Rating:  Summary: Interesting memoir, but not a definitive resource. Review: I write this as a reaction to the bandying about of the term "down low". It isn't anything new, yet people act as if this book has uncovered a hidden repository of facts. It hasn't. It simply details one man's experience. The title is a bit misleading, appearing more like an academic survey than the author writing about his experience on the sneak. The "signs" that he offers as possible evidence are vague and quite circumstantial at best. However, it is an entertaining read provided that you aren't squeamish about the gay lifestyle and behaviors discussed within the book. I can't say that it is truly informative save for the pop-culture context in which it was written in. King's writes well, so no complaints there. I'd recommend it to open-minded individuals seeking an outlook and know better than to parrot one person's word to others as the authority on an entire culture or lifestyle.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Mr. King! Review: I'd like to thank Mr. King for writing this book. I was hesitant to read On the Down Low because I thought it was going to be a typical "black women can't keep their men" type of book. But I was pleasantly surprised. Mr. King has presented a very well rounded look at the subculture of "down low brothers" as well as the effects of this activity on the black community. After reading this book I felt like a blindfold has been lifted from my eyes. I want to discuss this issue with my fellow sisters. The AIDS epidemic is effecting people at alarming rates and it's time to stop pretending that we're invincible. Knowledge is Power! Mr. King is applauded for doing his part to get the word out about the not so obvious sexual "landmines".
Rating:  Summary: Badly written and intellectually dishonest Review: J.L. King's "On the Down Low" goes wrong in so many ways, I don't know where to begin. Judging Mr. King's "come hither" glare on the book cover and his 2004 guest appearance on "Oprah," it seems that he's more interested in promoting himself and his IMAGE rather than engaging in a candid discussion about a serious epidemic. When I finished reading the book, I felt conned and cheated. I thought "On the Down Low" would provide a balanced, fresh look at men who sleep with other men behind the backs of their wives and girlfriends. Instead, I got a cheap and tawdry read that reinforces racist and homophobic stereotypes about Black men, gay men, and men who are BOTH Black and gay. He likens gay men to women, suggests that Blacks are more homophobic than whites, and throws scare tactic after scare tactic to spook Black women out of their wits. There's no deep analysis, no probing insight. It's as intellectually bankrupt as literature can get. Not to mention that it's poorly written and reads like the work of a fifth grader who barely has a grasp on English grammar. But what really made my blood boil is that Mr. King wants to challenge Black leaders and the Black church to combat homophobia, yet he really hasn't come to terms with his own sexuality. King sleeps with both men and women, but refuses to admit he's bisexual, because the stigma attached to that term to too strong for him to bear. How can you expect Black leaders to combat homophobia, if you're not even at terms with your own bisexual identity? How can you encourage others to have courage if you lack it yourself? King's confusion with his own sexuality (and his unwillingness to fully embrace it) is at the heart of what's wrong with this book, and the fools who give it five stars should wake up and see this man for what he is: a hypocritical, sexually schizophrenic fraud. African Americans (who make up only 13% of the population, but more than half of all newly reported HIV cases) deserve much better than Mr. King and this pathetic excuse of a book.
Rating:  Summary: HYPE is too much Review: Jan. 2005
Syracuse N.Y.
I think Mr. J. King's book is part of his evil plot to self-promote himself & turn even more brothas' on to this nasty-germ traveling phenomenon!!! It's such a shame that a large number of our Beautiful, Handsome, Intelligent, Black men are being turned on & schooled about this *straight from hell* trend! God still has a plan for our Black American men....no matter how the devil tries to turn them out & destroy them as a whole! King, on The Oprah talk show said he still doesnt consider himself gay....now if this man doesnt come across as a complete nut-case, I dont know who does! No man can sleep with other men & enjoy it greatly each time & NOT no they're not gay/homosexual!
That's insane! -- The one thing I do hope comes about as a result of this book being released is that MANY of those Down Low black men living in New York, Atlanta Georgia & most of California [as well as other cities/states] will want to be more honest about there sexuality for a change with the growing number of black women testing postitive for HIV because of DL brother's actions!
