Rating:  Summary: The Fat Flush Plan works, if you work it! Review: I've been FFing since the end of August. Today's weigh in and measurements show 22 pounds and 10 5/8 inches gone bye-bye! O:-)) The detox aspect initially motivated me to begin the FFP. After experiencing a life threatening internal infection, surgery, and a ton of meds; I knew my body's balance was completely skewed. I was a wreak and my poor body desperately needed to be detoxed! Frankly, most of my life I've also been dealing with the weight loss and gain rollercoaster ride too. So much so, that I'd lost faith in my ability to return to my healthy trim self. After reading the FFP, I felt renewed hope in the possibility that I could achieve both good health AND weight loss. An additional factor was my emotional preparedness to let go of my fat barrier, y'see...food had been my "drug of choice". I regularly self-medicated myself with food to avoid a myriad of emotional pain. Once I finally owned my co-creation of the pain, then I became empowered to be free of that self-sabotaging cycle. I have been using journaling for years as my own private counselor. ALG is right on target with the importance of journaling while FFing! As I release layers of fat, the layers of emotional pain stored there pop up for one last look before final release. Journaling sure helps expedite that release! I know without a doubt that I will return to my goal weight of 140. I also know in order to get there I will have to address old stored emotional pain. What an incredible opportunity to heal and empower my whole self; body, mind, and spirit! In 2003 I'll be 54. I have my sights set on two fun athletic events, the Camp Pendleton Mud Run (a 10k through a modified Marine Corps obstacle course) and the Boot Camp Challenge (a 3 mile run through the obstacle and confidence courses at the Marine Corps boot camp in San Diego). I've done the Mud Run once before and loved it. This time I will participate in these two great events at my goal weight! Wow, what a difference that will make! O:-)) I have much to look forward to in 2003 and top of that list is my return to GOOD HEALTH!! Thanks Ann Louise, for putting this all together on paper! Finally, a "road map" for achieving physical health and harmony! Candy 22 pounds down and 47 left to GO!!
Rating:  Summary: Fat Flush Success Review: I would like to recommend this wonderful program of weight loss. I have lost 30 pounds on the system as have my staff and patients who I have recommended the book to. There is something special about this program and I intend to perform a clinical trial to better understand its impact on health. George W. Rozakis, MD
Rating:  Summary: At last...a diet that can change your relationship with food Review: In June 2002 I saw an article in a Women's Magazine about the Fat Flush Plan. I read it and it seemed to answer all my questions about why I could diet and lose weight successfully (I am a WW Gold member TWICE!!!) but think of food all day long, and after reaching goal, put it all back on and more. I joined WW at 11 stone 4 lbs.(158pounds) when I was 39, determined to not be "fat and forty!" As I was 5 foot, 9 inches tall they should have forbidden me to join, or at least warned me off! But no, they gave me a goal of 10 stone (140 pounds.) I lost this weight so quickly and easily some people thought I was so thin they imagined I had anorexia! During the diet I was starving ALL the time, and afterwards soon put it all back on and more. At 13 stone 10 lbs (192 pounds) I rejoined WW, revising my goal weight to 11 stone 7 lbs. (161 pounds)...please note that this new goal was more than my original joining weight!!! I stuck religiously to the new WW plan, eating all the recommended foods and the low-fat, low-calorie sweets and other rubbish they sell at classes at high prices, felt hungry ALL the time, and achieved the new goal weight. You all know what happened next! Many diets later, at 52 years of age, and weighing 4 ounces less than 16 stones (224 pounds) I found the magazine article about Fat Flush. I had to give it a go. I ordered the book, because if I know WHY? then I follow with my heart and brain, not just my heart, and have more chance of success. The plan is not rigid; I don't eat meat, and I can successfully follow it. It doesn't rely on nor allow overprocessed, chemically "enhanced" empty foodstuffs, but majors on fresh, vitamin packed, natural foods. It starts off with a pretty limited selection of fruit(2 per day) and vegetables (unlimited in quantity) and suggestions for