Rating:  Summary: Good Guideline Review: I have used the lemonade drink as part of my diet. I do have a little weight to lose and tried to go on a 10 day but my occupation at the moment doesn't allow me the luxury of letting my body have 'cleansing' symptoms and I got too weak and light headed. So I have used the drink as long as I can in the day and eat foods that I love when I feel I need it. I think this works for me since I am losing; just not as quickly but I don't mind. It keeps me balanced and prevents me from over eating and from unhealthy lifestyle. When I have some time off, I will try for longer duration but it works just as well- makes me feel and look lighter and happier.
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT BOOK! Review: Please don't look at this as just a diet.This cleanser is a total detoxification for the body. I am 5'8" and 128 pounds..I started this cleanser because I was tired of eating junk and I was SO sluggish in the mornings..I suffered from ulcers, low blood pressure, sugar cravings, toothaches, pms etc...you name I had it..Five days into this cleanser my energy went thru the roof. I required only about four hours sleep resulting from the detoxification process. My blood pressure's normal. My ulcers healed. The sugar cravings have disappeared. No toothpain. I was also an allergy sufferer,which I am no longer..I suffered from these ailments for years..I paid thousands of dollars over the years for medications that never cured but only temporarily fixed the problem..The answer to all these problems I found was in a little fifty page book. Organic lemons, Organic maple syrup, Cayenne pepper and water has not only cured all of the above, I have no need to visit the physicians anymore. If you know anyone with an addiction of any of the above problems ,including smoking, don't hesitate to follow this program and by the way I started off at 133 pounds. I lost five pounds of toxins, waste and disease and kept the healthy tissue. I completed 15 days with no problem. In a few months I probably will continue. This is truly THE MASTER CLEANSER...GOOD LUCK!
Rating:  Summary: Energized Review: I have just completed the 10 day lemonade fast and I can truly say, this is the first time I have ever been able to stay on a fast this long. I have never gone more than 1 day without solid food. This diet has made a believer out of me. I could tell a difference in my energy level within the first two day and it has been great since. I have lost a total of 11 lbs. This is one of my greatest joys. (to God be the glory) I have to give God all the glory because without him I would not have been able to complete it. I committed my appetite into his care each night and morning and He gave me what I needed to stick to the plan. Now I am breaking the fast and as the book said, I must be careful not to overeat. I will need God as much and more now as I did during the fast. I recommend this diet to anyone interested in cleansing their system of toxins and wanting to lose weight.
Rating:  Summary: excellent reading and greater than great results! Review: how does 4 dress sizes in 37 days sound? then keep reading and don't falter!
Rating:  Summary: the best thing going Review: this cleanser is the best thing that could happen to any individual. I had poor blood circulation, and varicose veins. After a 21 day fast I was relieved of the tightness in my less the varicose veins had gone down and there was no pain at all. The book is so excellent in details and easy to follow instructions anyone would be able to get involved in the process. I found the book very informative as far as foundational information was concerned(like the medical information on lemons and the building blocks of protein and how the acids work in our bodies). The book is sooooooo (smile) valuable. I bought many of the books and share them with people wherever I find the need and people are open to receive. We as people have to be willing to let go of some of the things from tradition (ham hocks, chittlerings, bacon, etc.) and eat what is healthy for our bodies and leave our taste buds out of it. I would recommend this book to anyone as I speak I am now on the cleanser diet I plan to go the whole 40 days, I might stop at 34. I have been on 24 days. I hope to be consistant with my cleansing.
Rating:  Summary: No More Doctors! ever! Review: Coupled with Arnold Ehret's books, the master cleanser is all you'll ever need to master your health, your weight and your mind! It's amazing and intuitive that the simpler the cure, the more effective. I've always said that the universe was perfect from the start and was not waiting on the advent of lasers and little blue pills to make it so....(Part of the Health Niche Bookstore on my site). --Walt Walt Goodridge is the author of several books on success and health as well as author of the weekly Walt's Friday Inspirations.
