Rating:  Summary: This Was a Helpful, Insightful book Review: Dr. Phil doesn't promise miracles, nor is he too demanding of those who want to start his program. It is about learning to change the way you think about eating and about your health. And if you go into it with a willingness to make a change, it will work. This book has changed the way I look at myself and my family. Obesity runs in my family and I wanted to end that with me. So far, I've lost weight and I feel better than I ever have on any kind of "diet." I'm only in my twenties but I haven't felt so carefree and energetic since I was a child.
Rating:  Summary: Just Great! Review: This book gives tells you why you overeat and how to stop. You not only the good foods but the bad ones as well. It spells it out for you (which I do need from time to time). It is a workbook as well. It is worth the reading. Used in conjuction with both the Ultimate Weight Solution Food Guide and Cookbook it is more information than I have received concerning food.
Rating:  Summary: Deceptive medicine at its best. Review: Dr. Phil and Dr. Atkin discovered the power of emotion in influencing people's desire to waste their money on the slightest ray of hope. Both doctors pander to the desire of the masses to live lazy life, yet achieve the impossible. Dr. Atkin contended that he was able to reverse heart diseases with his lethal diet and his pathetic cooking skill. Here, Dr. Phil plays the same game. No Willpower is needed, no serious exercise is required, no caloric counting advised, and all that is needed is implementing his hypothetical war against behavior, environment, thinking, and bad eating. Who would be able to implement the 'seven keys' of "unlocking doors" that the author claims as the ultimate solution for weight control, without Willpower, dietary discretion, and serious physical activity? The epidemic of obesity and overweight requires sincere and radical search for realistic solutions, not just egoistic drive for fame and wealth at the expense of public health. The book is filled with multiple-choice questions, fill-in blank spaces, self-proclaimed body-weight tables and daily-meal schedules. The book theme explains why its author is overweight and detached professional. People do not choose their meals from the thousands of unattractive cookbooks. Nor do people have to answer the so many multiple-choice questions to find the core of their overweight problems. The food items, proposed in the book, are not described in terms of their caloric contents or recommended serving sizes. Similarly, the daily aerobic exercises and weight training sessions are prescribed haphazardly and unreasonably. Different people require different caloric needs and activity routines tailored for long lifestyle.
Rating:  Summary: Good for your average joe Review: This book will help many people have a better feel over what healthy eating is and what is not healthy, Phil's psycological background will make you think. I'd recommend this book for any one struggling with weight issues. "Knowledge is power" the more you learn the more you will understand what you are capable of accomplishing. Yes Phil is kinda chubby, but thats probably his ideal weight hes happy with, its his body not yours, focus on your own body, not his, dont diss the bald guy. It might be hard at first to break into a new change but after 2-3 weeks you'll adjust, he's "plan" is 3 meals and 2 snacks, body sculpting books are at about 5-6 with 20-30+ grams of protein per meal. You need carbs, fat, and protein, yes theres ssome to avoid. I would Also recommend you watch the movie documentary on fast food "Super Size Me" you'll think twice about what you put in your mouth.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Listen... I've Lost The Weight!! Review: After finishing college, I wanted to lose the pounds that I had stored away while sitting on my butt studying all the time. I had heard a lot of praises for this book, so I went out and picked it up. The thing I liked about this book is that it really gives you a mental edge over your diet. While reading this book, it caused me to reflect on my lifestyle and how a lot of the things I was doing was making me easily gain weight. It teaches you how to eat properly and encourages exercise while setting your life up in a fashion that will allow you to more easily tackle weight loss. I not only liked the mental edge, I do like the fact that this diet was realistic enough to recommend and encourage exercise. Most diets claim that they can help you lose weight without any exercise but Dr. Phil actually is much more down to earth in the reality of that aspect. The only part I disagreed with was the part dealing with WHAT to eat. I'm not a big fan of starchy (ie, surgary) foods and was surprised to find that a quarter of each meal was supposed to be high in starch. I did replace this with another diet (read my other reviews, you'll figure out which one). Between the two, I have lost nearly everything that I wanted to loose and I did it with very little effort. I would highly recommend this book to anybody looking to lose weight. This audio version is abridged and things are left out that you should read. If you like what you hear, make sure you pick up the book and read through that as well. However, listening to Dr. Phil preach and teach these 7 keys to you really helps with the motivation. His voice just makes you want to lose all the weight!!