supplements and special foods such as flax oil and fibres and whey protein. Cooking is accomplished without added fat, but the diet is not low-fat, no-carb, nor, in my diet experience, cranky! The detox works! (And believe me I've tried a few of those too!) I started the diet, first few days were hard, but it got better. You soon realize your obsession with eating has gone. You feel full for longer, even after salad!, and find mealtimes sometimes get forgotten. I have had to make myself eat at times, having not felt hungry at my usual mealtime, then realizing that the time has sped by, but that I should eat! After the initial detox the food lists increase, and it gets easier! In 4 months I have lost 45 pounds; 20 more to go to return to 11 stone 7 lbs. (161 pounds), and my clothes hang on me. A friend pointedly said wasn't it about time I bought some new clothes that fit. But I can wait, it won't be long till I reach my target. Then I know I can stay at that weight, not too thin, but fit, and so well! And I am not hungry!!! I hope this has conveyed my enthusiasm for this diet, and I hope it helps other diet-ruined people who have lost hope of losing weight. If you are ready to have another go...try it! Linda
Rating:  Summary: May be bad for health Review: Before you ignore this review, because of its negative rating, please read this and spare yourself the later disappointment I went through. I may sound angry, but I just have to vent. This diet cannot be sustained over a period of time. I am not overweight, I just wanted to lose 5-7 pounds I was struggling with, wanted to overcome serious problems with fatigue,exhaustion, and constipation, so my nutritionist recommended this plan. Going to her, and buying all the supplements/organic groceries the book recommended left me sicker, the same weight, and [$] poorer. I was sick the entire time I was on it-at night I would wake up in sweats with my heart racing and thinking I was going to die. I was always nauseous after meals and the lemon water especially made me feel like throwing up. I was constantly dizzy and exhausted. I became more severely constipated because of the wheat (fiber) restrictions, and did not lose a pound. I realized that the only way to keep weight off is to keep ACTIVE-exercise 5-6 times a week, at least 45 minutes, and eat nutritious, healthy food (INCLUDING wheat and dairy), without worrying too much about caloric restriction. Your body will tell you when you are overeating for your body type, and if you're still not thin after all that, you still look great- noone is asking you to look like an emaciated model or actress anyways, except so-called "diet gurus" who want you to believe there is something wrong with your weight so they can increase their millions. This is what capitalism is about. I strongly do not recommend this diet.
Rating:  Summary: Thin may be in, but fat is where it's at! Review: As I'm pretty "flush with fat" these days myself, I thought I would try this book. It really helped me achieve my weight-loss goal getting from 550 down to 499 pounds. Buy this book and you'll be able to flush those pounds down the drain like I did. I feel so much better now, and also I no longer show up as a gravitational anomaly on NASA earth satellite photos.
Rating:  Summary: My Success! Review: I am thrilled with The Fat Flush Plan. I am a 45 year old woman (mother of three teenagers). Having been an overweight child, I starved myself to stay thin during my early twenties. After having my children, I struggled to get off the pregnancy pounds and yoyo'd in my weight, ultimately reaching 325 almost twenty years later. A few weeks ago, while scanning the weight loss shelf at Border's Bookstore, I saw The Fat Flush Plan, picked it up, flipped through the pages, and returned a week later and purchased it. I have been on the Plan for almost three weeks now and have lost 15 pounds. But that is not the only thing that has resulted. I have Type II Diabetes and take eight medications to control my sugars, including a diuretic to aid in reducing the tremendous amount of swelling I have in my legs and feet at the end of the each day. Within three days, the swelling was gone. I have been relieved of this painful symptom and can now go home after work in the evenings and participate in other activities instead of just sitting down with my legs raised to get relief. My blood sugars have dropped from highs of well over 200 to normal ranges. Thanks to The Fat Flush Plan, I know my dream of being thin and healthy is becoming a reality. Thank you Ann Louise!
