Rating:  Summary: Diabetic Delight!!! Review: I have diabetes, so having a low-carb diet is almost a nescessity. This book gave me great choices and ways to do that without making me have hypo or hyperglycemia. I think everyone who has diabetes should read this. Its great!
Rating:  Summary: The science behind food presented in a very clear manner Review: The idea of food as medicine to be taken in exact doses and the right proportion just might liberate hypochondriacs from their worst fears and help dieters approach weight loss armed with scientific principles rather than latest fads.Backed by obviously extremely extensive research, the scientific principles are presented in a manner which even non-scientists can fully appreciate and understand, and hopefully eventually apply the next time they think of gobbling food.
Rating:  Summary: This program REALLY works!! Review: Following the prescribed method of this book, in three months' time I have lost 31 pounds and I feel terrific. In addition, I just got the results of my most recent cholesterol test.....it is nothing short of miraculous!! The total is 136 (it had NEVER been less than 200, often considerably more) and the ratio of TOTAL/HDL which is recommended to be less than 4.4 is 2.7!! LDL is 73 (until now, it was usually over 150) Triglycerides number is 59 (until now it was never under 100 and often over 200!!) The lab technician said, "you must be doing something right." I am...."The Zone"!!
Rating:  Summary: This book is a potential life saver. Review: After my first attempt at writing a review fell into cyberspace when the submit button disappeared, I read the other reviews. This book and the 2 others of Dr. Sears saved my life pure and simple. Most remarkable was a sudden drop in blood pressure after removing grain products (except oatmeal) from my diet. Now a comment to the Seattle physiologist who didn't leave his calling card, who spoke of ketosis. This diet has not, I repeat, not put me into ketosis. I carefully monitor this with Ketostix. It would take much more protein than the 80 grams a day, I consume. And I always consume more carbohydrates than protein at a 5/4 ratio. A recently published paper from a San Antonio HMO study done by Dr. Sears on 34 Type II diabetic patients, showed remarkable improvements in all the factors than count, and none of the patients suffered from ketosis. These ketosis warnings are from the same anti-meat, pro-vegetarian, politically correct, carbohydrate crazed nutritionists that brought us the USDA's feedlot pyramid that almost killed me in 1996. Buy the books and get with the program! I recommend working backwards with "Zone Recipes in Minutes" first just to get started. "Enter the Zone" may be a tough read for some, but at some point one needs to understand the theory and scientific underpinnings of the Zone Nutrition Program.
Rating:  Summary: Good PERNAMENT plan Review: The 40-30-30 ratio is great and will not put you in ketosis. For me, I found it made me thirsty (due to the protein) too often. But, I never experienced the blood sugar ups and downs that happens often with high-carb diet. Though, I think I could have solved that problem had I split it up 4 or 5 different ways. The best thing about the Zone diet is that it lets you eat carelessly sometimes without you having to "feel it." All that protein will naturally kill your appetite for more food. And, you would rarely have the hunger pains or drowsiness that you get if you overeat. Most of all, the Zone Diet is the practical one for most people today. For a sustainable eating plan, nothing's better.
Rating:  Summary: Not only does it work, but it is EASY to follow! Review: I've tried them all--fad diets to serious medical "prescription" diets. I've lost a bunch of weight once, but it came back. I started "The Zone" exactly two months ago today and I'm proud to say I've lost 49 pounds--but more importantly, over 7" off of my waist (yeah, I was pretty huge). I like his theory of "if you slip and have an inappropriate meal, you're never more than 5 hours away from being back IN THE ZONE" instead of punishing us with scolding. The great part is, once you understand what foods contain what nutrients, your life isn't dominated by blocks and calculations. I use general figures, cheat once in awhile (a beer or two on weekend nights), and still have great success. THANK YOU to Barry Sears for his knowledge and for communicating it to us in an easy-to-follow, livable manner!
Rating:  Summary: New spin on an old idea Review: The Zone is a new, more thorough, take on an old idea - the paleolithic diet. It isn't a hugely radical idea - just a balanced diet. The Zone advocates eating 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% monounsaturated fat, spread over the course of a day, in order to avoid huge fluctuations in blood sugar and binge/craving cycles. It also advocates eating more fruits and vegetables and less refined sugars and grainy carbs. Unlike other books touting the paleolithic diet, The Zone explains the reasoning behind it and gives specific guidelines to calculating each individuals' dietary requirements. It's also easy to implement with some good 'rules of thumb' - Sears doesn't advocate being fanatical about it. The proof lies in how the diet effects the individual. If you try it and you feel better, perform better and have better health statistics, then it works for you, doesn't it? Personally, I have eaten a paleolithic diet on and off for years. I always feel, perform and look better when I do. I think the Zone is excellent.
Rating:  Summary: It works ! Review: When I first went on the program I was highly skeptical, but after some pounds were shed I figured it was working. But the real clincher was when I received my cholesterol results. For the past 5 years my total cholesterol was over 250 and triglycerides over 300. The recent test my total cholesterol was 198, and triglyceride level...98!!! This program really works.
Rating:  Summary: Not what I had hoped for ... Review: I had hoped this book would provide more examples of what types of food comprise a Zone-compatible diet. The book is long on theory and short on real-life examples of how to work your way into "the zone". It seems the author has done this intentionally to encourage you to buy the separate book that contains this information. I'm also a little skeptical of the science in this book. Many of the studies are several years old (e.g. from the 50's). I question whether the numbers he quotes are statistically and experimentally valid.
Rating:  Summary: In every aspect of nature " balance " must be maintained. Review: Mother Nature is a pretty darn good example for us to follow, and if we will take the time to observe we will also realize that for any biological system to function at it's best there must be BALANCE. That balance in Biological trems is called HOMEOSTASIS. I'm not quick to jump on any wagon that rolls in with new ideas concerning weight-loss and healthy lifestyles, but Dr. Sears has peaked my interest with his book (Enter The Zone) and I think he's on to something. I think our bodies are wonderfully made and nothing happens without a hormonal " ok " Let's give the plan some time, and I feel confident we'll see good results.