Rating:  Summary: LIFE SAVER! Review: Ann Louise's book will change your life. This is not just another diet book...but, a nutritionally balanced life style that will cause your body to shed fat rather effortlessly. Ann Louise will give you the knowledge that will empower you to know what to put into your body to keep it a healthy fat burning machine. This is what the world has been waiting for! It is sound nutritional principles based on how your body works. The plan will cause you to lose weight & inches QUICKLY, but unlike other plans it is one that will not leave you feeling tired, run down, & with intense cravings. You will gain energy, become more relaxed, & to top it off become THINNER than you've ever been!I was a figure skater for 15 years & used to exercise sometimes over 3 hours a day...I now follow Ann Louise's plan and eat more, work out less & am thinner than I have ever been! As a young American girl, appearance was always very important...I tried everything to keep myself thin. I went from low fat to no fat...from high carbs to no carbs...from anorexia to bulemia...from HIGH protein to avoiding meat completely. In my quest for the perfect diet I nearly ruined my health...my hair started to thin...I lost my menstral cycle...I couldn't sleep regularly...I was stressed out...and felt like I was on a constant emotional roller coaster. This book was a breath of fresh air for me! I can now eat without the FEAR of gaining weight...I LOVE THE MEALS & have so much fun learning what is healthy for my body. I am relaxed, healthy, & confident that I will continue this nutritional plan the rest of my life. The best part is that I will be able to teach my friends & family the correct way to eat so they can stay healthy, avoid cancer, heart disease & other health problems that can simply be prevented by proper nutrition! I'm so grateful that Ann Louise has dedicated her time & studies to teach the world how to keep our bodies healthy & balanced. This book will change the way you eat FOREVER!
Rating:  Summary: So Much More Than Just A Diet! Review: The book The Fat Flush Plan is amazing! Not only does Ms. Gittleman describe each of the three phases of her weight loss plan in detail - including sample menus, she educates the reader about how the body processes, stores, and burns fat and explains how people are sabotaging their efforts to lose weight in the chapter "Five Hidden Weight Gain Factors." In addition, Ms. Gittleman includes an exercise component, tips for eating out, a master shopping list, some recipes, a frequently asked questions chapter, and a resource section on where to find the Fat Flush ingredients. She does all of this in an easy and caring manner. This plan is so much more than a diet. It truly is a long-term healthy life-style eating plan that will ultimately make you thinner, more energetic, and feel and look younger. In The Fat Flush Plan, Ms. Gittleman emphasizes the importance of "detox." The liver is one of the key elements to weight loss. It needs to function properly and efficiently. This is why Phase 1 of the plan is so crucial. The detox process cleans out the liver so that it can do its job better. When purging all the "toxins" from the liver and body, there may be some side effects - from mild to severe. At first the side effects may make you feel badly, but after a few days, you will begin to feel better and finally you will feel great! I was one of the lucky ones for the only side effect of the detox process I experienced was a mild headache as a result of eliminating the several diet cokes I consumed in a day. The Fat Flush Plan can help everyone whether you have just 10 pounds to lose or if you have more than 75 pounds to lose. It has certainly helped me. I had a little bit of extra weight that I just couldn't seem to lose. To date, I have lost 12 pounds and I am back to wearing a size 4, but best of all, I feel wonderful! My sister-in-law has lost around 90 pounds down from a size 24 to a size 10. Even my 20 year old daughter has lost five pounds and reshaped her body in less than three weeks by using the Fat Flush Kit and following Phase 3 of the Plan. Be sure to check out Ms. Gittleman's web site for additional information and support. She offers an online forum in which people post their tips, recipes, and can ask questions about the plan. To get there, go to www.fatflush.com then click on "support" at the top of the page. When the new page comes up, click on "Fat Flush Forum" on the left hand side of the page. The Forum will appear. Anyone can view it, but if you would like to participate, you must set up a username and password. It is so easy...to quote Ms. Gittleman, "There are no quick fixes - but the Fat Flush Plan comes close."
Rating:  Summary: The Fat Flush Plan Works! Review: This plan is not easy, nor is it inexpensive ~ but it does work! After years of yo-yo dieting on diet plans such as Atkins, CAD, low calorie and fad diets I was left weighing close to 200 lbs. I purchased the Fat Flush book after reading the positive reviews here. Honestly, I didn't think I could stick with the plan since it required giving up many of my daily staples ~ caffeine, beer and sweets. The first couple weeks were hard and I had many of the detox symptoms that Gittleman describes. After the first 2 weeks I was able to add some wonderful new foods to the diet, including spelt bread, organic coffee and sweet potatoes. I started the plan in October and am down 25 pounds, my cholesterol dropped 50 points and my severe PMS has vanished. I've never been on a diet where I was still losing weight this far into the plan. Another 12 lbs. and I will reach my goal! Quit looking for the magic pill and buy this book!
