Rating:  Summary: The Food Revolution- An Awakening! Review: If you can read this book and not think twice about your next meal- you must be dead. John Robbins, in his most convincing book yet, spells out all the reasons even the most avid meat eater can't dispute.Have you ever tried one of those new diets like the Zone or the famous Atkins plan? John Robbins explains exactly why they don't work and why they're dangerous- with life long results! Children and adults alike are less able to fight off infections, the medical profession blames it on overprescribing antibiotics- but did you ever think it could be because of the food we eat? Oh yes! John tells all about how the meat and dairy industry insists on using antibiotics on the animals- why? Because they are so crowded, abused and sick from mistreatment- that a huge percentage carry deadly illnesses to pass onto the dinner plates! Do you want to risk that? In details, reports, interviews, personal experiences, and scientific and medical backup- Mr. Robbins provides all the fact, mental visual horror, and life long compassion that everyone should have before they eat their next meal. James Cromwell from the movie Babe turned Vegan after his encounter with the factory farms. I began with his book Diet for a new World, this new book helps me explain why I won't eat or buy any animal products-ever! And do you know the result? I lost weight naturally and I feel amazing! I can look at animals in peace knowing I won't be causing them death or harm. Force the factory farms to change. Make them be humane in their practices. More importantly- buy this book! When you've read it- pass it on or buy friends and family their own copies. One person at a time, one family at a time- we can change whats going on. A huge thank you to John Robbins! Support his work- buy his books!
Rating:  Summary: It's Just Too Compelling To Ignore Review: I find John Robbins to be one of the most caring, loving, compassionate human beings alive today. In his book he gives detailed information about the food we eat and how our choices affect the whole world. The well-researched and documented information he gives us is just TOO COMPELLING TO IGNORE. I was unable to put the book down once I started reading it; I finished the whole book in two days, and I am forever changed. There are so many things that most of us simply are not aware of, until someone comes out and tells us the truth, and that is exactly what John Robbins does. He boldly stands up and tells us all the things that our food industries spend millions of dollars to keep secret. If you want to be an educated consumer, if you care about your health and the health of your family and friends, you owe it to yourself to buy this book and read it. Then give copies of it to everyone you know. You will be glad you did!
Rating:  Summary: A great book for meat-eaters and vegans alike Review: I read John Robbins's "Diet For A New America" many years ago and have been passing it on to friends ever since. I had been a vegetarian for almost 10 years when I read "Diet," but it wasn't until I read Robbins's book that I understood why. I had a basic feeling that it was wrong for animals to suffer, but I had never really educated myself about what that suffering entailed. Moreover, I had very little understanding of the nitty gritty of the other arguments for vegetarianism/veganism. "Diet" absolutely shocked me when I read it, and it shocked my meat-eating boyfriend when I gave it to him to read; we both became vegan [basically] overnight. ...Fabulous though "Diet" is, it's wonderful to have an updated resource, given everything that has changed since it was published. "The Food Revolution" covers all the basics of gmo crops, mad cow disease, and the health, animal rights, environmental, and human hunger arguments for eating less meat and dairy products. I would highly reccomend this book, both for meat-eaters and committed vegetarians/vegans alike. I have taken to asking friends and family to read "Food Revolution" as their birthday or Christmas present to me. It's a fast, compelling read, with enough anecdotes to keep you going and plenty of great pull-quote type statistics. And most importantly, I really believe this is a book that can change lives. If you only read one book on vegetarianism, it should be this one! If you only give friends and family members one book on vegetarianism, it should be this one!
Rating:  Summary: Buy it and give this book to everyone you love Review: I heard John Robbins interviewed on a radio program On Balance in Phoenix. I immediately went out and bought his book and since that time have bought five addtional copies to give to people I care about. This is the most compelling book I have read about how the decisions we each make about the food we choose to eat will affect our life and our planet. John talks about "eating with a conscience" and I can't imagine anyone who won't think twice about his food choices after reading this book. In addition to being an extraordinary indictment of the meat, dairy and genetic engineering industries, it is also a compassionate and hopeful book. If you care about your health, don't want to be part of widespread cruelty to animals and are genuinely concerned about the environment, read this book and then give it to everyone you love.
