Rating:  Summary: Fat Flush for Intelligent Dieting Review: I first saw Ann Louise when my wife dragged me to a women's health symposium in Las Vegas in 2001. I really wanted to play golf that morning, but I behaved and went along like a good boy.I was so mesmerized by ALG's presentation, especially compared to the other experts on the podium, that I bought Fat Flush when it came out, just to lose a few annoying, lingering pounds. It not only worked as advertised, I was duly impressed by the scholarship. I'm amazed by the lack of effort we Americans put into our physical health. This is an intelligent, healthy diet for smart folks. Like all good things in life, it takes some effort and committment to get results. Nothing is free and this diet plan is no exception. But I actually gained energy as I lost weight. It was well worth the effort. Nobody likes dieting, but the Fat Flush is hardly torture. In fact, it's so easy to follow,I've incorporated Fat Flush in my daily health maintenance plan. I'm lighter, healtier, and full of energy. I highly recommend Fat Flush to every intelligent dieter. This is no fad diet, rather it is research, scholarship and good sense in one neat package. Losing weight and feeling better has other side effects. My wife has been on ALG's diet too and I dare say, our love life has improved as well.
Rating:  Summary: Enpowering and Life Changing! Review: If you care about the quality of your life and not just your weight on a scale or an insurance chart, then read this book. The author is committed to sharing in an easy to follow format, how to be responsible for the fuel (food and supplements) that runs your body. The science is thoughtful and sound, the instructions clear and the quality of your life and the shape of your body can be your reward. You owe yourself the honor of making the committment to read this book and take action!I am 59 years old and had been severely ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for the past 6 years, having been partially paralyzed and bedridden for much of that time. Medications and pain induced sedentary lifestyle created a size 16-18 body on my 5'4" frame. I was exhausted and craved sugar all the time, which made me just more tired and wanting MORE. I was spiraling out of control. My skin was dull and dry and I was finally beginning to AGE........at high speed. In April 2002, I weighed 193 pounds and began by banishing all "white" and refined foods from my diet and drinking large quantities of good clean water. I was doing better; slowly the inches and pounds fell away......I was still struggling, but help from Ann Louise Gittleman was on the way! On September 19, 2002, I began The Fat Flush Plan and the results were dramatic and immediate. I not only became smaller and found my cheekbones and muscles again, but my skin and hair glowed and I was growing younger looking and feeling. The change in me is nothing short of miraculous. The New Year saw me wearing size 6-8 clothing and everything about me is glowing with vitality; both friends and strangers stop me and ask how I have been blessed with such energy and youthful, thin, fit appearance. I have decreased my body fat and cellulite fell away and vanished. Losing 50 pounds and dropping from size 18 to 8, without saggy, baggy, dull skin, is nothing short of amazing, particularly at my age. Everyone says that I look 20 years younger and they ask if I have had plastic surgery on my face. My dentist states that I am no longer forming huge quantities of tarter and calculus on my teeth. My nails and hair are thick and glowing with health. I sleep better than in years. I am following Gittleman's Fat Flush Plan as a map for better living, through knowledge and committment. I can think of no better gift to give yourself for the New Year than this book and magnificient wellness. This is so much more than just a diet book and the plan is easily followed while traveling and for a lifetime.
Rating:  Summary: not for everyone Review: I'm sure that this book is well intentioned, but instead of losing, I gained on this plan. I don't know about my cholesterol, but I found this diet way too time consuming for my busy schedule, very expensive and required me to drive 20 miles to get the special foods that were required. In addition, I decided to eat meat while on the first two stages of this diet because it is next to impossible to be a vegetarian and be on this plan. All in all ... this program's not for everyone!
