Rating:  Summary: The Four Agreements Don't Pull Through Review: Quite simply, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz just doesn't concur. Though written to achieve a genuine (yet impractical) cause, its expression that the book will "rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love" is quite far fetched. Using dramatic, underlying imagery, Ruiz takes the reader through a journey of tales, traveling to picturesque scenes that attempt to transform the reader into a very own student of the Mexican Toltec beliefs. However, in order to achieve true happiness through this lyrical expedition, the reader must apply various themes into his or her life that would take constant dedication and a reversal of many modern beliefs. Frankly, it would take a universal commitment to change the negative, global aura this book attempts to dispel. On the contrary, the book creates a fresh entry into the world of self-help books. Another similar work written two years after The Four Agreements was first published, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, was said to have been confusing and falls short of any success. Ruiz is more clear in language and friendly in tone. Very unique in the genre of self-help books, The Four Agreements uses the practices of the Toltecs to attempt life transformation. If everyone in this world practiced the beliefs in the book, humankind would be beyond a system of peace and harmony. It is very evident, though, that not everyone will read the book and, clearly, Ruiz's vision of pure contentment will not exist past the pages of The Four Agreements.
Rating:  Summary: Simple But Powerful Life Changing Words Review: Don Miguel Ruiz offers four agreements that seem so simple. However, it has been three years since I first read this book and I still have to remind myself of the lessons. It takes dilligence and committment to lead the Toltec way of life. Don't pass up this opportunity to find your unique path through this maze of life. I liked this book so much that I added it to the suggested reading list inside my own book titled, Rat Race Relaxer: Your Potential & The Maze of Life .Also recommended: Four Agreements Companion Book by Don Miguel Ruiz
Rating:  Summary: Change Your Life -- Start TODAY! Review: Don Miguel Ruiz offers four agreements that seem so simple. However, it has been three years since I first read this book and I still have to remind myself of the lessons. It takes diligence and commitment to follow the lessons of the Toltec way of life. Simple doesn't mean easy because The Four Agreements show the reader ways to examine the things you say to yourself and others. Ruiz calls your value system your "book of law" and challenges you to think about how these "laws" are sometimes harmful, untrue and unnecessary. I have purchased this book for others. I have recommended it to everyone who brings up a book for discussion. But, I have rarely parted with my own copy of The Four Agreements because I leave it on my nightstand and routinely refer back to the seemingly simple words. Don't pass up this opportunity to find your unique path through this maze of life. Also recommended: Rat Race Relaxer: Your Potential & The Maze of Life by JoAnna Carey; Four Agreements Companion Book by Don Miguel Ruiz
Rating:  Summary: Wisdom of the Ancient Toltec....speaks now. Review: How books come to our awareness is magical, and purposeful, and speaks to our desire for information and knowledge to uplift us and take us to new realms of our hearts desires...our deepest hearts desires. This is a lovely book...easy to read and absorb. Take what resonates with you and see what happens! The special prayer that connects us to experience a communion with our Creator was lovely, and felt wonderful, and the words of the prayers were beautiful words and here is One now...."Thank you for living inside me with all your love, with your pure and boundless spirit, with your warm and radiant light." Please know that the energy creating the emotion is Love.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book - so helpful!! Review: This book is one of my all-time favorites. I just bought it for everyone on my holiday gift list. Ruiz has done a terrific job at showing us how to appreciate ourselves through the Four Agreements.
Rating:  Summary: A good book but perhaps overrated... Review: The early chapters on how we come to be "domesticated" and why we need to be impeccable in our speach are well argued and worth the price of the book. The sections that follow are less interesting and seem to be a restatement of common themes. Also, the lessons of the Toltecs seem to be taken directly from the Carlos Casteneda series, perhaps because there was no new material to suggest otherwise. The audio reading by Peter Coyote is excellent and you do get to learn the pronunciations of words like tonal, nagual, and mitote. All in all, an okay book for adults - a great book for kids.
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing and Life Affirming Review: This small book is a tiny wonder. It points out four simple tenets to live by in order to turn your life around and embrace happiness. At Christmas, I bought 10 of these books and gave them as gifts to my ten closest acquaintences. Some may not read this right away, for you only learn or hear when you are ready. There will come the day when curious they pick it up and read it. THEN they will understand what a real gift it is! It is a short read with examples of each agreement - all the better to understand exactly what is meant. I highly recommend all of Don Miguel Ruiz' books but start reading with this one.
Rating:  Summary: Is this a book for everyone? Yes. And no. Review: I was on something of a spiritual quest when I came across don Miguel Ruiz's book at a local store. I looked inside the front flap and found 4 very simple statements, the truth of which were obvious: 1. Be impeccable with your word. 2. Don't take anything personally. 3. Don't make assumptions. 4. Always do your best. They resonated with me: I'd been trying to live my life by those four concepts for years, but had never seen them stated so succinctly. They were so plain to me that I actually considered not buying the book. I'm glad I did, though, because I now have the opportunity to share its ideas with others. The greatest misfortune of this book is that it's not really written for those who already understand what it's driving at; its congenial second-person style can come off a bit high-handed and superior at times, sort of an "I've discovered this but you haven't" tone. If you live by the second agreement, this isn't a particular problem, though. But as nice a read as it is for those who understand its concepts, I have to wonder if the tone isn't a bit off-putting to those who have yet to overcome the stumbling blocks of their own negative agreements. I tell people to pick up the book and read the inside front flap--if the text there resonates with them and they feel they can gain something from this book, they will. If the agreements read like gibberish, or they're attempted to dismiss the book out of hand as yet another handful of spiritual SRIs for the spiritually depressed, I recommend they steer clear from it. There are things in this book that can sting those who are unprepared for the spiritual path beyond its gates. For those, I recommend Robert Fisher's THE KNIGHT IN RUSTY ARMOR as a gentler introduction to what is, after all, a difficult but truly satisfying road to travel.
Rating:  Summary: simple and encompassing Review: Lighten up your life! Many of us drag around so much mind muddle and emotional baggage. Why? Because we simply insist on it. The four agreements are liberating. They teach you how to leave the heavy, unnecessary garbage(really) and move on with the most important essential of your life---you...your spirit. Although this book takes the concepts of many other Life teachers and condenses wisdom into four agreements don't mistake it for a fast-food-take-out type of enlightenment. The lessons go deep, give light to your soul and take away invisible weight(enlightening), and you do have to take time to let the concepts sink in and apply to your situation. The book is full of wisdom that lend you clarity and can help you find your own in-sights and who you are and not what the outside world dictates. You may, as I have, get something out of the discussion on invisible agreements --- the existence of cultural and social mores that affect our lives only because we have agreed to let them rule our lives, as we didn't know any better at the time. Once you learn to identify the invisible agreements that limit you, it becomes so much easier to "break" from those agreements and unshackle your spirit. Read this book for the four agreements; For learning to identify limiting beliefs & sedentary habits, To learn about the "The Thousand Voices" inside of you and how to quiet them. Life get's easier and better when you can use simple, effective tools like these.
Rating:  Summary: Lovely... Review: This is one of my favourite books I have read in a long time. This book is based on Toltec teachings and ways of living and loving. It gave me a new perception on life as I knew it. Take the time to read this, you won't regret it!