Rating:  Summary: Allergy Flush Plan, not just for Fat! Review: I bought this book on a whim that it might help me lose weight. I read all the stuff about cleansing your liver (some I understood, some was a little over my head but I got the jist). I reviewed the menus and recipes and decided it might work for me. I wanted to lose around 35 pounds. I must say the first week was tough and the sugar blues got to me but I stuck to it. I'm now 2+ months into the program and I'll tell you what I've discovered...I have horrible food allergies to all the white stuff (wheat and milk in particular). I never knew just how bad those allegies were until I tried to add them back into my diet in Phase II and III. Wow! It told me more than I ever got from all the allergy testing I've had. It was real! I have never been so allergy-free in my life than I am now on the Fat Flush Plan. Little did I realize just how much those allergies were bringing me down and my weight up. I would much rather avoid these foods than take weekly shots to be able to eat them! I still have about 10 pounds to go on my weight loss goal. Allergy sufferers get on board! This plan will really help you out of your allergy miseries! There are many alternative foods out there you can buy at the local grocery store if you just have to have bread and ice cream!
Rating:  Summary: Men--this diet's for you, too! Review: I'm a middle-aged guy that's balanced in the middle needing to find a better way to eat and be healthy. Typical male, no one can tell me what to do...except what I'm reading in the Fat Flush Plan. One of my family members gave me the book as a big hint. I tossed it aside for awhile but finally picked it up and started reading. To be honest, the two week eating plan appeared to be a little screwy but I went back and read the front of the book that talks all about the liver, fats and sugars. That was my wake up call. I'll tell you this...if you can read, you can do this diet successfully. You've no clue how good it feels to be 15 pounds lighter after only three weeks (I extended phase I). Another 10 pounds and the bubble in the middle should disappear. Guys, get this book and look forward to a healthy future. it's worth the time and effort and very little investment.
Rating:  Summary: Husband bought the book--now we're both losing weight! Review: My husband just heard about the Fat Flush Plan. He's wanted me to lose my 40 pounds of fat for several years. He got the book and gave it to me to read. I have to say at first I wasn't very happy about his actions but I started on page 1 anyway just to please him. Wow! He didn't get any dinner that night because I was too busy reading what the author had to say about your liver, let alone the great information on good and bad fats. Hubby and I are going shopping tonight for our fat flush friendly foods. Tomorrow will be the first day of going for a healthier lifestyle. I have a sister who could really stand to lose some weight, too. Guess I'll have to share my secret with her soon! This is a do-able plan for both of us. With two small children I could certainly use more energy!
Rating:  Summary: Good informaiton Cover to Cover! Review: I almost gave up trying to lose 25 pounds of excess weight but then a friend told me about the Fat Flush Plan. I wanted to borrow her book but she made me get my own. Now I know why! There's so much good information from cover to cover that you have to have your own copy! The suggested daily plans were a great help in getting me started. I saw on the website that you can order the Fat Flush Kit and I've done that. It's cheaper than buying everything separately (I found out the hard way). My favorite thing about Fat Flush, other than starting to feel great and have more energy, is the taste buds coming alive! Rosemary is one of my new found herbs to cook with. Not only am I losing weight (7 pounds in two weeks) but the inches are dropping off as well. Go get the book. Buy two and give one to a friend for an early Holiday gift.
Rating:  Summary: Catchy Title, but save your money! Review: This one is gathering dust. I thought it would give my zone diet a little boost. I followed it for over a month, and nothing. I am a stickler at following plans (if I can master the zone I can follow anything).It was too annoying, not satisfying, and highly disappointing. I did, however, get something permanent out of it. I love drinking hot water with lemon. My advice to you - skip this book, but drink the hot water with lemon.
Rating:  Summary: What Book Did the Missouri City, TX reviewer read??????????? Review: I'll admit it - I am a BIG FAN of this author. Ann Louise Gittleman is not only a visionary (she was the first nutritionist in the country to write about the dangers of the no-to-low fat diet YEARS before THE ZONE, SUGAR BUSTERS, and PROTEIN POWER) but one of the most genuine and kind people in the nutrition business. Her latest book THE FAT FLUSH PLAN may be passionate but this is a plus - not a negative nor is it evangelical. The science is solid and her promotion of flaxseed oil is based on reams of double blind studies and trials in the most prestigious journals in the country. My goodness, if you go to her Interactive Messaging Board, she talks about how to individualize the program for her community members on ivillage. She also answers questions herself on a daily basis from her followers. I have written to her on several occasions and she has actually ANSWERED ME HERSELF. This woman has written books for nearly 20 years and I, for one, am delighted that she has finally gotten the recognition that she deserves. The Missouri City, Texas remarks are so out of line and off base that I encourage everybody reading these reviews to simply go out and read the book yourself. Shame on you. Angela Rooney
Rating:  Summary: Just Another (now wealthy) Diet Guru? Review: First of all, I read this book cover-to-cover. I think ALG talks "down" to her readers, and her writing style is full of archaic expressions. Reading this book made me feel like I was being asked to join a religion. I'm all for being healthy, and losing weight, but I don't want to get caught up in another "just follow me because I'm right (oh, and by the way, I'll make a lot of money if you do)" effort. Doesn't the zealousness of this regimen make anyone else feel like they're being preached to by a TV evangelist? Every new diet's guru speaks with such authority, but none of them agree entirely. And there are folks out there who dispute what ALG promotes. Just do some research yourself on the net about "high lignan flaxseed oil", for one example. And just because something "works" for some people (e.g. weight loss), doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy for everyone. This plan is not realistic. It's fanatical.
