Rating:  Summary: God's love and care are expressed to women through this book Review: I was really going through a difficult time and I walked into a bookstore and this book really stood out to me. I felt led to buy it and it is worth every dime. This book has really helped me to understand myself and God in a different light. Being single can be difficult;I am learning to let God be my husband. He is healing me! I recommend this book to many hurting women. Mr. Jakes has a way of writing; it feeds the emotions that women can relate too and need. I would like Mr. Jakes to know that his book really helped me. I was engaged three years ago; but I felt God told me to end the relationship and soon after the results were shown to me.God saved my future; He helped me through that pain , but now I face loneliness and decisions. I know by His grace He will strengthen and lead. This book re-affirmed this to me. Thankyou Mr. Jakes and thankyou Lord!
Rating:  Summary: This book needs to be in the hands of ALL WOMEN in the world Review: Words can not express the feeling I had while reading and after completing this book. The words used in this book reaches to every exposed as well as hidden area in ones life. You can no longer hide what is within once you read this book along with the others. It ministers to the past, present, as well as the future. God has truly anointed Bishop Jakes. Read this book and share it with a friend. Women of the world will be better if each one reach one.
Rating:  Summary: This book is hyped up, but you still should read it! Review: I think this book has some great points and is a good read - it definitely touched my heart and altered my perspective a little bit (about dealing with men). But the author goes a little overboard with all these metaphors - it drove me crazy! The book is also a little disorganized and repetitive. T.D. Jakes basically tells you what any other self-help book would, except he adds God to the picture. Don't get me wrong - this is a very good thing. As a Christian, it's hard to find books that use God as a backbone for EVERYTHING in a woman's life. But okay, pampering yourself, having diverse interests - that's general knowledge about "loving yourself". I was expecting some more deeper examples about loving myself and loving God. Not the best, but definitely worth reading! A recommended book about successful relationships is "Getting to I Do".
Rating:  Summary: This is for every woman and the man who loves her! Review: Ladies and men, if you want your whole understanding of self, relationships, and spiritual identity aligned with the Word of God, this is a great place to start. I read it through, and my husband saw such a differene in how I related to him and others that now HE is reading it. I am a better wife, a better mom, a better daughter of our Father God. It is the Spirit who heals us, but it is obvious through this book, and his others, that Bishop Jakes has been anointed to speak the words of healing into women's lives. If you want the book but are waiting, QUIT WAITING! Buy it! Loose the Spirit of healing into your life, and you will see differences you thought had long since left you behind! God bless you!
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking, inspirational, motivating, spiritual! Review: God has truly annoited this man with an deep understanding of his words and of the inner feelings of women. This book has reinforced and reminded me of what a blessed creation of God women are and we should be humble and so very proud! Thank you God for sending this man to our world! This book along with "Woman Thou Art Loose" has done wonders for my self-esteem. It has reinforced what my elders taught me, "God is the one constant in your life and always will be." "He's the same today, yesterday and tomorrow." I'm on many mission and with the Lord's help I know I will succeed. My first mission is to find a church home. The Lord knows my heart and I know he will bless us soon with a church and a home. My mother too, Serita has gone home and I'm still aching. She taught me though, that the Lord heals wounds and I know he will heal yours and mine. May he continue to comfort you and bless you. Bishop Jakes, continue to do God's work. I pray he will continue to annoint you, bless and keep you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your books. I will share the two books I now possess; they are too GRAND not to. Thank you, sir, once again, for putting God's words out in the world and giving us the ability to understand what he wants from us and what we must always remember, "God is never late, he's always on time." God bless.Jean Henderson Rosemead, CA
Rating:  Summary: THE LADY, HER LOVER AND HER LORD!!! Review: Receiving this book from my sister has truly been a blessing in my life. This is one of the best spiritual books that I have read that pertains to helping women love themselves. Every chapter is worded in such a way that anyone reading this book can get an understanding of what tha author is trying to say. I recommend this book for women of all cultures and races, for it is truly uplifting. This book has changed me as a person and how I view myself. It teaches us to let go of the past and strive for today, because God continues to make us better in spite of who we already are. It has made me realize that I'm not the only person in this world, who is struggling with issues from the past. Reading this book has taught me how to deal with these issues and put them into perspectitive.
Rating:  Summary: THE LADY, HER LOVER, AND HER LORD Review: T.D. Jakes is an amazing author who has truly been blessed to speak to women and heal their hearts. THE LADY, HER LOVER, AND HER LORD talks about how important it is to be a woman of virtue. I remember reading one passage in the book that spoke of how God intended for all women to be like the priceless masterpieces found in museums--beautiful, full of grace, and respected by all that walk past. This book will open up your eyes and make you realize how important it is to be that masterpiece in the museum God intended for each woman to be and will motivate you to make virtuous choices in your life. This book is perfect for any woman--whether physically or emotionally abused, or just insecure about who she is. This book was by far the best I have read and I recommend for every woman to read it just once, and then pass it to another woman they care about.
Rating:  Summary: Burns images for self-transformation into your mind! Review: A quick scan of the chapter titles is enough to pull you into this book. Once you begin reading it, you cannot put it down. The author maintains that every woman has three primary relationships: the one with herself, the one with her husband, and the one with her Lord. Before she can reach a state of balance in life, she must have each of these relationships firmly grounded and running smoothly. A woman cannot establish a relationship with her husband until she has a good relationship with herself. She must feel like a lady in order to project those positive traits that will attract goodness into her life. This manual teaches a woman how to achieve a tranquil inner balance and project positive qualities. It teaches a woman how to create a balance between her three relationships. This is one of the most powerfully written self-help books that I have found. The analogies are so picturesque that they will remain in your mind long after you finish reading the book. For example, the following statement is from early in the first chapter: "Sadly, sometimes we place ourselves so far on the back burner that the dreams boil out and leave only a parched pot where once we had personal expectation. When dreams boil out, a scorching heat of stress and anxiety causes the kettle to give a shrill sound before the burning begins. That shrill sound can be heard in our excesses and overindulgences..." Wow! Can you not picture that? Does it not leave a permanent picture, warning you to take care to not push yourself to the back burner as you work to put others first? The entire book is filled with wonderful analogies like this one. Even if you have trouble remembering what you have read, you will recall the images formed by this book and be able to associate them with their lesson. The book is composed of 239 pages. It is divided into three sections with a total of 16 chapters. I highly recommend it to all women. The author has a way with words that is sure to inspire. He has written several other books, including Woman, Thou Art Loosed and The Great Investment.
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing! Review: You will NOT be the same after reading this book. Your body, your soul, and your spirit would be forever revolutionize.
Rating:  Summary: Lady Review: TDJakes is a fan favorite but let me introduce you to a best selling novel that was highly recommended to our book club. It's called "WAITING TO EXIT HELL." This book is a real-to-life novel. It has taught me the value and virtue of a committed relationship with God and the love that he truly has for mankind. "Waiting to Exit Hell" ultimately became our bi-annual book of the year. This book was hard to put down. I almost got written up at work for taking a longer lunch period because I was so into this novel that I forgot all about the time. That just goes to show you how good this book is.