Rating:  Summary: This provides the missing key Review: I have read Gwen's book now four times and I also belong to a Weigh Down Workshop. I believe wholeheartedly that she has hit on the missing key as to why people gain their weight back after dieting. They have not had their hearts changed. But I do have a concern that she never mentions the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to help us turn out hearts toward God. Without Him we would not be able to do it. But the book is wonderful and I would recommend it to anyone. I agree with the other reviewer who said she is a little heavy handed when it comes to additictions or victims of abuse. Plus I myself am allergic to Nutrasweet and she says that's impossible. But I know my own body...it doesn't like Nutrasweet, and it loves water and exercise. But I would still give this book a 10 and will read it many times I am sure.
Rating:  Summary: A life-changing approach to weight control Review: Gwen Shambling has found the secrets of thin eating and has now shared them with the world. This program is based on the Bible and is Scripturally sound. Not only can you use this program to overcome your bondage to food, but to overcome your bondage to other idols, as well.
Rating:  Summary: Helpful ideas for all. Review: I went through the Weigh Down workshop at my church, and had mixed feelings about it. Reading Gwen's book, I still have some of the same issues with her program and writings--i.e. her position on anti-depressants, some of her scripture references being out of context, the potential for encouraging eating disorders among those who are susceptible. What I do enjoy about the program is the focus on God and on your true hunger. Many programs have talked about conscious eating (being aware of your hunger and the reasons why you eat when you aren't actually hungry), but Gwen reminds people of the solution to this problem. Go to God and ask Him for His help. Regardless of whether or not you are trying to lose weight, focusing on God and asking for His help in all you do is great advice. Journaling your feelings and prayers (as done in the workbooks) is also very helpful. If Gwen's program isn't for you, use what you can, and pray for God's help in finding one that is. I know a "mixed-program" (Gwen + "The Solution"--which encourages adding food (like veggies, protein, grains) to your diet) has worked wonders for me.
Rating:  Summary: FREEDOM! Review: Eat whatever you want?? Could it really be true?!? The Weigh Down Diet is the first diet that makes absolute sense as a Christian. The concepts are so simple: Eat only when you are truly hungry and stop eating when you are full. No more diet lists, counting calories, figuring fat grams, etc.! But The Weigh Down Diet is much more to the Christian than merely a weight loss program. We can find those on every block. What sets WD apart from the rest is an absolute dependence upon God, our Creator, for our strength. No more relying on our own "will power." No more being a slave to exercise and restrictive food lists. Weigh Down encourages prayer and learning to know the body's own God-given "hunger" and "full" signals. Don't go back to a bondage of a diet you know won't work in the long-run. Stop being a "yo-yo dieter" forever. Turn to God, the Master Dietician, Great Physician, Supreme Scientist, and Creator of all! God may use this book to change your life!
Rating:  Summary: Good book & principles but need the accountability of a clas Review: I read this while taking a class thru watching Gwen's videos and listening to her audios, doing the workbook etc and found that I, myself, need the accountability of a group/weighdown workshop group to stay focused. Gwen has helped me see my god of food is getting in the way of my relationship with the only one true God. I'm learning to run to God instead of my god of food with problems and "hunger"
Rating:  Summary: Instructions on How to Be, and Think Like, a Thin Person Review: I couldn't put the Weigh Down Diet book down. When I did, I'd lost 13 lbs in 12 days. Gwen Shamblin was able to make me hear and understand what thin people have been telling me all my life! She covers all the bases from teaching how to tell if you're hungry to how to live a useful and happy spiritual life. I got a little bogged down in the last few chapters on repentance, etc., but my understanding is deepening every day. I think I may really lose this 100 lbs and keep it off this time. I did find Gwen's opinions on antidepressants to be a bit over-simplified but, just take what you like and leave the rest!
Rating:  Summary: Best "diet" book ever Review: This is a great book. It basically boils down to: eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full and God can help you do that!!! There are some things that I did not agree with (de-emphasize of exercise and drinking water) but then maybe for me these are areas that God want me to work on personally. You really can eat anything. I had a steak last night (and haven't had one in years). Boy did it taste good. I didn't eat the whole thing and I was satisfied.
Rating:  Summary: Not a diet book Review: This is a book about attitude, about listening to the things your body is saying to you, about trusting God to give you good things. Why did God make french fries taste so good if they are so bad for you? What about diabetics? What about pregnant women? There are answers here.
12 months ago, I wore a size 16. Now I wear a size 10. 'nuf said?
Rating:  Summary: Weigh Down inspired me to make major life changes. Review: I followed the Weigh Down thin eater way of eating and lost the pounds, I also lost other false gods in my life. Gwen encourages specific scripture readings from the Bible. From reading these and more I realized God was using my weight gain to get my attention and show me other areas of my life that needed cleaning up. Disorganization and too much stuff was cluttering my life. I started cleaning out and giving away possessions I did not need, life is so much easier with fewer things to take care of. The next issue was credit card abuse,charging more than I could pay for. I cut them up. Then I took responsibility for my financial irresponsibility and am learning to be more financially aware. Because Gwen calls us to be obedient to God, I did a self examination,asking God to show me other areas of my life that needed work. Because of the author's suggestions I have lost pounds, made positive changes in my eating habits , simplified my life and have been reaffirmed in my Faith. Thank you God.
Rating:  Summary: It's about time! How refreshing! Review: If you boil down what Shamblin is saying, it is this: We have been made by a loving God, who intends for us to enjoy many things, including food; however, scripture (as Shamblin points out) is full of examples where people attempt to replace Him with the very THINGS He has given us to enjoy, and this is where our problem begins. Once we refocus on his original plan, our healing begins. This is a radically different diet book.