Rating:  Summary: Sure The Argument are Great. Review: Yes any vegitarian can come up with great arguments as to why we should not eat meat,this book is no different. My reply to all people who have the ability to pick their diet is, meat eaters as well, "Don't you feel great that we live in a country that has a cornicopia of food, that we even have the ability to chose what we can and cannot eat?" I have been to many places in the world twhere food is very scarce. Because of who was governing their country, nothing else, was the reason there was no food. The Leaders of the country kept the food away from the masses, this is done as a way to controle the masses. Oh yes, how come a lot of the vegeterians I know smoke (which is way worse than meat} tell people to be vegeterians. Are they vegetarians because it's cool. Smoking is also cool(sarcasm). My main point is that we in the US can pick any type of diet we want, we should be thankful for that.
Rating:  Summary: A great book for meat-eaters and vegans alike Review: I read John Robbins's "Diet For A New America" many years ago and have been passing it on to friends ever since. I had been a vegetarian for almost 10 years when I read "Diet," but it wasn't until I read Robbins's book that I understood why. I had a basic feeling that it was wrong for animals to suffer, but I had never really educated myself about what that suffering entailed. Moreover, I had very little understanding of the nitty gritty of the other arguments for vegetarianism/veganism. "Diet" absolutely shocked me when I read it, and it shocked my meat-eating boyfriend when I gave it to him to read; we both became vegan [basically] overnight. ...Fabulous though "Diet" is, it's wonderful to have an updated resource, given everything that has changed since it was published. "The Food Revolution" covers all the basics of gmo crops, mad cow disease, and the health, animal rights, environmental, and human hunger arguments for eating less meat and dairy products. I would highly reccomend this book, both for meat-eaters and committed vegetarians/vegans alike. I have taken to asking friends and family to read "Food Revolution" as their birthday or Christmas present to me. It's a fast, compelling read, with enough anecdotes to keep you going and plenty of great pull-quote type statistics. And most importantly, I really believe this is a book that can change lives. If you only read one book on vegetarianism, it should be this one! If you only give friends and family members one book on vegetarianism, it should be this one!
Rating:  Summary: For a healthy and moral wellbeing Review: It is sad that this book will probably never be widely received. Its readers are, for the vast majority, limited to individuals already fairly knowledgable about disturbing farming and environmental practices. This book should be read by everyone who has ever eaten a hamburger at McDonalds or purchases standard meat products at his or her local grocery store. It is difficult to change someone's view who is so used to these conveniences we Americans have always utilized. Robbins's "Food Revolution" is as much horrifying as it is honest, compassionate, and accurate. Highly recommended to all who need enlightenment of this growing dilemma.
Rating:  Summary: A 3-minute computer animation is worth a million words! Review: If everyone buying this book can pass it off to one friend,sibling, or co-worker then we can get to the "promised land", where no animals are eaten, that much quicker! This short movie is very informative and funny--- www.themeatrix.com
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully non-judgemental! Review: The thing that makes this book stand out among others of it's kind is the very non-judgmental tone of it's author. This makes it perfect for someone that knows very little about the cruelty of the animal industry or has been stubborn or unwilling to hear about it. He actually begins his book by hawking the health benefits of a vegetarian diet instead of jumping right into the cruelty aspect, which I think is a better, more gentle approach to go about convincing certain people. The chapter where he rips on all the latest fad diets such as the Adkins, Zone, and Eat Right for your Type diets is amusing to read for anybody that's ever been curious about those diets, even if they've never tried them (believe it or not, there's never been research or studies done by ANY of those three authors to support their book!). The best part of the book is that it's so carefully researched, and every fact stated is backed up with a citation to a reliable source. There's even helpful fact and quote boxes that are highlighted to get the attention of someone just flipping through it - it makes the book quite irresistible.
Rating:  Summary: I Couldn't Put it Down Review: This is one of the best books I have read. It covered all the important issues and was easy and fun to read. If you are looking to learn more about the issues with eating animals, yet don't want to be bored to tears, I highly recommend this book. It really opened my eyes to how hard the meat and dairy industries work to deceive the public. Whether you are interested in animals, the environment, world hunger, or your health, this book covers it all.