Rating:  Summary: Great book but buy the tapes instead Review: The book in no way captures the energy and the sheer motivational quality Tony exudes on the tape/cd programmes - I highly recommend Personal Power II - read my review on that product
Rating:  Summary: Awaken your giant NOW! Review: This is the best motivational book ever written. It literally changed my life!
Rating:  Summary: Not his Best work Review: I have recently become an Anthony Robbins fan, I attended one of his seminars, and have bought several of his tapes and cd's since. This CD is OK...(I have not read the book yet) but I think that the better investment is Personal Power. I think it's a great CD to start with, but you shouldn't judge him by it... check out Personal Power I or II, and you will see his true genius... But if you want the full effect, go to his seminars... I highly recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: Tony Robbins you are a joke and your 'work' is junk! Review: Is this guy for real?! I cannot believe the stupidity of people who buy this rubbish. Oh, actually I guess they are not always stupid, they just desperately need some meaning from life- and pull it from this clown.1. Tony Robbins 'advice' is common sense at best and trash at worst. Tony, who the hell would go skipping in a public street to 'change people's states' and feel good?! If you were seen skipping in public any normal person would think you were insane. Or worse, you've been reading Tony Robbins! 2. Um Tony, if someone really feels a deep desire to do something, they don't need your trash book to find it, and they will NATURALLY, without the aid of a book, work hard at what they desire. It's common sense: I love maths and want a good mark- so I work hard. Working hard gets me a good mark. Slacking off doesn't. Duh!!!! 3. Tony, you can't go against human nature. People don't change unless forced to or unless they really want to- independent of reading your 'work'. And people can't, and certainly not by your pseudo-scientific methods, change their personality. For example, this idea of talking like your role-model. If you wanted to do that, for the rest of your life you would have to consciously force yourself to talk like that- it wouldn't come naturally Tony, as you so unscientifically state. People have their own voices, not someone elses. And if they try to be someone else they are already damaging their self-esteem. Be yourself! 3. You provide a couple of days motivation from your book Tony. Sure, some people might makes some plans and even follow through- but is that worth the money? In not so long your back to reality that NATURE has created for you...deal with it! 4. At the end of your book you are ultra-cheesy Anthony- you call the readers 'friends' C'mon! Please Tony, I am weeping! Dude, your no friend of mine. Ripping off vulnerable people who need something to cling on to in life is not friendly behaviour. People, think for yourself- don't use a book- especially not this! I thought I might repeat some interesting info on Tony I read here- I hope this helps Tony! 1. Tony advice against drugs- In 1976 he was caught with drugs crossing the Canadina border. Go Tony! 2. He is defausing his wife ("Becky, I love you honey" - how cheesy!! -- Awaken the giant within inside cover...) but tells people how to have a good commited realationship. Instead he is going out with a big boobed blonde now!!!! 3. Finally, he talks about losing weight- his son is as fat as fat! It's the way NATURE made him probably TONY- we can't fight nature tooth man!! There you go folks! Please don't waste money on this greedy man...be your own bosses and don't live by a book. Tony I hope you read this! You are a clown and a fool- I hope someone rips YOU off!
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic book on personal success and life! Review: This is one of the best and most motivational books ever written on how to become successful (your idea of successful), how to achieve everything you ever wanted and how live a happy and fullfilling life. Anthony Robbins has probably been the most popular and well known peak performance consultant and life coach for the past two decades. His study of the science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP) which he personally now calls Neuro-Associative Conditioning(NAC), personal and organizational Success and Health philosophies and principles led him to become a famous psychotherapist, motivational speaker, and consultant to royal families, presidents, famous sports teams, fortune 500 companies and famous personalities and audiences all over the world. This a definitely a book everyone should own. It is easy to be a skeptic if you have no idea why the book was written the way it was. Less than 20 dollars to change your entire life for the better?? I would say the only reason why you wouldn't want this book in your library is because you already have everything you ever wanted. Even then, this book would probably inspire you.
