Rating:  Summary: Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives Review: People who dislike this book because of Dr. Schlessinger's style need to put aside their reservations and focus on the truth of this book's content. She goes behind the gloss and tells straight out what makes women "martyr themselves on the altar of marriage". I am 17 years old. This is around the age, (younger actually), that many girls start putting complete and total emphasis on finding a man and getting married. I know many of these girls. They have no ambitions for themselves. They are afraid of the future and instead of confronting their fears they hide behind a man. It's not fair to the man and it's not fair to them. I am purchasing several of these books for the people I know who are a mirror reflection of the examples in this book. If you are not one of the people who does these particular stupid things, then more power to you. I still reccommend you read it because I'm sure you know someone who does.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe Because I'm A Guy Review: Dr. Laura is great, fantastic and well.... fantastic. I listen to her radio show as often as possible, but when I get to read one of her books, it is shear pleasure. This is the first of her "Ten Stupid Things..." books and I really enjoyed it, although not as much as "Ten Stupid Things Men Do..." Maybe it's because I'm a guy, and couldn't stop saying "wow, how true!" every five seconds. When I bought the book, my intention was to try and get some insight into how women think and where they are coming from. But I left the book gaining something better than insight into the mind of a woman. I gained the understanding that women, just like us men, have messed up, have hang-ups, and have insecurities. And we as men have to do our best to help support and empower the women in our lives to rise above (overcome) their pasts so that they can fulfill the destiny God has for them. As long as we drag our feet in the past, we can never run towards our future, and we can't continue to hang failures over our wive's/mother's/sister's/daugther's heads. Knowledge isn't worth anything until it becomes understanding... until it has substance in your life. Buy both books and do yourself a favor.
Rating:  Summary: For Those Who Want to Reflect on Themselves Review: Dr. Laura gives it to you straight in this no nonsense book. While most people wouldn't have the guts to be this brutally honest and constructively critical, Dr. Laura goes where no one else dares to go. So many other self help books are too concerned about being politically correct and candy coating topics, that in the end you feel like you don't gain anything. But whether you like her or not, everything she says is actually true. This book will remind you of times in your life (and it's happened to all of us) when a family member or friend tells us something we don't want to hear but deep down inside we actually know is true. Dr. Laura is also a very logical person, so much of her opinions and advice is not hard to follow. I recommend this book to anybody in search of learning more about themselves and how they can improve themselves.
Rating:  Summary: ...And now for something completely relevant! Review: .... Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives is a summary of self-defeating behaviors women use to hide their lack of self-esteem and fear of following their dreams. By using real-life examples from her professional practice and her nartionally syndicated radio show, Dr. Laura explains the thinking (or lack of thought) behind poor decisions that have a harmful impact on women, their families, and their friends. These poor decisions are usually the easy out, and often compromise a person's integrity or plans for the future. Dr. Laura effectively demonstrates how withstanding momentary discomforts lead to a positive self-image and utlimately fulfilling life. I read this book about a year ago (not voluntarily at first, my parents made me) and I am glad I did. Learning from the mistakes of others is always better than repeating them yourself. I don't give a whit what mistakes Dr. Laura has made, because it's irrelevant to the merit of her message. Everything she says in her book is true; I have personally witnessed many relationships gone awry due to the behaviors Dr. Laura lists in her book. So if you want to be a happier, stronger person, this book can point you in the right direction. But only if you are willing to *honestly* reassess your own thoughts and actions without being a spineless jellyfish.
