Rating:  Summary: Sources of Wisdom and Happiness Review: I came to this book not expecting much. I knew the book was the product of an American psychiatrist, Dr. Cutler, rather than an actual text writtin by the Dali Lama. In fact, the book is based upon a series of interviews between Dr. Cutler and the Dali Lama over several years in the United States and In Dharmsala, India, the home of the Tibetan Govenment in exile. In addition to my doubts about the authenticity of the book, I also feared the book would be a self-help book, sometimes referred to under the rubric a "feel good" book. I was pleasantly surprised. The book speaks in simple terms but it is far from superficial. The character and the teaching of the Dali Lama, I think, come through its pages even though it is the author who is recounting the Dali Lama's teachings from his notes and even though the Dali Lama's interpreter, not the Dali Lama himself reviewed the final product. The Dali Lama comes through as a wise, thoughtful but simple monk with a sense of humor, modesty, and self-effacement. His simplicity, and his ability to relate to people of different backgrounds and religious traditions, are the mark of wisdom, coming from a spiritual leader who is all to often in the glare of the public limelight and who of necessity functions as a political leader as well. The Dali Lama presents teachings on the nature of the human heart -- it is essentially pure and good -- the desires and angers and ignorance which present us from realizing goodness and happiness- and teachings and methods to ease the path to happiness. Although the teachings are presented simply, no claim is made that the realization is simple. There are teachings on romantic love which may not appeal to Westerners (the Dali Lama finds it essentially selfish), but much good material on the psychology of the mind and emotions, controlling negative tendencies, the universal nature of the human heart, and most importantly, trying to conduct oneself to DO NO HARM to anyone else. The tone of the book is mostly psychological with very little of the specific teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. I thought the final chapter on spritual development was the most valuable and eloquent portion of the book. The Dali Lama talks about the different creeds, Eastern and Western, that he had come to know with his exile from Tibet. He finds that believers in these religions, regardless of how different they may appear on the surface, can find peace and happiness by following their teachings. For those unable to believe, a secular philosophy can likewise lead to peace and happiness through learning to control the mind. Very simple and profound teachings from a person who is indeed a wise teacher for our times.
Rating:  Summary: Lifes mystery solved Review: As I lay on my sofa, sipping ginger-ale, herbal teas andswallowing antibiotics for my bout with pnuemonia, my mail came and"The Art of Happiness" was there to comfort me. Just readingthe first few pages made me deeply moved. I realized that I loved HisHoliness the Dalai Lama as much as I had always loved him. I rememberhearing about him on the radio as a small child and feeling capturedby just his presence in the world. As a human he is what we allcould be, humble, caring, insightful, and forward looking. This is ahuman being who speaks many truths that irritate those with personalagenda, but on deeper reflection show the way to bringing a greaterpeace among us all. He acknowledges his imperfections with a candorand truthfulness rarely found among people. One can find love foroneself and the steps to loving others in the most humane ways bylistening to/reading his words. Compassion is his message and theroute to being compassionate is evident in everything he says. Hisviews on how to be compassionate are most likely discarded by thejaded and cynical, yet if they only realized how deeply embedded thosewishes for themselves are, perhaps they might understand the wishes ofothers. My pain and sickness became the things others suffer and Irealized I am no different from anybody else. To stop my sufferingrequires the alleviation of others suffering. It is a circle of lifewe live in and happiness is indeed an "art" that we learnand must put into practice. Our interdependence is the cause of allsuffering and the path out of it. His Holiness is bringing all ofa profound and sacred message in clear and precise terms. It is notdogmatic or rigid, is open to the environment we live in to takewhatever action is necessary, yet the message encompasses all humanitywithout conditions of gender, race, religion, politics, nationalityetc. One can feel the urgency of all life and the need to reflect onone's actions to stop the cycle of suffering in the world. Having agood heart becomes more a focus of purpose than feeding our own needsto distraction. This isn't a religious book or study, even though itis written by a religious leader, this is a study of man for everyone!It would be appropriate on all library shelves next to any religiousscriptures as an additional text for clearer understanding of man'spurpose. .... I give His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 100Stars for his charity in bringing this message and pray that it willbe heard deeply by all who read it!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I was very dissapointed that I spent money on this book. I read all the reviews and was hoping to become enlightened or to find deep hidden wisdom. The material was very elementary. The kind of information you find in a fortune cookie but not as expensive. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Gave me new insights ! Review: FANTASTIC BOOK!!! Wisdom and theories for anyone trying to become better. I have so long only read two chapters but I feel I already got more value from it than what it cost for me to buy it. READ IT!!!
Rating:  Summary: DISCOVER THE REAL MEANING OF "HAPPINESS" Review: If the Dalai Lama has any part of authoring a book, then for me it is absolutely a must-read book. "The Art of Happiness" is no exception. What is happiness - true happiness? Is it finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? The pride of seeing your son or daughter graduate from university? Sharing a life with someone you love? Finding peace and contentment within yourself? Is it being the best that you can possibly become and achieving your full potential? (Most of us never reach that one.) True happiness comes from within, not from the external, materialistic world around us. Unfortunately, many people wander through their entire life never completely understanding that. They have not become enlightened. When I first learned of Buddhist philosophies and heard of the Dalai Lama, I found those philosophies far removed from the theories of Freud studied in psychology classes. However, the longer I followed and practised those beliefs, the more simplistic and enriched my life became - material possessions were of no significant importance, time on this Earth became irrelevant, the hassles of everyday living became minor inconsequential matters in the overall journey, and happiness became a way of life, not a destination. The Dalai Lama is a wise, inspirational, humble and intensely thought-provoking man. He teaches us the true meaning of what is important in this life and what is not. "The Art of Happiness" is far more deserving of a five-star rating, but at least for the purpose of evaluating a book, the stars do not go any higher. I hope you will read the book; it will lift your spirits and soothe your soul.