Rating:  Summary: Fat Flush Plan WORKS!! Review: I have tried every diet known to man!! Nothing worked until I bought the Fat Flush Plan. When I started this diet I was pushing a size 16 (all my 14's were tight!) Now I am a size 12. I couldn't believe the drastic results in 2 weeks. Now I am off caffiene for good and drink the cran water daily. I feel healthier than ever and everyone says I look 10 years younger! The recipes in the book are great and i've finally found a plan that has changed my way of eating and was absolutely painless!!
Rating:  Summary: This plan is NOT for everyone Review: ... For one, it's very similar to the Atkins diet in that it is very low carb and high protein. For a week this might give you a jump start but for the long haul it's far from ideal. For another, the protein sources are quite limited and the recipes and meal plans are VERY RIGID. ... The only reason I gave it 2 stars instead of just 1 star is that there IS some valuable information here. Adding flax and borage oil to your diet is a very healthy choice. Omega-3 oils and fatty acids are proven to aid in weight loss. Cranberry juice mixed with water (unsweetened, as she said) and lemon juice are both good for your kidneys and liver which aids fat loss. The author is on the right track in some places, but I am extremely disappointed that she went for the gimmicky ultra-strict quick fix low-carb idea rather than being a bit more flexible and health-conscious. In it's rigidity, it is not going to be as feasible in the long term for most people as it sets people up for failure either due to the complexity or the costs. It would be especially hard for families with children, as it would mean two separate plans for each and every meal. And if you're strapped for time or on a budget, forget it. The reviewer who said that this is like a full-time job is absolutely right. That is NOT necessary for effective weight loss! A better idea would have been to emphasize the omission of unhealthy foods (caffeine, white sugars, white flours, excessive dairy, pasta, over-processed foods) and the inclusion of healthy foods (omega-rich healthy fats and oils, whole grains such as organic whole wheat, brown rice & quinoa, lots of low-glycemic fruits, plenty of vegetables). Teaching better overall health habits and food choices will help you lose weight and keep it off a lot more easily in the long run...
Rating:  Summary: My Mother's Success, even with limited mobility Review: My mom of 65 years is overweight and somewhat disabled. The doctor has encouraged her to lose weight and eat better. While at a local natural food store, I spotted the Fat Flush Plan book and bought it for my mom. She has tried other plans unsuccessfully for one reason or another. This plan seems to fit all of her doctor's recommendation: no sugar, limited dairy (digestion problems) and low fat. We tried Stevia as recommended in the book and it is a great sugar substitute. We added flaxseed oil to her diet as well as ground flaxseed in the Long Life Cocktail. Exercise was our biggest challenge but we are successful at mom sitting on the rebounder and bouncing that way. Our walks are not real fast but it certainly has improved how she feels. There are days she can't walk but looks forward to when she can. We're 7 weeks into the program and she has lost 10 pounds and about 5 inches. It's slow go but she feels so successful on this Plan. The meal plans in the book are a good guideline and we have modified or adjusted then as needed. If you have a loved one in the same sitation, give Fat Flush Plan a try. It's certainly good to see mom's health improving.
Rating:  Summary: I'm a teenager with a big weight problem and now an answer Review: I'm 16 years old and I'm embarrassed to tell you how many pounds overweight. Let's just say it's like greater than 50 pounds. My mom told me to search the web for a good diet plan cause i really want to get rid of the fat. I found Fat Flush Plan and ordered the book on amazon.com. When I got it in the mail it was a little scarey because it had a lot of pages. My mom read the front part of the book and discussed the liver and sugar stuff with me. I didn't know how bad all that was for your body. We then read thru the menus and food selection. I knew it weren't going to be easy but put my mind to doing it. With my mom's help and not much cheating I lost 11 pounds the first two weeks. I'm on my third week now and things are looking good. I just wanted to write this review in case another teenager was looking to lose weight maybe they'll try this plan. It sure is better than some of the others ones I read about. Oh, yes. Walking the halls at school does NOT count as exercise! Hope it works as well for you and wish me lots of luck. My mom is soooo proud of me!