Rating:  Summary: Here are my Keys to Success Review: For folks of all ages: Either check this book out at your local public library......or wait a couple more months until you can buy it it used from this site at a more reasonable price. For those of us 40 and over: Get your hormones balanced! This will help immeasurably towards making you feel better and help to get rid of that "tummy that just won't budge no matter what". This is a wonderful book of "inspiration", and when you are trying to lose weight you need all the inspiration you can get. See above Key #1 to do it for less than 25 bucks! As for myself, I lost 50 lbs. on the Atkins Diet (my mother bought Dr. Phil's book and I read it). I didn't have to put a single dime into the bank account of Dr.Atkins to do it either. I just went on to his website (atkins.com) and learned everything I needed . Where is Dr. Phil's website?
Rating:  Summary: You Cant Be Serious Review: After reading this book, I have come to this conclusion. Its nothing but common sense what he says. The fact that people are buying this and thinking its so great is scary. If you cant see how he is basically repeating the same thing that has been said since the beggining of time, I feel sorry for you. After reading all these reviews, I now fear the future of humanity.
Rating:  Summary: This book has changed my life Review: I bought this book hoping to lose some weight. The seven keys do not only help you to change your lifestyle so that you lose weight and keep it off, but helps you understand and deal with the reasons that you gained all the weight in the first place. For the first time ever I can proudly look myself in the mirror and say that I look good AND because my "inside" has changed also I do not have a need for "comfort eating" any more. I highly recommend this book! I have lost 35 lbs. in 6 months and I feel great!!
Rating:  Summary: A real life testimonial! Review: I have read many diet books and been on many diets. I believe that I can speak with some authority on the topic of dieting advice and I say what Dr. Phil has done here is remarkable. From the first chapter I felt moved emotionally. A few chapters in the reader is asked to begin writing about themselves. I set the book down for several weeks because I knew that if I moved forward there would be no going back. I would not be able to pretend that I would take care of my weight at some nebulous point in the future. I would either have to deal with my weight or completely accept that I would always be fat. If you have never struggled with weight then I doubt you can understand how terrifying that was for me. I was afraid to make that emotional commitment to a course I did not know if I would be successful at. You see, as long as I hadn't really attempted to get fit I could always cling to the hope that I might someday. Well I picked that book back up and I finished it and it was remarkable and life changing. I can think of no better way to review the book than to tell you of my experiences after reading it. From my earliest childhood it was an accepted fact that I was overweight, my parents said so as did my siblings and most of the neighborhood. The larger I became in life the more I fit my own self image of myself as a fat person. I refused to be in pictures from early childhood and at one point went through all of the family pictures and cut up or burned all my photos. After I finished the book I went to visit my Mom, I had the urge to see myself growing up fat. My intent was to fix in my mind how fat I had always been to give me stronger motivation to change. I had an eye opening discovery ahead of me. What I saw for the first time is that I was not a fat child, I could have stood to lose five or ten pounds throughout my childhood, but only the most pessimistic observer could have described me as fat. To put in another way I had such a strong self image of myself as fat that I didn't match my own image until I weighed well over 300 pounds. When I read the book I weighed 474 lbs., that was almost three months ago.Today I weigh 428 lbs. I work out six days a week with a trainer alternating weights and cardio. I can walk for miles without pain and in fact am planning to spend a lot of my summer hiking in the beautiful wasatch mountains. The reviewers who've said that there is nothing new in this book are missing the point. As far as the "diet" itself goes of course they are right, the message there is essentially eat right and exercise. What is remarkable and new with this book is that Dr. Phil addresses what is stopping you mentally from changing your life. While this may not be what everyone needs (it certainly was not what I thought I needed) it has changed my life. And you know what? I was right, once I turned that next page there was NO going back!
Rating:  Summary: This IS a great book!!! Review: This book is wonderful as it teaches you how to adjust your life style and your surroundings so that you have no more reason for failure. I read that someone left a review wondering what Dr. Phil's body fat is. Well, first of all, just because he wrote the book, does not mean that he has to look like Fabio. But, to answer that question as it was mentioned on a talk show on TV - he is 6'4" tall, is in the low 200s with his weight and has 18% body fat which is excellent for his age. He is physically active every single day and he knows that he will never look like Fabio or any other guy with a dream body. He is realistic with his goals. Some of you forget one very important point: You can never achieve to become somebody else's dream body, nor will you ever look the same way you did when you were in high school. Accepting that fact is crucial or else you will set yourself up for failure. Dr. Phil is a big guy, but he is NOT fat. I am a fitness and diet professional myself and my clients look up to me for my knowledge, and not because I look a certain way. Lots of people rather deal with professionals who are not that perfect as they feel that they can relate much better to them. I think this book will help a lot of people who have weight problems (it already did!). Sorry, but I had to get this off my chest.