Rating:  Summary: The Art of Happiness Review: The Art of Happiness is a great book in ones jouney for persuing happiness. Having many comments and tips for one to cope and deal with day-to-day stress and anxiety, The Art Of Happiness is a remedy for every day problem. I find it interesting, for that most of what the Dalai Lama suggest about the world is true. A sick person who is dyeing of Aids can still enjoy and have more happiness than a man who has everything in the world. Having him saying that "happiness is detirmine more by one's state of mind than by external events" gives a new perspective on my mental state of mind. I now realized that sadness, anger, or love is all made up by ones emotional state mind. By thinking happiness and caring less about stress and sadness, one can achieve the reward of pure joy, and happiness.
Rating:  Summary: Good reading for good living. Review: As an asian growing up as a Buddhist, I found the insights and Buddhism doctrines be nothing new to me. Personally I'd recommend the reader to ignore the psychiatrist's comments. He didn't seem to quite catch up on the true Buddhism concept..not until the latter half of the book. I first decided to read the book because I'd like to see how a westerner view an eastern concept/philosophy. For that purpose the book gave me a pretty good view and in some way helped me better understand the western thinking and culture. I enjoyed the latter half of the book more for one I think because Dr. Culter started to have a better grasp of the whole concept (sometimes I wondered if he didn't quite get it or just asked questions with an average reader's mindset on the subject in mind). To me it helped repeat and remind myself of the proper way to live..as a Buddhist.
Rating:  Summary: A good mix of east/west and spiritual/clinical perspectives Review: Always one to be skeptical of these kinds of collaborative book efforts, I think it's important to point out that "The Art of Happiness" was written not by the Dalai Lama, but by Howard C. Cutler, M.D., a psychiatrist. Dr. Cutler weaves together exerpts from numerous conversations with His Holiness spanning many years, and from public talks given by the Dalai Lama throughout Arizona in 1993. The result is an enjoyable and enlightening treatise on a topic of widespread importance: happiness (or the lack thereof). The book begins by establishing a datum with respect to the purpose of life and the nature of human drives and emotions, and moves on to the overcoming of suffering, anger, hatred and anxiety. Dr. Cutler assumes the position of middleman in passing on to the reader many words of wisdom and by asking the Dalai Lama questions we ourselves might ask as to how to apply Buddhist practices to western society's efforts toward achieving a satisfying, stress-free life. It's a good formula. Dr. Cutler asks the right questions in getting the Dalai Lama to move beyond spiritual edicts, and elaborate on a kind of "westernized methodology" (my words) we can try in attempting to enhance our own emotional well-being. I found the many comparisons between eastern religious practice and western clinical treatment to be very interesting. If you're after involved, thought-provoking discussions about the intellectual view of relationships and emotional conflicts, this book might come up a little short (read instead "Happiness is a Serious Problem," by Dennis Prager). Still, the wisdom and level-headed composure of the Dalai Lama that Dr. Cutler brings out puts this book high on my recommended list.
Rating:  Summary: Positive Thinking Review: I was never a fan of the genre that promises to totally change your life and make you a better, successful, person. I always felt, and I still do, that no book can achieve such a transformation on its own; such a feat requires the reader's total commitment, and it takes more than a book to do that. However, I did buy this one. It happened after an extensive browsing session at a book store, when I noticed that large portions of the book resemble my own personal conclusions about how to live life to its fullest; in fact, certain parts seemed like direct quotes of my own words. Naturally, my curiosity was aroused to the point I just had to read the book. And I'm happy I did, because although the book did not add too much I didn't already know, it did help me reaffirm my beliefs. The fact someone else thinks the same way I do is reassurance on its own, but when the reason and motivation for every conclusion is explained, it makes for a much more convincing grasp of the ideas. Therefore, I warmly recommend the book. It might save someone the rigorous path of trial and error I had to face until started feeling happy with myself, and that's not something to easily dismiss. The fact most of the principles are easy to "digest" and practice will help make the book your personal success story. Still, I have my reservations. First, the book tends to go to great lengths explaining its ideas, and usually these lengths are too long. Second, most of the book is not made of direct quotes from the Dalai Lama, as one might expect; not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that one may get the wrong impression after reading the cover. And third, although the Dalai Lama provides reasoning for the religious as well as for the atheists, I think he places too much importance in religion (yet I am aware I am at a minority on this). Overall, the book is an interesting read. And who knows, it might change your life, even though it is just a book.
Rating:  Summary: Good Stuff To Keep in Mind.. Review: I enjoyed this book a lot, though it was weird at times to get past the co-author's 'personal' journey (did he ever really listen to the monk?). Then again, his bumbling around (getting the monks' advice, then immediately not following the message) kind of helped clarify what difficulties we all face. There are three legs to the stool called happiness: Peace, Passion, and Compassion. Without all three, kiss the hope of achieving happiness goodbye. The third leg, compassion, (and "letting go") was the main message of this series of edited conversations between a psychiatrist and the head monk. I found that of the two messages, 'letting go' was the easiest to self-implement. Compassion, for those of us unfamiliar with it in our day to day lives, will take a bit more to get up to speed. The thing I like about D.Lama #14 is that he laughs a lot, and I found myself smiling even reading about his smiles in the book. He makes it all, even learning and practicing compassion, achievable. For all the psycho-babble out there, by therpists who schlep books, seminars at Discovery U, etc, this book was a breath of fresh air. And because I've read this one, I'm inspired to be compassionate. Isn't that what reading books is all about?