Rating:  Summary: a great self disciplinary how to Review: with any of these books, skepticism quickly comes to mind as you read through it. tony has the advantage of admitting his own failures and showing how he worked hard to understand his own inadequaticies and move forward to a more positive place. I admire that and used those examples as guidelines for myself. Was i suspicious?--yes. Do I think Tony may have used creative liberties to make his book more interesting?--yes, --but when all said and done--i gained some positive information from this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Psycological Researchers Advice Review: I've been researching in psychology for many years now and if you want the most simple strait forward and distilled psychological advice out there AR is the best source I've found. Whatever you think of the guy himself his writing is the most practical and communicated in a way that maximizes both comprehension and he makes it enjoyable. Although occasionally criticized by my colleages, very few of them have done as through content analysis as I have. I've gone through most of his systems out of curiousity trying to pin point how much of the content was based on science and how much was based on personal hunches. In my opinion about 80% of the content that was expressed could be substanciated in the professional literature. Anyone will benifit from this material because the advice is universal and highly transferable to multiple industries and facets of life. To my critics: there is a problem in this country in that the baby boomer generation tends to be cynical. They seem to want to reject anything or anyone who has faith in rejoicing in life. My advice is to sacrifice your cynicism and don't write on things you don't know about.:) Short and Sweet-The book is great-it deserves a try
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! Already improving my life! Review: Recently I'd been having some problems applying for jobs. Every day I'd commit to applying and every day would come around and I'd find some excuse not to do it. In fact, I couldn't even get myself to take action and search websites or read want ads. I wouldn't even let job hunting enter my consciousness. Realizing I had a problem, I first read Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, by David Burns. This book seemed promising and according to the author was the #1 most recommended book on a list of 1,000 self-help titles. (I learned this in the follow-up: The Feeling Good Handbook.) Yet, every day I found excuses to avoid applying for jobs. It just seemed too painful to me to go apply for jobs I didn't want in the first place and then to get mercilessly rejected. Feeling Good and Awaken the Giant Within approach the issue of self-esteem from exactly opposite positions. Feeling Good says that you should have self-esteem no matter how little you've achieved in life. Awaken the Giant Within admits that most of us base our self-esteem on how we're perceived by others, or at least, how we think we'll be perceived by others. All I can say is the approach in Feeling Good didn't work for me. But in Chapter 3 of Awaken the Giant Within Mr. Robbins discusses the forces of pain and pleasure, and shows that everything we do is a result of our trying to avoid pain and move toward pleasure. He says that most people don't achieve what they want in life because they focus on the short-term pain, rather than the long term pleasure. And I realized that this was exactly what I was doing. I was avoiding job hunting and applying for jobs because of the pain I imagined I'd receive from being rejected. Of course, by avoiding taking action, a larger pain would be waiting for me down the road: homelessness. With a single concept, Awaken the Giant Within got me to take action, which the entire book of Feeling Good could not do. A second concept that is going to change my life is in Chapter 4: "Belief Systems: The Power to Create and the Power to Destroy." The main concept in this chapter is that what you believe is irrelevant as far as its accuracy goes. (Not counting dangerous beliefs like I can heal my children with my thoughts, or I can fly if I jump off this building, of course.) What counts is whether the belief is motivating for you or not, whether the belief gets you to take positive action. For example, let's pretend I'm a wannabe writer. But I'm a little conflicted about my talents. I have doubts about whether I'll ever make it or not. Sometimes I feel like the stuff I write is great and sometimes I believe I'll never succeed. So what happens when I waffle like this is that I go for long periods without writing at all. Thus, slowing the process down incredibly, taking years to complete a single novel. But what if I changed my beliefs to: "This book is going to be a bestseller. As soon as I complete this book, my life is going to change dramatically. As soon as I complete this book, all my dreams are going to come true." Of course, the odds are that it won't be a bestseller. There's a good chance it won't even sell. But, by having this positive belief, I take action. I complete the book and at a decent pace. And it either sells or it doesn't, but the belief did what it was supposed to do, it got me to take consistent, daily action. And if that book doesn't sell, then I have the same belief for the next one: "As soon as I complete this book, my life is going to change dramatically. I can't wait to get this book written. I can't wait to get famous, etc. My life is going to be incredible." (Of course, keep your beliefs to yourself. Your friends will be very eager to pop your balloon. But when you keep writing books and they don't know why you're suddenly being so productive, they'll be eating their hearts out! ) Basically you want to believe whatever keeps you most motivated, whatever gets you to take action. Because in reality your success is determined by your consistent, daily actions.
