Rating:  Summary: My bible on whole natural foods Review: I've had this book for a while, but noticed a bad review and just had to counter that just a little. This book is about eating whole, unprocessed foods. Simple as that. She tells you how to soak grains to get rid of the phytic acid that occurs naturally on grains. She tells how to ferment foods such as sauerkraut. The whole book is about preparing whole foods so it is mainly a cookbook but does discuss in the beginning of the book how processed foods are killing us. I find it interesting that one reviewer used the word "vile" in his/her review of this book. (Seems more like a personal attack to me rather than a review of the book) What is vile about suggesting buying your own oats or wheat berries and rolling them to make your own breakfast cereal which certainly has more nutrition than those oats that have been shipped from the east or west coast and sprayed with who knows what. Or grinding your own grain so that you are getting all the nutrients and it is fresh and tasty. She doesn't just tell you to use bulgur or kasha, she tells you HOW to make it at home. She also tells you to eat organic eggs, butter and milk just as every family used to do, because there is nothing wrong with them when you consume then in their natural state. Every family should own a copy of this book, in my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: more than just a cookbook Review: This cookbook is based on the research of Weston A. Price and on the experience of many different cultures around the world for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of years.A series of health problems and frustration with allopathic medicine launched me on a huge nutritional research mission several years ago. The area of nutrition is such a jungle of contradiction, wishful thinking, bad research, lies, deceit, and subtrefuge that I almost gave up. I stumbled on Price's research by accident through my discovery of how coconut oil had been so thoroughly lied about in the last thirty years. (It is actually an extremely healthy oil.) What won me over was that his research method and the time in history he did his research constitute the best situation for studying diet we have available. The research of Weston A. Price is unique and important for many reasons, chief among which is the fact that he was able to study people of many races and traditions still eating the diets that had kept their populations healthy for centuries. He and others who followed his research also investigated these same groups of people when some adopted more processed foods from the Western diet, foods that Price called the "displacing foods of commerce." It would not be possible to do this research today, due to the prevalence of denatured commercial foods all over the world. This is a great cookbook for getting back to the empirical wisdom of thousands of years of human experience if not millions of years of evolutionary experience. This book has wonderful articles and excerpts from studies and other books in the margins that will help educate you while you cook. It is also a good read just for the information. It is now my standard wedding gift for young couples. I recommend it without hesitation. I also recommend Price's book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Mary Enig's book, Know Your Fats, and Ronald Schmid's book, Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine. These will expand your understanding of what kept our ancestors alive and healthy, and help cut through the fads and disinformation.
Rating:  Summary: A vile mixture of lies, pseudoscience, and fallacy Review: This book is completely disgusting. It claims to have scientific support for the most ridiculous claims that I have ever heard. It is a bizarre mixture of Atkins and neanderthal diets and wants us all to live on raw meat and fermented milk. The "scientific" evidence is drawn from extremely poor media sources. Where even fringe science can't be found to support her claims the author discards decades of work by real scientists and makes vague statements that "the evidence supports" her ideas without any citation. Good studies are occasionally used but she is just as likely to discard balanced, well-designed studies in favour of a single unrepeatable finding or the evidence of Kirlian photography. Picking and choosing in this fashion allows you to make whatever sweeping claims you want. This is truly a dangerous book.
Rating:  Summary: Will be sent to friends! Review: This book has raised a number of questions for my husband's dietician, who wants him on a ow cholesterol diet. This book repeats what I have read before -- high serum cholesterol is not a problem; it is a symptom. It begs the reader to question his/her physician and/or dietician as to whether said person is giving GOOD advice or POLITICALLY CORRECT advice. Read this book for a wake-up call!
Rating:  Summary: Most Loved Cookbook Review: Filled with information on WHAT to eat (and the scientific reasons), plus the recipies for MAKING the food! I have given this book as a gift to friends and family. This book explains clearly how to make foods in a traditional manner so that one may benefit fully from their nutritive value. The authors are wonderful at presenting the material. I'd love to see a "Nourishing Traditions" day-by-day diet and shopping list, a-la Essential Eating. Overall, this book is an EXCELLENT start towards healthy eating and it gives you all the information as to WHY these foods are right for human health.
Rating:  Summary: The Last Nutrition Book You'll Ever Need to Buy Review: Simply the best, and most common-sense book on nutrition I've ever read. Reading it has ended the confusion for me about good fats vs. bad fats; are carbs evil?; etc. It is based on the sound, long-term study of traditional cultures and their diets by Dr. Weston Price, and is backed up with current research. I refer to it constantly and recommend it unconditionally.
Rating:  Summary: 70% RECIPES Review: This book is first and foremost a cookbook. I feel that should be stressed because I brought it thinking it was a follow-up to "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" which it is always mentioned in the same sentence with. WARNING: Includes a gross-sounding dish involving cattle brains.
Rating:  Summary: Everyone Should Read This Book Review: If you believe that food intake is related to health, then you must read this book. The authors back up their beliefs with both research and recipes. The reader walks away with an altered perspective as well as concrete ways to change his/her diet. Buy it. Read it. Cook with it. Put it on the shelf and then read it again. It could dramatically improve your health and your quality of life.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: This is a wonderful book that many more people should include in their lifestyle. I also highly recommend Alison Savitch's video "Rawfully Good" for people seeking healthy alternative recipees and meals.
Rating:  Summary: Common Sense Traditional Nutrition! Review: This is a fabulous book. Well worth the price. I learned more in the comprehensive, informative introduction of this book than I did from the last several books I read on nutrition combined. The recipies are wonderful and inspiring also.