Rating:  Summary: It worked. Review: This book was my first introduction to the concept of NLP. Some negative reviewers commented on Anthony Robbins himself and even on his marriage - which I think is completely irrelevant to the question of whether this is a book worth reading or not. I do not know him personally and I think that it is appaling to attempt to judge his values and goals, especially knowing that he does consciously choose these.I am reviewing this book favourably for two reasons: A. It did give me that 'fired up feeling' that another negative reviewer mentioned and it did encourage me to look seroisuly at my life and at where I wanted it to go. I got into the 'drivers seat' and took control of my life. Did the feeling last forever? No, four years later I've lost track a bit and am back to reading inspirational books such as this one again. Did its EFFECTS last? Yup - I stopped smoking a month after reading this book, and that was four and a half eyars ago (I had previously tried to quit many many times and failed). I consider this the second good reason to rate this book very highly. I read a lot of books: fiction, non fiction, and mind-body-spirit but this one stands out in that it gave me real TANGIBLE benefits, not just that 'good feeling'!
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Hardware Upgrade for the Human Brain. Review: If value were weight, this would be one of the three heaviest books in the universe. Of all the great deals you'll ever cut in your life, paying under $15.00 for this book is by far the steal of the century. If I had a choice of a new Mercedes and never holding this book in my hands or the book and no Mercedes..... I wouldn't even bat an eye choosing "Awaken the Giant Within." And I dearly love Mercedes. This one book dramatically upgrades the hardware we call the human brain. It makes it about a hundred times easier to accomplish whatever you want to accomplish. It won't turn you into a Tony clone. It will bring the very best of YOU out easily. I owe my life and my web site to a great coach by the name of Tony Robbins. His work really did dramatically upgrade my mental hardware. I was chronically depressed for 30 years, panic attacks, 3 suicide attempts, drugs, road rage.... I was always one to take action. Look at me now. I'm still taking a lot of action, very different action.
Rating:  Summary: Awaken The Giant is a powerful book Review: I first saw Anthony Robbins many years ago on the Joan Rivers show along with Charles Givens. Both were talking about success and hawking their respective books; Awaken The Giant and More Wealth Without Risk. What impressed me about Awaken The Giant is that it is not just "feel good" stuff that gives a puffy, artificial high. Tony Robbins offers real meaty advice that works and works right away. NAC or NLP offers fast and permanent change. I had a stuttering problem. After using Tony's methods--gone. Not in months or weeks but right away. I also had a fear of public speaking. When my manager called upon me to speak to our group, I was petrified initially. But after following Tony's advice, using swish patterns and installing anchors, the fear was gone and everyone complimented me on my performance. It didn't take weeks, it took one application. Since then, I have been able to flatten my fears, overcome lifelong phobias e.g. fear of snakes and public speaking. I have made rapid and permanent changes. Awaken The Giant is a great book. It will unleash the giant sleeping inside of you and h elp you reach whatever goals you can realistically set and go for. I also recommend More Wealth Without Risk, a book that does for personal finance what Awaken The Giant does for you on a personal development level and also SuperSelf, another great book by Charles Givens that offers personal development strategies different from what is in Tony Robbins book.
Rating:  Summary: There except for the power of decisions, go I!!!! Review: Ahoy there mate. Just finished cleaning my knife. Went through New York City and had a laddy come up to me with a pocket knife. I saz to him, you call that a knife. I pulled out my knife (which looked like a miniture sword to him) and saz, "Now this is a knife." The laddy ran little a scared little chicken. I came across several of Tony Robbins Powertalk tapes, I did. Very good programs the lot. Really enjoyed them. Sent some copies back to my friends in Australia. They really enjoyed them too. In particular was the one about decisions. I really enjoyed that one. Really impressed me. Made me decide to buy more of Tony Robbins books and tapes and improve myself more and more. So I bought another PowerTalk program on references. Oh yes I did. And as I read this New Yorker's review on Tony Robbins I realized that he didn't have any referneces to substaniate his preponderance bs. Sort of reminded me of a guy from New York who went into surgery becuase he had gangrene in his left leg and had to have it removed (the whole leg) When this lad went into surgery the surgeons accidently removed the wrong leg so t hey brought him back in and took the other leg off. When this poor lad realized what had happened, he contacted a lawyer straight away and heard back in a forthnight. But alas, he was told that he couldn't sue the hospital or the surgeons for what appeared to be outright incompetence. Why you ask? Because he didn't have a leg to stand on (he-he-he-he) Seriously, this New Yorker who obviously is not aware that Elvis has been dead since 1977 is one sorry guy. Picture a guy who has to buy all of his Tony Robbins programs used. No wonder he has missed out on the message. The programs are probably so worn down that they sound worst than an old Elvis 45 rpm record made back in early 60's. Anyway mates, I really enjoy the Tony Robbins book Awaken The Giant and the PowerTalk Tapes. Sure beats sitting around and playing some pc game like Grand Auto Theft or something like that. This lad from New York probably watches Professional Wrestling matches and thinks it is real and unrehearsed too. I feel sorry for this poor, poor lad. Yes indeed, there except for the grace of God go I but since this poor, poor guy is one of God's children we have to respect him. I guess, considering this New Yorkers attitude and probable lack of success, he is living proof that God, our creator does indeed have a sense of humor. After all, he created this guy. There except for the grace of God go I. Thank you God for blessing me. Perhaps you can throw at least one gift to this guy. He obviously is several cans short of a six pack.
