Rating:  Summary: Larry King interview uncovered a morsel of truth Review: During the Larry King interview last night with Don and Dierdre Imus, the host stumbled across a morsel of truth regarding this book. King asked Dierdre: "You developed all of these recipes yourself, didn't you?" Dierdre mumbled and stumbled, saying: "Well, uh, well with the staff that works for me. Uh, I mean, the cooks work for me. Yes." Later in the interview, Don said: "She doesn't cook." Bottom line: Dierdre took the efforts of the staff that works for her. She doesn't cook. The least she could have done is to give the credit up front in the book to the professionals who did, in fact, develop these recipes. That would have been perfectly fine. Instead, she denigrates her staff and takes credit for all of this herself. Very bad. The secrecy and anger around all of the things related to this Ranch give one pause as to the real motivations of the Imus clan. We would best be served to be wary and find one of the many hundreds of other more open and less mysterious charities to support. Don keeps noting that the full proceeds from the book go to the Ranch. What he doesn't note is that the Ranch is a private enclave available for his exclusive use for about 300 days out of the year.
Rating:  Summary: Slavery is Alive and Well at the Deirdre Helmsley Palace!!! Review: (...).I read through the opening chapter and was totally disgusted by how many times Deirdre Imus uses the word "hate" to convey her not-so-subtle feelings about all the people (past and present) who have had the misfortune of being slaves in the ranch kitchen under her rule. It is no wonder that all the "Hell's Angels" walked out on her one day and left all the fat Imuses starving for an evening!!!! She even criticizes the person who always comes to their rescue. Poor Tim!!! Wake up and smell the burning human flesh! Deirdre Imus is right up there with Queen Leona Helmsley, Thieving Martha Stewart and Let's Never Forget Adolf Hitler!
Rating:  Summary: imus thiefs Review: that woman has some nerve as well as no cooth to steal her chefs recipes and write a book to benefit her....Makes the public wonder what she is using those sick children for.
Rating:  Summary: The Photographs in this Book are Very Nice! Review: Although the photographs in this book are very nice, the book itself was printed on an inexpensive grade of paper too porous to attractively showcase the photo images.
Rating:  Summary: The FACTS about the numbers at the Imus Retirement Spa Review: It is a shame to be bitter when one has so much of the public's money at her disposal. Shame on Deirdre Imus for not rising above the level of being hateful. Why be hateful when you have more than what you need? A person with her connections should be able to make a truly honest stand for honest convictions and to provide a better atmosphere than the toxic one she has created at her retirement spa. There are 6 summer sessions each comprised of between 6 to 10 children. These are NOT children who have cancer, but children who have had cancer and are now either well or in remission. The number of kids for these summer sessions totals between 36 and 60. The kids arrive on late Sunday afternoon and they leave Friday morning of the same week. This averages about a 5 day week that the kids are on the ranch. Every Saturday is a kidless day at the ranch, and then there is a week long break for Deirdre and Don to relax after two weeks of sessions have passed: 6 sessions, 3 weeks of breaks. The number of summer days the kids are on the ranch is about 30. I have not had a chance to cook any of the recipes in this cookbook, thus I will not judge them. However, even if I thought the recipes were less than tasty, I just could not bring myself to criticize recipes which were stolen from a man who worked so hard at the ranch to try to make Deirdre happy. It is already a painful injustice that he worked so hard and had his recipes stolen. I will say however, that I do question Chef Ron's judgment giving Deirdre Imus his recipes in the first place. If a person works for someone who does nothing but criticize her entire staff and family, then why could he not see that he would also be screwed in the end? Deirdre Imus hates not only her entire staff, but also her family as well. She constantly threatens to leave Don and to take Wyatt with her. During one of their numerous well-publicized knock-down dragged out fights, Don shot out the bottom of his pickup truck with his pistol only to further enrage her because he "hurt (her) ears, you (expletive)." None of her own immediate family talks to her. Fred Imus (Don's only sibling) left the Ranch two years ago during what is supposed to be the loving holiday season when Deirdre started a fist fight with Fred's beautiful wife Lynn (who is beautiful and beause of this Deirdre detests her!!!)Lynn made a comment about a question posed to Deirdre, and Deirdre did not think it right that Lynn have an opinion let alone speak, so when Deirdre doesn't agree with someone she slugs them in the face! Wyatt is so lucky to have a father who absolutely lives for and dotes on him. Don is the ONLY stabilizing force in Wyatt's life where 62 nannies have come and gone during the short course of this sweet kid's 5 years. Although Deirdre loves to sling mud, she does seems to surround herself with descent people who have too much class to say anything negative about her. All of these people get screwed in the end. Deirdre's favorite daily food is a Snickers bar. It surprises me that there is no recipe in this cookbook for Snickers Pie. Perhaps, she could contact that company and also get a million dollars out of them.