Rating:  Summary: just another hyped-up diet Review: While this book offers some valuable nutritional guidlines, it is merely another diet based on protein intake, small portions, and flavorless meals. Portions in the recipes aren't always specific, and needless to say I have a refridgerator full of rotting, expensive, organic vegetables. Luckily I compost! This plan in not for anyone concerned with a budget (I spent at least 100$ for the first week), or for ones living in rural settings--I trekked all over town trying to find some of the natural products and eventually had to go without. I'm not a big seafood eater ("cold fish salad" ick!) as well, and found it difficult to figure out what to substitute without eating the same meals over and over. This plan might work for those with iron self-disiplines and lots of time and money on their hands, but has proven nearly impossible for me to stick to because of it's rigidity, expense, and tasteless, if not rank (think "warm" uncooked vegetables, flaxseed as salad dressing and unsweetend, diluted cranberry juice eight times a day) meals.
Rating:  Summary: healthy changes Review: This book provides the building blocks for making a true lifestyle change in diet and our approach to all foods. Once you get over the first few days of withdrawls, you'll feel better than you've ever felt before. Every day I felt better and better. I slept better, my body began thinning down and changing shape. I originally planned to use this as a quarterly "tune-up", but now I want to practice it all the time becuase of how I feel! It helped me to see that I truly am what I eat.
Rating:  Summary: Good Premise, Poor Execusion Review: I heard about this book first from another woman at a Goddess Festival I was attending this fall (2002). I bought it after hearing from yet another friend how well it was working for her. The part that impresses me the most about Ms. Gittleman's book is the approach and theory that if your liver, kidneys, and the rest of your body is functioning properly, the fat is soon to go. For the most part I believe that. I found it very interesting to read Chapter 2, about all the different reasons our bodies hold on to fat. They all made sense and I found myself in many of those categories. The detox weeks are worth the cost of admission, IMO. The first few days will be hard. On day two I had a horrid caffeine withdrawal headache and no energy, but by day four I was on a high energy freewheeling cloud. I was pretty shocked. The biggest positive I've seen about the whole diet is the fact that I haven't had to take one antacid since I began it. For the longterm, I doubt I can maintain the rigidity, but for now, it's providing what I need and what my body needs. I also feel I'm learning HOW to eat for those times when I no longer follow her to the letter.
Rating:  Summary: This Plan Really Works! Review: I'm a 54 year old semi-retired nurse who has struggled with my weight since my teens. Just let it be told that I've lost the same 50 pounds three or four times. Last May, I went to my physician in total frustration, having packed 214 pounds on my 5'3" frame. I expressed my concerns regarding my weight and my "classic apple shape" which has been identified with greater health risks. Now, being a nurse, I was not looking for any magic diet "pill" to solve all of my problems. I wanted a plan that would work for me. My doctor had no ideas for me. A few months later, my daughter called me to tell me she was on the Fat Flush Plan on advice of her doctor. He had recommended it to her for the liver detoxifying benefits because of long term medications, but she wanted me to know about the almost effortless weight loss she was experiencing. I ordered my book that very day. I started the plan on September 9. Since then, I have lost 28 pounds, over 14 inches off my waist, hips, and thighs. My cholesterol dropped from 250 to 172, and I feel wonderful. My energy level is greatly increased, I am never hungry, and I don't even want the foods I can't have. I made chocolate truffles and bon-bons yesterday, and didn't even lick my fingers--this from a self-proclaimed chocolate addict. I plan to lose another 35-40 pounds or so, and I know I can do it. This plan is not a quick fix. It requires an investment of time since the preparation of fresh, healthy foods takes longer than convenience foods. The plan also requires supplements which can be expensive for some, but the investment in one's improved health status is well worth it. I think the best benefit to being on the plan is the many friends I have made on the Fat Flush Message Board through ivillage.com. My daughter and I joke about having many new friends that we've never met. On the board, Fat Flushers share their triumphs and travails, and give advice on everything from where to buy good supportive bras to where you can get the cheapest cranberry juice and flaxseed oil. I highly recommend this plan to anyone who is willing to invest their efforts to greatly improve their quality of life. It's been marvelous for me, and I want everyone around me to feel as wonderful as I do.