Rating:  Summary: I Sleep With Men but I¿m Not Gay Review: Last August the New York Times did an expose' on the subculture of black men who carry on a bisexual life or as they call it, being on he down low. This is a term used that infers that something is done in secret. Only these secrets are being revealed because of the alarming rates of black women who are being infected with the HIV virus, most often by black men who sleep with both men and women. J.L. King in his recent release, On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of "Straight" Gay Men has elaborated on this lifestyle in his quest to bring it to light. King received death threats for coming out about this topic. His appearance on the Oprah Show fueled national dialogue which resulted in the premature release of the book which at this time is on the New York Times bestseller list. OTDL explores the life of men who do not consider themselves homosexual or bi-sexual. Their attraction according to King is strictly sexual and no real feelings are involved. The majority of these men prefer and want to be in a loving relationship with a woman and a great majority are married with children. Their desire is to be with a man who is in every sense a man and would not be with an effeminate male. In exploring the reasons for these desires, King cites among others is the need to be dominated, to be held and the high esteem in which the penis is held. This issue is not new in any community. Down low behavior has existed since the beginning of time and has always been a part of the black community. However, King addresses how the attitude in the black community and the black church about homosexuality contributes to down low behavior. There is also a chapter on how women can detect down low behavior and how important it is to use protection. This was the Marcus Book store club selection for May. The overall consensus was while this book brought out a situation that many women had not considered and had them rethinking their relationships, most of us felt the author, in some cases generalized down low men. Even though he listed the five types of down low men, i.e.; the Professional brother, the I'm Married brother, and the Thug brother----even within these categories are subcultures of down low behavior. Furthermore, we felt Mr. King had contradictory information in regard to his own life. He seemed to be conflicted about his identity and not come to grasp with his continuing in this behavior. Mr. King's own marriage was destroyed when his wife found how about his secret and he wants his grown daughter to avoid going through such pain, yet the crux of the whole matter, cheating, lying, deceitful behavior, with impunity is not fully addressed. While this was a worthwhile effort, professional experts could have shed more light into this phenomenon making it a more rounded examination. Dera Williams Marcus Book Club- Oakland APOOO BookClub
Rating:  Summary: Well written but why the surprise? Review: Look I'm an older straight white woman living in small(ish) town in the desert and even I had trouble being surprised. Oh, there are lots of gay black men? Really, just like there are lots of gay men and women of every skin color? Big surprise! It is sad they feel like they have to hide it. Except for people my age (60+) I think most people don't really care what your sexual preference is. If you take anything away from this book its: open your eyes, see the world, and accept people for who they are. Whether you are straight, gay or bi sexual - rejoice in it! God gave you the power to love and that love had better be true. And remember, closets are for clothes.
Rating:  Summary: DEFINATELY A LIBRARY RENTAL Review: This book is highly overpriced for the vague information you get about the "Down Low". The author often leaves you hanging and offers little concrete advice. If you only have a small amount of knowledge about "the DL" then you do not need to buy this book. I can apprecaite King's effort to raise awareness, however the bottom line is this: we live in a day and age where we have to have a lot of seroius conversations about sex,sexuality,love and maariage and relationships. All the "signs" discussed in this book are vaugue and could be describing you, your brother, your husband, son, preacher,dad, teacher, doctor,co-worker,boss or boyfriend. There is no magic way to tell, so ladies unfortunaltey, you have to muster up the guts to ask serious pointed questions about sexuality and be prepared to deal with each answer from a place of understanding before you have sex, committ and or marry the man. And listen to your gut feeling- that is God talking to you.
On another note, I really dipsise all the cowardly men including King who take away a woman's right to choose whether she wants to sleep with a gay man and at the same time expose innocent women to unwarranted diseases, hurt, pain and anger. Especially for black women, this is a new low- a deeper level of disrespect far worst than the way black women are degraded in videos, music, moveis...far worst than being a single mom because the man couldn't get his act together, far worst than all the drama black women have endure from yes BLACK MEN! Don't get me wrong, the DL is not about just a black thing, but it is especially hurtful to black women especially when considering the exponential rate at which AIDS is spreading. I am calling all black to the Carpet, STOP BEING COWARDS AND BE A MAN- GAY OR NOT!
-And being a man doens't just mean having a dick between your legs- it means having sincere courage and compassion for everyone involved-man or woman!
Rating:  Summary: Wishing it was written a decade ago... Review: This was indeed a very informative book. I could not put the book down until I finished it. The author answered questions that my husband would not. Now I have a new sense of compassion and will be able to move on to begin again...without him. My husband is a DL brother and is still in denial. Hopefully he as well as other DL brothers will follow suit and be honest with themselves as well as their sex partners...male or female. PLEASE; if you never read another review, I urge you to read this book. This is no joke. I was spared from ALL STD's, including AIDs, by the grace of God...eventhough he was practicing unsafe sex. Save yourself and your family from these "jokers" because they do not have your best interest at heart. My kids should not have to go through the hurt and shame that my husband has put us through. His actions will affect us for the rest of our lives. "Kuudos" to you, Mr. King. I am so proud of you for sharing a bit of honesty.