Rating:  Summary: Emotional intelligence the key to relationships Review: I thought this book was alright until a friend recommended The Emotional Intelligence Quickbook. My wife and I both read it and really learned a lot about how we deal with our emotions and ultimately each other. Since the book came with an online emotional intelligence test, it gave us a chance to discuss our scores with each other, which was great.
Rating:  Summary: WORDS OF WISDOM WITH A LITTLE PSYCHOLOGY ON THE SIDE Review: This is a fantastic book which will give you a better understanding of what men and women need in their relationship, and why each responds to situations in a different manner. Why do men need to "withdraw into their cave?" Bearing the fact men are not mind readers, how do you tell the man in your life what you really need? Encourage your spouse or partner to read this book or better still, share the experience of reading it together. A man who recently separated from his wife, said to me, after reading this book, "Gee, maybe now I know what I was doing wrong. Why didn't she tell me?" Well, perhaps she tried but, being a "Martian," perhaps he did not know how to interpret the message of one from "Venus." This book provides a straight-forward approach to communication, which as a counsellor, I have found lacking in many relationships. The book will explain how men and women express themselves in a different manner, how each can interpret the meaning in a different way, and how we can effectively respond. I highly recommend this plain and simple book. After reading it, you will truly be able to see that while both genders have a different way of expressing themselves, and different quirks that make them tick, we really do not come from different planets; sometimes it just seems that way. It makes an excellent conversation piece on the bedside table for those late night, intimate little talks.
Rating:  Summary: A good start. Review: John Gray helps the reader in a child story like way throught different qualities men and women express. Great. Those you can figure most of this stuff out with a few well spent nights meditating. If you lack the time. Well get the book it really will clear up alot of communication differences between men and females.
Rating:  Summary: Don't make the mistake I did, read this book NOW Review: I finished the book cover to cover in a weekend. And I caught myself constantly nodding to each point the author makes, as if it was written specifically for me. The writing style is so sophisticated, yet simple enough to keep anyone's attention throughout the entire book.
I lost the love of my life, and truly regret not having read this book a looong time ago, when I was literaly been offered to do so, I am certain things would have turned out much different.
Rating:  Summary: you`ll be lost with out it- a must read book Review: I like what I read in this book,its a valuable book that you must own to improve your relationship,it shows us how totally men and women are different in thier thinking. and also how to get what you want in your relationship. and you can understand your partner easier now,It opens your eyes to a new way of seeing and perceiving men and women, its a worth buy book, you won`t regret if you buy it, I read it many times, and I`m gonna read it again..
Rating:  Summary: Know how to win the game of love Review: Mr. Gray shows us how different men and women really are. With wonderfully simple yet colorful examples and analogies, he walks the reader through the different ways in which the two sexes see the world. Both genders speak the same language, but the meanings are oh so different.
It's important to understand these differences now...while you still have time to use them to find love. James Green, author of "If There's One Thing I've Learned."
Rating:  Summary: Laura Review: This book has always been on my "must read" list but it wasn't until a little while ago that I actually picked it up and read it from cover to cover. From what I have experienced in my past relationships this book was dead on. Men are like rubberbands stretching and needing space, which if you give it to them they will spring back to you and women are like waves that go in a series of highs and lows. However, I felt that at times the author was repeating himself over and over to make the book thicker. What could have been said in a page he would say in a chapter. However, this is a must read for anyone interested in why the opposite sex behaves the way they do. It truly makes you understand them more and it helps you put yourself in their position.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: He really puts things into simple terms, he makes it so you understand and really grasp what he's trying to point out. I liked the book so much I made my boyfriend read it, and now we have a new appreciation for eachother, and when we dont seem to have things under control in certain situations, I just tell him to remember one part in the book and we talk about it like the author explains. I really recommend this book, even for teenage relationships - most books base it on "marrage" or many years of being with one person.
Rating:  Summary: If this is true ... Review: According to the Rick Ross Institute research site: John Gray received a Ph.D. from California Pacific University, an institution that was shut down by the State of California's Attorney General's Office. Reason: A degree mill. California Pacific University was never accredited as an academic institution. Although accreditation does not mean that the theories isn't valuable, it does beg the question how credible it is in daily application.
Rating:  Summary: dangerous,damaging,dull,deceptive,demonic Review: As long as people read rubbish about men and women,they will
be a odds with one another.None of Gray's books are of any help,
and only stand to reinforce old sterotypes and myths about the
sexes.He must know at some level how deception he is and I
totally agree with INPUT - JUNKIE about Gray,infact INPUT JUNKIE
is on right about their being no inherent difference between
male and female brains.The in quotes "researchers" who promote
this brain junk science are doing everyone on earth a horrible
dis-favor.They are promoting hate and suspicion between men and women and causing them to be trapped in old dangerous sterotypes which limit a person to nothing more than a myth caught in box of lies.These "researchers" don't care how much
damage they do and are only out to make millions at the cost of
the public.
How is Gray DANGEROUS? By causing sterotypes to flurish.
How is Gray DAMAGING? Once people read these books it sticks to their mind unless they are able to be strong enough to dig deep enough for their own answers to relationships and life.
How is Gray DULL? By writing all his books in the same dull formatt.I have read all his books to see how similar they are,
and they are all basically the same book in different books.
How is Gray deceptive? In his books he will make it sound as
though there are exceptions to HIS rules,but he weaves in so
much wordy deception that about "differences" that people are
more likely to believe him about differences.
How is Gray demonic? He is hurting relationships at a deep
level.His books bring to the table all the reasons why men and
women should misunderstad one another,than instead of saying the
behavior is learned,he calls it innate.
The theme which runs through this particular book is that
women need to warm up to sex,are needy,romantic,relational and
emotional while men are ready for sex all the time,need sex to
feel emotion for someone,are independent and must hide in caves
from time to time,logical,non relational.Old bunk.Either men
or women can be any of the above mentioned,but he has every
aspect of a person relagated to narrow gender patterns.
Unless society breaks free of this,it will fall into a
darkness of the mind,heart and spirit.
Anyone who tries to take your individuality from you is as far
as I'm concerned the worst of the worst.The worst thing to happen to someone is to have their mind occupied with someone
else's mass appeal mind games.