Rating:  Summary: I'm not sure it will help me bed chicks... Review: ...but it sure made me laugh a lot (wait a minute, maybe it will. Chicks like guys with a sense of humor). Howard Stern fans unite!
Rating:  Summary: Too much for my wife Review: A buddy of mine at work bought this book for me. I was reading it during our Christmas party and had about 10 guys around me cracking up. I'm sure the booze helped but one guy was laughing so hard, he threw up. I read it on the subway home and some guy next to me was leaning over my shoulder reading and laughing, too. He said he was going to go over to B&N and buy it immediately.So you've got about 12 guys in a row who thought this was the best thing since sliced bread. And then I got home. My wife took one look at it, threw it in the garbage, screamed at me for 20 minutes and vowed that she would never have sex with me again. I haven't talked to her since. Of course I went out the next day and bought another copy of the book and spend every morning commute laughing my behind off. Any book that can win me friends, impress my buddies AND GET RID OF MY SHREW OF A WIFE shouldn't just be rewarded with a solid review, it should get the Nobel Peace Prize, Pulitzer and Oscar all wrapped up in one. Buy the book, show it to your wife, get some peace and quiet for the first time.
Rating:  Summary: Humorist, well written guild to being an a$$hole. Review: At first the book is a little over bearing, after reading a few pages you quickly realize the humorous motif of the writers(one of them being a comic). I found myself laughing out loud on many occasions, not to mention the metaphors used have real world appeal, thus easily comprehendible to your average adult male. Most woman will be appalled to read how man are instructed to objectify their female counterpart. The wisdom is spotty, its obvious that a good portion of the book was dedicated towards humor; the treasures hidden within antics are essentials gems of the female psyche. In chapter one Marks and Indante step you through 'the birth of an A$$hole', 'from birth to beating off', explaining the female need to care-take children, ultimately putting up with the A$$hole in the same manner. Light read, humorous guide to being an A$$hole.
Rating:  Summary: probably the worst book i have ever read. Review: do not buy this, is was not funny or informative. I personally found it to be completely trivial, and the sense of humour mildly funny at the best of times. good luck to you if you thing you will achieve anything for yourself by reading this book - other than a violent beating from a lynch mob of feminazis, and a severe shortage of friends.
Rating:  Summary: bad Review: dont waste your money on this book. you will be sorry.
Rating:  Summary: The best thing since sliced bread! Review: Dude, this book works. I followed it's techniques and was able to seal the deal on a hot blonde one weekend, a gorgeous brunette the following weekend, and keep them both going for about two months before I got tired of dealing with them and moved onto a different blonde. For years, I have had no luck with women unless they were handed to me on a silver platter. Now I am the man. I've passed it off to my friends and their game has started to pick up as well. Trust me, if some of them can get laid using this book, ANYONE can!
Rating:  Summary: Tell it like it is, brotha Review: Finally, someone steps up and tells it how it is. Enough Dr. Phil, this book really shows you the ropes without the sugar coating. Entertaining, witty, and education. Definitely a book every real man should have.
Rating:  Summary: Chicks are screwed Review: For two millennia, chicks have been running the show. They decided who to go out with, whether you were gonna get lucky, if you were allowed to peck her on the cheek at the end of the night. No more!!!! This book puts the sexual revolution back 50 years as it shows you how you can finally get a leg up on that woman sitting next to you (pun intended). I laughed so hard that I cried; then I cried some more knowing how much time I've wasted by not doing the common sense things these guys tell you to do. Where were these guys 10 years ago when I could've trained my wife? For the love of God, and your rapidly waning sanity, buy this book and within minutes after leaving the toilet seat up and pouring beer in your cereal, you will be a new man. God, I need to go out and buy some red meat!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read For Men And Women Review: For women, at first this somewhat mysoginistic diatribe about conquest may leave you with a pit in your stomach and a desire to immediately commit that a**hole of your past or present into an iron maiden. But this book is a treasure ladies, as it is a window into the soul of most of the men you've dated, are dating, or may date in the future. Burn "The Rules" and its progeny; keep this one on your bedstand and memorize it. Introduce it at your next bookclub, but nix the wine as you'll need tequila shots to make it through this piece of non-fiction. Rather than attracting a**holes, you'll now have the uncanny ability to spot an a**hole a mile away and run for cover before he's trapped you in his web. For men, this book doesn't beat around the bush (pun intended) as it describes in graphic detail how to - ahem - conquer as many women as possible, in more positions than the Kama Sutra can describe, from womb to tomb. In no uncertain terms, it will turn the "nicest guy" (what a curse) into an a**hole so quickly that you'll have Penthouse playmates begging you to take them home with you. Even some of us nice girls will come your way (unless we've read the book before you!) Don't keep this one on your bookstand, however, as your secret will soon be revealed. Keep it under your bed along with your useless girlie magazines, and memorize it verbatim. I highly recommend that you also take a juggling class, as you'll need to learn this skill when you try to manage all the new women in your life. Happy hunting!
Rating:  Summary: Funny, mostly true and in your face. Review: I can't remember laughing so much while reading a book since Aristophanes but the A$$***'s Guide to Handling Chicks had me rolling. Suprisingly, the information in it is relatively solid and at other times so over the top and extreme that you just have to burst out laughing.
Don't believe me? Read the sample pages and see how you respond. If you like that, then I assure you it only gets better as you go futher. My only complaint is I wish I had this book when I was in HS.
Look forward to seeing more from these authors. These guys are fearless and smart, two things that rarely go toghether.