Rating: Summary: Excellent Book on Moving Forward Review: "The Sedona Method: Your Key To Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace, And Emotional Well-Being", is about transformation, change, and growth. This is a book on the concept of moving forward. Choosing to make your time valuable by choosing to act upon the good in life.This book relates the concept that finding lasting happiness includes letting go of the opposites to reach for the good. Lots of exercises to try and see for yourself. A hands on course. A learning experience on the art of growth. Diana: Author of: "Inpirational Wisdom For Love, Beauty, And Richness"; "You Hold The Key To Riches And Happiness"; (and) Sure Fire Ways To Make More Money And Get A Better Job".
Rating: Summary: Excellent Book on Moving Forward Review: "The Sedona Method: Your Key To Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace, And Emotional Well-Being", is about transformation, change, and growth. This is a book on the concept of moving forward. Choosing to make your time valuable by choosing to act upon the good in life. This book relates the concept that finding lasting happiness includes letting go of the opposites to reach for the good. Lots of exercises to try and see for yourself. A hands on course. A learning experience on the art of growth. Diana: Author of: "Inpirational Wisdom For Love, Beauty, And Richness"; "You Hold The Key To Riches And Happiness"; (and) Sure Fire Ways To Make More Money And Get A Better Job".
Rating: Summary: Very Powerful Technique Review: A couple of years ago I ordered the Sedona Method audio course. I was stunned by its simplicity and thought, 'this has got to be a joke.' So I returned it thinking that it would probably make a good book. When the book came out I decided that I'd give it another try and am I glad I did! I use the technique and share it with friends and have them buy the book and it does exactly what it says its does. It allows you to release little by little some of the negative states that bind us such as anxiety, tension, and so much more. Read it and change your life!
Rating: Summary: Exceptionally Good Book for Relieving Emotional Stress Review: Although I have read dozens of self-help books and attended weeks of self-help seminars, none of those books and seminars helped me in the profound way that The Sedona Method has. The book's core observation is that we allow emotions based on old memories to block our minds and bodies from experiencing what is possible now. Many self-help authors make the same point. What makes The Sedona Method different from the others is the proposed method for eliminating those emotions. I have learned many other techniques for changing memories (such as the Tony Robbins Swish pattern) and use meditation to withdraw from emotions. I have found that meditation has worked best for me in the past. While meditating, my head is pleasantly vibrating and I feel at mental peace. With The Sedona Method teachings, I find that my whole body shudders pleasantly into relaxation and peace. In other words, this process causes me to enjoy a greater release from old memories and emotions than I had thought possible. It's a wonderful gift. So what do you have to do to enjoy this peace? You just need to ask yourself a series of questions (and the book is full of exercises to help you do that). I soon found that I did not need to ask all of the questions. With practice, I could just release negative emotions whenever I wanted to. This book came to me at a very stressful time . . . just after my Father died. I find that the grieving process has been greatly eased by the emotional releases I can stimulate any time I want. To get the most benefit from this book, you should practice every day to establish new habits. I read the book over two weeks to help make that transition. In retrospect, I would have done better to have read it over more weeks and practiced more each day. I plan to reread the book now to deepen my benefit. What was most impressive to me was that I could get so much benefit without going to a class or listening to an audio version. I suspect the teachings would be much more powerful in those forms. But you certainly can experience great things from just reading the book, doing the exercises, practicing and remembering to use the teachings when those emotions well up. May your days be filled with tranquility and a greater sense of what is possible!
Rating: Summary: You'll enjoy it Review: Based on the Sedona Course, this book has been around for a while. That fact that it's still one of the best-sellers points to its effectiveness. You'll enjoy it. Also recommended is The Prayer of Hannah by Kenn Gividen
Rating: Summary: MAGNIFICENT! Review: By nature I am a worry wart. Maybe it's in the genes; I don't know. I do know that in spite of a wonderfully spiritual upbringing (I've read the Bible all the way through at least five times) and reading many self-help books, I still have had a hard time trusting God or other people. I couldn't understand why, and I didn't feel like I could blame my religion. In fact, at one time I considered this Biblical quote: Mark 4:40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? (Jesus speaking). And I answered the passage myself, "I don't know? How is it that I have no faith?" Some time later I learned of the Sedona Method. It is not a religious system as such, but basically it teaches you how to release FEELINGS. I was intrigued by this, as it seemed like most of my struggles with faith were on the "feeling" level. Even when my mind knew that things would be all right, I could't get my raging feelings and emotions to cooperate. At the time I heard first of the Sedona Method it was on a set of ten cassette tapes. I ordered a set, began listening to them and right away I started benefitting from them. Then the book came out, and it incorporates the basic Sedona Method as well as some "advanced" ideas from two other sets of tapes put out by the same company. I ordered the book the minute I saw it being offered on Amazon.com. And all I can say is, WOW! As with the tapes, this book gives you a step-by-step way to release feelings. It is a "system" as opposed to a mechanistic "formula." It is written in a loving, supportive and empathetic way. The Sedona Method is simple, but that doesn't keep it from being very profound. And you don't have to have the audio tapes to understand the book. It is written very clearly and simply, but the ideas are very profound and I've had lots of times of reading a paragraph and just stopping -- and thinking -- and internalizing. I am still learning. I am worrying less than before -- and when I do worry, I am able to release it faster than before. This book will probably be one of my most prized posessions.
