Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Follow Up to The Four Agreements Review: "The Voice of Knowledge" is a wonderful companion to "The Four Agreements" by Miguel Ruiz. In this simple and concise book, don Miguel shares many of the experiences and breakthroughs that led to his being the Artist of the Spirit that he is today. Woven through his personal story is the story of The Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, and the Fallen Angel (the serpent, the parasite, the devil) who lives in the tree. The Fallen Angel has forgotten the message of love that angels deliver, and is now telling lies ("The Voice of Knowledge"). When we eat the fruit of this tree, the lies grow in us, and our mind becomes another Tree of Knowledge, feeding the lies to others.It is through learning AND believing the real truth about who we are as Divine beings, that we find our way back to the Tree of Life in the Garden. There we eat the fruit of Life itself. Ultimately, we become true Angels (which means "messengers") and our message is one of absolute unconditional love. In the chapter near the end called "Opening Our Spiritual Eyes" don Miguel writes: "When you open your spiritual eyes, the first thing you say is 'I am with God and the angels. I am in heaven, in paradise, where everything is so beautiful. . .there is no place for fear or suffering. It's just beautiful.'" This beauty would seem to be our true legacy here as humans in this beautiful garden. When we open our spiritual eyes, we have a chance to perceive directly all the beauty that is here, without judgement or resistance to the Truth. I urge you to read this book (and the others by Miguel Ruiz) if your desire is to feel more connected to Life, to feel empowered to create your life the way you want it, to know your own precious Divinity and perfection, and to be always happy. Don't miss this chance to re-claim the truth of who you really are, and live in Heaven on Earth !!
Rating:  Summary: Food for Soul, Mind, & Body Review: "The Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace" is brilliantly entitled, for it is what it says it is. I found it to be a magical & powerful book. Don Miguel Ruiz, with Janet Mills, has been able to transfer undistored Light - Life, Truth, and Love - into the energy of his simple, dynamically impacting words. Don Miguel writes in the manner of sharing, rather than 'teaching'. In so doing it activates and allows us the opportunity to realize for ourselves. By using Don Miguel's pointers and becoming familiar with our own voices of judgement, which we've been living with and existing by, distortions in our 'thinking' come to light with the consequence of coming more into alignment with, and, Life itself. Inherently, then one can then recognize the difference between 'the voice of knowledge' and 'silent knowledge'. This book stands on its own. When ingested - digested, absorbed, and integrated, through applying that Light into one's own life, more awareness of who and what we truly one are comes into expression physically from the love and the peace found within. This book is a precious and priceless jewel. I did not want to to put it down until I'd finished it, yet it was like wanting to take a long time to savor and get all the goodness out of a delightful and deliciously nutritious meal. It is one that I look forward to re-reading often - to continue to open up to the light and physical life activity that has been catalysed within me - and from the on-going changing perspective of one on the path. It is encouraging, and practical wisdom. I found it a 'living experience'. What better 'food' can there be?
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Follow Up to The Four Agreements Review: "The Voice of Knowledge" is a wonderful companion to "The Four Agreements" by Miguel Ruiz. In this simple and concise book, don Miguel shares many of the experiences and breakthroughs that led to his being the Artist of the Spirit that he is today. Woven through his personal story is the story of The Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, and the Fallen Angel (the serpent, the parasite, the devil) who lives in the tree. The Fallen Angel has forgotten the message of love that angels deliver, and is now telling lies ("The Voice of Knowledge"). When we eat the fruit of this tree, the lies grow in us, and our mind becomes another Tree of Knowledge, feeding the lies to others. It is through learning AND believing the real truth about who we are as Divine beings, that we find our way back to the Tree of Life in the Garden. There we eat the fruit of Life itself. Ultimately, we become true Angels (which means "messengers") and our message is one of absolute unconditional love. In the chapter near the end called "Opening Our Spiritual Eyes" don Miguel writes: "When you open your spiritual eyes, the first thing you say is 'I am with God and the angels. I am in heaven, in paradise, where everything is so beautiful. . .there is no place for fear or suffering. It's just beautiful.'" This beauty would seem to be our true legacy here as humans in this beautiful garden. When we open our spiritual eyes, we have a chance to perceive directly all the beauty that is here, without judgement or resistance to the Truth. I urge you to read this book (and the others by Miguel Ruiz) if your desire is to feel more connected to Life, to feel empowered to create your life the way you want it, to know your own precious Divinity and perfection, and to be always happy. Don't miss this chance to re-claim the truth of who you really are, and live in Heaven on Earth !!
