Rating:  Summary: Buy and READ this book if you want to get and stay well Review: Dr. Clark's research and suggestions are being followed by my family: 9 children and 7 adults residing in two states. The results are amazing and remarkable! The biggest gift we were given is one male adult's 35-year case of psoriasis are going away before our eyes! It is incredible because medical doctors have never managed such excellent results. So far, two adults did the kidney and liver cleanses with EXCELLENT results including relief from indigestion, psoriasis improved quicker, weight loss amongst other improvements. In addition, migraines have disappeared in the female adults, commonly occurring ear infections and stomach flu in the children have also disappeared when the parasite program started. Using colloidal silver has caused toe, toenail and fingernail fungus to clear up completely. Doctors have been amazed at the results; their recommendation was to continue doing whatever we're doing! I cannot praise this book enough, and it is a "must buy" for everyone! Tell your friends and family if you care about them. Being the writer of this review, I must add that I have NOT been sick since I started zapping and doing the parasite program. Everyone around me at work was sick during allergy and flu season this winter except me. I also gained great relief from the liver cleanse and can't stop talking about it. Hurry......empower yourself and make your own decisions for your health instead of allowing the government and powerful drug companies to make decision that ultimately kill us and make them rich!
Rating:  Summary: Cutting Edge Research Review: Dr. Clark makes so much sense... she boils all disease down to parasites, bacteria and chemical toxins and she tells you HOW to get rid of them from your home and from your body... I have done the parasite cleanse and the liver cleanse... it is absolutely fascinating... the parasite cleanse takes just under 3 weeks and is gentle on the body... Some of the resources listed in the back are not available but your best bet is to go to Self Health and Kroeger (they have a great parasite herb blend that has the black walnut already in it)... The liver cleanse works EXACTLY the way she explains... I have done it three times now... also look at www.curezone.come which is where I orignially found her book... they give tips on the cleanses and how to get that awful epsom salts down for the liver cleanse... the liver cleanse removes gallstones non-surgically and I had many between the size of a pea and a marble come out... it is NOT painful (other than taking the epsom salts which also really "cleans" you out -- but, no pun intended, that is what we're after here... cleansing...) It is my opinion that Dr. Clark is like so many other great people who have come before us... her ideas are not mainstream but they just make too much sense to overlook... she is cutting edge... One of our lessons is that health is something we have to do for ourselves and I believe Dr. Clark gives some very good tools to help people.. I have not done everything she recommends and part of that is that it takes a while to change process but she has certainly opened my eyes... As a result of asthma, I have tried to remove chemical cleaners as much as possible and I disinfect with vodka and water... sounds crazy but it's not... good luck!!!
Rating:  Summary: Applying The Wisdom Review: Greetings zapper fans... I had a friend stop by a few weeks back. We dirped him on the Fscan2, and took a closer look in the range for the HPV that he had at that time. I then plugged in additional frequency sets from Dr. Hulda Clark's "A Cure For All Diseases" for these... He zapped for an hour or so on the Fscan 2. This was a Sunday ( I guess you could say we were doing the work of the Lord ;) Within 48 hours on a Tuesday, he called and reported that they had dissappeared. He was also using a cream, but this had never had any success, and certainly had NEVER made them dissappear. He was VERY pleased... imagine that... no more sexual warts or veneral disease. I understand from both academic sources, and from personal experience (friends reporting) that there is an EPIDEMIC of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Frequency medicine along with the proper protocal http://www.livingnow.net/vanderpool/ are EXCELLENT to eliminate this most cruel and nasty affliction. I can't say my friend is "cured", but I can say the warts are GONE. So, the moral of the story is (no pun intended :))) if you or a "loved one" has sexually transmitted warts, particularly the HPV there is help, and the little warts can be delt with, and sent back to VIRAL HELL where they belong. (Or do they reincarnate as a tapeworm?) I laugh, and play, but I am DEAD SERIOUS about the dissappearance of the warts. The frequencies are those listed in Clark's book "The Cure For All Disease", and also we ran the hits on the Fscan 2 as well... actually we ran the hits that the DIRP came up with first, and then went in with the precision "bombing" of the HBV ... Mission accomplished. P.S. it has been over three weeks now,,, and he is still clear of the Genital and anal warts - caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States ... Zapping with the Fscan 2 cleared away these monsters, and I am happy my buddy is now "wart free".
