"Consider fat to be Enemy Number One," proclaims exercise physiologist, biochemist, and nutritionist Ted Broer. "I don't care how you attempt to justify your excess fat to me, I won't buy your argument." Broer, who claims to have the fat-loss program that works for "virtually all people" and "for a lifetime," wants to reintroduce words like gluttony, self-indulgence, and sloth to our vocabulary. Don't look for any fat acceptance from this guy! You'll find most of Broer's "12 Vital Keys to Maximum Fat Loss" in other weight-loss plans, such as "Set realistic goals and motivating rewards" and "Take in sufficient fiber every day." Directions you won't find elsewhere include eating six meals each day totaling no more than 10 times your ideal body weight in calories, doing 25 minutes of aerobic exercise first thing in the morning before eating, and taking fat-fighting supplements daily. Broer, a motivational speaker, will rev you up to make changes. He wants you to count calories at first because most people have no idea how many calories they're eating. He recommends increasing low-fat protein and avoiding high-glycemic-index carbohydrates (foods that turn to sugar quickly, like wheat products and white rice). Get rid of all junk food and everything containing sugar. Eat no pork, shellfish, high-fat dairy, processed flour, margarine, cheese, fried foods, aspartame, or pizza ("the number one reason we have so many fat children and teens"). Broer admits that no supplements will help if you don't change your diet and exercise, but he still offers his "top 10 fat-loss supplements" and additional recommendations of supplements and herbs, including ephedrine, which has been cited as the cause of death in several widely publicized cases. Although he admits that ephedrine can be so dangerous that it is banned in several states, he tells readers how to get around the ban--which strikes this reviewer as unscrupulous and dangerous advice. By the way, don't fall for the "5 secret supplements that melt body fat" mentioned on the cover--there are no such miracles. --Joan Price