Rating:  Summary: ABSOLUTELY Life Changing: Use a Scientific Method to see! Review: I would give the book 3.5 MILLION Stars if I could. The knowledge presented in this book have transformed and completely changed my life. Before you read this please note: this book is NOT about religion.1) Pick an area of your life that you want to change. 2) Use the scientific, specific methods described in this book 3) SEE THE RESULTS WITH YOUR OWN EYES. IMPORTANT POINT: You MUST suspend all doubt and have FAITH for it to work (JM show you how). Another point: although spirituality and religion are closely related, you do NOT have to be a churchgoing Christian to enjoy the divine benefits of the truths presented here. Even if you are an atheist, I think this book especially will work for you. Why? Because you are less tied to traditional dogma. Once you see the changes in your life that occur through these teachings you doubtless will change your views on a "Higher Power", but that is between you and the One who made you. NOTE TO OPEN-MINDED PEOPLE: I think that in today's world, people don't want to be told "just take what I tell you as fact". In other words, if you are an intelligent, open-minded person, you want SCIENTIFIC proof (i.e. a method, a hypothesis, observed cause, effect, results). Well in our modern times, we seem to believe that our rational side is more important than our spiritual, intuitive side. What I'm saying here is this book shows you the bower of both! Now, you might be saying to yourself "I've been told all my life just have faith or just believe...". Well this books shows you a scientific method for developing faith and belief. Whenever you have doubts, fear, worry, anxiety, etc. pop up use JM's techniques, "God/Infinite Intelligence/The Principle of Good in the World (whatever you want to call it, it really doesn't matter one damned bit!) loves me, therefore wants the best for me". Or "The Power in me that gave me this desire is the power that is fulfilling it". This book shows you that as long as your desires 1)follow the golden rule, 2)the law of love and above all that 3)you BELIEVE, there is nothing absolutely nothing in this life you cannot attain. The teachings presented in this book show the utter tragedy of life: we limit ourselves, God, the universe, etc. doesn't. He has demonstrated this and God bless him forever and a 10 days for being the instrument through which these internal truths were brought to light to me and to the world. Don't let the filthy, disgusting, vile thieves into your temple of: doubt, worry, feelings of unworthiness, anxiety, fear. Kicks them out of your life forever!! What do you have to loose? Now if you are like me, you feel that "seeing is believing", so let me share my experiences using the methods, truths, knowledge, etc. as outlined in this book. Some time ago, I found myself living in a crappy apartment in New York city, with a crappy job. You could see the trash on the streets, the loud neighbors, the totally hopeless co-workers I worked with. However, I had better visions for myself. I envisioned myself living splendidly on another continent, enjoying wonderful social engagements, meeting the worlds best and brightest. I'm talking great dinner parties, art museums, cruises, clean air and water, a closer relationship with God/Higher self, etc. Using JM's techniques, I envisioned myself meeting a Nobel Prize winner, and seeing the sun set while on the decks of a cruise ship to wonderful parts of Europe. I also saw myself in the lecture halls of a very prestigious university. Keep in mind that at the time that vision was as far away from my present material reality as humanly possible (anyone who knows what a cramped New York city apartment looks like can identify). I envisioned myself there, I BELIEVED in this vision, I held on it it. Time went one. One day, about 2pm on a Thursday, I looked around my desk at work and I said, "THIS IS IT!!" I had broken up with my partner, I hated my job, I had had enough. I turned to the infinite power within me and everything happened so effortlessly, it seems almost unfair the changes that that rolled into my life happened so easily. I quite my job. I booked a flight. I moved to another country. The day I arrived I had no apartment. About 23 hours later, the power of my subconscious (i.e. my Higher Self), found me an apartment. I was admitted to a prestigious university, for which I am pay NOT ONE RED SENT IN TUTION!! IT WORKS, IT WORKS, IT WORKS, IT WORKS, IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the last bit. It was my dream to meet a Nobel Prize winner; I accomplished