Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money Review: I'm torn between flaming this book for how ignorant it is and laughing at how ridiculous it is. Really, don't waste your time or money.
Rating:  Summary: we all make mistakes Review: We ALL make mistakes, Laura is no different. She is a in your face type of personality but come on folks, let's give the lady a little credit for trying to make a differece. No one wants to be told that we have screwed up our life because of hiding behind men, husbands, bosses, exhusbands, boyfreinds or whomever and even having children to complicate things. Truth be known, isn't much of the ten stupid things hitting the nail on the head? Rumors will fly here and there about different people - so what? Just go on and read the book and if it can bring even a small glimmer of hope and strength to you as a female, embrace those messages and grow up. For heaven's sake, move on and become stronger. I agree children will hender many of our insights and goals and will even drag us down into a deep depression if we will let them. God knows I love my kids but sometimes wonder why I had them in the first place. Kids, husbands, marraige, relationships, careers - they are all time consuming so Dr. Laura is just telling us to be prepared and think things through and stop hiding behind them. We have to beome responsible adults and get things done to ensure our personal growth before we get stuff so messed up - that's bascially what the author is saying. If the book upsets you, and it did me as well, put it down. I had to take a little breather ever so often just to think about it. I knew I could not get better if I stood around pointing fingers at Dr. Laura's previous mistakes and get on a soap box with my freinds. Often times, that's what makes a book worth reading and highly educational not to mention soul searching -- is when we gather learning experiences from the author (which gee - just happend to screw up a little too). You mean she's human??? She has done more good than her mistakes will ever add up to and she continues to strive to build our knowledge of rasing responsible kids and become RESPONSIBLE parents. We need folks like her and others I totally respect but may not always agree with. We need them. I need them. For example, after reading this book I read a book on how in the heck to get my parenting skills in line with what I'd like for them to be. My aunt who is a parent educator told me to read Mommy-CEO, Revised Edition, by Jodie Lynn. It has helped me so much to see the flip side of the coin about feeling good about being a mom - or a CEO as the author says and asking for help around the house. Another book I found to be helpful is Getting BAck Your Groove, by Vicki Iovine, actually both books are similar but are still sending clear "time for mom messages" for today's busy life. I'm sure people say mean remarks about these books and authors but we can't have everything fine tuned to what our little heart and ears desire. How boring would that be? Jodie Lynn's book is on the same scale as KISS - KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID - and hits home with getting kids to help with chores and still take out time for YOU, YOURSELF AND hubby. By all means, look for the positive in what these authors are trying to convey and be a big enough perosn to bypass any negative to get the true meaning of these books. The same goes for all books that talk about how we can become better individuals. Live with it and move on.
Rating:  Summary: Wake up and smell the coffee Review: I don't think this book deserves the low marks it's recieved here. Laura Schlesinger, for all her faults, is a perceptive woman, refreshing contrarian and-at her best moments-one tough, opinionated broad. Before she veered to the religious right around 1995, she wrote this book which is quite good and, contrary to what many might think, feminist. It's a good book to read or give to a young woman as Schlesinger takes a ferocious and unsentimental stand on the value of independence, risk-taking, hard work, courage and accountability. She's very hard on women who choose to see themselves as the victim in their life and relationships-one of the reasons she's so rabidly disliked by those who find not only succor-but their complete identity-in female victimhood. Schlesinger's L.A. talk show in the early nineties was riveting stuff as she took on just about every cliched, whiny cop-out that came her way. She always had the guts to say what a lot of people think, but don't have the guts to express-and I think she truly helped many of her callers see the light. The unfortunate thing about her more recent moral ranting is that it takes away from some of the excellent insights she's capable of. If you're looking for a self help book that will do more than tell you what you want to hear and repeat the same old cliches about how you are being vicitmized in your life by loser boyfriends, ex-husbands, "loving too much", "society", whatever, I recommend this.
Rating:  Summary: Very insightful Review: This is one of those rare books that have become incorporated into my personal philosophy. She holds a combination mirror/magnifying glass up to your behaviors and doesn't allow you to look away from what you see. I highly recommend this book for its content to any woman who, at the end of her life, doesn't want to look back on it with regret.
