Rating:  Summary: Minor Flaws Do Not Reduce the Global Value of This Work Review: (...)The book -- which is what I am most interested in reviewing here -- is cogent, it flows from point to point fairly fluidly (which the occasional interesting but not-always-relevant side trip), and it is internally consistent. His message is simple. God/Eternal (interchangeable translations of the Hebrew) is within us. Here is one form of proof. If you don't need any further proof, then you may not find this book interesting. If you don't believe in a higher creative force, you may not find this book useful. But if you approach it with an open mind, read it carefully (it is tough sledding in some places), and understand it, then whether you accept it as fact or just as a plausible hypothesis worthy of further investigation, I suspect it will give you hope. We have just experienced the most murderous century in world history. 80 million of us died at the hands of our fellow beings, almost all of them because of perceived differences. If this book helps some small number of people recognize the essential unity of humankind, then all of the ranting and raving about its implausibility will be as tinkling bells. As for the theory, there appears to me to be some validity here. It's hard to swallow. But before the invention of the microscope, few people believed in the world of invisible microbes. That did not make the microbes any less real, as we now know.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting idea with poor execution... Review: A few years ago, when I first began to read in mystical and occult topics, I mused about the possibility of a "code" within human DNA that had mystical correspondences, or a mystical code that could be used to modify human genes in a way that would advance the human species. Driven by some of the funny correspondences I noted- the superficial similiarities between the DNA double helix, Hermetic Caduceus, and the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and the four-letter name of God (YHWH) and the four base pairs of genetic code (ATGC), I pondered it, then shelved it as I lacked the expertise in both biochemistry and Qabalah to do such a project justice.
Gregg Braden, an engineer and "scholar" of mysticism seemed to have pondered the very same thing, written a book on the subject (badly), and intertwined it with yet another sermon on world peace.
Most of the book consists of a commentary on the Sepher Yetzirah, the Qabalistic "Book of Formation". One of the things that amused me most about Braden is his repeated claims that he has traveled all over the world reading "rare" texts to gain this information, when he never once references a mystical text that I don't already have an english translation of sitting on my bookshelf! Thus Braden combines both his shoddy, illogical, and superstitious thought-process with outright lies about his sources. On top of that, he has few enlightening correspondences to point out that a layman with a basic college biology text and a copy of Dion Fortune's "Mystical Qabalah" couldn't figure out in a few hours of qabalistic "analysis".
Save your money- buy a real book on Christian mysticism (Smoley's "Inner Christianity" is a good start) or Robert Wright's "Nonzero" (probably the best account of human destiny on the market, and far better than Braden's drivel).
Rating:  Summary: The God Code...But who was God? Review: Existing reviews of this book seem to polarise to the Christian believers in God and his creation OR the Scientific, non religious debunkers. Surely there is more scope to it than this. The book is not 'pseudo-science'. It has a plausible and testable hypothesis that should cause any of scientific mind to stop criticising and start analysing. Similarly, the book does not necessarily imply that a 'christian type' God created all. I see nothing in this book which demands that the creator be a deity or universal creator. In fact, it leads me to another conclusion that both religious and scientific types should take note of. It is clear (and many other scientists/authors/researchers point to this) that, in our past,humanity was genetically created by some being/person present on Earth at that time. These beings clearly came from off this planet and, in seeding humanity, using a greater understanding of chemistry and DNA than we have today,became the subject of legend and religion, together with their science. This book insights a new aspect of the alchemy/chemistry, the previous absence of which has caused conclusive proof of the above suggestion to be missed. Maybe this will now change. Read the work of famous chemist Peter Plichta in conjunction with this book and prepare to have your world view changed. There are so many scientist writers out there who have not taken the trouble to educate themselves with the implications of number theory and its apparent/proveable association with ancient alchemical writings (including the Cabbala..subject of this book)that they do themselves and everybody else a great dis-service in condemning such writing as 'pseudo science'when it is clearly they who are the 'pseudo-scientists'. (Search Peter Plichta on this site!) Gregg Braden has written an interesting book here, but flawed insofar as he has left himself wide open to criticism concerning lack of detail/clarity.(I found two 'typo' errors in tables and descriptions which create incorrect understanding if not spotted..In the Tree of Life Diagram, for example, Keter is detailed twice, altering the entire meaning of the diagram.He also refers to the 'Fourth letter of the alphabet' when he means the 3rd, in one place)Too much time spent on persuading us that the implications are vast and not enough time on putting over the point in a convincing and testable manner, for the layperson. He did point out that he avoided a technical manual and inserted notes in the back, but the lack of these notes, and more, in the text makes for too light a read, on what is, after all, an immense subject. That said, this is a must! The world is changing as we learn more about our history. If we get caught up in the void between myopic religious believers and the scientific debunkers who have not woken up to the true origins and nature of our science, then such important books as this are doomed to remain crushed in the middle. Buy this book and share it. The world could be a better place. And, if Bradens work passes peer review,it probably will be.