Rating:  Summary: Do what I say not as I do Review: Tony Robbins expouses the value of food combining particularly in Unlimited power, however, on his web site (in fun facts)his favorite meal below is shown. Favorite Meal - Caesar Salad, Mashed Yams and Grilled Swordfish Unless Iam very much mistaken this is completely contradictory to the principles of food combining After contacting his office I was told " he doesn't eat them all at once" I find it very difficult to recommend a book if the author does not adhere to the principles.
Rating:  Summary: Ignore that negativity Review: It is true you only get out of life what you put in. I refer to your thoughts and your mindset. We are a product of how we use our mind. Anthony Robbins is teaching that in this book. If you want a get rich book I would not consider buying or reading this book. This book will make you rich but rich in mind, body, spirit and material wealth will follow if that is your desire. Anthony does not proclaim to may you materially rich by using his techniques. What he is doing is showing you the power of your mind and how you can use it to enjoy your life and live it the way you want to. So ignore the critics if you are looking to change your life in any way. Learn the power of your thoughts and how you can live each day to the fullest. I was bitter and angry this morning and on reading a section from Anthony's book on the train to work I put the techniques to work and I now feel great. It is that simple. We are what we think! I have read this book 3 times so far. I think it is an important part of assisting in taking control of your own personal world.
Rating:  Summary: I've read better... Review: Robbins has a lot of good ideas but he is a terrible writer. It's hard to extract what to use from his book and harder still to get through it. He seriously needs a ghost writer to package his material. Same with his tape series-- could be incredibly condensed so that one can pull out the useful material. If you want to get something out of this book, I suggest you take it a chapter at a time and really think hard about how to apply it to your life. Like I said, the information is good but he doesn't exactly help you get to it!
Rating:  Summary: Very good tools and beliefs to improve your life Review: This is a very good book with lots of techniques and skills that will change your life, IF you faithfully apply them in your life to make a change. Robbins stands out from most self-improvement educators because he produces massive results by massive action and applying the techniques he learned. A lot of people I see who don't get any result out of this book are the people who reads it halfway, and didn't do anything else, let alone apply any of the techniques in this book! Another group envies the author's fame and wealth, and uses that as an excuse that the techniques can't change their life.
Yet a group of very successful self-made millionaires I know recommend this book and say that this book is one of their favourite that changed their atiitudes, beliefs, and actions.
If you want to be successful and improve, will following the suggestions and actions of those people who aren't successful make you sucessful? That would be like studying all the broken cars in the junkyard, in order to learn how to build a brand new car that works!
This book includes many skills and 'tools of the mind' that you can use to change your life - such as Empowering Beliefs Sucessful people have, Power of Right Question, Knowing your values, Rules, among others. It is quite a thick book. But If you are really interested and curious about the methods that can change your life (If you apply them after you read them), then you will find this book truly facinating!
Rating:  Summary: Life changing book!!! Review: Ok, I'll admit it, I'm a Tony-ite!! I've bought his books, I own his audio programs and I've been to his UPW seminar. His message is one of empowerment, of raising your standards in your life, of accepting more, of doing more, of becoming more. Some people may wonder, ok, how specifically has this book helped me? What specifically have I done in my own life: Change starts by raising your own standards for yourself. I got around empowering and more positive people. I joined the public speaking group Toastmasters and have had a fun time overcoming a fear I once had (at age 23). I got out of the "matrix" of society of accepting a 9-5 job, working for 40 years, etc. To borrow one of Tonys phrases, I'm designing a life instead of just making a living. Doing work that I really enjoy. I realized how important it is to have focus and have a vision for yourself. Focusing on what's most important in your life. His time management products are excellent. I learned that I have more control over my own state than I thought I had before reading his books or attending his seminars. That distinction alone can change your life. Asking yourself quality questions, the power of your beliefs, CANI, these are all incredibly valuable things to learn. And to USE. That's the most important part. Although I'm a huge fan of his, I don't believe everything he says 100%. The part about relationships, some of his health tips, even some of his financial wisdom. And the NAC and NLP material I never really used. Absolutely, be a critical thinker. Use what works for you. To Tonys detractors, I just don't understand the negativity. Everyone borrows from everyone; that's not a big revelation, is it? Even Napoleon Hill got his material from somewhere. Steven Speilberg didn't invent story telling either. These aren't new concepts, but if you're being exposed to it for the first time, it doesn't really matter where you get it from. Some of it may seem like common sense, but unfortunately, alot of people never learn or use it. Regardless of his master persuasion and selling skills, I think Tony has done alot of positive things for people. The results he's produced for people speak for themselves.
Rating:  Summary: live your dream Review: All the unfounded, undocumented criticism against Tony Robbins can be dismissed with a single quote by playright Cristoph Lichtenberg: "a book is like a mirror-- if an ass looks into it, don't expect an apostle to look out of it".