Rating:  Summary: The easy way to conquer disease without doctor bills! Review: This book has got to be the fastest and easiest method for avoiding any kind of illness and recovering from most diseases that have not reached extremely advanced stages.This diet must be followed carefully to have the desired effect.This includes the sea salt and laxative herb tea regimens.This truly works.I encourage the whole world to try it.Good health to everyone!
Rating:  Summary: irreplaceable tool for a healthy lifestyle, it's my "Bible" Review: I first discovered the fast in Germany during my travels, but did not know it had a name. I was modeling & needed to lose weight. Another model gave me the formula, but only knew it "through the grapevine". In Europe, a commercialization of the fast is available in health food stores. It comes with a little pack of cayenne and directions, but the syrup is a combo of cane & grade B, which is not as good as organic dark Grade B. Several years ago, a company began marketing "Lemon Fast" in health food stores across the U.S. Again, it is the same as the European version. After researching, I discovered the Burroughs foundation in California and ordered several copies of the book from his daughter. I lost, in all, more than 30 pounds over a period of time. I now maintain a vegetarian/mostly vegan lifestyle and cleanse at least twice yearly for 10 days to 2 weeks. My energy is not decreased but instead soars. I am still a professional model. I hand out copies of the book to everyone who is interested and who questions me as to how I stay slim. I cannot tell you how many "normal people" have changed their lives following Mr. Burroughs program. And to think it was written over 50 years ago!! This is one book the drug companies would rather you not have, for sure. It cures everything, including my hypoglycemia, anemia, and cravings. It reassures one of the power of the mind and healing ability of the body. Stick with it for at least 10 days and remember, if you cheat, you're only cheating yourself. Good Luck Everyone. Health and Happiness. *P. FYI helpful hints... *We now have great 'diet teas' available at pharmacies and health food stores that contain psyllium husk or senna. This can be drunk the night before you begin your fast and again the following night, essentially eliminating the need for the uncomfortable internal-salt-water-bath. Have a diluted version first, as the strength of these items is not regulated and some are quite strong. And leave yourself a couple of hours the first morning to, well, eliminate. The discomfort will pass...get through the first two days and you're home free. Get through the first five and you don't even want the lemonade anymore. *If you feel a wave of nausia or a dizzy spell, it is your body eliminating toxins or passing waste out of your body. DO NOT think it is because you need food. It takes a 24-hr no-food period to begin the cleansing process & eating defeats all the work you've put into it. Breathe deep, and thank yourself for finally cleansing that stuff out. The feeling will pass in a few minutes. You may need to drink an elimination tea that night. *Try the mixture with lemon/lime combos and try it hot. It's delicious. Carry a small water bottle in your purse/case of the lemonade without water[concentrate]. Add to hot water or plain water at work or restaurants if you find you must accompany others. *Herbal tea and green tea is allowed, and helps to avoid caffeine headaches from your coffee withdrawl. It also gives you an alternative to the lemonade and keeps you hydrated. *Stay strong in your mind, focussed on your goal, and don't believe others who tell you you're crazy. They are silently envying your willpower. You don't know until you try
Rating:  Summary: The only practical way to do "internal housecleaning" Review: I found out about the master cleanser in 1981. I have done it myself and so have several relatives.After a few days your brain even feels clean. Oily skin clears up and you have an amazing feeling of elation and well-being.It can be hard to stay on if you have little will power.I did not like the taste of cayenne pepper in the actual drink so I put it in gelcaps and took one before drinking it. The salt water drink is also a quite gross.If you know someone with a disease or addiction get them on it for as long as it takes to cure them.IT WORKS !!!!
Rating:  Summary: Well, here's irony Review: The Book and method are both very good. Here's a tidbit of trivia not commonly known: Former members/survivors of the "Heaven's Gate" UFO cult, the one that had the mass suicide, a few years back used to use the master cleanser. A former member commented on the lucidy gained from the fast. It works. for most I guess.