Rating:  Summary: Food for Soul, Mind, & Body Review: "The Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace" is brilliantly entitled, for it is what it says it is. I found it to be a magical & powerful book. Don Miguel Ruiz, with Janet Mills, has been able to transfer undistored Light - Life, Truth, and Love - into the energy of his simple, dynamically impacting words. Don Miguel writes in the manner of sharing, rather than 'teaching'. In so doing it activates and allows us the opportunity to realize for ourselves. By using Don Miguel's pointers and becoming familiar with our own voices of judgement, which we've been living with and existing by, distortions in our 'thinking' come to light with the consequence of coming more into alignment with, and, Life itself. Inherently, then one can then recognize the difference between 'the voice of knowledge' and 'silent knowledge'. This book stands on its own. When ingested - digested, absorbed, and integrated, through applying that Light into one's own life, more awareness of who and what we truly one are comes into expression physically from the love and the peace found within. This book is a precious and priceless jewel. I did not want to to put it down until I'd finished it, yet it was like wanting to take a long time to savor and get all the goodness out of a delightful and deliciously nutritious meal. It is one that I look forward to re-reading often - to continue to open up to the light and physical life activity that has been catalysed within me - and from the on-going changing perspective of one on the path. It is encouraging, and practical wisdom. I found it a 'living experience'. What better 'food' can there be?
Rating:  Summary: A Book that Speaks the Truth which leads to Happiness Review: Another precious literature from Don Miguel Ruiz. "The Voice of Knowledge" is another book that brings us to be the greatest artist in life. It is an excellent companion book after you have read "The Four Agreements" and "The Four Agreements Companion Book". Don Miguel Ruiz's books are meant to be read over and over again to help us deepen our understanding of the truth in life that leads us to live in the heaven.
That voice, the voice of knowledge, those lies, those old agreements, those false beliefs we adopted from the past during the domestication process when we were a child, are always talking and judging. These voices talk very loud in our head to convince us we are not good enough. However, the voices are lies and we believe in those lies. We walk through life day after day believing we need others to validate and provide us the self-esteem. We walk through life day after day looking for external gratification to satisfy that voice.
I like Don Miguel Ruiz's stories, particularly his interpretation of the Bible about Adam and Eve, his personal experience in the dessert and his story with his grandpa.
I like Don Miguel Ruiz's interpretation about the fallen angel (the snake that lives in that tree in Eden, which is called the tree of knowledge). The snake symbolizes our own judgment, fear, anger and ego while the tree symbolizes the book of law. The snake goes on talking in your head starting the day Adam and Eve ate the apple, which to me is a symbolism of us adopting the voice of knowledge. The paradise we lived in turned out to be the hell, where mankind suffers. We are all trapped in the cycle of judgment, fear, anger and ego and day after day, we think that satisfying these feelings are the way to happiness. The snake wants to survive in your head, it will always talk. However, we have the power to turn that voice into love and compassion.
The night in the dessert helps me understand whatever we see at the moment is a reflection of light. Our brain perceives the light and makes its own interpretation. I think Don Miguel Ruiz brought us the truth here. You might think you know someone well. You do not understand why that someone hurts you deep. It is simply because people are also the reflection of light. We only see the reflection of others and we only understand the projected self of others. Asking the question "why" certain things happen is nonsense, because we will never know the truth. The truth only comes from within self and happiness comes from within.
Don Miguel Ruiz's story with the grandpa is empowering. I respect the author telling us his personal story about how he turned his deamon (his ego, and his past in projecting a false image to others) into the voice of truth. It is a powerful message and his story raised my level of awareness about self and about my own ego in the past which controlled my life. Thank you for the author's guidance. When you read this book with an open heart, I am sure you can find the road to happiness yourself.