Rating:  Summary: Great Cookbook! Too bad he stole the recipes..... Review: Too bad Mr. Imus stole the recipes! Chef Ron is a great chef and Deirdre Imus is a rip-off! What a Lemon-head, why would he try to use someone else's ideas and not give chef Ron the credit? Were just waiting for Chef Ron to come up with his own books. If Mr. Deirdre Imus wants to make things right, he will make it up to Chef Ron and Michele and give credit where credit is due. At least include him on the next book so he can get the recognition he deserves. I live in Las Vegas Nevada and I've been trying to get him and his wife to move out here. He would be a great asset to any fine Restaurant here in Las Vegas, Nevada. I ate at one of his restaurants and it was the best!
Rating:  Summary: For My Mother Review: I might not be an Imus listener if not for my departed mother. She loved Imus on the radio and on television and had a fit if I did not follow what she was telling me. She talked about his Ranch and about Diedre and Wyatt, (sorry if I screwed up the spelling) and was so impressed with the work that they did for children with cancer. So, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer after being a 13 yr. suvivor of ovarian cancer, I spent a great deal of time at her side with..Imus blaring on the radio. It is in my mothers memory that I buy this book. (...)If in fact these recipes were made by the chef..well so what? What possible difference does that make? No one is stopping the chef from writing his own cook book and of course donating ALL the proceeds to the ranch. What a great idea! He is probably a heck of a chef but that doesn't make this a bad cookbook or bad people who put it together. You know what they say...JUST DO IT. Don Imus and his wife are doing a GOOD THING. That is what we should all try to do as we pass time here. To be negative, angry and vindictive will never really make you feel better and worse in my opinion, they make all of us feel lousy right along with you!!! Spare us! With any luck these recipes might help me find some health and will support the Imus Ranch which is a wonderful opportunity for the children who are going through a terrible time in their lives. You know my mom used to say, "If you don't have something good to say about someone, don't say anything at all." Try it!
Rating:  Summary: AWFUL Review: It is very disturbing to see Imus and his wife promoting this book endlessly, as a pretense for supporting the Ranch. 1. On the interview on The View, Dierdre says: "I made these recipes so you can substitute other items." Well, we all know that Dierdre did NOT make any of these recipes. Their chef in New Mexico created them all, and they give him absolutely no credit for his efforts. All they do in the book is insult their hard-working staff. AWFUL. 2. The language in the book is insulting. Literally. Almost every page has some level of insult for somebody. For a book that is supposed to support a charitable effort such as the Ranch, the authors don't act very charitably toward all of the other people whose efforts go to support them. AWFUL. 3. The book is nothing but a self-congratulatory tome about Imus and his wife and their obnoxious kid. Let me summarize the entire text for you: "We're doing it all for the kids. Nobody else does it all for the kids, but we do. We hate everybody else. You should admire us." AWFUL. Save your money and find an admirable charity in your community where you can a) see where the money goes, b) see the results first-hand, and c) avoid feeding this family's over-inflated ego. AWFUL P.s., The only positive aspect to all of this hype was to see Imus and his armpiece on the View. When Star Jones, Joy Behar, and Elizabeth H came out on the set, it was priceless. Imus looked absolutely petrified at the thought of Star Jones sitting on his lap. Much to his good fortune, Elizabeth sat on his lap. But I would have given anything, including buying another copy of this awful book, to see Star sit on Imus' lap. P.p.s., Imus is always calling everyone "FAT". Did you get a good look at him on the View??? Standing up, it is very clear that he has an enormous arse. He's absolutely pear-shaped. (We can't see that on his radio/TV show.) He had better get on a Pilates program FAST if he's going to call anyone else fat. He's got a lot of work to do there himself. And, given his vegan diet, looking at his physique combined with the fact that he is ALWAYS sick, it is not a ringing endorsement for this cookbook!
Rating:  Summary: Someone with an inside view Review: This has been a very disturbing expierence for me as i have read over the reviews of this book. You see I was really excited for two very special people, that they were to have the opportunity to show their talents. I am speaking of the the one and only Chef Ron Romero and his better half Michele Trujillo, for without her support to her loving other how could he have held on to his desires to succeed. Knowing the Chefs' way of cooking and his fine mannerisms with his co-workers as well as the genral public, I can only say how sad it is that someone doing something so good for children (Imus') can allow themselves without any regrets to set such a bad example to those children, by simply stealing anothers ideas and creations. I have no doubt however that the children remember Chef Ron and his fine food, so as far as I am concerned they are the only true critics of either the food, the ranch, the staff or the book. On a final note, this review turned out to be a review of the people not the book. It is no ones job to review who is bad or who is good as people, for if we do make it about that, do we not need to review ourselves!?
Rating:  Summary: angelwhip Review: It is not so much that I want to dog the Imus's but the fact that Deirdre wants to take credit for something she didn't do is very selfish. She comments on the ranch chef and his staff when indeed all the parents and kids adored him. This was displayed in the many letters that they wrote to him and the "Best Chef Award" that they gave to him. One of the kid's wrote to him thanking him for the banana splits that he made her for her birthday. The kids truely did make the time that he spent at the ranch pleasant, but the Imus's are very rude and unappreciative. How could she say that the kitchen staff were "hells angels" when I have a copy of the letter that was written by them with a Christmas bonus saying what a wonderful job Chef Ron really did. For those that buy the book it is great because it helps the kid's but to take someone elses pride to give yourself more is terrible!! To Chef Ron and his crew Great Job!!