Rating:  Summary: The biggest hoax ever. It makes you puke :( Review: I know so much about electricity and I know a lot about Human Health. This book is the worst ever. It is the biggest LIE on Earth. I never ever read anything this stupid. Don't even think to buy it. I've read some so-so books, but this is totally out of control. If somebody pays for this book, it will be total waste of time and money. Don't go into the trap. Authors like this laugh all the way to the bank...Respectfully, Tatiana
Rating:  Summary: The day that changed our lives Review: April 24, 2001. We woke up early that morning to a strange sound in our 3 yr old son's room. He was in the middle of a Grand Mal Seizure. I had never seen a seizure. After an intense seizure there is what they call a "Post Dictal" period. I thought my son was dead. My wife and I were hysterical. The next 3 months were a blur of hospitals, Neurologists, and EEG's. My son was on 3 medications, officially diagnosed as epileptic, and he condition was unstable at best. My wife read an article about this book, "The Cure For All Diseases", and how a family in a similar situation as ours had found complete healing for their son. We have instituted Dr. Clark's recommendations into our home. My son is completely off medication, and has been since we started this program. The Grand Mal seizures went away almost immediately. He did have one in July and one in August. Since then zero. He has had small "drop" seizures on and off. However, the totally seizure free periods are getting longer and longer. We are seeing great results. It is now January 22, 2002 and my boy is returning to the playful, excited, wonderful 3 yr old he was on April 23, 2001.
Rating:  Summary: Paranoia? Maybe.. interesting reading? DEFINATELY Review: Hulda Clark is perhaps one of the most maligned authors about modern alternative medicine. This books is well written, provides clear and, for the most part, direct information about the root causes of illness and environmental health concerns. Most people may have trouble handling the instructions as they are VERY different lifestyle changes in some instances, but I believe that my health has been improved by implementing a few of the less challenging changes. (the parasite and liver cleanses, drinking water, re-sterilization of milk products, and awareness of pets) More than worth it to get the book and at least consider a few changes.. you'll body will thank you for it!
Rating:  Summary: Zappers work Review: Thank you Dr. Clark for your zapper technology. I have gotten rid of colds and sore throats overnight with that thing. I have built a number of zappers using the schematic in your book and given them to friends who report similar good results. It is important to follow the procedure exactly as Dr. Clark states it to get results. I managed to to get the components into a small plastic project box with a battery compartment that's much more portable than a shoebox so I can travel with it easily. I'd like to hear from others who have used zappers or are interested. I have also done the liver cleanse with great results and find it unfortunate that the medical community does not use this all the time. My mother just had her gall bladder removed last month and it possibly could have been prevented with regular cleanses. Overall, this book is probably well ahead of the current state of medicine. I know that if I had a life threatening disease, among the first things I would do would be to follow Dr. Clarks programs for that disease exactly as she states in the book. I have recommended this book to a number of people and will continue to do so.
Rating:  Summary: Health in your hands Review: I found this book to make the most sense of illness and she shows you simple ways to help yourself. I feel she may go to extremes but you can read her book and help yourself and improve and the things you feel are to extreme for you don't do. But as you do some of the things she suggest and there is a change then you may want to try some of the other things. It was just great to read that we have contol over our health if we take the time to learn and improve our lifes. Good luck to you I know it has helped me and I have passed it on to many others. Read it if you really want to change your life and look at sickness in another light.
