Rating:  Summary: A good book to suggest for those recovering from abuse. Review: As a counselor, I am always looking for a positve book to suggest to someone who has a history of abuse in their past. This book is at the top of my list. Miguel Ruiz uses the ancient wisdom of the Toltecs to speak to the modern mind.He allows us to see the connections between us all. Forgiveness and compassion become tools for change and transformation.
Rating:  Summary: I love this book! Review: Miguel Ruiz's books are so wonderful. This one is just perfect. It goes beyond THE FOUR AGREEMENTS, with such clarity and love. My wife and I have used the principles in this book to totally transform our relationship in ways we never dreamed possible. There is so much common sense in the love that Miguel describes in these pages-- a common sense that I have found missing in my past relationships. Through these two books, I have discovered how I was programmed in my childhood with beliefs and agreements that could never bring me the intimacy and happiness that I longed for. By using the simple vision that I gained from this book, I am changing that program to one I am chosing for myself. And I am really happy, for the first time in my life.
Rating:  Summary: An insightful guide to healthy relationships. Review: Once again, Miguel Ruiz works his beautiful magic in <The Mastery of Love>. In this book, he expands on the wisdom of <The Four Agreements> by applying the Toltec Wisdom to human relationships. Miguel explores the pitfalls of our assumptions and beliefs about love and the way in which they limit our ability to enjoy relationship. He also suggests tools and prayers so that we can move out of fear and into a more loving relationship--with ourselves first and then with others. Ever the story-teller, Ruiz also shares several stories and myths which express his teaching as much through the tone of his words as through the content. The heart-felt way in which he imparts his simple wisdom makes this book a joy to read and easy to absorb. Do you want more fulfilling relationships with others--romantic and otherwise? Do you find it difficult to relate to potential friends and lovers without a cynical mindset? If so, I definitely recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: How to use Toltec Wisdom books Review: The books I write are alive. They were created by an act of power, and contain seeds to transform your life. The best way to use these tools break old agreements and habits: 1. Read the book once as quickly as possible, to understand the flow and spirit of the book 2. Read the book again, more slowly 3. Do your best to start practicing the steps in the books. Practice makes the master. 4. To facilitate the transformation, share these books with the people that you interact with daily: co-workers, family, friends, lovers. Once they read the book you can help each other, and make an agreement to support each other to create a new dream of communication based in love, rather than fear. Then the drama in your life will stop right away. Create groups to support each other and help each other live these new principles, and watch your whole life change rapidly.
Rating:  Summary: A new way to view your ideas on relationships Review: This precise and lovingly written book gives the reader a chance to review and rethink his/her beliefs regarding relationships. So often we disagree with a loved one regarding some issue, but really what we are facing is a difference in our actual belief systems. This book helps us see the bottom line concerning the dynamics of our interactions. It also reviews simple but critical concepts like loving yourself first, having unconditional love for others, and practicing respect in your relationships. This book may seem little but its' concepts are immense!
Rating:  Summary: This book radically shifts my perspective on love! Review: I use Don Miguel Ruiz' books, The Four Agreements and The Mastery of Love as I would use a guidebook to another country--but the 'place' is a state of mind called "The Dream of Love". Don Miguel teaches us about this place, how to "get there" while staying here, and how to live in love on a daily basis. His teachings are always so direct and easy to understand, that one can't help but start to use the wisdom as soon as one reads and comprehends the meaning of the stories. This information is vitally important and so forgiving of our human foibles, that I can say anyone wishing to change their intimate relationships of any kind can derive truth and power from these books. The Mastery of Love is aimed at the heart--our hearts. I open this book whenever I am feeling less than loving toward myself or others--I am able to absorb the feeling of love and intent to heal from these pages, and always feel a sense of relief and peace from taking the time to do so. I believe that this book has the power to shift our mass consciousness and our role in changing the way the world is, just by giving us tools to change our lives and relationships. I wish to share the gift of this understanding and hope readers will pick up this book. I love it!
Rating:  Summary: This book can save you from a lot of suffering! Review: The teachings of don Miguel Ruiz are powerful medicine. The insight and clarity with which he shares his unique perspective on life and love are invaluable. We sincerely hope that the spirit and power of don Miguel's word's will speak to your heart as they have to ours.
Rating:  Summary: Breeze that opens your true self Review: My favorite chapter was "the magical kitchen". It truly showed me in retrospect that once you TRULY love yourself you will only do what is in the best interst for your heart and soul. I was in a very dark relationship with a cruel man at the beginning of this book, and by the end I was single and also figured out how I would never allow such disrespect if I loved myself. Since this book has come into my life I love being in my own skin. I have re-read this book several times and my dating life as well as my alone time is so much more pleasureable. I have learned to love myself entirely. Don wrote this book in such a way that regardless what your situation is while reading it by the time you are finished you just feel different. You are finally seeing things with open eyes as things truly are. I reccomend this book to anyone who would like to work on themselves because this book is not how to change your man/woman it is what needs to be improved in you.
