Rating:  Summary: What a great light Viktor Frankl was in our universe Review: This is a beautiful, wonderful book about the salvation of man. A while ago I had done much research into the holocaust, and I find it very unfortunate I did not find this book then. Viktor Frankl was a man to whom life was beloved. He found meaning in his darkest hour, and lived to teach the world a great lesson. It is a novel about death and suffering, and those souls who decided to shine in a sea of darkness. It should be a mandatory read in our high schools, for all our youth, so that they may learn respect and be left amazed by a great man. A man by the name of Viktor Frankl.
Rating:  Summary: It has given me hope Review: I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I am 41 years old with two small children. I was finding it hard to find something to hold on to after getting the news. This book has helped put the cancer in perspective and is giving me the courage and encouragement to keep on living...no matter what. And if I die, then there has to be meaning in my life before then. I am now beginning to understand that I should not ask what can I get out of life, but what does life expect from me. This is a WONDERFUL and INSPIRATIONAL book that I recommend for anyone suffering from any tragic cirucmstance...cancer, death in the family, divorce, etc. All of the phsychiatric nonsense might help (I doubt it), but this book will get you on the right road.
Rating:  Summary: Applicable to any life situation Review: When I sat down to read this book, the last thing I expected was a lesson in how to manage people; that's what I got though! I had just left an assignment whose management I had difficulties with, but couldn't really understand why. This book put in perspective for me everything that went wrong. It was also meaningful to my experience as an elementary school teacher, a daughter and sister, and every other role I have in life. I will read this book every few years at least, and expect it to apply to whatever situation I'm in. I didn't read the second part about logotherapy, though. The change was too abrubt for me.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: I have read this book (but in translation to Thai language). This is a good book which can show you the way of how you should think and handle with your life. Writer's experience is so valueable and it's the good oppurtunity for us to know a part of this special man
Rating:  Summary: A definite "must have". . . . . . . Review: Wow - what an exceptional book written by an exceptional man. If you read this book and still feel in despair because the waitress was too slow serving you, or your food was too cold at lunch time, you need to read it again. This is a story of the absolute "will" of the human spirit. If we have meaning to our lives, we can overcome anything. Victor Frankl is an absolute shining symbol of that human spirit. To overcome the horror and absolute hell on Earth of the Nazi Death Camps is itself a monument to the spirit of man but to then go on and help others grow and become more at peace with themselves through Logotherapy is absolutely amazing. Reading this book helps you put your life into perspective and helps you see the trivialities of the things that we sometimes spend too much time worrying about. I got soooooooooo much from this book and I will be reading it again. My advice - quit whining about things, don't buy the stuff off the T.V, just read this book.
Rating:  Summary: If you're searching--you'll find the meaning in this book! Review: I don't exaggerate when I say this book changed my life. To comprehend what someone in a concentration camp went through, and then to see them become a better person from it is not only heart-warming, but inspirational as well. Frankl's essential message, that no matter what situation we find ourselves in we have the ability to choose our outlook and attitude, rings truer than I could have imagined. His thoughts and reflections have helped me shape my own outlook on life, and I have become a happier person as a result. I recommend this book to anyone of any age who understands that beyond all the hassles of everyday life there lies something more--something sacred inside ourselves that empowers us to be whatever we want to be.
Rating:  Summary: I just want to see what soom one else wrote Review: I just want to see what someone else wrot
Rating:  Summary: Search No More Review: I read this book at the bidding of a personal friend and colleague of Dr. Frankl's. Feeling depressed, hopeless, and agitated at the time, I couldn't imagine how a book could help. Not far into Dr. Frankl's story of the fathomless horrors of his existence in a Nazi concentration camp, I began to "get it." The most important lesson for me was the evidence of the power of the human psyche and spirit which I believe we all possess. This book lifted me in a way I could not have imagined, and I am grateful for having been referred to it. While I'm not a licensed psychologist, I would suggest that this book is a must read for anyone suffering from depression. Read it, and free your spirit!
Rating:  Summary: Everyone should read this book Review: In general, only by going though hell and emerging out the other side can you have any profound insite in spiritual matters, such as the mother of all spiritual questions: What is the meaning of life? Nazi concentrations camps were about as hellish as life on earth can be. I read this book every few years, and every time I read it it seems to apply to my current life, and I always take away new insites. This book is divided into two parts: The first is a summary of Viktors awful experience in the concentration camps, and the second part is a philosphical and psychological descrition of logotherapy, and how it emerged from Viktor's experiences. Be prepared for this shift. In some ways, I wanted to continue to read about Viktor's experiences and felt the second part about logotherapy was an intrusion, but on balance I think it works perfectly.