Rating:  Summary: Amazing and Startling Review: "The Disappearance of the Universe" is an amazing and startling book. The author, who as far as I can see is just a regular guy with no academic background, has managed to do what the other popular books about "A Course in Miracles" definitely did not do: make it truly understandable! Not only that, but this book does it in a way that's fun to read. Not that it isn't challenging; on the contrary, this book is substantial, formidable and if one wants to follow this path - demanding. But if you're ready for it (and not everybody is) this book actually tells you how to apply advanced spiritual teachings to your everyday life in a practical way. Oh by the way, it also manages to completely explain the universe at the same time in a way that I've never seen done before. Because of these many facts, I certainly have to give the author the benefit of the doubt when he says that these in-the-flesh appearances and conversations with two ascended masters (Saint Thomas and Saint Thaddaeus) actually took place. Indeed, who can judge that they didn't if they weren't there? The conversations in the book are so realistic, the timeline they follow so authentic, and the author so unlikely to write this book that I now believe him when he says at the beginning in his Author's Note: "...I can vouch for the extreme unlikeliness of this book being written by an uneducated layman such as myself without inspiration by these masters." Personally, I think Gary Renard has given the world a book that succeeds on so many levels it is perfectly appropriate to describe it as amazing and startling. It deserves both success and appreciation.
Rating:  Summary: I gained wisdom... I was taken (well my money was) Review: All the clues where there, , dozens of great 5 star reviews, all written in a day or two.. by unknown people who never wrote any other reviews on amazon, the best "quotes" were from a Course in Miracles.. so i suspected that that was not "honest".. but the greatest dishonesty is charging money for such a waste of paper... and the pretense.. a extremely simple gloss of the CIM, big , a quick , boring read.. the only purpose of which is to create a new persona for marketing.
I guess I'm wiser having bought it, you can be smarter an not spend any money.
Anyway.. No 2nd Hand God.. go to the original sources for wisdom and you won't be let down.
Rating:  Summary: The Disappearance of the Universe Review: Anyone interested in spiritual study, particularly during these times of violent projections, will want to consider Gary Renard's new book, The Disappearance of the Universe. Perhaps the best word for describing it is "brilliant." Being a student of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) for over 20 years, and having read his book, it is difficult not having a sense of awe about Renard's success in communicating ACIM principles with the guidance of two ascended masters. The fact that D. Patrick Miller, for whom I have the greatest respect, is publishing this work, and has written the introduction, is additional positive evidence of the book's brilliance. I think that it will become a spiritual "classic" and folks will be reading it for hundreds of years. Anyone attempting to comprehend, and forgive, the present insanity of war will also find some sobering comfort in these pages. It is indeed an extraordinary work - a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: A Course student from Atlanta says: "DON'T MISS THIS!" Review: As always, I love reviewer and fellow Course student Andrew Parodi's viewpoint (below). I don't believe this literally happened, but who cares? It explains Course metaphysics well --- so well, in fact, that some Course groups are introducing this book as a primer for its newcomers before diving into the the three-volume text itself. Having said that, this book is not exactly the kiddie pool. It's a fun, albeit challenging look, at Course in Miracle themes. Bravo!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Understanding the greatest spiritual information of our time Review: Combine the enjoyable ingredients of a well written, extremely readable, down to earth, "page turner" of a metaphysical adventure story with the best summation in print of the essential core of "A Course In Miracles" - the forgiveness principle - available, and, you would only get an inadequately expressed impression of the value of Gary Renard's contribution to Divinely inspired teachings that come to mankind from "the Voice for God." The portrayal in "Disappearance" of Gary's recent metaphysical journey and experiences is undoubtedly absolutely accurate in detail, as he represents on his publisher's web site, but, also, he, most likely, will be the first to represent that both the presentation of the information in every sentence of the book was at all times directed on some level by "the Voice for God" and never his individual ego. "Disappearance's" profoundly and divinely inspired presentation of teachings found in "A Course In Miracle's", along with Gary's book's strategically paced 365 quotes from "A Course In Miracles," could almost stand alone as a "best path" to transcending space and time and attaining spiritual enlightenment. Similar to many of the greatest spiritual writings in the world, which experientially work with a reader on many levels of understanding as a person evolves, calling "Disappearance" the best review book in print about "A Course In Miracles" would only hint at the many levels that this book will work with readers. Also, do not be surprised as a reader of "Disappearance" when you, also, have the spiritual intuition that the book was written "just for me at this stage of my life," and, "it is no accident that it has crossed my path now." With Gary's open and generous revelation of his spiritual adventure, many new "Course" students will be attracted to work with "A Course In Miracles." Those of us who have studied and loved "the Course" for even 20 years or more will experience invigoration, new inspirations, and profound inner clarifications, and, all of this accompanied by new practical practice insights not hardly thought possible at this stage of our awakening. Yes, it was clearly written for us, too. I might add that the Divinely inspired information in "Disappearance" knows how to keep us hooked with just enough metaphysical insights into our world and Divine prophecy. As the book prophecies, both the information in "The Disappearance of the Universe" and the information available in "A Course In Miracles" will continue to grow in appreciation and importance over the next hundred years or more, but, why wait a hundred years to be exposed and attracted to the best of the future of spirituality when the best of future spirituality is here now in Gary's book and "A Course In Miracles?
