Rating:  Summary: Great Ideas for Great Menus Review: I think that the Food Guide is a needed addition to The Ultimate Weight Solution. My family and I have been following the weight plan for a while. We have gotten into the habit of fixing meals and taking a little more time out to make better decisions but lately the ideas have kind of stymied. I am very glad the the Food Guide is here at last. The Food Guide has helpful menu examples for up to 14 straight days that are easy to mix and match to create even more menus. It even has vegetarian suggestions. The book also cleverly weaves in not only food information but more sound Dr. Phil advice on how you should control your menu and your cravings. It takes two minutes to satisfy a craving an hours in the gym to burn it off. Dr. Phil understands that and gives a very thorough option list of things that you CAN eat on the go without adding on to your waistband. I think that the information that the Food Guide provides is highly useful for creating more healthy menus and paired with The Ultimate Weight Solution has a lot to offer people struggling with weight and their refrigerators.
Rating:  Summary: A Positive Life-Changing Tool Review: I used this book as a companion to Dr. Phil's hard cover book, "The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution". I still use it...my customers, friends and family use it...because they saw the results that I accomplished using it. 34 lbs are now gone. I started the new way of eating February of this year (2004). This is not a diet...it is a life style change...what does that mean? You do not go back to eating the way you used to once you've reached your weight release goal. This book is great just follow the foods that work for you instead of against you...simple and yes, sometimes very challenging to do...but it can be done with incredible results both physically and mentally.
Rating:  Summary: He's finally nailed it! Please! Review: I used to be fat. It didn't take a book or an expensive collection of fad powders and bars to help me lose weight. It took a gym and a little thing called willpower. Trust me...I sympathize with people who are overweight. I was 75 lbs. overweight when I graduated high school. It takes this: Put down the candy bar, get off your butt and DO SOMETHING!! Healthy, long-term weight loss does NOT happen quickly, no matter what Quick Draw McGraw tells you. You don't need an overweight man to tell you how to lose weight! Sure, if you shell out 20 bucks for 12 ounces of his rapid weight loss shake mix, you're not going to have enough left over to supersize your next combo meal. But that's what Dr. Phil is all about...helping people. Right? Listen, take the money you were going to spend on all of this crap and join a gym. Buy a weight bench. Buy a pair of running (or walking) shoes. Buy a stationary bike to ride while you read...something else!!!
Rating:  Summary: No revealing pictures Review: I was disappointed in this book. I have a "thing" for Dr. Phil and someone told me he did a revealing thong photograph to show how his program has worked for him. No Dr. Phil in a thong, trust me. Nowhere. It's not a terrible weight loss program, but I have seen better, much better. This is typical celebrity junk. I wonder if Oprah gets a cut of the profits.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing new from Phil here Review: I'm a Phil fan and continuously defend him to my husband. Can't help Phil out on this one - I have nothing good to say about this book. It's not in a particularly useful format. Content is not beyond what is found in The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution, other than page after page of food lists which everyone who has ever dieted has already memorized. He could of charged us $8 more for the previous book - us mindless followers would of complied.
Rating:  Summary: Lost 10 more lbs in January - great plan Review: I'm keeping my NEW YEARS resolution - down 10 more lbs in the month of January alone. Dr. Phil has a great program here,I lost weight over the Thanksgiving /Christmas holidays and continued that weight loss through the first month of 2004.
Rating:  Summary: Good diet guide. Not a "fad" or "gimmicky" diet. Review: If you are looking for yet another "fad" or "gimmicky" diet that doesn't really work, keep looking. On the other hand, if you are looking for a sensible program that really does work, then pick up this guide along with Dr. Phil's The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom. Dr. Phil will change you on the inside and on the outside. You will change your lifestyle habits (the real key to permanent weight control)and you will change how you think. The combination is awesome. I've lost 25 lbs so far and love this program. Give it a shot. You'll love it too. It works.
Rating:  Summary: the dr. phil farce Review: it makes me incredibly sad that people in america believe that dr. phil actually knows what he's talking about. he's not a MEDICAL doctor of any sort!! he has a degree in psychology, which in no way qualifies him to be doing most of the work he is doing, and in particular decieving people with his "dr." title on his book about eating when the "dr" part has nothing to do with nutrition. for anyone confused as to the difference between psychology and psychiatry... psychologists are doctors who have NO MEDICAL TRAINING! i am working towards a doctorate in history, and i will be a doctor, but if i wanted to write a book on nutrition and health, i certainly wouldnt plaster the fact that i am a dr. all over the cover of the book, nor do i plan to refer to myself as a doctor. does no one else see the sham that is doctor phil?! he's seducing america and it's a damn shame.
Rating:  Summary: Validated my Feelings! Review: Like Dr. Phil, I can afford to lose 20-30 pounds. That's why this book hit me right square in the heart. It got my engine (my value system) going by moving my gears (my feelings of validation), and providing the crucial oil called "trust." The book-inspired "engine" (value system, remember?) moved me toward a puddle. I got down on my knees, looked into the puddle and said, "I will not fall into the abyss. I am the rope stretched across the abyss! And my reflection is all I need... to get in touch with ME!!!" Then my engine (the real one) drove me to Jamba Juice on a regular basis. And I started jogging daily. So far I've lost 8 pounds. Thank You Dr. Phil! (Give it a try too Dr. P!!!).
Rating:  Summary: It made me laugh Review: Maybe I will write a book about how to be a basketball star or how to write great poetry. I will say that I am not a great basketball player and I have never ever written a wonderful poem, but if a fat guy can write about how to lose weight then anything is possible! I did not give only one star because I looked and there are interesting points he makes about a thing like spiritual wellness and balance in life. But why does he put it in a book about weight loss? It made me laugh! Stay tuned for a book on how to remain faithful to your wife by Bill Clinton! Haha!