Rating:  Summary: Stop being a victim! Review: It's all true... Until you're ready to lose weight, you won't do it. And by ready, I mean you've stopped blaming your weight problems on your childhood, husband, the diet industry, blah, blah... I'm fat too, but I'm losing weight because one morning I woke up and realized that no one was going to do it for me. And I was tired of it. I was the only one who shoved the cheeseburgers in my mouth... it wasn't my mom or anyone in my family. It was ME! Own your problems and do it. It's not easy or quick, but it is worth the work. There are no magic pills. Stop waiting for a miracle -- it's not coming! As Dr. Phil says, "You're fat because you want to be." Buy the book, read it.. and I mean REALLY read it, do the work, own the problem, and you'll lose weight. If you don't, it's not because Dr. Phil didn't write a good book; it's because YOU aren't ready yet. Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Get this book! Review: If you love, like or feel an affinity for Dr. Phil than buy this book because it is pure Dr. Phil. I have been a fan since my mother and I started to watch him and his son on TV. My mother just bought this book and it actually made her cry- a few of the stories in it are quite heart breaking just like the show. I hope that everyone who is thinking about losing weight- as almost everyone is it seems- this is a great book to get you geared up to lose weight. the plan in it is not very thorough, which is doesnt need to be, but it is very useful as you look at other diets or try to make your own. there is enough variety to do quite a few things with your diet- or eating plan if you would rather call it that. I have been looking at different exercise books too, because Dr. Phil talks so much about exercising and it made me realize how very little i do. I am going out today to find something that will help me there too and i have started trying to substitute eating with activity like he suggested. Dr. Phil is a great man who does care about us and how we are living our lives and i believe that people who can see this should get this book.
Rating:  Summary: It's Dr. Phil time! Review: I have read a few reviews that say that Dr. Phil is not qualified to write The Ultimate Weight Solution and after reading the book i have to say that those people are wrong. The book is amazingly well written (as are all of Dr. Phil's books) and you can truly see the amount of effort that was put into this book. Dr. Phil is in fact a doctor of psychology and that qualifies him in my mind to be able and qualified enough to write a book not about nutrition per say but about behavior that goes along with eating and more specifically over eating. Dr. Phil fills in the large gaping gap of why people binge on foods that are bad for them and about taking responsibility for your weight. The nutrition and medical parts of the book are actually quite sound since they are based on the help of a number of doctors and a nutritionist who advised Dr. Phil (you can read about them in the acknowledgement page). Also the book has an endorsement from the AHA (American Heart Association) that is quite glowing (also in the beginning of the book). I find all of these things very impressive and seeing Dr. Phil on Katie Couric's show just cemented in my mind how able i think Dr. Phil is...for all those out there who doubt him i would watch his upcoming shows on weight and see how brilliant he really is with something as simple as common sense advised at the right time in exactly the right way- Dr. Phil's way!
Rating:  Summary: I highly recommend this book Review: I just finished reading Dr. Phil's book and I am very impressed. I am not a Dr. Phil or Oprah groupie. I have been a chronic dieter for most of my life, and I am as heavy as ever. I've tried them all...with some success only to wind up right where I started-and then some. In my opinion, the reason is that my focus has always been on the food. How many points can I have? How many carbs can I have? This food is GOOD. This food is BAD. All of it is nonsense. The only thing all my failures have had in common is ME.Does Dr. Phil's book reveal any groundbreaking information? No. But then again, how could it? There is nothing magical out there to discover. We eat too much, for the wrong reasons and don't exercise. There is no one answer for everyone. I think the problem is that people keep waiting for THE SOLUTION to come along that solves their weight issues. And while they are waiting they keep getting fatter and fatter. The solution to the problem is yourself-and most people ignore that. Trust me-I have been the same way. I am sure I have spent thousands of dollars on books, and videos and new diet fads hoping one would finally work. I think it was almost a crutch-rather than putting the time into myself I would put the time into reading about a new diet and get excited about it for about a week until I got tired of it and went back to my old ways. The one thing in this book that hit me the most is how bad a friend and supporter of myself I have been. How can I succeed when inside I keep telling myself that I am fat and because of that somehow "less than"? This one thing has really changed my whole approach and made me conscious of so many new things. For me, this is honestly the first time I have really taken the time to delve into "why" I use food the way I do. And it has been truly enlightening. Is this book for everyone? Probably not-I think you really have to be open and ready to make a change. If I had read this a few years ago, I might have tossed it aside and wanted something "quicker" because I was in a very different place then. I think if this book can just make a few people realize what I have realized than it is completely worth it. Best of luck to all of you out there. Take good care of yourselves.