Rating:  Summary: I needed healing and this book healed me Review: I can see how some people might not like Dr Laura's direct approach, but sometimes in our lives we need some strait talk, and Dr.Laura does it well. I was in a co dependent relationship (althought I didn't know it). The day after the break up I was a mess with a capital M. I phoned a friend to talk because I needed to talk to someone. She had just got through reading this book and she recommended it to me. I went out and bought it that day and I didn't stop reading it until I finished it the next day! I can't tell you the transformation that took place in me, it was incredible. By looking at things differently, in a way I had never considered I saw and understood the actions of my ex boyfriend in a more realistic sense. I was happy and joyful and refreshed after reading this book. Now 4 years later I carry with me the lessons I learned in that book, they are wonderful! I am so thankful for Dr. Laura. The only reason someone wouldn't like this book is that they can't take strait talk. Understand going in that it's no-nonsense, telling you like it is, plain truth. Frankly I think that's the best approach, and once you understand truth and reality in any situation, the healing can begin. The longer you delay it through flowery, careful treatment, you stay in the problem. It's like jumping into a pool, if you jump right in, the shock lasts a few seconds, if you go in slow you prolong the pain.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe Because I'm A Guy Review: Dr. Laura is great, fantastic and well.... fantastic. I listen to her radio show as often as possible, but when I get to read one of her books, it is shear pleasure. This is the first of her "Ten Stupid Things..." books and I really enjoyed it, although not as much as "Ten Stupid Things Men Do..." Maybe it's because I'm a guy, and couldn't stop saying "wow, how true!" every five seconds. When I bought the book, my intention was to try and get some insight into how women think and where they are coming from. But I left the book gaining something better than insight into the mind of a woman. I gained the understanding that women, just like us men, have messed up, have hang-ups, and have insecurities. And we as men have to do our best to help support and empower the women in our lives to rise above (overcome) their pasts so that they can fulfill the destiny God has for them. As long as we drag our feet in the past, we can never run towards our future, and we can't continue to hang failures over our wive's/mother's/sister's/daugther's heads. Knowledge isn't worth anything until it becomes understanding... until it has substance in your life. Buy both books and do yourself a favor.
Rating:  Summary: Read and believe! She's telling the truth! Review: "10 Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives" is for those women who are ready to get motivated about make changes in their lives. If you are ready to make changes, be brutally honest about what you are doing to yourself (and children) and finally yet importantly - get a grip on your life ... then buy this book! You owe it to yourself to get over poo pooing what they have done to you and start making things happen for you and to your life! Read this in it's entirety even if you feel like throwing it across the room. You WILL NOT regret it!
Rating:  Summary: Everything she says is true. Review: I find that people who don't like this book are those in whom it hits a too close to home. This is not a man-slamming book, it's a women EMPOWERING book, helping all people, not just women, realize that they themselves have the power -- and the right and obligation -- to live up to a standard of decency, and to include in their lives others worthy of esteem and respect. The ideas are clear, the examples are entertaining, and the style is brisk... it's a quick and easy read for all its big ideas and worthwhile suggestion.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Advice for Women and Young Girls! Review: If you don't like to look at yourself honestly in the mirror, you won't like this book! Dr. Laura's book is a must read for women young, mature, single or married! It provides guidance on how to: 1) choose a partner wisely, 2) walk away from dead-end relationships and 3) build a happier life with yourself and a deserving partner. It is unfortunate that many women believe that having a man, any kind of man, at any cost, is life's ultimate prize! Today, far too many women give away their power to men and settle for fantasy, disrespect and helplessness. I, too, have chosen unwisely and spent portions of my precious life with men who didn't deserve me. After reading this book, I can now put an end to my vicious cycle. The message was powerful. However, the writing, at times, was challenging to read. I am glad I stuck with it! The value of the message far outweighs the challenge. A key message that still ripples in my mind is that enhanced self-esteem is earned through courage, risk taking and overcoming challenges. Thank you Dr. Laura! Share your Amazon.com purchases
Rating:  Summary: Required Reading for All Girls and Women Review: After reading this book and seeing all the mistakes I made in the past, I have given copies to some of the teenage girls I know. The book charts a clear course for sensible behavior and helps the reader see past the often deceptive fog of "romance" to make solid life choices. It ought to be part of the Life Management Skills class taught in high school!