Rating:  Summary: I wish I knew about this years ago! Review: I have been working out for years and within the last year I have been running over 12 miles a week, weight training, taking boot camp classes at my gym as well as tai box classes three times a week. I thought I was eating healthy. But I could never lose any weight. I grow up eating bread with every meal. I originaly read Dr. Atkin's boot the New Diet Revolution. I found this boot to be to strigent for my liking. I was feeling tired and weak. I read the Zone and with in the last two weeks I lost five pounds, feel energize as well as I did not suffer from any PMS. I have told my mother about this book as well as a friend who suffers from MS. They both went out and bought the book and are begining the zone plan. This book makes it easy to follow. I was amazed it even suggested what type of fast food I could eat.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, but many questions Review: I found the book excellent because it talks about reality.. that taking carbohydrates would just make you fat, and that the reason why people don't have any energy is because they aren't eating fats to give them that energy. My fiancee and I are trying it out(I'm trying to gain, and she's trying to lose weight), and have found that our energy has never been better.Unlike what another person has said, I never found this book confusing at all, whereas my fiancee did. The reasoning behind the confusion, in my opinion, is because all of these magazines talking about some new "diet" using pastas and rice, and Boost with their "energy drink". For too long, we have been inundated with false information most likely from some company who's told the government that this is the right way to eat and lose weight. Thank goodness for this book. People can finally eat properly, and all based on scientific research. As well, I've also seen the ideas in real magazines such as "Muscle Media" and "Oxygen". Now for the "but". I did not agree with the use of aspirin to lower cholesterol. When I got to that part, I read a few pages, and almost tore it out of the book. Why would I take such a drug to lower my cholesterol? What about the chances of getting addicted? With all the illegal drug addicts dying, there is never any mention of aspirin and tylenol addicts. Finally, this book failed to mention that the best way to lose fat and increase metabolism, is to lift weights. Muscle is the best fat burner that nature has given us, and yet very few mention that.
Rating:  Summary: Never work for the long haul! Review: First thing I want to say is this.... some of the reviews I read on Amazon seem like they are written by the employees of the publishers, or companies products trying to act like a real end user! Some are so obvious and others do a pretty good acting job ( should win an Oscar!) I am a 46 year old male. I am in good shape and I work out. I tried this when it first came out. Right after I tried Atkins before everyone else was doing it. My sister got a job at the Zone in Mass coincidently at the same time. There is so much marketing and sales there! Who can really eat like that. Counting blocks etc! It's ridiculous. It's way too tedious. I just read Body For Life and it is a pretty good book, but it pushes the supplements from the authors Company (EAS) and tries to make a cookie cutter approach to all people. However, For the most part, the book is the type of routine most people can use for the long haul. The long and the short of it I am concluding is to not do any type of EXTREME diets. Just watch your nutrition and calories for a few weeks by writing everything down until you are educated on what you are putting in your mouth. You will get the hang of it and you will not need to write things down once you have things memorized and know how to eat. You will be amazed at certain foods that you should stay away from and others that are wonderful. Actually Body For Life is a great starting point for this concept. You don't have to take any of the supplements they recommend since 98% of your problem is in the other stuff like eating and exercise. Take care of that 98%. The author gives a good road map and then you can tweak it to your own lifestyle. Get a personal trainer if you can afford it, even if you are experienced. I did, and it really motivated me after years of doing the same old routines. He also helped my with my nutrition questions. Bottom line is you have to have a slight caloric deficit ( you do not have to go around hungry all the time either ) , try to eat more than 3 times a day if your schedule allows. IF not then get some Protein Bars of fresh fruit (Yogurt, other healthy snacks) between meals so you don't get hungry and you keep your metabolic rate up. This is NOT rocket science. Sorry folks, there is no easy way out. You have to exercise, not just cardio, but some weight lifting if you want a nice physique and want to feel great.
