Rating:  Summary: Great for separating a fool and his money. Review: Has anyone actually read the Biblical story of Jabez? Jabez calls on the Hebrew god to make him rich, and -- lo and behold --the Hebrew god eagerly complies, helping Jabez to slaughter other tribes, steal their land, even hunt down and murder the fleeing survivors. This is supposed to be a model of ethical behavior? Of course, most of the Jabez crowd, with their infinite capacity to justify any atrocity committed by Christians against non-Christians, have no trouble eagerly nodding their heads at the murderous and criminal behavior on the part of a "man of God". Why, Jabez is their hero and his prayer will get them out of the trailer park and into a new mansion in Beverly Hills. A preacher told them so and it must be true - cuz it's in a book! So, the only question is - does mumbling Jabez prayer have any effect? The very god who fails to answer prayers to save the life of a child or to end numerous wars ... is this god going to suddenly start answering prayers so Billie Alabama can finally git hisself a new pickup truck or Betty Bible-banger can git her some of them press-on nails? Nope. The prayer of Jabez is exactly as useful as all other prayers --- which is to say, it has no affect at all. None except for lining the wallets of authors who are just smart enough to know how dumb and gullible some people are. But "The Prayer of Jabez" is not totally useless. It's very efficient at separating a fool from his money.
Rating:  Summary: Another get rich quick scheme Review: There are only two reasons a person would buy a religious book, either he desires to learn more about religion in an academic sense or he is hoping to find himself spiritually. This book fails to deliver on both accounts. Academically, there is no serious study. I read the book in twenty minutes it's that short, hardly worth the ten dollar price. If you are looking for spiritual enlightenment I suggest you consult the Bible, Koran or the Vedas. Basically, he says repeat this line all the time and all your problems are solved. Furthermore, at the end he says oh yeah if I didn't rip you off enough all ready send me some more money at this address.
Rating:  Summary: awful, awful, awful! Review: "yeah, God, i want a mansion and a mercedes and 5 million dollars, please! i'll just repeat this prayer every day for 30 years and of course i'll get what i want and be happy, and screw what God has in store for me if this isn't what he wants!" why in the world would you ever think that God is as small as you are and that you can comprehend and conrol his thoughts and desires? yes, God wants to bless everyone so much, he loves us beyond our comprehension (for no reason on our parts) and is waiting to give us all he has in store for us. he wants to just dump his blessings down on us from the sky. but where do we get off thinking that we know what he has in store? in the trials and difficult times are where we normally see his face the brightest and the most clearly. they are also where we grow closer to him and learn to know more fully who he has made us to be. look at the saints and heroes of the faith, people God has obviously selected and approved of. they have often had unbelieveably difficult lives. so, when we ask for a life void of pain and suffering, filled with everything easy, aren't we actually asking out of our selfishness and fear? in that case we are fully sacrificing actually experiencing God and the life he planned out and desires for us to live. if we allow our fears to rule us, they become our god. yeah, this book sounds really nice to the person who wants to live on canned feel-good "christian" responses to life. but in reality, is it better to get a nice fuzzy feeling inside about something that doesn't ask anything of you at all, or to really live life fully and experience God in all his majesty and aweful glory, truly communing with him and knowing his heart as fully as a human being can? that's what i desire more than breathing. i challenge you to live a life of adventure instead of running from the true blessings God has in store for you. the blessings this book says to seek are only temporary, not at all fulfilling, and often stunt rather than promote personal and spiritual growth. live outside the box. instead of this book try 'the sacred romance' by brent curtis and john eldredge.
Rating:  Summary: Good message, poorly communicated Review: There is controversy about whether this book supports the unscriptural "prosperity gospel." And on balance, it doesn't. But either Wilkinson or his editors have opened themselves to that criticism by their carelessness presentation. On balance, the message is a plea for the Christian to ask God for more opportunities to serve Him, and a reassurance that He will supply supernatural resources for those who ask. But there's enough emphasis on getting earthly blessings to upset the modern-day Pharisee, unfortunately. Secrets of the Vine was much better.
Rating:  Summary: Completely Blessed! Review: Bruce Wilkinson has done a tremendous service in sharing this prayer with the world -- and then for unfolding the story behind the prayer so its full potency can be understood. We begin each business day with this prayer and our territory keeps expanding while our gratitude for God's gifts continues to increase as well.
Rating:  Summary: The hidden prayer Review: I read this book and it lead me into a bible study that enriched my prayers. The Prayer of Jabez, is a wonderful example of the power of prayer. This book also comes on a two CD set, for easy listeneing. Buy it! Read it! Live it!
Rating:  Summary: God Wants to Do Amazing Things For YOU! Review: This book has increased individuals' (to include my own's) faith in God in many relevant ways. Learning how to pray individually, and yet not selfishly, is an amazing thrill ride, especially as God begins to use you to impact others. This book will greatly enhance your individual walk with the Lord. As far as a book that helps to reveal how God is at work in the world as a whole, you have to check out "Wake Up Church: The End is Nigh!", a book by Dennis Crump. In it, he shares with incredibly eye-opening relevance and plausibility how what is currently going on in the Middle East (Israel/Palestinians) as well as the US/Iraq conflict is straight out of the pages of Scripture. Crump gives a free preview and updates at his website (The Middle East and Bible Prophecy)...
Rating:  Summary: IT WORKS!!! Review: Right after reading the book (which takes less than one hour), I attended a simulcast lead by Dr. Wilkinson, who emphasized how to pray the Prayer of Jabez....with great fervor, with total mind, body, spirit involvement. Well, I did, and my "territory" has been enlarged in every respect: wonderful relationships are even richer, problems have begun to fade in very dramatic ways, and I have stepped into an incredible new business opportunity that is overflowing with abundance! I prayed faithfully for 6 months before anything happened, but once change began, it came like Niagara Falls. Try it and you'll see for yourself. Amazing!
Rating:  Summary: A GOOD PLACE TO START! Review: "Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." Pray this every morning. Keep a calendar in which you mark off it everytime you pray. Write out the prayer and tape it in your Bible, bathroom mirror, or some other place. Reread this little book once each week during the next month, asking God to show you important insights you have missed. Tell one other person of your commitment to your new prayer habit, and ask him or her to check up on you. Begin to keep a record of changes in your life. That's about it. If you feel that you would like to give Christianity a try, or if you are already a Christian, this is a good place to start or stabilize your belief in God. It's a nice little book. I have three books including this from Walk Through the Bible Ministeries. Christianity is a fine religion. So go buy the book!
Rating:  Summary: Faulty Theology Review: Although there are some merits in this book, such as elements of prayer and being where God wants you to be, the whole thrust of this book tends to be built around one Bible verse, and allegedly it has brought wealth, prosperity and health to its author. This is unfortunate, because the author is highly respected, and here he is, marketing this incredible series to make an incredible amount of money. Maybe he should read Jim Bakker's "I Was Wrong," and get some tips.