Rating:  Summary: The Doctor Is In! Review: I have two words for you: BUY IT! If you are thinking about buying Dr. Phil's new book the Ultimate Weight Solution than stop thinking and buy it because you will not find a book out there like it. I know there are lots of weight books out there and I also know that there are many who have 'like' messages but none of them have Dr. Phil's voice and that makes all the difference. If the person writing the book can't wake you up then you aren't going to listen. You have to have a voice that gets your butt off your couch and Dr. Phil has that voice. I know because over the last year I have watched Dr. Phil and because of it I began to walk everyday to pick up my kids right after the show and then to walk them home- I got the whole family involved. I have watched him work with overweight women and men on his show and it has inspired me to more and more activity. I am so glad that there was a voice there to wake me up. I am now in the process of reading the Ultimate Weight Solution and all I can say is: 'Wake Up and get Dr. Phil!'
Rating:  Summary: Be pleasantly unsurprised! Review: I was not surprised to find that once again Dr. Phil has written a new, and quite meaningful book. I don't understand why people cannot understand why he branching out. Dr. Phil is always tackling new problems. His last three books were all very different and tried to scope into a different part of human behavior in a realistic manner. I have always thought that Dr. Phil was very brave to bring reality back to life in America. For example, in Relationship Rescue Myth 8 is "A great relationship has nothing to do with Sex." He explains how very dumb it is that we have allowed ourselves to believe this as though we were not sexual beings- we have allowed ourselves to be convinced that who we really are is not real and that wanted a good sex life was just not important or not something we should ask for. He has always broached the issues that many are to afraid to- there are some that I do try to look at these issues but I find they are usually the same people that tell you that sex is not important to a relationship. When I picked up the Ultimate Weight Solution I was looking for the same no-corner-cutting Dr. Phil that I had come to respect and that is exactly what I found. I think those who would rather live with the myths will find this book no good because they would rather stay in their comfort zone. If you adopt what Dr. Phil says than you cannot- because he will not let you- stay in your comfort zone. Dr. Phil will challenge you and expect you to deliver. And the great thing is you can deliver. Just go ahead and try and you will be half way there already. Take Dr. Phil's advice.
Rating:  Summary: What¿s Next! Review: I am beginning to wonder what Phil is going to do next and I cannot wait to find out. His weight book is just one more in a long line of successes. It is well written and made for people that want to take control of their lives. "You are the maker of your destiny." I have always lived by this saying but it is not one that is always easy to live up to and Phil understands that. He doesn't tell you that the changes you are about to make will be easy, actually he claims quite the opposite. If you aren't ready to make your destiny and to begin to accept responsibility than don't pick up this book, but if you are than buy it now and I guarantee that you will be happy with the results.
Rating:  Summary: Everything just clicks! Review: Okay, so there is no miracle (although the day it comes out I will be first in line) but I do think that the best thing out there at the moment is something that makes sense to all of your preconceived or taught ideas- something that you can agree with without fighting down your instincts that tell you that something is wrong. I do not have to fight a word that I found in Dr. Phil's book and I must say that I am not the kind of person that usually likes Dr. Phil. You see I don't like pushy people all that much and I do not understand the attraction of day time television (then again I work all day). What I do believe in is healthy living. My doctor suggested that I start a diet program and suggested a few things that I should start to cut out and how I should be eating. His advice was good but I needed something more- my doctor asked me to see him before I started anything and I agreed. I read about Dr. Phil's book when searching on the internet for good names to try. I understand the health risks involved in being over weight and while I am not obese- it is something that I fear and I want to change before that happens. When I started to read about Dr. Phil and one of my girl friends taped his special with Katie Couric things just started to click. It also helped that he is endorsed by the American Heart Association. I bought the book and took it to my doctor on Monday- he approved it as well, but I knew in my heart that this was the one for me. I am now starting it with what I hope is a ready mind. I already feel healthier.
Rating:  Summary: May be worth the buy for some... Review: I read the book cover-to-cover and it was okay. The eating plan is really nothing new at all, this part was extremely boring for me, some basic information you can get for free online or pamphlet in your doctor's office. I did like his explanation on the hows and whys of emotional eating and found some of the advice helpful, doing the work really helps. However, as I continued to watch Dr. Phil on various television shows recently I have found the summaries (7 steps) work just as well as the book's version. The book does get into a little more detail but by and large one can still totally benefit without buying the book. If you're a big Dr. Phil fan then you'll like it but if you want to try it then I suggest you buy the current O magazine because it gives you all the tools to start now. The article is detailed and I found even more helpful in the summarized version and best of all it's a lot cheaper than the book.