Rating:  Summary: Filler, Fact, Occult Science and then more Filler Review: Full of filler, interesting stories, none the less irrelevant to the main point of the book... That all humans are made up of the same DNA with God's stamp on it, therefore we are all one. Since we are all one, we should be peaceful and loving beings to each other. Mmmmm, not new to me or to others since the majority of the earth's population believes in a higher power, i.e. God, who created humans in his image. The "scientific" evidence offered that God put his stamp into our DNA with the message - God Eternal... is actually not scientific at all. It is occultish... for example: God's name is cut in half to get the "right" number to fit into Greg Braden's equation using numerology or as he refers to it, the ancient science of numbers associated with the hebrew alphabet. Why not Aramaic which is the language Jesus spoke? Not one true scientific group would pass the "hard evidence" as proof of his theory. It is just reversed engineered with lots of distracting stories taken from all over the place trying to be passed off as information to back up his claim. Several contradictions. Would not take it seriously but if you want an interesting read... Oh..., by the way, attended his lecture on this book and interestingly enough, Gregg Braden stated that only established people on the top of Maslow's Hierarchy can understand and discuss these concepts. The question now is... are you one of them?
Rating:  Summary: Fallacy with serious argument, recommend Reading SB 1 or God Review: I do not give book reviews, but this book is both extremely disturbing and debateable. The major weakness of the theory, (and I do say theory as there is no supportive evidense anywhere in this entire read,) is the assignment of numbers to DNA nucleotides derived from original Hebrew dialect. The notion is more than wishful thinking, it borders on fanatical insanity. However the striking point is, even if it were true, there is nothing in it that would bring us added awarenenss other than knowing Gods blueprint is in us, but Genesis claimed that property 1000s of years ago with the statement we were made in Gods Image. So what is the purpose of this book? I believe Gregg Braden is attempting to make a valuable contribution to World Peace by using the vehicle of Gods imprint on our DNA proving we are all equal and for that, should accept each other as Gods handywork. The book is a beautiful read with wonderful ideas and is quite fun to delve into. However I am quite disgusted at the random, out of the air or off the wall assumption central theme of correlating DNA to Hebrew tongues as there are invaribly billions of more word combinations in Human DNA than there are words of all the languages on the planet, and every other planet in the universe, not to mention that the correlation itself is so preposteriously ridiculous. That is why everyone of the Earths six billion people look different with the exception of twins, oops, a rewrite! I have a suggestion on the fingerprints of God in us, a very real book titled SB 1 or God by Karl Maddox.
Rating:  Summary: Answers for Humankind Review: I found the answers in this book to be right on the mark with respect to our cellular encoding. It is the code that ties us all together, and thus eradicates the division created by the ego mind. Braden does an excellent job in tracing the origins of our encoding, and alas, we are all one.
This book will certainly bring skepticism from those that try to dis-prove our oneness, nevertheless, our imprints and desires are vastly more in alignment than many may realize. You will not be disappointed in this book, it requires an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful view of peace Review: I found this book captivating. Numerology is not a "science" but nonetheless this book was very interesting. My copy of the book came with a CD by Mr. Braden (by Sounds True) that contained information that was not covered in the book. Listing books omitted by the bible were interesting also although none of the area bookstores had them in stock at that time I read this book.
Having long studied my bible out of the Aramaic translation by George M. Lamsa and never having read a good translation of the Torah or spent much time delving into King James one of the quotes he included from the Torah were somewhat eye-opening. "Walk before me and become perfect", I think there has been a gross misunderstanding on the "perfection" issue. I would imagine that "Gods" version of perfection probably has more to do with perfection of spirit and heart than the current mass of perfect bodies, homes, jobs, neighborhoods, cars, pets and minds that I see people pursuing while stepping over or on those of less "perfection".
This was also one of the few books I have read since "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins that I took the time to read the footnotes and check out the weblinks. They were very informative and had links to other sites that were interesting also.
While the main issue seems to be the insertion of the "code" into our DNA and the implications of that. What I really found myself wondering was "Well, who in the heck has the working copy of the book of Adam?" and "So how many of those little gollum thingies would you need to replace workers who are audacious enough to want 15.00 an hour for their work, health benefits and profit sharing programs?" and....so.....on.
It also seems to be an admirable attempt to bring two groups of people to peace and understanding that we are all one race - human. Well, `cept those pesky little gollum thingies. And, miracously it reads the same in both scripts. Who knew!!