that. Further, I am about to spend the rest of my life with an amazing partner I attracted, am leaner and healthier than I have been in years, have traveled to so many wonderful locales, am about to close some amazing lucrative business deals. Folks, from the bottom of my heart, I'll say this: I'm not special. Neither is anyone else who has written a review and testified to how their life has been changed. Though I would love to, neither am I receiving any monetary compensation for recommending this book ( :) ). The investment of a couple of dollars for this book is so cheap compared to the payoff. You can change your life. Even if you have $10,000,000 in the bank, a beautiful wife/husband, are in perfect health, etc., if there is ONE area in your life that just won't budge, you just can't seem to get it right, this book will provide the solution. I am making a life commitment to giving all of the special people I know this book. Unfortunately, most people will probably never see their lives changed through the truths presented here. YOU CAN BE DIFFERENT. Break through mass hypnosis, negative thinking, and those thieves of lack, limitation, worry, doubt, loss, fear and anxiety that rob people of their highest potential and of living the life of their wildest dreams. The Universe wants you happy! You deserve to be happy. God knows, I pray that everyone reading this post gets this book, applies the principles and sees their lives changed. The only thing that I ask (and I'm sure Dr. Murphy would to) is that you pass on the good word. You don't have to buy the book to do this--eternal truths are eternal truths. Once you have applied the teachings in this book, just share the good news and let's all make this world a better place. I wish a life of happiness, abundance, joy, peace of mind and right action to anyone who reads this. Have a wonderful life--YOU DESERVE IT!!! A spiritually and materially content reader....
Rating:  Summary: The best book I have ever read. Review: Let me tell you that this is the best book I have ever read and quite literally saved me life. Two years ago I pondered a simple question. Why were some people happy while I was so miserable? I got an account with amazon.com and ordered all the books I could to find to answer the question and I stumbled upon this book. I read it then and thought, 'yeah right this can't possibly be true.' I just could not believe that you could create your destiny with your thoughts. I thought that the book was ludicrous and a waste of time, so I put it down. About 6 months afterward I picked up with an open mind. This time I practiced the techniques just to see what would happen. My first goal was to become more confident. Through a disciplined program of visualization and autosuggestion I accomplished the goal. The strange thing was that I didn't even realize it was happening because the subconscious mind is so subtle. One day while I was around a lot of people I stopped for a minute and thought, 'Why aren't I nervous?' My confidence problem disappeared right there. Then I began working on different goals one of which was overcoming a fear I had and the techniques worked perfectly again. This is when I really began to believe that there was something to this stuff. Once you realize that anything you could ever want in your life you can get, you are just filled with a mystical sense of awe. The only drawback to this is the difficulty required. I can tell you now that I still am not completely changed. It takes a lot of time and discipline to change your mental patterns, but everyday you just need to keep believing and doing the techniques. It's easy to lose faith and think it's not working, but all you need is that first success and you will be a believer. Start small and then work your way up to bigger goals and everything around you will fall into place. The last thing I want to say is that you need to truly DESIRE to change. It won't be easy, but 'keep on until day breaks and the shadows flee away...' Good luck and Peace.
Rating:  Summary: A paraphrased watered down version of PsychoCybernetics Review: Basically the author read "PsychoCybernetics" written by Maxwell Maltz in 1960 and attempted to paraphrase the entire book (while leaving out critical details). It's a cheap watered down carbon copy that even occassionally plagarizes the original. If you want to read the best book ever written about the subconscious mind and circumvent all of the silly new age garbage (I.E. This book claims that the Biblical term "LORD" is actually referring to our subconscious mind.?) then pickup a copy of PsychoCybernetics. It is much better.