Rating:  Summary: A FASCINATING, SENSIBLE READ Review: I just finished reading Dr. Sears' book, and I have to tell you that what he says makes a heck of a lot of sense. It's amazing the results he and his clients (and literary audience!) have had. Many people have said that the book is 'too technical,' and for those with no chemistry or biology background, it certainly is. In fact, I had to dig deep into the cobwebby recesses of my brain and find the college chem and bio I learned all those years ago. But even if you have trouble understanding how it all works, it's still worth your time to learn what the Zone is, and how a Zone-favorable diet can postively influence nearly EVERY disease state known to man. I understand, however, that subsequent Zone books are less complicated. I am also interested in reading '40-30-30 Fat Burning Nutrition (Daoust),' which I understand is the Zone principles in action, in an easy-to-use format. BOTTOM LINE: the principles of the Zone are sound. Give it a try! It's not just an effective way to lose weight, it's a pathway to FEELING BETTER, and isn't that what we all REALLY want? Also recommended: Please try 40-30-30 Fat Burning Nutrition (see the reviews on this site)
Rating:  Summary: An eating program that finally works! Review: For the last 10 years, I've struggled with my weight, always needing to lose between 10-20 pounds of fat. About two months ago, I started eating more vegetarian meals. I did start to feel better and experienced reductions in sugar cravings. However, my weight wasn't coming off as quickly as I wanted even though I was exercising 4-5 times a week and was not eating that much "junk." Then I discovered the Zone. What a difference! My sugar cravings are gone (I still enjoy chocolate but don't eat much of it), and my energy levels have sky-rocketed! I don't use a scale, but people have asked me if I've lost about 10 pounds, and this is only after two+ weeks on the diet. And I can lift heavier weights in the gym and exercise for longer periods of time! Best of all, I am no longer a slave to constant hunger; I am now in control. THANK YOU, Dr. Sears. I will never eat a protein-free meal again. Just say no to pasta, bread, cereal, rice, and sugar-laden, refined foods! By the way, the naysayers either didn't read or understand the book, haven't tried the Zone, or did not follow it correctly (you need to enjoy eating fruits and vegetables).
Rating:  Summary: Too complicated! Review: OK, I know people seem to love the zone diet but I think it is too complicated. I didn't like this book at all. It has a lot of information I just do not think it is easy to understand. My doctor had recommended this diet, but I wound up just doing the Atkins Diet. I would suggest bypassing this.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, a sensible long term lifestyle that makes sense Review: 4 years ago, I went on a personal/customized diet similar to the Zone (a modified Atkins diet with added fruit and veggies and lower-fat proteins) and I lost 25 lbs. to achieve my target weight. Last year, I put 10 of those pounds back on and at my physical this year, my doctor said it was time to refocus. I read about the Zone, saw the similarities to what I had accomplished before, and embraced its principles. I don't follow the 40/30/30 measurements religiously but, instead, use them as a guide and "eyeball" my amounts of good proteins, carbs, and fats. The result: in the last month, I've lost 8 of the 10 pounds and have targeted another 8 to come off. Just as the book points out, that rate of weight loss is consistent with losing only fat, not muscle mass or water. I feel much better, much more energy, and I can tell that my body chemistry is much better. And, as of yet, I have not even started a regular exercise program. The Zone also introduced me to a better understanding of the effects of foods on blood chemistry. Since both my father and mother are diabetic, this was absolutely critical for my future. The foods (and sensibility) of the diet are, for me, easy to maintain. It's ok to deviate for an evening every week or so, you just jump back on the lifestyle. It's just constantly balancing protein to carb proportions. Finally, I would like to say that my food is fresher and tastes better than ever before. I've been introduced to many new great foods and food combinations that I hadn't eaten in abundance before, omelettes, soft cheeses, more varieties of fish, Irish steel-cut oatmeal, etc. (The Irish oatmeal find was worth the price of admission. Finally, I've found a breakfast, in oats, that aren't the wallpaper paste that are rolled oats.) And I'm eating pretty much all the meats, fruits, and veggies I already liked. Occaisional desserts....beer or wine every night. What's not to like about this diet? I can live with limitations on potatos, pasta, rice, and most breads. But to be truthful, I can't eat as much pizza as I used to -- and that's truly a bummer from a taste standpoint. But there is more to life than pizza. Personal experience: this diet and this book is the real deal. It works and it works over the long haul.