Rating:  Summary: From someone who hates diets and scorns fads, this WORKS! Review: I'm a dyed in the wool skeptic, 49 years old, a lawyer and mom of two teen/preteens. I've dieted so many times in so many ways since I was a teenager than I cannot even remember them all. I've been a size 8 and, until last week, a size 22 weighing in at 232 lbs. --- more than I was when nine months pregnant. I had given up all hope. I'd done Weight Watchers and a modified diabetic diet with some success before -- when I only had 20-30 lbs. to lose, but last year when I tried Weight Watchers and lost 20 lbs. I was hungry and miserable all the time. I dreaded the WW meetings which once inspired me -- tired of hearing about how everyone spent their lives stealing a point here and there so they could keep eating what they liked, once in awhile in miniscule quantities, or, better yet, finding substitutes that supposedly tasted as good (ha!). As work stress continued and late night projects demanded caffeine and carbs, I eventually quit the diet and, of course gained back the 20 lbs. So when an acquaintance told me about Fat Flush recently I was prepared to roll my eyes and sigh. But, a couple weeks later, realizing that I hated to dress and be seen in public, could barely go up and down the stairs at home, and mortified that my size 22 jeans (just bought as a temporary fix) were getting tight, I decided to give it a try. Well, it's still very early in the weight loss game, but I'm already a believer. It's been 10 days and not only have I lost 11 lbs. and 1 1/2 jean sizes, I feel much better than I have in years. The skin on my face is tighter and smoother, I can find my ribs and hip bones, I can feel the long lost leg muscles I used to dance/exercise with, and I have had a dramatic increase in energy --- all without hunger pains. Yes, the first few days were rough -- I quit coffee at the same time and had caffeine withdrawal headaches for 2-3 days -- but the thought of other kinds of food actually makes me sick right now. I've eaten lots of greens and small portions of meat before, but there is something about the flushing and the balance in this program that is so different. I feel great, the depression has lifted, and I'm not daunted by the long haul ahead.
Rating:  Summary: An amazing plan that works! Review: I have been a fan of Ann Louise Gittleman's books for many years. I did an Amazon[.com] search last spring, to see what she might have written on perimenopause, and in the process I became aware of The Fat Flush Plan. I was intrigued, and borrowed the book from the library. (Sorry, but I'm a librarian; that's where I turn first!) But after reading it cover to cover, I became convinced that not only did I want to try the plan, but that I had to own my own copy, because it was so full of information that I'd need if I was to succeed. So I ordered it from Amazon[.com], and became a real fan of Fat Flush too. I had lost 40 lbs. between February 1990 and December 1990, by following my own diet of calorie counting and willpower. But to do it, I guzzled buckets of coffee, and was always hungry. I still wanted to shed some stubborn fat that remained on my thighs, and Fat Flush seemed like it might be a better way to do it. I have slimmed down some more, although I imagine that my thighs will always be the place I'll carry the most fat. But I seem to be the only person who notices it. I wear size 6-8 pants and just about everyone I know has commented on how thin I am. But that's not the best part of Fat Flush. Since I began following the Fat Flush plan, I feel so much healthier! I no longer drink coffee, and I don't miss it at all. I no longer need over-the-counter drugs to combat my frequent headaches, because they are gone. I no longer feel hungry, because the Fat Flush eating plan allows you to eat food that helps you feel full and satisfied. I never thought I could do without dairy, sugar and wheat for the initial two week detox, but it was amazing how easy it turned out to be! I now see Fat Flush as an eating plan for life, and suggest you give it a try too!
Rating:  Summary: Great change to way of Eating!!!! Review: ALG not only instructs you on how to loose the pounds & false fat... but she shows you how to change your way of eating. I've read this book many times & each time I read it... it makes even more sense. I think... gee... why didn't I realize that before. I also have figured out what foods my body is sensitive too & I avoid those now. So I have an overall better feeling. And the "false fat" just rolls off... unbelievable!