Rating:  Summary: The bible of positive attitude Review: I had an older copy of this book around for years and I never read it and then one day I picked it for some reading material while I was going downtown for jury duty. I figured I might as well do something for mind while I had to wait and waste time as some would look at it. Instead, I discovered my little second bible. I have read sections of this book dozens of times and I have underlined many of the affirmations and I read them daily. I even downloaded them to my palm pilot and read them when I am in car pool lines etc. I have memorized several of the affirmations by heart. This book has changed my attitudes and my whole concept of what is possible in life. I even started doing workshops in my chiropractic office titled the power of affirmation in healing. I would highly recommend this book to people interested in their personal power and reaching their full potential. I regularly give copies to my patients as thank you gifts.
Rating:  Summary: Your mind is your strongest weapon Review: This book reveals and awes you of our existence, after you read this book most of you will realize that we are not alone that god created our mind as the strongest weapon and we just have to know how to use our mind, whatever man could imagine and truly believe in will come true and dr. joseph murphy teaches you just how to effectively. Too many people deal with problems externally and try to fix it externally when they dont realize its internally is what caused it in the first place, and internally means your subconscious mind the mind that doesnt reason but acts accordingly to believe and thought. Sounds easy, but believe me it is not easy too many have read this book over and over again and still cant apply these tecqniques even though they understand the teachings of this book. The problem is and with alot of people is after a while you will forget about it or when some problem erupts they find themselves dealing with their problems externally again. Because it takes alot of effort and after a while people would rather turn to the quickest satisfying desire way out. It actually depends though if you are one who is in the habit of using your emotions to live ur live when you got a brain but dont use it you will find these techniques much harder to apply, and those who are well organized may be less the effort but they may not learn alot cuz their lives are satisfied they dont got much problems and therefore they dont have to put much effort, contrary to those who have the most problems in life may learn much more but in a longer period of trial and error. My final words is no matter how much effort it may take for you, buy this book anyways it could improve ur life from any aspect and change your whole perspective on how you think and react to things. After reading this book some may accomplish great things and others will become great and master the secret to tap in their infinity riches of their subsconsious mind,
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: I heard Lot About This Book Before I Bought It.I Totally Agree With Other peoples Review.This Is Masterpiece.Dr.Murphy Has Written This Book So Wonderfully,That You wont Be Able To Put It Down. He Explains Us What Is Mind,How It Works,How To Program Our Subconcious Mind & So Many Thing.This Is Must Have Book For Everyone Who Is Intrested In Mind Powers.
Rating:  Summary: Great techniques, but could mislead Review: In my country most techniques described in this book has been a common knowledge of spiritualists and martial artists alike, I couldn't find anything new in the book except that the concept was described in more scientific(-like) way. And, one basic thing is missing. You cannot find the meaning of your life using such techniques. Maybe you can improve your health, wealth, ability etc. etc., but meaningful life comes from something higher (or deeper). I am afraid Dr. Murphy got too excited with the techniques and forget to discuss the foundation. I prefer Steven covey's 'Seven Habits of Highly Effective People'. It covered the very foundation of our life first before moved into techniques. Maybe these two book could make a good pair?
