Rating:  Summary: You gotta be kiddin' me Review: If you're some dude who can't get lucky and you need advice on how to do it, DON'T BUY THIS BOOK. The advice is mostly made up and I doubt much of it will help. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you have even an ounce of sense of humor and want to spend the next month with milk spurting out of your nose and your ribs separating from your body from the convulsions of laughter, buy the book right friggin' now. I don't have the words to describe how ridiculously hysterical this thing is. I saw it in a Barnes & Noble and couldn't believe they'd even sell it. When I opened the pig up, I laughed out loud on every single page I looked at. I took it home, AND I SWEAR TO GOD, my grandmother (68, but very cool) picked it up. I thought I was going to die. She went to the last chapter (Divorce and death) and she fell on the couch nearly crying she was laughing so hard. She was very excited to learn that you can have sex until the day you die. Anyway, long story short (too late for that) BUY THIS BOOK NOW FOR YOURSELF, YOUR WIFE, YOUR BROTHER, YOUR MISTRESS AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST. I gotta go sit down now - I'm still out of breath from cracking up while I was on the toilet.
Rating:  Summary: a woman's reasons for why i am still single Review: just reading the table contents confirms my lowest expetations of men ------ and confirms the reason i have chosen to stay celibate and single. More of us women should read more of these books to educate ourselves about what men(?) really think of us and what cads and scum they really are.
Rating:  Summary: Heavensent: a Handbook for Lawyers Review: Not even excerpts can rightly describe how exciting it is for lawyers to have a handbook for identifying
the specific and peculiar aspects of rape, domestic villence, and discriminatory harassment that is provided in this major event (buy at all costs) handbook for how to sue a male and win. In fact, it should be on the shelves of every police station, hospital, psychiatrist and counselor as what to look for to identify the attitude (intent), behavior (conduct unbecoming), and harm (unspoken but known) that accompanies the indecent exposure and treatment of women. Leave it to a lawyer! Written by one, obviously misogynist, himself, along with another male misogynist, the "handbook" could not be more welcome to the female community to describe the degradation of what occurs in the arms of a misogynist, and how helpless society is to deal with these kinds of persons, who appear to multiply like rabbits, and who often remain like that for their entire lives (at least in spirit). For the animals among them, they could probably add a few paragraphs, and offer other opportunities that might have been missed, truly male dominant thrilling adventures - provided no one is held accountable for it. On the occasion that one is, society has an enormous investment in ignoring or in excusing such male behavior as, of all things, "horseplay." However, to women it is rarely horseplay, and leaves them far less inclined to trust males than they might have. Since the "indoctrination process" begins about the time females are pubescent, and rarely moves beyond this adolescent attitude, even in later life, it is also a lesson for females in how not to succumb to being considered or even kept by an animal. Truly a godsend to parents everywhere to help curtail the most irritating and insulting of male mistakes that keep them from being loved, or nurtured, it is also useful for churches charged with the guidance of males toward the inevitable outcome of marriage and family formation. Depending upon how one decides to look at the "manual," it can be an excellent handbook, or life's cruelest joke to men or women alike. What not to do is covered in explicit detail unless having a girl like you is what you had in mind. How to avoid jail time by a lawyer skilled and attuned to the ravages of discrimination and misogny, it is a definite plus, but doesn't possibly cover all of the conduct required to avoid that problem. For women, it is a virtual feast of a 10 course dinner in how to nail a guy for harassment, and/or make millions pay for the privilege of misogny. The book, itself, if not for being an "educational tool of choice," itself, would qualify for a class action suit by millions of females tired of being treated like dead meat by supposedly "well intentioned" males. Surprisingly, there has yet to be printed a female version, but perhaps that is in the offing, given the spectacular success of this handbook on male masculinity, and how to keep it from being appreciated - in all its locker room glory. Certainly, it shows the advantage of choice - for men as well as for women - where choice is always respected by society and accountability is the only outcome of making such choices, as far too many males have already discovered. Self protection for males, or a full appreciation of the extent of male discrimination, you be the judge! The judgements that arise from the skillful and artful description of advice from this useful handbook should be exciting to watch, on their own - a feast of cultural awareness and consequences unmatched anywhere on the planet. A superb job by two obviously despicable or clever human beings who should never have to work again, unless, of course, they get sued, and are forced to transfer their "winnings to the National Association of Battered Women" which is a distinct possibility under the circumstances. The organization may never have to seek funds again if court judgements have a possibility of being the outcome of such a clever little book for men and women everywhere. I wonder if they will put it on the shelf at the Playboy Mansion, or better still, hand it out to every guest as a momento of the power of sex to affect one's life, either positively or negatively.