Rating:  Summary: More Useful Wisdom Review: Days after finishing the new offering from don Miguel Ruiz and Janet Mills, I found the essence of its meaning reaffirmed time and again, and frequently "heard" the teaching in the middle of daily issues or challenges. Just like the wonderful "Four Agreements", this book presents valuable lessons for practical use with everyday living. We learn in Chapter One that the "Voice of Knowledge" is not a benevolent one, but the incessant chattering that humans unconsciously perpetuate daily, the "...voice in our head. You can call it thinking. I call it the voice of knowledge." (Ch. 1) Ruiz' descriptions of his grandfather's teachings are an immediate wonderful antidote to the wearying Voice of Knowledge that we so often succumb to. His words are beautiful encouragement to rediscover the wonder of childhood. One of his great lines sticks with me: "Faith is the power of creation that all humans have, and it doesn't have anything to do with religion." He goes on to describe the difference between having faith in one's own goodness versus believing the lies of others who might convince us we're not good enough or smart enough. The realizations that Ruiz experiences in Chapter 4, A Night in the Desert, are an inspiring description of one mind grasping the Truth of the Ages. His account of experiencing the universe experiencing him is an eloquent and understandable report of an epiphany that's a joy to read. I call page 47 the "truth page". Soon after this exhilarating evening in the desert, we learn about the "Storyteller", the essence of the Voice of Lies that pervades our consciousness all too often. I think "storyteller" is an apt term for that demon we all wrestle with - Little mind, monkeymind, maya, etc. etc. The authors do a fine job of offsetting the depressing strength and pervasiveness of Storyteller with thoughtful conversation about faith and intent. Suggestions for transforming the storyteller, and the beautiful descriptions of love, wrap this valuable book up and leave one with a sense of relief and anticipation - this world is full of beauty, hope and possibility. If you're interested in this book, chances are you gravitate towards inspirational reading. We've all read books that promise great healing, wisdom and illumination, but not all deliver on their grand guarantee. The litmus test of a true work of useful wisdom is whether the material is applicable in mundane, real-world situations. I've had a dozen instances of hearing the words of "The Voice of Knowledge" in everyday situations in my life, and a month later, I return to re-read my favorite parts just for the fortification. The ancient wisdom to be learned from the worlds' great Speakers is here, portrayed in a relevant, and sometimes lyrical, manner.
Rating:  Summary: A Gift of Truth for Humanity. 10 Stars! Review: Don Miguel Ruiz has brought us all a gift to reclaim our own truth, from within our own hearts rather than listen to the 'voice of knowledge' that so many people have destroyed when they give their own 'knowledge' to you. This wonderful book will help you shatter the judgment, self-recrimination, and denial of your greatest attributes that you have taken on from others, and have even learned to deny within your own self. The only truth is that which you were born with. Don Miguel Ruiz helps you to re-connect to the Divine attributes and qualities that you DO hold within, despite what other's tell you, and despite what you may have 'learned' to tell yourself. This book will help you open up to the wondrous being you are, so you can align with your OWN truth, soar in your life, unattached to outcomes, and love yourself in the joy-filled process you deserve. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to claim his or her authentic self. Barbara Rose, author if 'Individual Power' and 'If God Was Like Man'
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: Don Miguel Ruiz is a very smart man and he writes very simply about the most important things for better lives! In "Voice of Knowledge" he really makes us fully understand what Toltects really stand for! He gives us some brilliant ideas on how can we lead a lot more better lives then we are now. He writes about "The Voice of Knowledge" which in truth is our inner voice or as Don likes to refer to it, The Liar. He is so right when he recommends to us that if our inner voice is our verbal abuser and says negative things about us - we should learn to totally ignore it or at least not believe what it says to us. Then...what I liked the most about the book is regarding the "Nobody's Perfect"! Well if you're one of those who still believe that nobody or nothing's perfect then read this book and you'll never get to feel that way again. After all, this book is wonderful by all means and in my opinion I think every person should read it. As there's something for everyone in it. Highly Recommended
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: Don Miguel Ruiz is a very smart man and he writes very simply about the most important things for better lives! In "Voice of Knowledge" he really makes us fully understand what Toltects really stand for! He gives us some brilliant ideas on how can we lead a lot more better lives then we are now. He writes about "The Voice of Knowledge" which in truth is our inner voice or as Don likes to refer to it, The Liar. He is so right when he recommends to us that if our inner voice is our verbal abuser and says negative things about us - we should learn to totally ignore it or at least not believe what it says to us. Then...what I liked the most about the book is regarding the "Nobody's Perfect"! Well if you're one of those who still believe that nobody or nothing's perfect then read this book and you'll never get to feel that way again. After all, this book is wonderful by all means and in my opinion I think every person should read it. As there's something for everyone in it. Highly Recommended
Rating:  Summary: quick read but life long concepts Review: Don Miguel Ruiz writes a brillant short insightful book with information that pours out of his glass of truth like common sense and deep pardoxically occuring at once. This book has the chance to change your life. Why? You are already searching. You are reading my review searching, and the mere process of searching is what this book is about. Reading this book provides a vehicle to spiritually and/or intellectually ask the big questions of life.
Why are we here?
Is there a higher power?
As he puts it in his book...it's all in us from birth. What is? Peace. Joy. Bliss. Tranquility. Happiness. Are you ready to take the journey?