Rating:  Summary: This book got me out of the biggest hole Review: I was working crappy temp jobs not earning much money, not having any luck getting in to my chosen career while I was reading this book. It taught me not to worry about my crap situation because so long as I believed I would get what I wanted (and if I walked around acting like I already had it) then it would happen. A few months passed, I went travelling, had a ball but spent all my money. Got home to find I had been kicked out of my room (which was a dingy hole anyway) so I had to go and live on my friends floor. I was barely getting bar work, and then one day that totally dried up. And in the same day I was also told a possible job on the horizon was also not going to happen. All my savings were gone and I was living off my credit card and I could get no work as all the bars' business was dead. No one was taking anyone on. And there was no temp work either because of the Xmas holidays. My friends were getting worried that I would have to return to my home country (and therefore financial safety) But that wasn't the only thing worrying them. They were worried because after every set back, I just smiled and said it'll be OK. I'm not worried. And I wasn't. They thought I was nuts. A day after all the poo hit the fan I got a random idea to call this guy I hadn't called for months about a job (before my holiday I was calling him every 2 weeks and he kept saying, no not yet no not yet) So I called him, he said when can you come in? I got the job (a freelance position so I had the possibility to either make a lot or a little money) I made the equivalent of $7438 US in my first month. And the work has never dried up since. All my problems were solved and I never worried once because I had faith that I would get that perfect job I had imagined while reading the book. What can I say but this book did it for me, it will do it for you too if you have faith. (IT IS NOT RELIGIOUS AT ALL!!! I AM THE BIGGEST AITHEIST/NON BELIEVER IN "GOD" EVER, SO DONT WORRY IF YOU THINK IT IS A BIBLE BASHING BOOK. IT ISNT!!! IT IS ABOUT HAVING FAITH IN THE FACT THAT SOME ONE OR SOME THING IS LOOKING AFTER YOU AND THEY WILL HELP YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT --- BUT IT'S NOT GOD AS IN "GOD AND JESUS" AND ALL THAT CRAP)
Rating:  Summary: Too many case stories - Need simple step-by-step procedure. Review: Unless you enjoy reading several case stories in every chapter, of people who he has met or maybe even made up, then this book is not for you. Most of the stories in his books I have found, after buying several books of his, is that he likes to use case stories to explain his concepts and to me they don't interest me enough and they don't always work for me. I prefer a simple step by step procedures (i.e. (1) Place x in y (2)Take x and do this to it (3)Finished . There must be a 90%-100% cause and effect relationship of the procedures in a book, meaning that if you do (A) then (B) will always result. If you do (A) and expect (B)to happen and it never happens, then it fails and should not be published. For example in his books he recommends saying some words, phrases, or verses or to think a certain way, and then your life will get better. Fortunately, I have taken some philosophy courses in college, and well some things can't be changed with your thoughts. If something is wrong, something is wrong, and you can't think that it's right and that will make it right. For example, thinking the Earth is flat or the sun rotating around the Earth doesn't change those things. We sometimes have to conform our way of thinking to certain natural laws that exist. I am afraid that it will take more than what he is prescribing for certain things to happen in one's life and the MAIN PROBLEM with these concepts is that he does not give a time duration, meaning if I do what he says in the book, how long will it take for me to get the desired results (1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year). The one positive thing I would say about this author is that he helps steer people in the right direction with the attitude that they should generally have towards others and the negative things I would say about his writing is that it's too wordy, too much redundancy, and uses case stories when I think he should use step-by-step procedures. This is just another make you "feel good" authors out there. If I could recommend one thing that authors should do in their books, and this might be because they are trying to reach a general audience rather than a specific person with their specific problem, is to (1) make sure this stuff actually works before publishing it (100% cause and effect relationship) and to (2) keep it simple by putting the procedures in a step-by-step format, making it easier for readers to remember, understand, and perform with success. When the steps are simple they are easier for the readers to follow and remember, and please NO REDUNDANCY (to save me some time from reading something similar), unless the redundancy is used for emphasis or repeated in the summary section.
Rating:  Summary: Your Thoughts Shape Everything Review: This is the first book by Joseph Murphy that I read. Since then, I have gone on to read many of his books. I am not easily impressed by positive thinking books. Many of them appeal to other readers but are not sensible enough for my taste. Joseph Murphy's books are practical and straight-forward. His nondenominational approach is very refreshing and scientific. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is for everyone. It is much more understandable and usable than Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, so if you liked that book, you will want to get this as well. Joseph Murphy does not try to be mysterious. He gives very practical advice. And, moreover, his advice works. He explains that, like chemistry or math, the law of creation can be used more effectively by anyone who knows how it functions. He teaches you methods you can use -- all of them effective, simple, and easy. This is one book worth reading and even rereading (not something I say about most books.)