workers/representors don't make this required reading. We all instinctively know this stuff. However, we are brainwashed to limit it. SNAP OUT OF IT. Get this book. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. It's for your own good. I'm only writing this stuff b/c I care about you as a human being, and about the human race and crud. I make nothing from you reading or buying this TREASURE. If I was homeless and was given ONE thing, I'd rather it be THIS BOOK than anything else. Because no one can take away your knowledge, and your INBORN RIGHT to use your other-half of your brain (the left side, I think). Not only that but the act OF USING THIS OTHER SIDE will be able to get me out of homeless ness effortlessly and get me anything I want. GET IT? JUST get it
Rating:  Summary: A Must Have for your personal library Review: Murphy is well known for this classic work, and I can only recommend that this updated version of the classic is well worth the cost. Anyone who enjoys self-improvement books, or who simply wants to maximise their potential should read this one. I definately agree with the previous reviewers -- this book is a must have, and acts as an excellent stepping stone for anyone considering other types of mind dynamic courses, including Silva Methods.
Rating:  Summary: The best book for any reason at any time Review: A must read for everyone. I even managed to get my brother to read it (I had to bribe him) and he actually LIKED it and said it is perception changing. He didn't want to discuss further because he didn't want to downplay the effect this book has on him!!! And he HATES NON-fictions! I ain't even about to explain the clarity this book brings, and has brought to me. Now I am able to voluntarily clear my head. At any time. Without the need for excersice or any of that "stress relieving" stuff we hear about, yet need to make time for. Just by *thinking*, I do this. That's all it takes, thinking. And so can you. Immediately I feel light and head is clear, as if I'm running on a threadmill. This helps to make better decisions. To sum up my review, BUY IT IF IT'S THE LAST BOOK U EVER READ.
Rating:  Summary: How to Train the Subconcious Review: I've been of student of personal development for the last 15 years and have benefited greatly from various authors and their materials. For some reason I missed this one but once I read it I knew this book was something special. The concepts, strategies, organizaton and summaries are first rate. Definitely an easy read with ways to implement quickly and effectively. Put this one on your reading list if you are serious about making a change. One of the classics.
Rating:  Summary: LIBERATING AND INSPIRING BOOK Review: This classic work explains the miracle of the power of mind in a clear and concise way and leads to continual self-improvement. Explaining the fact that each individual has two minds, the conscious and the subconscious, it proceeds to explain the function of each and how powerful the subconscious is. The great subconscious power must however be directed by the conscious mind, and that is the individual's responsibility. The various techniques for directing the subconscious, like affirmation and visualization, are clearly explained. Many helpful affirmations are provided to kick-start the process of healing and many examples are provided of how people solved their problems by correcting their thinking. This inspiring book is immensely therapeutic in cleaning cobwebs and dogmatic brainwashing from the mind. I recommend this as the very best entry point in the entire field of self-improvement. I also recommend Mind Magic by Marta Hiatt. Other authors whose work is also of great benefit in this regard, include Catherine Ponder, Louise Hay, Emmet Fox and Frederick Bailes. Joseph Murphy's books on cultivating a consciousness of prosperity are very helpful too.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievably bad for you Review: This is the worst kind of self-help book out there- no one endorsed it, it was written in 1963(!) and by a nobody. For an example of the *insights* that awaits you, how's this; father willing to give right arm for young daughter to heal from rheumatoid arthritis *and* psoriaris - father has car accident, father's right arm is torn right off, daughter miraculously healed - the power of the subconscious mind! How about distant relative of author visits 'celebrated crystal gazer' in India, she predicts he's to die by next moon- man cannot shake this off (in spite of author's efforts) and dies from a heart attack on said day. Wow.... Look, there are no notes nor sources nor references whatsoever, not even a bio on this Murphy chap... there are 270 pages and over 250 chapters! That's right, mini-rants for mini attention-spans.....
Rating:  Summary: Working Harder Is Not the Answer Review: For anyone who was raised to think that you have to work hard for everything and the only way to succeed is to work harder, get this book. Dr. Murphy presents ways to use the power of your mind that help you succeed in any endeavor. He writes clearly and meaningfully. Whatever you want or need in life--whether it is financial success, better health, or noble pursuits that have a lasting impact on others--this book helps you harness the power within you to achieve it. This book is about more than thinking positively. It is about how to become great ... as great as you can imagine. I was raised to believe that I could only expect to get something if I had labored for it at great pains; but, in fact, this is not true. Thinking is the key to achievement. Have you ever tackled a problem that you thought through until you came up with a great solution? This is like that, only much, much more. I happened to get the revised copy, which has an interruptive style imposed on the author's style, so I'd recommend getting the original if you can. Just get it, read it, and start applying its principals. Pay especial attention to the scriptural references as you may suddenly find in them wisdom you never noticed before.
Rating:  Summary: Believe In you ! Review: I did not know before reading this book that all my problems I created myself. I changing my way of thinking and started putting effort into myself rather than into a situations. I am more confident more effective and am better at life. If you open yourself up to ideas and put this book into pratice the sky is the limit. Believe in you.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT EXPLANATION AND CONTENT Review: This book can easily be also named "The power of the Spirit". I have read a lot of phsycology and self-help books for about 10 years and I find this one the most practical and understandable. As a christian men I see that it explains many biblical concepts the "occidental way". This book has opened my eyes wider and now I can read the Bible in a different, scientific and most accurate perspective. I highly recommend this book for those who really wish in their hearts to turn into a different and more powerful person for the good. Mr. Murphy was a real evangelist.
Rating:  Summary: Very inspirational Review: When I first saw this book, I was very skeptical. The title sounds like a cheap informercial. After reading it half-way, I knew I have picked up something special. I should actually thank my friend who recommended it to me. This is the BEST BOOK I have ever read. No, dreams do not come true by only dreaming about it. Action is required. But it is dreams that ignite that fire in all of us. Whether or not the subconscious is real or not, who knows. But I choose to believe it because it is very empowering. Belief is empowering. That is why religion works. Basically this book is about believing. When you have this problem and you just can't think of the solution and then one day, it just comes to you. Or when you take this pill and you feel better but it is really candy (placebo effect). Whether the subconscious is responsible for this (according to the book) or God or whatever you believe in, the only thing that matters is simply to believe!