Rating:  Summary: Somewhat strict regimen, but doable, and IT WORKS! Review: I have a very long list of diets I've been on, and none of them every worked, really. It was nothing I could stick to, I just didn't do well physically on them, and I never really lost much weight, anyway. Particularly, the most dangerous, longest-lasting fad of all, the low-fat, high-carb diet left me with an unstanble blood sugar, lack of energy, lots of cravings, and hormonal problems. On the other hand, when I tried Atkins I was so nauseated and physically uncomfortable after 2 weeks that I coulnd't stand the sight of eggs, cheese or meat for weeks after that. I thought there was just nothing for me; then I found The Fat Flush Plan - I'm happy to repost I've lost 27 of the 43 pounds I need to lose, and I feel and look better than I have in years. This book is brilliant. It gives info you won't finy anywhere else about the importance of essential fatty acids, how much protein is needed, why not all carbs are equal, and what are the things that are preventing you from being healthy, slim and full of energy. The regimen is divided in 3 sections, or "phases": phase 1 is the cleansing program, which goes on for a minimum of two weeks till a maximum of 1 month, where you'll have a somewhat limited choice of foods: the only spices allowed are those that are "liver-friendly", you are limited to 2 portions of low-glycemic fruit a day, and can have only poultry, fish, eggs and some red meats as your protein sources. You are also allowed no salt and no oil except for flax seed oil, that cannot be used for cooking, so you'll be cooking everything using salt-free broth. This phase of the plan is very strict and it will be a challenge for most. If you are a regular exerciser, you will most likely have to tune down your routine as you are not allowed very many carbs on this phase. As hard as it is, it works, and it works great, too. I lost 10 pounds and several inches from my thighs, hips and waist after 1 month on this phase. I was particularly surprised to notice that a big part of what had looked like fat was instead bloating caused by water retention. The next phase, the Phase 2, the "Ongoing fat flush" is the regimen you are supposed to follow until you have lots all the weight you need/want to lose. Here you are allowed to gradually add in some friendly carbohydrates, starting from some sprouted bread, followed by a small amount of peas, cooked carrots, and some other veggies. Consumption of dairy, salt and other good oils, as well as strength training, are not included in the program until the last phase, phase 3, which is the lifetime maintenance plan. The effect that the elimination of dairy had on me was a welcomed change, not to mention being able to conquer my cravings within only a few weeks on the plan - we are talking about life-long cravings for carbs and sweets, and they gradually disappeared, leaving me content to eat fresh fruit while the rest of my family was feasting on ice cream at a recent barbecue party. My skin is clearer and softer, my hair is shinier and generally healthier, my nails are stronger, and I'm still losing inches from my trouble spots! I think this is a great plan and I think it's the only way for many people to change their diet and overall health for the best. I also believe that the info contained in this book is useful and applicable to some extent for anyone who wants to improve and fine-tune their eating habits. Therefore, even if making a lifestyle out of this plan doesn't seem like something you would be willing to do, I'd recommend you read the book anyway, do the 2 weeks fat-flush and reap the benefits of it, and then incorporate at least some of the principles in your lifestyle. You won't be disappointed, I promise!
Rating:  Summary: Well worth the effort Review: I won't say this diet is easy, but when is it ever easy to change your life? A year ago, I was a 30 year old mother of two, being told by my doctor and neurologist that I would not live past 50. I suffer from migraines complicated by paralysis and a high risk of stroke. I was on heavy medications, packing on the pounds, and just miserable. I was missing out on my children, missing out on life! Unable to bear it any longer, I ditched the medications, started accupuncture treatments and slowly began to get control of my life. I still suffered from migraines and headaches, and was 30 pounds overweight, but I figured that was my lot in life. Then, seven weeks ago, my doctor recommended The Fat Flush Plan. I started the plan the next week, and I haven't looked back. Not only have I lost sixteen pounds and four dress sizes!! so far, my blood pressure has stabilized, my headaches are gone ( I haven't even had the hint of a migraine since I started the diet). I discovered that my sinus problems were caused by allergies to dairy, and I now breathe clear. My skin is clearer, my asthma has improved... by this small list of my problems, you can see that I was a very unhealthy woman. No more! My doctors are so impressed; they feel that if I keep this up, I will live to be a very old woman. The best part is the renewed energy I have -- I can enjoy my family again. This is a healthy, common sense plan designed to let you be in control of your relationship with food, so you can get on with your life. Yes, it's a complicated plan, and yes it takes some work. I have two children active in sports. I work full time, and have my own business besides. And I can make time to do this plan. It gets easier as you go, and it improves the quality of your life. Aren't you worth some of your own valuable time?