Rating:  Summary: you get back what you put in Review: First of all... the book. This seems to be a good solid overview of all the key elements in what you have to do to succeed. What makes this a new twist on the ole diet books is that he spends a lot of time discussing HOW you need to do what you know you need to do. And I think this is key. Yes, we all know we have to eat less and exercise more. The difference is that this book can really help to give you the power to do just that. People get back what they put into it. In reading all of these reviews, I am not sure what the motivation of these readers are. There are many comments about Dr. Phil making money, or Dr. Phil not being buff enough. But what I say is: Who gives a crap? So what if he is making money? Isn't the important thing whether or not the book can help you reach your weight goals? Maybe these readers are p.o.ed that they simply do not want to do what he asks of you to be successful, and not face the fact that yes, you are fat because you allow yourself to be, so once and for all take responsbility and do the hard work that it will take. In summary, if you are ready to do everything 100% that is in the book, you should be successful. It's that simple. And it's that hard. A great book for those who are REALLY ready to do the mental and physical work of getting and staying in shape. Too hard for those that just want a diet plan.
Rating:  Summary: What's going on here!?!? Review: I bought Dr. Phil's book expecting it to be the "ultimate weight solution", but the deeper I got into it, the more I realized that he wasn't telling me anything I hadn't read or heard a thousand times before. And, shame on him for not giving the reader a dietary plan to follow. In the end, this book is just a bunch of rah-rah-sis-boom-bah blather from a guy who knows how to make a buck.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Waste Your Money Review: I wasn't going to buy the book but it was at the wholesale club I go to and I decided to buy it on the spur of the moment. What a waste of time & money - absolutely nothing new and frankly it was one of the most boring diet books I have ever picked up. He just tried to put a different spin on it with lots of words and sentences that a lot of times made very little sense.
Rating:  Summary: My advice is go and read this book for yourself. Review: My advice is go and read this book for yourself. It is not a hard read and the book is filled with good advice that may or may not change the way that you think about yourself and food. I know how easy it is to look at other reviews and such to get a feel but Dr. Phil is a phenomenon that some people get while other people don't- just like any other psychologist out there. I think that the best advice for anyone who likes Dr. Phil or is leaning toward giving him a chance should- millions of people can't be all wrong. By the way I have read the Ultimate Weight Solution and while it may not have been miracle work...it gave me confidence and a sense of control that will help me eat right in the weeks and maybe even years to come. I am not one of those people who gets into fad diets or anything like that, i like to follow a more practical route so i am not saying that the book is a fad diet that i will do strictly for weeks, instead it is a practical and quite interactive books to help you- you are the only one who can save you. It promises change not miracles and that is exactly what it delivers.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring Review: I found Dr. Phil's new book to be very inspiring. I learned to not let myself get stressed out over my weight and to think positive thoughts instead of beating myself up all the time. It's all about reprogramming my negative outlook into a positive one. Replacing old habits (eating bad) with new ones. For example, when a craving comes on go take a shower or something. Make a list of things you can do for a few minutes until the craving has passed and you have forgotten it. Dr. Phil used to come into his house after work through the kitchen and nibble on everything on the way. He then started coming through and different door and eliminated all of those obsticles. I definatly felt inspired by this book more than any other diet book. Dr. Phil doesn't tell you to eat this or eat that as much as he tells you to reprogram your negative thoughts about dieting and about yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Team with Exercise and Begin to lose! Review: I have been so excited about this book coming out and I am SOOOOOO not disappointed. I took Dr. Phil's advice and this weekend I started to eat with the portion rules and started to question myself each time i was picking up a piece of food. A few times i found i was doing it out of boredom and others after i felt i deserved it and something struck me...I was doing exactly what Dr. Phil warned me about in the Ultimate. At first i had ignored some of what he said, thinking i was not that kind of person and anyone would know now to do something so dumb but that is exactly the kind of patterns that had me reaching for the refrigerator door. i was so confident i wasn't "that kind" of person that it took Dr. Phil's book to show me that i was but that i could change. I know lots of people are just like me and only need someone to show them how to ask themselves the right questions for them to realize what they have been doing to themselves and how they can stop. I also took Dr. Phil's advice and started to find other activities to take my mind off eating...and exercising is one of those activities. My daughter sent me 8 Minutes in the Morning a while back so i thought i would start doing that because Dr. Phil spoke about how beneficial weight lifting is. I love this book as well. I was kind of amazed becuase i hadnt given the book a chance. So i am now balancing my program with a good, healthy diet according to Dr. Phil (without emotional eating) and doing exercise...I can't wait to see the results because i know that they will be great.