Rating:  Summary: A dangerous little book Review: The author unveils in this book some interesting insights into prayer. He provides a breakdown of his so-called "prayer of Jabez" and how there are some Godly principles that we can glean from the text.However, the author goes way too far. He seems to indicate that if you pray this prayer then God will bless you. This sort of cosmic santa claus stuff is one step ahead of the infamous "name-it-and-claim-it" gospel. The author places way too much emphasis on this prayer and the words inside of it. The "prayer of Jabez" is a classic case of over-reading into the Scriptures. Believers in Jesus who read this book should view it with caution. This caution is a shame because there are some good concepts contained within the book. For example, the author stresses that we should ask the Lord to keep us from sin (as does Jesus!). With all due respect to the author, anytime someone promises that "repeating some formula" will get you closer to God, it sounds like someone selling something rather than pointing to God.
Rating:  Summary: Response to Mr. Rick Rauser...... Review: In my opinion, I believe that Wilkerson was not trying to get his readers to 'manipulate God to serve our desires.' On the contrary, I believe his intentions were to open our eyes to the blessings that we fail to recognize each day from God. Wilkerson made it very clear that we can only receive these blessings when we are in unity with God's desire for us. In other words, only when God's will is in action, will we perceive the blessings that that unity reflects. Wilkerson mention that this prayer is not suggesting to pray for a new car, house etc. But, Pray for things that are not specific and God will add unto you as he desires...and the prayer goes into more depth, but others will have to read it...
Rating:  Summary: Author of "The Second Coming Of Age" gives five stars! Review: This tiny book has as much potential as a tiny acorn in you life. All you have to do is read it (plant it), very powerful and moving.
Rating:  Summary: The Prayer of Jabez Review: This book has been a blessing to my family and I. If you have not read it, do not wait any longer. It will take you Spiritually to a another level of prayer and praise.
Rating:  Summary: Let the Man of God Do What God Wills Review: Hello: We have been praying this prayer as a church for several months. The results are as many would say phenominal but as my husband and I would say, not phenominal just God. We as believers need to step out and take what God has for us. If it takes a book or a pamphlet or whatever... Let God do His Work and let us remember that He is God and we're not.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful Teaching Review: My church is using this phenomenal book in our latest Bible Study series and I have to say, I have been tremendously blessed because of it. A bold way of praying had never been an option for me, in fact praying for myself has always been hard. I always felt praying for myself ,especially everyday, like the author says he does, was selfish, but this book has shown me that it is not necessary because in order for me to bless someone, I need to be first be blessed. Definitely worth the purchase. GOD BLESS, Tamara
Rating:  Summary: some potentially good stuff here, but... Review: I just finished reading Prayer of Jabez. After finishing it I was quite excited, and then I got online and started reading some of the critics' viewpoints. I'm glad I did because it gave me a more balanced viewpoint. However, I do think one thing some of the critics have missed is that Wilkinson, at least from my reading, is NOT recommending we pray selfishly, for material wants, wealth, etc. He DOES make mention in the book that the American Dream of I-deserve-to-have-it-all is NOT concurrent with what the Bible teaches. We should not take "asking for God's blessing" to mean asking for a new Cadillac, mansion, etc. So in that context and spirit, a person praying and asking for God's blessing on him/herself would not be asking for anything tangible, but instead, for God's will to be done in his/her life. Whatever His will is, is. That is my interpretation, anyway, and how I would approach using this prayer in my own prayer-life. It's like saying, I open myself up to You, my Lord and Savior, to Your will, because I know that in the end Your will for me IS a blessing--even if I don't see it that way. It's like the Rolling Stones' song that goes something like, "you can't always get what you want, but in the end... you get what you need." And God's will in our lives is what we truly need in our hearts and lives. Speaking of which--my prayer life hasn't exactly been as disciplined as it should be, and for that reason, I will incorporate this prayer into my daily praying. I like its simplicity and it does offer a kind of discipline for people like me. Also, praying and asking for blessing, and then waiting on the Lord, keeping open--that is exciting to me, that is living in the present. Also, Wilkinson does, in his last chapter, urge the reader also to pray this "Jabez" prayer for his/her family, friends, church, etc. However, thanks to reading some of the critics here, I will likewise incorporate reading my Bible, praying the Lord's Prayer and praying from my heart, and I will be careful not to let the prayer itself become some form of idolatry--as techniques and churches and icons and almost anything else can become. In that spirit, I will take care to enter this prayer (or any prayer) not with my expectations, but with hope and trust in God, praying, "Thy Will be done."
Rating:  Summary: How to get God to give you what you want! Review: Since THE PRAYER OF JABEZ is featured on secular best-seller lists, it should be readily apparent that it isn't a book about sacrifice or service. Sure enough--this lengthy pamphlet is really little more than a materialistic "name it and claim it" ideology disguised as a meditation on an obscure Old Testament prayer to give it a veneer of credibility. The author's suggestion that the prayer of Jabez "works" and if we recite it "daily" we will see "blessings" reveals the secular nature of his spiritual life. God is not an idol to be manipulated to serve our desires. Forget the prayer of Jabez. If one REALLY wants to recite a daily prayer, make it the Lord's prayer: "Our Father in heaven, holy is your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil one. Amen." Why didn't Wilkinson use this prayer as the basis for a book? Simple: Asking God for our daily bread is never as popular as asking him to shower us with unimaginable blessings.
Rating:  Summary: How to get God to give you what you want! Review: Since THE PRAYER OF JABEZ is featured on secular best-seller lists, it should be readily apparent that it isn't a book about sacrifice or service. Sure enough--this lenghty pamphlet is really little more than a materialistic "name it and claim it" ideology disguised as a meditation on an obscure Old Testament prayer to give it a veneer of credibility. The author's suggestion that the prayer of Jabez "works" and if we recite it "daily" we will see "blessings" reveals the secular nature of his spiritual life. God is not an idol to be manipulated to serve our desires. Forget the prayer of Jabez. If one REALLY wants to recite a daily prayer, make it the Lord's prayer: "Our Father in heaven, holy is your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil one. Amen." Why didn't Wilkinson use this prayer as the basis for a book? Simple: Asking God for our daily bread is never as popular as asking him to shower us with unimaginable blessings.
Rating:  Summary: God's leading Review: A very enjoyable easy to read book. If you're a new Christian or an "old" one like me. I wasn't sure what to expect when I ordered the book, it didn't fail to please. I have ordered a few more and given them away. Anyone wanting to experience what God wants for them on a daily basis, and willing to be lead by God will thoroughly enjoy this book. I disagree with some of the negative comments posted about this book, take it for what it is, another book to help us grow closer to the Lord. A book to share and discuss with friends. And a book to open our minds to what the Lord wants for our lives. Try it, you will like it.