Rating:  Summary: Dr Laura is Right on this one Review: Sure her talk show is good and her advice is sometimes not exactly what I think but I can't disagree on her womens book and mens book too. A lot of people dont like her "live life rightly" approach but what can it hurt to just read a small book and then afterwards you can decide if she's off base. Well this book is great for young and older women, I bought copies for many of my girl friends who whine about loser guys or typical female troubles that never get resolved. It's super cheap used on amazon.com so you really dont have an excuse to whine about relationships or personal issues anymore. remy
Rating:  Summary: A Guys Perspective Review: Call me stupid, but this book made sense. As a pastor I have come to realize that pastoral counseling is not one of my strengths. My concept of pastoral counseling is to get a 2 x 4 and smack someone on the side of the head and tells them to get a life- perhaps, that is my this book appealed to me. Dr. Lauras straightforward approach made perfect sense to me. Perhaps that is my so many woman reviews have panned this book at being cold, insensitive, or uncompassionate. But after twenty years of pastoral counseling, I still am dumbfounded how some women sabotage their lives. Case in point. During premarital counseling sessions, I always try to determine whether there is drug or alcohol abuse, especially in second or third marriages where children are involved. More than once, I have been told that there is no abuse where I have suspected there was only to have the woman back in my office three to six months later crying her eyes out and blowing snot into her hanky and telling me about her husbands drug or alcohol abuse. What is partially frustrating for me is that invariable these woman knew before their marriage that the problem existed, but believed that love would solve the problem. Ok, so I am another insensitive white male who does not understand woman. So be it. But I think that Dr. Laura is right.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting but lacking compassion Review: My male therapist recommended this book, so I bought it and read it. Overall, it seems to be honest and straightfoward, but I found it simplistic and arrogant on the author's part. Sure women do stupid things to mess up their lives. Sure as a therapist she has seen it all, heard it all, etc. but I saw little compassion or understanding for the women who do the stupid things. We all do stupid things because we react with emotions and not logic. We all have deep emotional needs that may or may not have been met when we were young, and many of us spend all our lives trying to find something we never had, or had and lost, as children. Then we get involved with men who have their own problems, their own unmet needs, their own agendas, and life gets pretty complicated. It is easy for a doctor who is not living your life, to sit back and judge the things you say and do to try to meet those needs, as stupid. The things may seem stupid on the surface, but underneath the acts and in the heart of many women, are needy little girls who just want to be loved and accepted for who they are, just like men want to be loved and accepted for who they are. This book could have been written with a lot more compassion and heart, but that wouldn't have been Dr. Laura. Some people find coldness and insensitivity as "honest". I don't. It just seems mean-spirited. Reading this book didn't improve my life or give me tools to cope with my areas of weakness. It just made me think this woman sat up and her high horse and pointed fingers and said, all of you are stupid and I know it all. I'll bet she has done some stupid things in her life herself but you wouldn't know it from the way she writes. The book would have been much better if it had a little more heart and a few constructive ways that women can get out of some of the emotional traps they find themselves in, instead of just saying we are all stupid for doing some of the irrational things we do.
Rating:  Summary: Live and Learn or Listen to Laura! Review: You have to ask yourself one question. Why do authors who are divorced write all the marriage and self-help books? Well in five words: "They learned from the experience." If you want advice from a woman who has "been there/done that" then Dr. Laura is a good source of wisdom. She has fallen, picked herself up and moved on. Girlfriend, this is one woman who isn't going to take it anymore. She looks at the facts, pushes aside the romantic ideals and makes you face the reality of your situation. Personally, I kinda like her "in your face truth attitude." It is refreshing to finally hear what no one else will tell you. Dr. Laura's hope is that people will learn to live more balanced lives. She takes a look at our unrealistic drives and primal needs. She says the "ultimate stupidity" is withholding from yourself the respect you deserve. She shows how women often tolerate obnoxious male behaviors in order to avoid loneliness, self-assertiveness, and self-sufficiency. The lovely contents include chapters on Attachment, Courtship, Devotion, Passion, Cohabitation, Expectations, Conception, Subjugation, Helplessness and Forgiving. While most of this book seems to be for women who are dating, every woman should read this book. "It is your job as a woman, as a person, to become as fully realized as you can by having dreams, forging a purpose, building an identity, having courage, and making commitments to things outside of yourself. In so doing, you take a more active role in the quality of your own life so that other people-friends, spouses, children-share in your growth rather than become responsible for it. You'll feel super. And you'll feel really womanly-as opposed to babyish or girlish-perhaps for the first time." ~Dr. Laura She answers the following questions: Why hasn't he called? (Short Answer: Are you sure you want him to?) Do you really want to be with someone who is not giving you back what you're giving? Are you a volunteer hostage? How do I teach a man to respect me? What is true Intimacy? What is sexual addiction? Should you hang in there or leave? What is the difference between Sexual Passion and Mature Love? Who is really responsible for birth control? Even Dr. Laura is willing to admit there is no life without pain. "The experience and the survival of pain are often the price of growth." What if you can bypass some of this pain? Would that be worth the price of this book? YES! Ok, I admit, I borrowed this from my mother. ;) Now she will have to read the highlighted version.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid behaviors, not stupid women Review: I really enjoyed reading this book after a recommendation on a messageboard after sharing my experience. I didn't know what I was feeling and experiencing till I read this book. It was like it was writing about my life! Well, suffice to say, it helped me to open my eyes. I heard about the controversy surrounding this author and I understand why. She is being very realistic and sensible about realities of life. Most of the things in the book I have an agreement about, while some others it didn't really elaborate much. It depends where you are at this point in your life. But do read it if you're at crossroads (like I). But if you're totally happy with your relationship, then maybe it's not for you.
Rating:  Summary: quite dissapointing, stopped reading after a few chapters Review: This book talks about how wrong it is to trick a man to have a baby so that a man will be stuck to you and your baby. I do not need to read a book to know it is a wrong thing to do. After that I stopped reading any farther. What a waist of my time. I am a financially secure Japanese software engineer. Maybe this book is catered toward a women with no job, no game, a type of women who sit around and watch these TV talk shows all day. The contents of this book is about the same level of these day time talk shows. I bought this book with high expectation. I was looking forwared to learning something. I was very dissapointed.