Rating:  Summary: The Fat Flush Plan is a superb book! Review: Let's not mince words: Ann Louise Gittleman's new book "The Fat Flush Plan" is a superb book. It belongs in the company of the half dozen best how-to books on diet written in the past decade. Diet books are always a paradox- if the public loves it the academics will rarely take it seriously. Ann Louise has written a book that should satisfy both camps- it should have huge appeal for a mass audience while at the same time contains enough solid info and documentation to warrant a spot on many professionals short list of "must haves". To paraphrase Barry Sears in the intro to this book, few things have the power to generate visceral responses like nutrition and politics. And like politics, nutrition has both "left wing" and "right wing" factions and is almost never politically neutral. On the one side is the American Dietetic Association and their apologists- I call them Taliban Nutritionists. The other side- (full disclosure: the side on which my feet are firmly planted) - includes Gittleman, Barry Sears, Jesse Hanley, Diana Schwarzbein, Jeffrey Bland, Robert Crayhon, Sidney Baker, Sandra Cabot and a few other notables who are working valiantly to bring a comprehensive, functional medicine outlook to the field of nutrition and weight loss and take it beyond the calorie counting, supplement-bashing fundamentalism of the dietitians. In the land of the fundamentalists, calories are all that matter and people gain weight simply because they eat too much food. End of story. Any diet other than the food pyramid is "high protein" and "faddist" and a priori dangerous. (In nutrition, like in religion, true believers refuse to let a little thing like lack of evidence get in the way of their beliefs). While there is a more than a grain of truth to the idea that people get fat because they eat too much food, it is so far from being the whole story that it virtually constitutes philosophical malpractice. Anyone claiming to completely understand the whole story about weight gain, appetite, fat loss and diet right now is standing on a slippery slope- there is just too much still unknown about how and why people lose weight successfully. There are, however, some factors we can say with a fair degree of certainty are big players on the field. Chief among them are intake of the right kinds of fats, the role of stress, the role of insulin and blood sugar destabilization and, perhaps most important, liver health. This book addresses them all. The Fat Flush exercise plan is gentle in the beginning because, as Gittleman correctly notes, the dieter will be undergoing a cleansing and antioxidant stores are needed for this detoxification process and should be conserved for this purpose rather than used to combat the effects of strenuous exercise. (One of the only negatives about strenuous exercise is that it does produce oxidative stress). Also, the 1st two phases of the diet are calorically lower than usual, so energy might be compromised. She therefore recommends low to moderate exercise which eventually, on the third (maintenance) phase of the diet, progresses to a longer routine that includes weight training. Gittleman recommends the use of a rebounder (a mini-trampoline) which is actually a very smart idea. This surprisingly underused piece of equipment fits the bill quite nicely for many people in that it can be used indoors, is easy on the joints, takes up little space and can be used by almost anyone. Gittleman claims that gentle exercise accelerates lymphatic drainage, which is probably true. It certainly oxygenates the tissues, and can improve cardio fitness, especially when combined with the deep breathing that she recommends. Walking, bouncing (rebounding) and stretching comprise the exercise program of the 1st two phases of the Plan. In phase three, weight training is added, a good idea since muscle is where calories are primarily burned and muscle is a person's greatest ally in losing fat. I particularly like the section on sleep as a weight loss aid, a subject I have written about as well. The regulation of hormone levels (cortisol and GH come to mind), blood sugar, and even body temperature and immune functions is directly related to our internal metabolic clock, something that has been written about eloquently by such masters as Dr. Sidney Baker. And the connection of the stress hormone cortisol (which rises when we are sleep deprived) to fat gain has been well researched and documented by Dr. Pamela Peeke. Acknowledging the connection of sleep to weight loss is long overdue in diet writing and a welcome inclusion in this book. The book includes useful sections on sticking to the plan in a fast-food environment, plus shopping lists and some terrific recipes. There is also an extensive resource section which includes perhaps the most comprehensive listing of where to find organic grass fed beef, lamb and pork that I've ever seen, as well as a list of compounding pharmacies and educational resources. In the entertainment industry there are artists who have labored continuously for years, putting out solid, consistently excellent work, and then, suddenly find themselves with a hit movie or record on their hands and instant celebration by the media as an "overnight success", much to the amusement of their colleagues who have watched them pay their dues tirelessly for a dozen years. Ann Louise has paid her dues for more than a decade putting out consistently excellent work. Let's hope "Fat Flush Plan" is her big hit. No one deserves it more.