Peace. I agree with Mr. Braden that it is possible and hope we all live to see it. I think this was an admirable and wonderful breath in that direction, "questionable (hard) science" notwithstanding. It is worth reading simply for his heartfelt belief that we can evolve and live in harmony.
Rating:  Summary: pseudoscientific rubbish Review: I have no idea why Amazon has this book on its Science Books page. This is just silly numerology, there is absoutely nothing scientific about it. Probably based on the ridiculous but popular book "The Bible Code" of a few years ago, this author decided to go one better --what if the sequence of DNA spelled out the name of God? Wow, awesome, dude! The idea, apparently, is to rescue theism from the evil clutches of secular science, which discovered DNA, a key mechanism of evolution, by "discovering" that God carved his initials, so to speak, on the strand. This revelation is somehow supposed to make us feel hopeful, but it seems to me that if God intentionally created humans and human nature as it is He has a lot to answer for. (See Mark Twain's "Letters From the Earth" for a hilarious examination of the contradictions of Biblical theodicy.) If you're looking for scientifically-based hopefulness, check out Daniel Dennett's "Freedom Evolves" or Michael Shermer's new one "The Science of Good and Evil," or Robert Axelrod's pioneering "The Evolution of Cooperation." If you're looking for Biblically-based hopefulness, I suggest reading the "Sermon on the Mount" and hoping that all self-professed Christians will soon take it to heart instead of supporting the latest bloody war on heathen unbelievers. If you are a theistic opponent of modern science, you don't really need God's name carved in the DNA strand, now do you? In all seriousness, save yourself the money and do not encourage such nonsense.
Rating:  Summary: God Does Work in Mysterious Ways Review: I stumbled upon this book quite by accident while browsing a book store trying to find something to spend my Christmas gift card on. Is it surprising that our Creator wrote his name in the very DNA of his creation? Well, it would be very surprising to people dumb enough to believe that there is no God. Much of the world has been deceived by the theory of evolution. Actually, evolution is a religion, since one has to believe in it solely on faith. It takes real faith to believe in evolution, since there is absolutely no real evidence to support it. Creationism, on the other hand, is overwhelmingly supported by science, math, and common sense. God's existence is self evident just by an observation of his handiwork. Gregg Braden, whom I was previously unaware of, has given the evolutionist atheists a real challenge. I can't wait to see one of them write a review of The God Code and tell us how Braden's research findings are all wrong. Let them tell us again how life resulted from a happy accident in that "soup" they claim the first "spark of life" came from. Even if the right combination of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon came together at just the right place and time, the odds against life resulting, flourishing, and developing from it are far beyond astronomical. There is still one ingredient missing, as Braden so insightfully points out. The missing ingredient is "the breath of God." Yes, folks, we are the result of God's creation. That may seem to be impossible and unbelievable to many people, but once you understand the FACT that evolution (as opposed to adaptation) is impossble, it becomes clear that there is only one other possible explanation for how we and our universe got here: Creation by a power and intelligence we cannot begin to comprehend. God IS omnipresent. He truly is everywhere. And his name, as Braden has amazingly and brilliantly proven, is written in every cell of every human being who ever lived. By the way, for those many who were led to believe that "Neanderthal man" was one of our human ancestors, along with other so called early hominids, Braden points out that Neanderthal's DNA is NOT a match for humans. Read this book. It will be a life changing experience, even for those of us who already knew that we are here because of the handiwork of our Creator God.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Book! Review: If ever there is a modern day prophet alive today it is Gregg Braden. I can only describe his latest book, The God Code, in one glorious word: "WOW!" I received my copy of the book on Christmas Eve from Amazon.com and what a great holiday gift it is. I've read Gregg's previous books, Awakening to Zero Point, Walking Between the Worlds and The Isaiah Effect, and loved them. But, in my opinion, The God Code is his greatest achievement. Within the pages of the book, Gregg reveals a coded message which has been found within the molecules of life, deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. He compares the DNA and chemical elements within our bodies with the ancient Hebrew letters for God and deciphers an equation of life that reveals a hidden code which shows that God exists in our bodies and that God's essence is written within our own DNA molecules. According to Gregg, the code of God that is written in our DNA supports, sustains and brings us hope "when the events of our lives test us beyond reason. The message within our cells stands as a living and immutable symbol, a touchstone reminding us that we are not alone; we are here 'on purpose', as the result of an intentional act of creation; we are inextricably linked to one another and all life; and we share a unique trait - the essence of God - in a way that sets us apart from all other life on Earth." This astounding discovery, if understood and accepted fully, can be a catalyst that can resolve conflicts and wars within families and nations and could possibly usher in a world of peace and unity. The God Code within ourselves is the living miracle which can create a better world for all mankind. The book combines both science and spirituality and is an easy as well as an enjoyable read. I highly recommend it!