Rating:  Summary: tired dribble Review: I read this book while sitting at my local Barnes and Nobles in about 1 hour. The easy of which I read this book is its only asset. The content however was the same lacluster dribble we have been hearing for years. Would it shock you the main premise of the book is your have to live a healthier live?!? If I wrote this same book, I would not sell more than a dozen copies. Dr. Phil mistakes common sense for originality. COmmon on folks we all know what we have to do in order to lose weight. Most of us just do not want the bother... Please save your money on this title and go for a walk, for as Dr. Phil says "walking is the best source for weight loss"...duh!?!...
Rating:  Summary: 6 ft tall 240LBS and he's a weight loss Guru ? Review: Despite the fact that Dr. Phil can afford to drop about 50 pounds, this a book is worth reading. The majority of our society needs to loss weight and any additional knowledge is a positive.What the hell , any attempts to improve your life is a good thing and this book will give you some good ideas and some motivation toward achieving your goals. Dr. Phil is the modern day carnival barker, whats next a book on hairstyles.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This was excellent, but the "New Sex Now" dvd was mindblowingly incredible, a much better value for the money and time invested.
Rating:  Summary: Fatty bum bum? I think not! Review: Dr Phil may have 7 keys, but unfortunately, none of them seemed to lock the door to my stomach.After reading his book, I hopelessly devoured 3 Golden Arch meals and made a decision - to stop reading the book. Quite why this was on my recommendation list I do not know... Perhaps someone is trying to tell me that I ate all the pies.
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution Review: YEARS OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCE TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT HAS TAUGHT ME THAT EVERYTHING DR. PHIL SAYS ABOUT WEIGHT LOSS IS TRUE. There are exceptions in medical reasons for weight gain...hypothyroidism and the like. But for the "average" healthy person who has put on weight, believe me...the things he says are true, true, true.
Rating:  Summary: Please! Free daytime tv from this mess!!!! Review: While I have no trouble with books that try to inform people about solutions and ideas concerning weight loss, I have a real problem with a daytime tv host telling me these things....and having their own line of weight loss pills at {a store}. This whole weight loss challenge thing smacks of a tv host who couldn't make it on his own merits (was pushed by Oprah...another subject all together...)...and now that he has an iota of success....is going to milk the poor, complacent sheep (a.k.a. the average American public) for all that it's worth. No thanks, Dr. Phil, I will stick to reading things for myself...and when it's time for me to slim down...I will find somet other solution tham yours.
Rating:  Summary: Very exciting Review: Similar to "The South Beach Diet" and Wittgenstein's "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" in the sense that it attempts to achieve a weight-loss solution by scrutinizing the inner structure of our linguistic architecture and then, in a nod to Bertrand Russell and the Bloomsbury circle, ventures deep into our cultural subsconscious, challenging some of our most cherished notions and asking us perhaps that most vexing of questions, "Should I really be ashamed of my weight at all?"--and answering with a resounding, "You bet, you fat slob!" By the way, I prefer "Eight Steps to Weight Loss Slavery," by Al Mussolini.
Rating:  Summary: No more fat farms or diets! Review: Dr. Phil believes that being overweight is caused by using food to deal with emotional problems and having a lifestyle that supports unproductive eating. I have lost 22 pounds as a result of reading this book and finally understand why I eat when I should be taking care of my feelings. This is the first book that made the connection for me -- I have read many, believe me. So Dr. Phil, your book is great. I also recommend Optimal Thinking-How To Be Your Best Self which many reviewers have mentioned. Optimal Thinking has empowered my best self to take charge of my life and to understand each specific emotion and ask the best questions to get the best solutions for myself. I can fire my therapist now. These two books are all you need to take control of your emotional life, be your best and stop using food to put a band aid on problems.
Rating:  Summary: Oprah's lapdog isnt saying anything new Review: Dr Phil(Oprah's lapdog) is an annoying guy. This book is even more annoying. If you're that overweight that you need Dr Phil to tell you the same thing your mother has been telling you all along, then i suggest you get mental help.
Rating:  Summary: Will this book result in long term changes? Review: I appreciate Dr. Phil's direct, straight forward style of writing. The recommendations are ones that have been presented many times before and following them will certainly result in weight loss. As a dietitian that has been in practice over twenty-five years, I understand most people know how to lose weight. The difficulty is "making themselves do what they need do". Finally, we have some understanding why someone can know all they need to know about losing weight, yet find it impossible to follow through with their good intentions. It is because our eating is contolled by the "feeling" brain, not our "thinking" brain. We eat to feel good, to numb-out, to entertain ourselves, somewhat "mindlessly", and to calm ourselves, as well as many other reasons. How do we change that "automatic eating" response? By retraining the "feeling" brain. We do this by increase our skills at nurturing and setting limits, in a loving, responsive way. Learn more about this by reading The Pathway: Follow the Road to Health and Happiness, by Laurel Mellin. As a Certified Solution Provider, I have had the joy of seeing many people reach their Solution and turn off the drive to overeat along with many other excess in their lives. You can too!