Rating:  Summary: Highly Recommended! Review: Of all the inspirational books I have read, I must say that this is my favorite. I struggle to find the right words to describe this book! When I first read it so many things began to make sense. Causes for so much unhappiness in my life became so much clearer. I could let go of my dissappointment with family, religion and society for letting me down because I finally understood where all this poison came from. There was no longer a need to find someone to blame and with that came an incredible release perhaps some would call forgiveness. Now, everytime I read it my eyes open up even wider and I can tell that I am changing. And I like the person I'm changing into. What a blessing is that!
My life has not been easy and because of that I've exercised my God given right as a victim to blame others. The only problem with that is, I've lost myself in the process. I have spent years of my life in therapy trying to come to terms with that. While therapy has been vital in my growth, and subsequent inspirational books have contributed to my asking of questions, I credit this book with clarifying things, providing explainations and helping me with were to go from here.
We each search for truth and when we find it, it resonates with us and we feel its impact in our lives. The Mastery of Love, by Don Miguel Ruiz resonates with me and my life will not be the same again. Thank you Don Miguel!
Rating:  Summary: Finest Relationship Book! The Love that Starts from Within. Review: I read "The Four Agreements", "The Four Agreements Companion Book", "The Voice of Knowledge" and this book, "The Mastery of Love". I read "The Mastery of Love" the first time after "The Four Agreements" but before "The Voice of Knowledge". So, the first time reading "The Mastery of Love", I could not get as much out as what I wanted to. However, the second time I read through it (after the reading of "The Voice of Knowledge"), I have such a deep appreciation of what the author's message is. I was applying many of the techniques I learnt from the author in this one relationship. I learnt so much about practicing love in and out of this one relationship even though it did not end up living happily ever after with this person. The book helps me understand why relationship can still end; even I exercised love through full acceptance of who he is.
1. The projection of the many selves that hurts relationships
We project so many versions of ourselves to others just to win their approvals, consciously and subconsciously. In my situation, I realize I was presenting who I was, or at least I make a conscious effort to be truthful and honest. I loved him for who he is with full acceptance (despite the circumstances happening in his life and our huge difference), and with acknowledgement of my own inner fears, ego so I can put my second attention to the track of love, rather than track of fear.
The broken part is that he could not acknowledge the subconscious projection he had (he projected himself with the one full of love and care towards others - which is true but one dimensional), and maybe has suppressed many of his deepest fears about relationships.
In addition, I realized at the end he also had a false impression of me. He thought that I need his love in order for me to survive (that one pizza while I can cook all my food - love, in my own "Magical Kitchen"). He thought I could not love myself and be independent. He thought I need to be taken care of. At least that is how I perceive through that projection.
When there are too many projections in the relationship, you cannot accept who a person is truly. Without acceptance, then, where is love?
2. Love is About Acceptance but Not about Drama
This is what I learnt from Don Miguel Ruiz's teaching. Love is about creating heaven on Earth through acceptance. You can create that heaven by yourself and you can create that heaven with others. There is no need to invite drama (which is often inflicted by sense of fear, ego, anger, jealousy which are often hardly acknowledged) which drives the need to control, and the need to be right.
I am glad I went through Don Miguel Ruiz's teaching when this relationship started and ended. It helped me to intensely love in the moment and treated the person the best I know how without the perfectionism paralyzing me. It was the first time I loved someone with acceptance and acknowledgement of fear. I was happy when I was in that relationship and I am still grounded falling off from it. It is too bad relationships ended. However, I always remember Don Miguel Ruiz's teaching about loving myself without judgment. With that being said, I also drew boundaries with this person at the end for the sake of not inviting drama into both lives again. He is wonderful just the way he is. And I will always remember the romance and the dance. He was the one who inspired me to see the true beauty of spirit. Thank you.
What I am writing here is hoping to bring you an awareness in a practical sense that maybe you are living in true love, the love that helps you create the dream of heaven and not hell. However, your partner might not understand your well intention and things might still end. Why did it end? Why search for the answers when you realize there are so many projections out there and you might never find the truth? I hope my review here can inspire you that you can still love yourself the fullest possible, and enjoy your life the best way you can despite any life situation. Life is still beautiful after all if you have unconditional love about yourself. It does not matter when it starts or when it ends. For, all human mind has a "magical kitchen" that is capable to love self and others but some how that was lost during the "domestication" process.