Rating:  Summary: You need first to attend therapy Review: This book, has an easy reading, some really nice quotations and nice thoughts..BUT BEWARE: The excercises she gives in her book could be really helpfull if you have already attended some tyherapy and you certainly KNOW that you have fully located your neurotic points. She has excercises like "Tell to yourself in front of the mirror 'I am stupid and useless!!', loud and a million times!" I mean, come on! You have to be carefull and evaluate before if that specific person is emotionally strong to ACCEPT that she/he is stupid or useless! It can trully help or trully damage. And, something that caught my attention, is that Debbie Ford doenst have ANY professional trainment, she calls herself a "healer", yeah, but sometimes attending to the university might help, u know what I mean? If she is professionally cualified, she should mention it, otherwise she could be taken as a fraud. C.A.G. Psychologist
Rating:  Summary: A good book.. Review: The Dark Side of the Light Chasers is a good book for people who are dedicated and committed to finding their true selves and sacrificing the person they always thought they were (a pretty hard thing to do). It's based on the theories of Carl G. Jung, a swiss psychologist who first thought up the "shadow" and how it might be good to embrace it instead of run away from it. A big part of the book is being willing to sacrifice the person you think you are for the person you can become and that involves giving up your excuses and questioning your beliefs. But the main theme of the book, as the title suggests, is embracing your dark side and finding a gift in all those "horrible" qualities- the things that you most fear and hate about yourself- and not just being boring or dull either; DebbieFord has you go through accepting everything(insane,depressed,empty,evil,masochistic,and insensitive to name a few). This book is very inspiring for me but it will only be effective if you are willing to open up, see the truth, and do the work.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book! Review: There are so many New Age "Self-help" books on the shelves that you can literally get lost, and every book begins to sound the same. This is the first book I've read in a long time that actually helped me. Of course, I read most of it thinking, "Sure, it worked for the author--her picture on the cover already tells you that she's got everything going for her, but what about the rest of us?" I also thought her exercises were too simplistic and would not work. I decided to try the exercise on the bus--meeting your sub-personalities. I was absolutely not expecting to see any imagery in my mind, since visualizing is difficult for me. I was amazed when a very clear& vivid image of a small, plain, mousey-looking woman with glasses stood up immediately on my bus & said hello. I realized that this was the image I have spent my entire life working to avoid, and talking to her was very enlightening. This book has helped me a great deal in accepting & even embracing all of the aspects of myself that I have worked so hard to eliminate. I highly recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: A useful book for better understanding yourself Review: This book draws laregly on the ideas of C.G. Jung translating them into an easy to understand personal workshop for applying them to one's life. Ford writes from the perspective of one who had a very troubled life and through the application of these concepts to her own life found balance, creativity, and a sense of peace. I enjoyed the book and found it helpful. her examples were practical. The exercises appear to be adaptations of similar exercises used in her workshops. They were easy to follow and, if attempted with some degree of openness to the exercise, were actually helpful. I feel it was worth the money I spent for it.
Rating:  Summary: Revealing the Dark Side Review: This book is an excellent source to help reveal our dark sides, although we do not like to admit we have one. There are many meditations and exercises to journal throughout to assist us in reaching in, revealing, and embrancing our dark side. To embrace the dark side gives voice to the "whole" you.
Rating:  Summary: What An Eye Opener! Review: After all the years and money I have spent in trying to find a reason to why things affect me the way they do, Debbie Ford has come along and opened my eyes up to a whole new world. Thankfully, this book is put together in an easy to read manner. This book has drastically changed my thinking about everything in life. A must is the chapter containing sub-personalities, though I highly recommend ordering Debbie's tape to help you through this procedure, the parts, personalities, monsters, shadows or whatever you want to call them inside of you will amaze you. Instead of trying to cover them up with medications I am now facing them on a one on one basis. Yes, it is scary but, I am forging ahead. This book had such a profound affect on me that I immediately enrolled in one of Debbie's seminars. Thank you Debbie for your great work and I can't wait for your next book!
Rating:  Summary: Reader Beware! Review: Sometimes a self-help book can be a self-hurt book. Warning! This reader advises against doing the exercises in this book if you are feeling low -- especially if you do not have a trained and trusted therapist you can turn to for help. Also be aware that this is another book featuring a Marin County, CA process guru. These people live in a different world from the one most of the rest of us worker bees inhabit.
Rating:  Summary: I would rate this book a must read for everyone!!! Review: When I first had this book recommended to me, I thought the title said it all, and therefore I had certain expectations. What I pleasantly found is an incredible book about "self growth", "self help" and ways to improve yourself. At the end of each chapters is a series of questions that are in short..incredible. One such question is "What am I afraid of", and it asks you to take the time and to honestly answer the questions. Anyone that does this process will really come away with some great insight into themselves.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: The title of this book is enticing, promising a viewpoint that embraces the dark side of human nature, rather than suppressing, ignoring, or bypassing it. But that's not quite what Ford does, here. Many of the exercises are silly and vacuous (especially the one where you have your "sacred" self talk to your "shadow self" -- oh, come on!). She talks about people "owning" their personality traits, yet doesn't show what this really means, or how this "ownership" produces any changes. She cites examples of techniques and anecdotes, from her own life and from people she has encountered, but all of these stories are greatly oversimplified, and seem rather insincere. Finally, she quotes a lot of other New Age writers, especially Deepak Chopra (for whose foundation she works -- fancy that!). In fact, much of her book is really a regurgitation of things that have been written elsewhere. Anyone looking for a truly "new" view of human nature, as I was, should look elsewhere. You won't find it, here.
Rating:  Summary: This will be your last self-help book.... Review: I am looking at over a hundred books on my shelf as I write this. I have read them all. Dyer, Chopra, Williamson, Gray, Covey--you name it. And finally, finally, I got my answer. This book is life changing and is what's been missing from all the rest of the self-help books out there. Bravo Debbie. May you be blessed a hundred times over for putting this information out there!