Rating:  Summary: Good advice to Know. Review: I have been a nurse for the last 17 years of my life. I have seen the ravishes that obesity can have on many of my patients, and the number of people coming into the hospital with obesity related disorders is ever increasing. Over the years the reality of their situations made me very conscientious of my own weight. I did not want to become another patient. I was not as successful with my own husband who ignored many of the signs and made excuses for his weight, and the more I pushed the worse it became. My husband has always had problems with weight that until recently we have not addressed seriously. I began to set diets, and only put food in the house that was healthy. The problem was that I could not be around all the time and that is not a way to live. I needed a way to convince my husband that something needed to change. We heard all the run of the mill advice from different places and none of it seemed to stick because it was a little here and a little there and they usually were paired together with crazy diets that lasted about as long as your lunch break. I began to hear about Dr. Phil's book in the media and thought that maybe if I could give my husband a book that wasn't totally about dieting, but also about the causes and the solutions that he would take it seriously. No gimmicks, no pulls just good, sound advice. I was skeptical at first, I must admit, but I found that Dr. Phil had good support from a nutritionist, and two highly rated doctors and I began to trust the information. I read it with an eye for my husband-he doesn't like a lot of the "you can do it because you're great and I love you" kind of thing. He is a Texas boy, just like Dr. Phil (another thing I thought he would like). I read the book cover to cover before I gave it to my husband on Saturday. I was surprised at how much I liked it. I have never watched Dr. Phil on TV or read any of his books I had only heard about him so I did not know what to expect. I am amazed at how logical and thorough the book was. The nutritional plan was one that I could support as well, I do not believe in the Atkin's or many of other diets out there today. Dr. Phil gave me common sense without the frills and bells that go along with so many diet books. The book was more is more of a "what" to do instead of a "how" to do it. I appreciate it that he feels we do not need things spelled out- that we know what getting good exercise is and that he doesn't make us follow a diet that calls for a complete change in all our dietary habits- we simply must choose more wisely out of what we eat now and maybe substitute a few more healthy foods for the bad ones we allow ourselves. We already knew we needed to do that but somehow it just takes that final push. Yesterday we watched the first Dr. Phil show together- we both have a few afternoons off in common- and I think it was the final push my husband needed. He started reading the book right after the show. I know the advice is good and I know that Dr. Phil is helping so many people out there and I must thank him for that. But most of all I have to thank him for giving my husband that final push.
Rating:  Summary: Not a weight loss guide... Review: Do not buy this book if you are looking for a book telling you to eat right and exercise, that's not what this is, and that's no mistake. This book is to find the REAL reasons we overeat. This book is NOT to tell us what to do to lose pounds on the outside only, as many other weightloss guides do. In other words, this is an actual solution, one that finds the root of the problem, and fixes that, not a REACTIVE solution that is simply a band-aid for most people (hence the yo yo dieting and weightloss)...that is if you have extra lbs. fix it by addressing the lbs. only eat less and exercise. If you want to lose lbs. and lose them for good, read this book. If you simply need to lose a few vanity pounds, perhaps try something else.
Rating:  Summary: Seriously missing the mark Review: Given all the publicity (coupled with his own enthusiasm), one would think that Dr. Phillip McGraw was about to release a truly innovative and comprehensively effective plan for fat loss and personal health. Halleluiah! When first picking up the book and reading the title, it became immediately apparent that this was going to be another book about "weight-loss," rather than "fat-loss." Not a good thing. The process of effective fat loss should include the deliberate protection of lean body mass to achieve long-term success. "Weight loss" is less much less particular. With the book divided into twelve chapters, it's not until the ninth that he dedicates any discussion to exercise. Even then, advice given is shallow and ineffective. There is no serious discussion of the importance of muscle, how it's most efficiently developed, nor how it's maintained once you get it. The importance of a well-maintained amino acid pool, and glycogen control are topics not even touched upon. The proposed eating plan is excessively simplistic. Obesity is rampant because we haven't learned the importance of nutrition and how it defines our bodies. Don't expect to find the answers in this "Ultimate" plan. In discussing properly sized "portions," for example, he first makes reference to the size of one's cupped palm (this is good since it reflects the proportionate size of the individual's body)-but then he continues, "or the size of a tennis ball." The tennis ball comparison (a fixed volume) ruins an otherwise reasonable means for determining portions to address body size. When it comes to food, mindlessly grouping them by protein, carbohydrate, or fat (as has been done many, many times before) is overly simplistic. As a single example, while peas and broccoli are both vegetables (and are generally classified as carbohydrates), their nutritional contributions are vastly different. Dr. Phil makes no distinction of the nutritional values offered by [½ cup] servings of each: 1.25g protein, 1.90g carbohydrate, 0.16g fat = broccoli 3.75g protein, 9.87g carbohydrate, 0.27g fat = peas Peas have 3x protein, 5x carbohydrate (and even 3x in fiber) that broccoli does. All foods within a particular macronutrient class are not created equal. While it may be important to for readers to understand the social and personal reasons why they let themselves get out of shape, the lack of a quality corrective system makes this "Ultimate Weight Loss Solution" fall horribly short. Success is in the details-but the details are sadly missing. Dr. Phil, and readers wanting to take serious control of their physical fitness, should "get real" (Dr. Phil's commonly issued down-home advice) and look elsewhere for their "Ultimate Solution."
Rating:  Summary: Two girls from Texas Review: My best friend and I read this book over the weekend. We both loved it and feel Dr. Phil can help us lose our unwanted pounds. His advice is nothing you have not heard before,it's the way that it is presented that makes it stick. We are both so excited! Great book! Great advice! What more could you ask for?
Rating:  Summary: i am disappointed with myself, not the book! Review: I have to say that i have read a lot of reviews that say that they are disappointed with Dr. Phil's book, but the only person that i am disappointed in is myself. I let myself get overweight. i let my self eat until i could not see my toes. i am fat and i am disappointed i have not been able to find a diet that i could stick with- it wasnt that the diets could not have works, it was that i was not giving them the chance to. i am ready to give The Ultimate Weight Solution a chance. I watched Dr. Phil's show and he said that he was going to give 24 hour support to everyone, even people not on his challenge list...and i am going to take that support. my first step was getting his book and reading it cover to cover and my second was cleaning out my refrigerator and my closet. i keep all my "overweight" clothes because i think that i will eventually need them again and i am usually right. but this time i am not even giving myself a chance to fit back in them. i am taking dr. phil's advice and making some changes. so far my only changes that people can see have been on the outside, but i am sure that in time people will begin to see a new me inside and out (and hopefully a more healthy me as well).