Rating:  Summary: OK, getting back down to Earth... Review: There's all kinds of quacks and snake-oil salespeople. The worse are the kind that take advantage of those with terminal diseases. I don't think she's evil, just needs psychiatric help. She talks about a miraculous "zapper" that kills all the bugs in your body. If such a cure were true, you would have seen it on 60 minutes. But she says there's a "conspiracy" against her (how conveeeeeeeenient). She and her son make a lot of money with these zappers and other products. To get a perspective on her, her arrest warrants, the lawsuits and everything else, go to quackwatch.com, click SEARCH and type in her name (Hulda Clark). Boy, you're in for a surprise. (NOTE: The doctor that runs quackwatch does a good job, but he also targets legitimate alternative medicines and new diagnoses such as Candida Related Complex, not to mention that he dismisses organic food as an expensive hoax! So take him with a grain of salt). It's not ALL bad: Some people swear by those liver flushes. But that idea isn't hers (and she actually admits it). Also, checking yourself from parasites and removing toxic chemicals from your home is not a bad idea either. Again, NOTHING NEW. For all of you weaklings searching for the new Messiah, or all you delusional stoners and other unbalanced supersticious kinds, I HIGHLY recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: PROBLEM HANDLED! Review: Thank you Hulga Clark! This book should be required reading for every medical professional and first year med student. Dr. Clark's simple handling methods for many conditions make the current medical system look barbaric. I recently did her procedure for a liver flush. For years I've been suffering with a number of chemical sensitivities (paint, carpet odors, detergents, etc.) and many food allergies (dairy, potatoes, sugar snacks). I did the flush as outlined and what came out of my liver was, well...shocking. Dozens of large green stones and hundreds of smaller pea sized stones along with lots of yellow mush. The day after I felt absolutely fantastic!!! My sensitivities have dramatically lessened and I've been able to start eating starches and diary slowly again without the stomach upset I used to get. Thanks Dr. Clark! You are on the right track. The trick is to get accumulated junk out of us, not pump drugs and pills into us. I and my liver love ya! ;-) Jon
Rating:  Summary: Problem handled! Review: Thank you, Dr.Clark! This book should be the bible of every single medical professional and it should be required reading for every single med student. The medical community looks really barbaric when you see the results from the simple handling methods Dr. Clark outlines. For me, I've been plauged with a very serious chemical sensitivity for years; carpet odors, clothes detergents, soaps, paint smell, etc. I've also been experiencing a number of food allergies that made my sentivity worse when I'd eat those foods. A buddy of mine suggested that I do Dr. Clark's "liver flush". What came out of my liver was...well, unbelievable. Dozens of major sized green stones, hundreds and hundreds of small pea sized stones and lots of yellow mush. In the days that followed, the things that bothered me suddenly didn't bother me anymore. I've even been able to eat many of the foods again that heightened my sensitivities like potatoes and dairy. THANK YOU, Dr. Clark!! Problem handled!!
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Clark saved my life!!!!!! Review: Approximately 3 years ago I bought the book in a health store. They also had zappers available. I had suffered from severe, debilitating chronic depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, horrible allergies, and gastrointestinal troubles (constipation, gas & bloating). When I read that depression was the result of roundworm infestation in the brain, I was sickened. I used the zapper every evening. At first I was fatigued after its use, and my elimination was nothing like before (PUTRID & A LOT OF WIERD STUFF). After approximately 4 days, I felt like a different person. The only way to describe it was that it was sunny--everything around me, and I felt great--full of energy, hope, happiness and confidence. These were not attributes I had before I used the zapper....I guarantee to you all, whether you understand it or not, use it...you will be so glad...I am 42 now, and I am the healthiest person I know. I never get sick...my own children, 23 and 19, call me a machine, because I have more stamina and energy than they do...I am healthier and happier than either of them. Yet they still don't get it...I'm just glad I did....all those years of misery had led me to contemplate suicide...I'm so grateful that I found this great tool before I did something so detrimental to myself and my family....TRY IT....WHATEVER YOUR AILMENTS, YOU WILL BE VERY PLEASED WITH THE RESULTS....GOOD LUCK....
Rating:  Summary: She is right? Review: I got this book, built the simple electronic device and my flu and cold was gone 2 hours after following her instructions. The book is written for anyone to follow and it will make perfect sense to you. You will however, become angry with the so called "established" method of healing that our country has in place, because it is for nothing but making money. You can take care of your entire family with this book.