Having trouble getting your five to nine recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables? Drink your vegetables, says Cherie Calbom, the Juice Lady, and she offers 75 juice recipes to help you do it. Juicing not only tastes good and gives you nutrition, but it can also benefit your health, says Calbom. She organizes The Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health into 53 medical conditions--such as Alzheimer's, ADD, allergies, influenza, gout, herpes, fibrocystic breasts, diabetes, and depression. For each, she makes recommendations about lifestyle, diet, nutrients, herbs, and juice ingredients, and offers specific juice recipes. The juices are innovative and cleverly named, such as Popeye's Power (with apple, spinach, parsley, carrots, celery, and beet), Ginger Hopper (apple, carrots, gingerroot), Sweet Calcium Cocktail (pineapple, kale), Jack & the Bean (tomato, lettuce, string beans, Brussels sprouts, lemon), and Weight-Loss Buddy (Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, beet). Two caveats: (1) Realize that you also need the fiber in fruits and veggies, not just the vitamins and minerals from the juice, so don't juice exclusively. (2) Juices are part of healthy nutrition, but they don't cure disease. (She doesn't claim this, but it's easy to jump to that conclusion from the way the book is organized.) Enjoy the juices and use them to support your health, but don't expect that juicing will cause a change in a medical condition. --Joan Price