Rating:  Summary: great book, bad company management Review: I've known about this book for years, since it came out, but I was always turned off by the hideously new-agey cover and the similarly crackpot sounding title. I read extensively about health and alternative medicine, but am very critical of all new-agey approaches that emphasize the idea that the source of illness is spiritual or psychological (not that this is not possible, but I believe it is rare - not at all the cause of the vast majority of illnesses). I'm not sure what compelled me to finally buy the book, maybe curiosity. But I was surprised and delighted to find that it is based on physical, biological issues in the body (namely, toxins and parasites). The methods of ridding the body of these disease-causing elements are both eccentric (using electricity) and traditional (herbal formulas). I have not built the infamous zapper yet, but out of curiosity I might, since I am familiar with some of the other uses of electricity in medicine (eg, the Rife machine), and know it has benefitted people in those circumstances. So far I have found the pet parasite elimination program very helpful, as well as the mold-reducing hygiene tips (soak grains and dried fruit in vitamin c solution to de-mold them - and they taste so much better! non-soaked items now taste musty to me). My caveat is the following: I was compelled to do some research on this book, and on Hulda Clark. (I am a professional researcher working on a PhD in the humanities, so it's my instinct to check resources as best I can). What I have discovered so far is this: I have read that Hulda Clark died recently (though I haven't confirmed the details on this), and that she seems to have signed off certain rights to a person by the name of David Amrein, who is now the president of the "Dr. Hulda Clark Research Association." The problem I have is that David is a MBA-weilding Scientologist (this is confirmed by several sources, including a Scientologist-run website), and is using the methods of Scientology to profit off of Hulda's work, and is implementing questionable marketing tactics in the manner of aggressive, multi-level marketing style ploys that the Scientologists traditionally engage in, and in effect is destroying the potential for integrity and recognition that this work might otherwise be able to attain. What this means is that when you try to do a search on Hulda Clark, you get dozens if not hundreds of websites that are all marketing stuff - stuff that is not necessary to purchase (Hulda has instructions on building the necessary equipment yourself at hardly any cost, and the herbs are all available from any herbal medicine supplier). The whole work of Dr. Clark's is sadly going through a major cult-branding (to see this dynamic on another - although toxic - substance, run an internet search on Klamath lake blue-green algae, and you'll see a similar pattern. And there are numerous products out there that are traceble back to Clearwater, Florida, and Scientology marketing gimmiks). There is no record that Dr. Clark herself was a Scientologist, and by the absence of marketing in her work it seems she was not. This is unfortunate, because this kind of marketing is misleading, and clogs up internet search engines for people trying to do legitimate research on a product. If you do do research, note you will also find information written by anti-alternative medicine people and organizations (quackwatch) about the "scandalous" fact that Dr. Clark had a medical degree from a correspondence school. So what? Her previous graduate education was accredited. She's a trained researcher, whether or not she's a licenced doctor. Many MDs are ivy-leage certificated, but morons when it comes to healing people. I base my judgement on the integrity of the research in relation to other work in the field (ie, alternative medicine), as well as on it's ability to affect positive change in my own biological existence, which this work has. It's just a shame that it's been turned into a marketing monster.
Rating:  Summary: This book will absolutely change your life! Review: I am a teacher from Indiana and have been "into" self-help for some 22 years, ie: homeopathic medicines, bio-feedback, better nutrition, etc. My father died of Lou Grehrig's Disease (ALS) and my seemingly "very healthy" sister died of cancer at 41, so this prompted me to look constantly for better information and up-to-date self-help ideas. Then 2 1/2 years ago a friend told me about Dr. Clark's ideas and about this book. It has dramatically changed my beliefs and my practices about staying healthy! I immediately built a "zapper" and yes, it sounded too "hokey" to be true. My first true test came the day I came home from school "coming down" with strep throat that was going around at school. My son had a varsity basketball game that night that I couldn't miss, so I "zapped" all the way to the game, 45 miles away. As I went into the gym I realized my symptoms were gone and I honestly felt good! I have not progressed into a cold, flu, or illness for 2 1/2 years since using the zapper. My husband has even become a believer (and he is the ultimate SKEPTIC!) I have also followed Clark's suggestions for removing the amalgam fillings from my teeth (both my father and my sister were completely "filled up" with silver amalgams and I was too!) It's taken me 2 years, and THANK GOD the dentist that Dr. Clark recommends, Dr. Jerome, lives in Columbus, IN, just 35 miles away! I can tell my health constantly improves as the fillings go! Also, Dr. Clark's explanations about parasites make very good sense. I've been keeping a log of the people in our community who have chronic illnesses or have died of cancer, and in practically every single case these people have pets INSIDE the home. It makes me want to share this incredible book with all of these unsuspecting families! Please buy this book to share with your family - it can save your life and theirs!