Rating:  Summary: Great information, impossible diet Review: First off, I have to give kudos to anyone who has been able to stick to this diet. That shows a great deal of determination that I apparently don't have. Gittleman's book is full of great information--the importance of liver health, things that cause one to hold onto fat, nutrients that are important for health, and the Clorox soak (a way of treating non-organic vegetables to rid them of chemicals and help them to last longer in the fridge). However, I found the diet itself nearly impossible. I just simply don't have the lifestyle necessary to keep it up. For example, on my first day of Phase 1, my job required that I spend an entire afternoon in an Archives. That meant that by the time I came out, I had three 8-oz glasses of cran-water to drink because I couldn't do it during the afternoon. I also substitute teach, which means that if I get called in at the last minute, I don't always have time to prepare my daily bulk of meals, cranwater, etc. Even more so, the first day, I had a headache worse than any I have ever had in my life. Gittleman says this would happen because of the detox process. However, I should not have had one that was so severe, since I have been using Reliv, a product that has superior (and easier) detoxing capabilities. I also cringe a bit towards diets that villainize certain foods. Gittleman treated most carbs as bad, craving-causing, and fattening. As a person who enjoys her pasta on occasion, this was rather disheartening. I hated feeling like my occasional craving for a slice of pizza or a candy bar was a sign of weakness or that my body chemistry was in control. I don't want to say that this diet doesn't work or is impossible, I just want to demonstrate that what looks so easy on paper is much harder in real life.
Rating:  Summary: Fat Flush Flunkie Review: Like the previous reviewer, I tried the Fat Flush plan with high hopes and spent a pretty penny on supplements etc. While I noticed that yes, I did lose weight quickly in the first week (about 5 lbs.), I believe this is mostly water weight. I gained it back in two days and that is as far as I got. I wish I could tell you more. I just couldn't stand the lack of flavor in all my foods. No pepper, no salt, no sugar, no fats, no carbohydrates, no flavor. The recipes offer guidelines for cooking, yet they generally result in what tastes like overspiced cardboard. Apparently, if you make it past the first 2-3 weeks it gets better but the lack of joy I experience while eating left me angry and moody. I have now switch to a different diet that allows me to eat sensibly and I have experienced sucess. I have energy, I'm alert, I feel strong, and most importantly, I am excited. Despite my lack of success with the Plan, I have taken bits that are helpful. I still use the supplements, use psyllium husks, and drink shakes with the flax oil and I believe there is some solid advice in her book. However, for me the beginning of this course caused me to drop her class. If you are okay with restrictive diets and eating is just a function you perform to stay alive, this may be the diet for you.
Rating:  Summary: fat flush plan Review: I bought the Fat Flush Plan, went out and spent about $150 on the supplements, vegetables, fruits, proteins, and cranberry juice, and now it's been two weeks, and I have to say, I'm disappointed. I wasn't expecting a miracle, but I've only lost 5 pounds, I've been miserable with mood swings and acne problems, and it's actually given me more cramps then before!! I was so upset to see the results. I've switched to another diet, and I feel less sluggish, more alert and energetic, and I can eat more food than before! I'm sorry, but Fat Flush just didn't work for me.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoy changing your life Review: Here's a diet that isn't a diet -- a) because there is such a wide and delicious variety of foods and b) because it really is about changing how your treat yourself and your body. We found this browsing for another diet book and started the intensive 2-week cleansing plan on New Year's day. My partner and I have each lost about 7 pounds, with loads of energy to spare. We're experimenting with soup stocks, eating lots of fruit, and finding ways to deal with not having sugar, salt, alcohol, caffeine, oils (except flax seed oil) and any grains or flours. Once we "graduate" to phase 2, there are broader choices and in phase 3, we will monitor how our bodies respond to adding different items, within reason. We love it and have been recommending it to friends, family, bank tellers, etc. It does take some work to be organized to cook and if you are on a tight budget, you'll need to plan a bit more. Check out www.fatflush.com for more info. Yes, even with the website, the book is a must. Tara
Rating:  Summary: Fat Flush is an Eye Opening Diet Review: Fat Flush Plan, is a great book to get your body in exactly health from the inside out. I highly recommend this book for any one that is wanting to detoxify your body of the garbage that is put in use on a daily basis. ALso loss those unwantwed pounds at the same time. It has changed my life and is plan that is eaisly followed.
Rating:  Summary: The Fat Flush Plan Review: This book saved my life. Using this plan for 6 months I lost 66 pounds. I no longer need BP meds. My allergies are gone. My knees & back no longer hurt. I have more energy than I've had in years. I feel better than I've ever felt in my entire life. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to be healthy and feel great.
Rating:  Summary: Fat Flush is great Review: The Fat Flush Book, Cookbook and Journal are awesome. I've lost those last ten and kept them off while using the books. I've been extremely happy and it's easy.