Rating:  Summary: Make real Transformation... not this--please. Review: I did all the Tony Robbins stuff for years. The tapes, books-all of it. I was one of the unfortunate ones that got hooked. Instead of just bashing Mr. Robbins, I will write a clear, well detailed review of SOME of the huge flaws in his little money making system so that those major fans who will of course disagree with me, will at least read this and at some point will hopefully "see the light". Unfortunately, in this short review I can't explain things in great detail. Some of you will get what I'm saying though. Please read this carefully and think about what I am saying-scientifically--Please. -Let's start with the mindset of these books. He promotes a super achiever kind of hyper-doer attitude. I would instead opt for being at peace with myself--HERE & NOW. Learning to BE. Not just be a doer. Does that mean being complacent? NO! It means you can set goals but it has nothing to do with your self-acceptance and daily joy. -He uses this Pain/Pleasure principal to motivate you. That is a highly flawed system. It is based on causing stress on yourself and motivating you through discomfort. Has anyone stopped to think that one can achieve goals through peace and discipline. It's not motivation through pain/pleasure we need, it's learning to deal with our AVERSION to discomfort that holds many of us back. Facing that with persevearance and wisdom is the only way to deal with that-not gimmicky NAC. -It is wrong to create MUSTS as he teaches. That causes people to be stressed out and to be attatched and anxious to things. You cannot DEMAND change of yourself. This again is based on the erroneous idea that we're so highly flawed we need to whip ourselves to grow. Not true. Better to learn Positive motivation skills based on learning to enjoy the Process not just the outcome. -Tony goes in so many different directions in his book you don't know when to use what -Why does he say that it's important to know that all feelings are good, they are Action Signals-yet he tells you to "break thru" depression,worry and other states. If we are going to accept our feelings how can we also go against them by trying to change them with NAC and physiology etc(that is not acceptance at all that is manipulation and many of you may have figured out by now that you can't battle with your feelings-ACCEPTANCE of them nonjudgmentally brings transformation) Why, if we are to accept feelings do we need Transformational Vocabulary?? If we supposedly accept them as Action Signals, why tell myelf I'm peeved instead of angry? and will that really work? NO WAY. Of course you'll remain angry. C'MON. That is just silly. -So much of it is really just a pump up. I admit that that might have it's place to a certain degree. Yes, I'm sure the pump up got some to achieve. That's a good thing, but this Robbins "technology" as a reliable, well developed system? Not quite. -His system for creating Values is so ridiculously superficial. Just becaue you write down these supposed values and rules, that doesn't mean they will reflect you TRUE feelings. WE ARE NOT THAT SIMPLISTIC! -Tony Robbins, having "mastered" relationships divorced his wife Becky a few years ago. Again, we are not that simplistic as his system tries to profess. My intention is to try to help you seekers out there, not to bash Mr Robbins. People would be better off making more of a "spiritual" discovery that brings them UNCONDITIONAL SELF ACCEPTANCE and Inner Peace. Something that is not based on achievment. You don't need to create this "achieve to win" attitude. Without transforming from the inside out, it's all a band aid solution and YES, you can be HIGHLY productive and just BE without getting into this crazed achiever mindset. Since when is that the purpose of life? Folks, you are all able to achieve great things by getting centered and tuning in to yourself. Trust yourself. Find that wellspring within! You don't need all this pumped up, gimmicky stuff. A much better book would be The Power of Now. A book about real transformation. Finding inner grace in life moment to moment and yes achieving, but with inner satisfaction all along the way, whatever the outcome! I hope you've read these points carefully and let them sink in. I hope to save you years of confusion by falling into these superficial techniques. Wishing you the best!!!
Rating:  Summary: Undoubtably the best self-help book I have ever read Review: Robbins book is amazing! He has a superb way of breaking down why we think we need to feel miserable when we should be feeling proud and happy. Each chapter begins with a story of someone that needed to overcome impossible odds to succeed. Some of them you may already be familiar with. I know that this book improved my life dramatically, helping me to be more focused on what I want and less stressed out by things that are really minor distractions.