Rating:  Summary: I don't think the authors are a**holes! Review: Obviously, this book gets most of it's humor from exaggerating a**hole and misogynistic tendencies. It tries too hard to get a reaction out of the reader, and tries to make things that aren't funny...funny.
I'm probably more of a jerk than most guys in the world, and this book sounds like it was written by a bunch of "nice guys" who wanted to sound like jerks. The content in this book sounds like their theorized notions of a jerk paragon.
For example, I'll talk about their section on meeting girls in bars. I'm 25, so I'm talking about the 21-27 section. It became clear to me that these guys either never did or are really bad at meeting girls in bars at my age. The tricks they talk about are so basic and often miss the point.
To it's credit, the book does touch on subtle social truths. But the reader has to filter them out from the book's attempted humor. If you're a natural jerk, you probably won't find this to be all that funny.
Rating:  Summary: Just try it Review: OK, OK, so you think the title is ridiculous and you're sure that this book is nothing more than a bunch of boozed up fraternity idiots lying themselves silly about all the women they claim to get. And, to an extent, you'd be right. I haven't heard this much raunchy humor since junior year at UCLA. Every other word is slut and whore and beer and drunk and dude. But I gotta tell you, and this comes from a guy who's got his Ph.D. in one of those majors that you'd cross the street to get away from, the guys who wrote this book have a tremendous amount of insight, knowledge and humor. Interestingly, rather than just talk about the bar scene and pick-up lines (which is what I expected when I got the book as a gag gift), they give you instructions on how to live your life from the day you're born till the day that you die. And if you can stomach a bunch of obscene words and penis jokes, the advice is really good, the insight into human nature is fantastic and I can't tell you how many times I ended up shaking my head and saying "you know what, these guys have got a point." Now, don't get me wrong, it's rough and tumble and, if you're not prepared for some hard core put downs, you might want to find an idiot's guide or something. But if you really want to laugh, and pick up on a surprisingly large number of good ideas when dealing with the opposite sex (and women, you want to learn what goes on inside a guy's sick, twisted head) this is the book you want to get. I'm as shocked to be praising this book as you probably are to be reading this review but, trust me, this book is good fun and you'll definitely have a conversation piece. Just don't tell anybody I told you so.......
Rating:  Summary: Scary but funny Review: Okay, I'm a female and I laughed out loud. Some of it is really scary, but girls you owe it to yourselves to at least read it in the spirit with which it was intended - to help these poor schmoes we call "men", since they are so clueless that it takes a book like this (basically, a literary equivalent of a caveman's club over the head) to get them to learn any sort of social skill, however misguided. But parts *are* funny and it is a rare insight into the insane male mind. You must read this if you read "The Rules" or any other stupid book. Run for the hills if you ever run across a first class A**hole like the ones touted in this book!
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't be any funnier Review: Read this book right now, immediately, as soon as possible. The advice? I think it was actually pretty good if you can handle something that's so over the top, your ears pop when you're reading it. But it is probably the funniest thing I've ever read. I laughed OUT LOUD at least once a page and the few times I left it on my coffee table, a friend would grab it and laugh out loud almost continuously. Yeah, it degrades women to an almost unbelievable degree but if you're a feminazi, you're not reading this review anyway. Buy 1 for yourself and about 1000 for your holiday list
Rating:  Summary: No joke, this thing works. Review: Seriously, I've been a "nice guy" all of my life, and it's gotten me absolutely nowhere when it comes to women. My sister bought me this book for my birthday as a joke, and I read it cover to cover just for laughs. But the more I read, the more everything started to make sense. So I started using the advice and the mindset, and I finally got laid for the first time. God bless Karl and Dan! I love you guys!
Rating:  Summary: Funniest book I've ever read. Review: That's really all there is to say. This is the funniest book I've ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: The advice in this book is worthless. The main strategy they propose is to get women drunk or high and then [take advantage of] them. I'm serious. This is about all they have to say. No matter what the situation, just get the girl unconscious so you can take advantage of her. Their advice often contradicts itself. For example, within a few pages they advise you to (1) never spend money on a girl, (2) never spend more than $5 on a first date, and (3) spend $150 on a first date to impress a girl. They say to never offer to buy a girl a drink, but also advise that you can impress a girl by buying her an entire bottle of wine. They say never use pick-up lines on a girl, then they talk about the importance of pick-up lines. They say to always approach a girl alone, then they have a section about the importance of having a good wingman. They also recommend that you cheat on your wife or girlfriend. But the worst thing about this book is that it is not funny at all. Don't waste your money on it.