Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: This is the most astounding book I've ever read on parenting ever. The ideas are a revelation and the methods have worked so well that my friends and family are speachless about the changes with my formerly challenging children. They used to always feel either sorry for me or angry with me and give me a constant stream of advice. I still can hardly believe that they are complementing me now on my parenting prowess. My children are doing so well and I'm not worried that it will fall apart. It feels totally solid. Thank you angels.
Rating:  Summary: Finding my daughter Review: My beautiful daughter was misdiagnosed with ADHD in March 2000 and was just about to be kicked out of a public school. Ironically, she's gifted with a high IQ and the most loving child I know. But Difficult is her middle name. I was absolutely at a loss. I found this book on the internet and ordered it as quickly as I could. I devoured the pages and felt that I could start implementing the system right away. My daughter responded almost immediately and the joy was utterly amazing. The progress over 2 months has been enormous. Although her school doesn't implement the methodology completely, what I have done at home has allowed her to experience success at school and at home. This book saved our family, simply put. I would recommend it to anyone!
Rating:  Summary: Who edited this book? Review: The concept of this book is great. I have put the system to work and so far, it's fantastic. My daughter has responded extremely well to this system and I am very happy with our results! Very happy indeed. For the first time in 4 years my daughter is going to sleep without a fuss. (Trust me, this kid HATES to go to sleep, and I am being polite when I say "fuss"). I am just about positive my daughter has ODD, or Oppositional Defiancy Disorder. I have implemented the credit system for positive behavoirs and she loves it! She looks forward to getting credits at the end of the day for the multitud of positive behavoirs that she can "get points" for. However, the book is so poorly written I had to put it down many times and walk away, or I was going to throw the darn book in the trash. I knew that there was a concept in the book somewhere that was going to work for my daughter and I. But the book was is so full of metaphors, and SO repetitive, it never really does get to the darn point! Every single time I thought the book was going to get to the point, it stopped dead in it's tracks and started with the metaphors again. Out of frustration, I finally took a highlighter and started highlighting sentences that had to do with explaining how to deal with difficult children, and how this program worked. Only then was I able to start assimilating the information contained within, and work my way around all of the 'filler'. Also, you need to give more ideas on how to actually, materially, give credits, or record the credits. I finally devised my own way. The book said there was more information about this, but darn if I can find it. Even the table of contents is vague, not descriptive enough to help one find what they are looking for. If you have a challenging child, get the book, try the system! It works wonders. Jackie ~ San Diego California
Rating:  Summary: The Nurtured Heart Approach has completely bettered my life. Review: As a teacher and foster parent of both many normal and many challenging children for quite a few years, I have stumbled upon an approach that has made all the difference in the world. I used to be like everyone else...I tried as hard as I could with the methods I knew...and the problems often seemed to get worse...despite my good intentions. That was hard work. That's all changed. Now I can shift a challenging child to using his or her intensity in wonderful ways in an amazingly short period of time...even the more difficult children. The normal children I work with just seem to flourish as a result. They seem to be so much stronger on the inside in positive ways. Many of the children I work with also had significant issues not only with behaviors, but with underfunctioning academically or not participating or doing homework. It's amazing how this approach freed up the children's intelligence to use in a straight forward successful way. I am now on a mission to share what I know and hopefully help parents, teachers and ultimately the children. This approach has worked out beautifully for everyone else I know who tried it. Best Wishes, Sarah Weber
Rating:  Summary: These techniques are great Review: These techniques are great. They are so different than all I thought I knew from a great deal of previous reading. I am so pleased with results that I have seen over the last month with both my ADHD sons. Single parenting hasn't been easy but I feel like I see the light at the end of the tunnel now. I had been overwhelmed for several years and now I feel a tremendous sense of relief. My kids are doing great.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: After reading Howard Glasser and Jennifer Easley's excellent book, "Transforming the Difficult Child," I felt a surge of hope for the more problematic children in our world. Finally, someone had discovered how to help parents manage difficult children in a positive, loving way and without medication! Most of the children Glasser and Easley have worked with were taking medication when they arrived at the Nurtured Heart Approach center. These same children are no longer medicated into submission but living bright, successful lives. These children needed a little or a lot more attention than the average child but were being raised with traditional parenting skills that were rendered ineffective because of their ultra-sensitive natures. The parents of these children needed to learn to apply another set of rules to their kids to help them become the wonderful people they were destined to be. The Nurtured Heart Approach is an easy, rational, beautiful and loving method of building on the successes of children while not giving energy to the negative aspects of their character. This is an approach that can be used on difficult or "normal" kids. I have begun applying these principles to my own methods of child rearing. They work quickly and magnificintly! It's brilliant in its simplicity and effectiveness. If you have a difficult child or even if you would like to learn a new positive, ingenious parenting approach, I urge you to read Glasser and Easley's book.
Rating:  Summary: Transforming the Difficult Child Review: We had reached the end of our rope with our four year old son. Nothing was working. The more he fought us, the more we punished. His behavior was worsening daily. I found this book and read it cover to cover. The methods taught in this book are terrific. It explains things simply, and it's easy to get started. In the first week of practicing these methods, our son was a completely different child. He realized that he didn't have to act up to get our attention. It was amazingly simple. We enjoy being in his company again, and our family is stronger now. I recomend this book to anyone who has(or works with)kids.
Rating:  Summary: Confusing Review: I read this book with great hope. I came away confused and having a heart and mind that resents some of the advice. The book sets out "steps" to follow. The first is easy and seems like a promising start (neutral "video moments"). The second is the first but changed in a way that completely undermines what was so important to achieve in the first step (no longer neutral--instilling "values"). The third is so much like the second it hardly seems a separate step (rules). But the real problem I have with the book is the rest of the "process", which is nothing more than a very detailed rewards and punishments system--as if you're training a dog. As if the only reason children will do good is because of the carrot or stick. Whatever happened to "good for goodness' sake"? If you have a capitalistic heart, ready to weigh and measure and value evertyhing in points (or dollars or favors or privileges) this system could work. There is some appeal to saying "no tv tonight because you don't have enough privileges earned" rather than saying again and again, you have a limit and you've reached it, without the black and white ledger. But I just found it too mercantile and not nurtured or Christian enough--the system as proposed. I don't think I can do this in good conscience. The first steps--yes--and I'm willing and welcoming to such an approach. The rest--I'll have to see. I'm also bothered about the suggestion that this balance book will be kept until the child is 18 or 21 even! There is just something in the theoretical underpinnings of this approach that I find morally wrong. I did learn some important insights from reading this book, but it is not the "final solution" as I had hoped and as suggested by some other reviews.
Rating:  Summary: A School Psychologist's Point of View Review: Transforming the Difficult Child is a revolutionary approach to helping families and schools deal with children's behavior problems. It is a compassionate, effective approach that should be implemented by Emotional/Behavioral Disorder programs in schools everywhere, and by families who are struggling with their children's behavior. There is nothing I don't like about the Nurtured Heart Approach...it eases the tension and removes the power struggle. Glasser has been successful in turning the lives of countless children around. We cannot afford to ignore his wisdom. I recommend his book wholeheartedly!
Rating:  Summary: Humane and effective approach Review: Traditional parenting fails with difficult kids. Neither "tough love" nor passive acceptance work with challenging children. This approach is solid and respectful producing results that will last a lifetime. Any parent with a difficult child NEEDS this book with extra copies for grandparents and the child's teachers. There really is hope.