Rating: Summary: The easiest way to get everything you've ever wanted Review: Favorite quote:
"Contrary to popular belief, you do not attain your goals when you desire them strongly enough. In fact, if you honestly examnine your past experiences, you'll discover that most of the goals you've achieved are the ones that you let go of wanting - even if not by choice."
When I first came across the Sedona Method audio series in the late 1990's, I'm afraid I turned up my nose - the claims were too grandiose, Hale Dwoskin's voice was too weak, and the whole thing felt like much ado about nothing. Having subsequently rediscovered the program though this book and Larry Crane's "The Abundance Course", I'm only sorry that I've lost out on six years of practicing the easiest way in the world to create success, happiness, and well-being.
The method is based on the work of New Jersey born guru Lester Levenson, and teaches the art of releasing - letting go of any and all uncomfortable feelings and unwanted energies that stand between you and inner peace. What makes the Sedona Method particularly powerful is that they can be used to create external results as well as inner ones - I use the "Goal Releasing" charts as taught in this book as my primary tool in going for and getting what I want.
The only downside to the book? You're probably going to want to go out and buy the audio program when you're finished reading, not because you didn't get enough, but because you got so much!
Rating: Summary: A Peaceful Life the Easy Way! Review: Hale Dworkin!! He has written an easily accessible set of instructions
which are The Sedona Method toward enlightenment. Seems a big task
for 4 simple questions which are the heart of the method he teaches:
"Could you allow yourself to welcome this
feeling as best you can? Could you allow yourself to let it go? Would
you let it go? When?" Simple is good. Mr. Dworkin shows that it is
possible to get through even potentially upsetting situations with a
minimum of dwelling in painful emotion muck. Surprisingly, the way to do this
is to "release" it. He shows you all the steps and it is just that
simple. Period.
I like straight forward and deceptively simple. I like looking at
what's current rather than trying to hide from it or avoid it.
A great companion book to Sedona Method is Ariel and Shya Kane's
"Working on Yourself Doesn't Work," which has 3 simple principles and
allows easiness. Now that I think of it, being at ease is how I live
the bigger part of my life. I run my own business and now I'm a much
better boss. Since reading these books, I even enjoy working for me so I
work more efficiently, effectively and even joyfully. Get both these books
and enjoy a life transformed.
Rating: Summary: Based on Profound Spiritual Principles Review: I am a long time student of deep spiritual Truth. Don't let the self-help image of the Sedona Method fool you...it is based on deep, profound spiritual principles that WILL transform your life. It takes the principles taught by Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle and others and simplifies them into a simple practice...so simple. Release your thoughts and go back to your natural state...peace and joy. It is too bad that the focus of the book appears to be on changing your external life...it goes much deeper than that. Use it...diligently. To understand it's depth read more about Lester Levenson...he has books available on Amazon.
Rating: Summary: A book that will assist you in freeing your mind. Review: I did not give this book five stars for three reasons. 1. The user can NOT receive dramatic results from the book by reading and performing the exercizes once. You will need to go back and repeat the exercizes a few times until releasing becomes second nature. Unfortunately; the author or publisher did not include an index of exercizes. This means you have to search and search through the book to find the exercizes. So until the author releases a second edition with a table of exercizes; use a hi-lighter, bookmarks, or copy the pages with the exercizes. 2. I found it very tiring; the author placed many testimonials interspersed in the book, and to read the book sans testimonials; it is difficult. I think the author would have served the readers better if he had insert 5 or so testimonials as inserts in the text of the book, and placed all of the other testimonials in a seperate chapter or section of the book. This way; people that want to read testimonials could read them, and the others (such as me) could have ignored the section completely. 3. This mind technology is effective; but is incomplete; because it does not use the soul power achieve faster results. Now I need to address some portions of the book. Page 8: "We are all unlimited beings". _| we are NOT unlimited beings. Only the Creator is unlimited; but I will say that we are far more powerful than 98% of the people think they are. Page 19: "We can have freedom and happiness now." _| I agree with that statement COMPLETELY. Page 29: "This natural ability to release our emotions was lost to most of us because, even though we did it automaticaly as young children without conscious control, our parents, teachers, friends, and society as a whole trained us out of it." _| I agree. Page 54: "Letting go gets easier to do the more you do it." _| This statement is absolutely correct; but in the beginning' you may literaly fight for every milimeter you gain! This is because you will literaly have to change the way you think and react to stimuli. Page 71: "Stop rushing past life" _| This is correct. Most people are so busy in their mind chatter that they are rarely ever living in the present moment. Page 102: "Emotions are just emotions. They are not you, they are not facts, and you can let them go." _| I could not agree more! You are your soul, and your lifetime of choices that lead you to this destination. Page 253: "Here is a fictitious account of how programming can run amok. Let's say that, when you were a child, you has an abusive relative who just happened to be a tall gray-haired womam. Therefore, after interacting with her often, you make an unconscious decision to the effect that all tall gray-haired women are dangerous" _| This anecdote is EXACTLY how we build up walls in our mind. Most people view the world's population as groups instead of individuals. Most people have faulty programming in their subconscious minds. This faulty programming CAN reach such extents; that some people are running through their life on automatic pilot, instead of living consciously. Aloha nui loa: Two Bears