Rating:  Summary: Run Away Review: Forgiving someone because they don't exist ("there's nobody out there") is not compassionate. Dismissing the universe as a "tiny, mad idea" because you find some of it painful is not courageous. Reinterpreting the message of Jesus Christ is not the truth. Proposing a radical and severe thought system that diminishes the human condition is not the answer. And rejecting the ideas set forth in this particular book is certainly not crucifixion. Despite this book's appeal to human weakness, I love my imperfect life and the sometimes crazy world around me, with all its joys and its challenges.
Rating:  Summary: A Fascinating Presentation of the Truth Review: Gary Renard is a regular guy who has had some amazing experiences, and they are presented in this fascinating book through his narration as well as throughout the 17 chapters that mostly consist of conversations he had over a period of nine years with an enlightened couple who appeared to him "in the flesh" from "out of nowhere." Disciples at the time of Jesus, yet enlightened in our future, Arten and Pursah, as they are named, explain why time must be viewed as holographic rather than linear, cover numerous spiritual topics and eventually explain in detail the until now difficult to grasp teachings of A Course in Miracles. This is a great book! The fact that this book has taken on a life of its own and is being read several times by those who buy it, as well as given away by so many of them, doesn't come as a surprise to me. I couldn't put it down. A spiritual book doesn't get any better than this, that is, if you're ready for it and don't expect your spirituality to always be sugar coated. The Disappearance of the Universe is funny, even a little racy at times, but perhaps that's because Renard is a real guy, and his teachers talk to him in a way he can accept and understand. The result is the clearest explanations of advanced spiritual principles I've ever seen, and it doesn't stop there, but leads the reader into the practical application of what is described as "advanced forgiveness." This in turn leads to the removal of unconscious guilt from the mind which is an absolute necessity in order for true enlightenment to be achieved. Only then can we break the cycle of birth and death. The book very clearly explains why most spiritual paths, while necessary for those who practice them, do not accomplish this unconscious guilt removal that is so essential for true enlightenment. "Disappearance" is a "must read." It's not always saying the same thing as everything else, but it is saying something of GREAT importance, and does so with humor, clarity and brilliance. The entertainment value alone would make this book worth reading! But it is much, much more than just entertainment. It is the way home.
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't Put It Down Review: Gary Renard's book is both compelling and informative. As an ACIM follower for more than 20 years, I couldn't put it down. It took two readings just to absorb it. It will be a permanent reference book in my library. (It's also one hell of a story!) For the folks who are drawn to the book because of the fascinating and possibly, factual future it predicts, try it! You may decide to look into the course. In any event, "The Disappearance of the Universe" is a spectacular read, so enjoy. Definitely 5 Stars.
Rating:  Summary: ACIM Brought to Life Review: Gary Renard, himself a student of A Course in Miracles, has briliantly managed to bring the teachings of the Course to a level much more understandable to the average reader.By inventing two "Ascended Masters" who serve in the role of teachers, Renard has made the Course an easy and oftentimes humorous read. Their banter is good natured and even risque when appropriate. Following in the footsteps of Walsch's Conversations with God, the fictitious characters in Renard's book not only give us refreshing insights into the sometimes obscure writings of ACIM, but convey to us Renard's own political views in a variety of clever and funny examples. Arten and Pursah may be imaginary characters, but they do a masterful job in igniting interest in A Course in Miracles.
Rating:  Summary: Very revealing and out there! Review: I have been studying physics (relativity, quantum mechanics, M-theory, cosmology and astrophysics) for quite sometime now and I have felt that the leading edge theories do seem to blend into the spiritual and metaphysical realm. This book answers many questions and makes good sense, it's even consistent with quantum theory. I do not give it 5 stars because some of the explanations are somewhat vague and the all Mars-Earth colonization story is a little far out (to my opinion at least....). Otherwise this is a great book, well worth reading it. If you are interested in a similar book with a more scientifical inclination on the subject -The Holographic Universe- is another excellent reading you might not want to miss.