Rating:  Summary: Tim's been busy Review: With all the positive reviews for this labarynth of lies I assume Hulda Clark's publicist, Tim Bolen has been sending in multiple reviews. It can't be real cancer patients sending in reviews, they all die of cancer. If Hulda Clark is correct, then why not cure people of cancer in the US? Why not allow the system to be clinically trialled? If it's financial reward she seeks, proving her system works will lead to a nobel prize which has a $1,000,000. In fact she would likely win multiple nobel prizes. This book can be reviewed with one simple word. QUACK!
Rating:  Summary: A must read for everyone Review: As a diabetic , With only 1 week into beginning of the program, I can see a dramatic improvement with my sugar levels. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in total health. Ted T.
Rating:  Summary: How not to get sick Review: I zapped and rifed and detoxed and it helped some I guess. But, is there a better way? Can stinking thinking get us sick in the first place? For healing of the soul first, check out "Deadly emotions" by Dr. Don Colbert and "A More Excellent Way" by Henry Wright. These books talk about biblical pronciples -- but don't let that scare you off. They work no matter hwat you believe.
Rating:  Summary: Doug Review: (...)is an easy task to see if this is true or not. It's called a "controlled experiment" similar to the one my dad's friend underwent with prostate cancer. He too went through the HD Clark regimine, among other 'cure cancer' treatments on the market, with one exception: his Tcell count for cancer was monitored every six months by a cancer center in San Diego, CA. It was a simple test. When cancer cells in the body reach a certain level, known by blood tests, the subject is in danger of death. This conclusion is arrived at by years of practical research that shows exactly that conclusion. No one disputes that claim. When a person has a certatin number of cancer cells in his body, the cancer matastisizes (travels to other body parts), and he dies unless he takes action. If cancer matatisizes, and travels to other parts of the body, you're pretty much dead. That's why the skin cancer melanoma is so feared--it has a tendency to break away form the skin and travel to other body parts. But back to my dad's friend. After a year of Clarks and others' remedies, the cancer cell count was so high the doctor told him in no uncertain words, "If you do not do something now, you're going to die." He had the prostate surgery, non invasive, and within 6 months his cell count was back to normal. Now that is a good experiment. It takes the diagnosis of a subject, in indisputable terms--that he has cancer--then monitors 'remedies' by testing every so often for cell counts. This is something that Clark did not do. I know there is no way to convince people of what they want to believe, but if you care about living, just make sure you allow established science to monitor, through controlled experiments, your body's progress, or not, using alternative methods. If you still don't believe in established science, then at least you have made an informed decision to die. If my dad's friend had not done just that, science told him he would have long ago been a dead man--but her's the rub--no one can prove that because he decided to have the established medical proceedure. However, others with his same condition have died because they did not have the medical proceedures, and many have died using 'Clark type' methods, whereas those with similar cancers did not die using established science. This is one way in which science works: It takes past knowledge and applies that to future, similar circumstances. Sure, science makes errors, and you can be a guinea pig if you want to. The stakes are your life though. So ignore what you wish and die well if you wish. For me, given the information I have read, this is quack works. It is suprious. So when someone says "X worked for me" ask them how they know that. Ask them is they were part of a controlled experiment. Ironically, HD Clarks brother died after receiving tratments from his sister and was proclaimed 'cured.' He died several months later of cancer. Excerpted from the essay above, which is completely cited and supported: "None of the reports provides any basis for concluding that Clark's treatment has the slightest value. The majority of the people described in the 103 case reports did not have cancer. Of those that did, most had received standard medical treatment or their tumors were in their early stages. In these cases, Clark pronounced them cured but did not follow what happened after they left her clinic -- so she could not possibly know how they did afterward. In some cases, she counted patients as cured even though she noted that they died within a few weeks after she treated them. Two people who seem knowledgeable have informed me that Clark's brother, Henry Regehr, died of cancer despite treatment by her."