Rating:  Summary: Make sure you actually read the book! Review: I have been following the diet over a year now, and have lost 25 pounds and generally feel very good and am more energized. As I looked through these reveiws, it is clear that some people actually read the book and followed the diet, and others did not. (Among these comments, note the one who thinks the only fat to eat is in cottage cheese -- she missed the recommendation of macadamia nuts as a great source for the necessary fat; and the guy who thinks Sears says eat uncooked meat and drink unpasturized milk obviously is very poor at speedreading and probably shouldn't try it :) It is definitely not a no-carb diet, nor even lo-carb, since it suggests we get 40% of our calories from carbohydrates. In fact, eating a balanced diet is the key to its success. The trick for me was figuring out how to have my cake and eat it too, literally :) That is, finding the sources of protein to include to satisfy my desire for such carbohydrates as sweets and popcorn and pizza (yep, I eat that stuff regularly, and stay in the Zone). Just let your mind be creative once you understand the 40-30-30 principles. I use the gram method of figuring my 40-30-30 ratios since I eat mostly frozen food items -- and that makes it very easy for me since all the information is on the package in those little nutritional analyses. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Rating:  Summary: This works and it makes sense! Review: I bought this book a little over a week ago, even though I was skeptical of some of the reviews in Amazon. After a week I have already lost 3 pounds! I'm 28 years old and exercise every day, yet I was always stuck with about 5-7 extra pounds that didn't budget. I didn't understand why - I had cut my calories down to about 1300 a day and exercised religiously but nothing changed. After reading this book, I realized that I eat little protein - my diet is mostly carbs (and not the good ones either). This theory makes sense - dieting isn't just about creating a calorie deficit, as some people say in their review, it's about eating the right foods. If all we needed was a calorie deficit then we could all live on candy bars as long as we created a deficit, right?! And yet I bet we'd all be severely undernourished. This way of eating (it's not really a "diet" in the traditional terms) allows carbs and even says we need them, unlike the popular Atkins diet. It also recommends eating fat! The basis is to eat a 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat ratio at every meal as well as 2 snacks a day. I have not been at all hungry and have noticed sleeping a little better and feeling a little more alert during the day (and not famished by 5 p.m. like I was before). And figuring your unique protein, carb and fat requirements are not difficult at all, even though some reviews on Amazon will tell you differently. If you can read and understand 7 grams of protein, 9 grams of carbs and 1.5 grams of fat are a "block" you can understand this diet. I would recommend it without a doubt. I've already asked for one of the cookbooks on Amazon for my birthday next week because it helps to have the recipes laid out for you instead of trying to create them all the time. Basically, the food possibilities are endless, the weight loss is practically guaranteed if you follow the instructions and you may feel better. The way I see it there's absolutely nothing to lose, except excess fat, by at least trying this diet.
Rating:  Summary: Zoned Out Review: I couldn't stomach this diet, literally. My doctor recommended this book highly to me. I've been on nearly every diet on earth, and there is hardly a diet out there that won't work in the short run, as long as you follow it. As a nurse, the only diet I do not recommend is the Atkins diet, as it is unbalanced, and many people experience liver problems as a result. I became ill on Atkins, something no other diet has ever done to me. The Zone seems to be a very sound plan; however, I had a really tough time with all the limitations - it just was not doable even in the short run, so I knew I would be in trouble in the long run. The worst problem was the recipes tasted terrible, and I couldn't find a way to use the foods I was allowed to make my own interesting recipes - something I was used to being able to do on other diets. I tried several that were recommended as "delicious" and they were horrid. I've lived on low-carb, low fat diets many times in the past for many months at a time, so I understand and can deal with the usual diet deprivations. On this diet, I found about three or four meals that weren't repulsive to me, and there is no way a person can make it long on a diet without some variety. In addition, I've had a belly full of counting, counting, counting and figuring. I spent more time in the kitchen trying to figure out how to stay in the Zone than cooking and eating combined. I've found that simply cutting portions and stopping when full has been far more practicable and effective in the long run. Maybe that has made me impatient with all the "do not touch, do not eat" restrictions of dieting. But - that's not going to stop me from giving South Beach a try - I need a jumpstart, LOL.