Rating:  Summary: Isn't it funny... Review: Hey, before you bash this verse and book, why don't you go ahead and read what it really says. [....]Now you will notice that the English translation (which was from Greek not Hebrew) has a shift in meaning. It helps when you know the true meaning of the phrases at the time of writing, and also take into account that English and Hebrew words have different meanings. And, also, the name "Jabez" sounds like the Hebrew for "pain" or "sorrow". Therefore his asking that he not cause pain is a valid request, because in those times your name defined your character and entire being. How would you feel if you were named "Sorrow"? This prayer (and book) in no way go against Biblical teachings. I have been praying it every day since I became a Christian, and every day EVERY REQUEST IS FULFILLED.
Rating:  Summary: START SOMEWHERE.....but START!! Review: "Who'd a thunk it?!?!!" That's how my grandfather would've responded to all the negative hooplah over Wilkinson's book. While I clearly see the damage potential believing God is gonna give you everything you ask for, why rush to criticize? What's wrong with asking people to start the day with a prayer? Too short? Maybe it will lead to greater things. Too shallow for our times? It's a beginning. When people are centered ON and thinking ABOUT God perhaps we can get them into worship services and Bible studies and receptive to our witness. In today's society, where fewer than 20% of American families attend worship of any kind, the question rings out,"What can we do? Where do we begin?" Well, you start where you are...and you do what you can. If any nay-sayers feel Bruce Wilkinson's book is insuficient for any reason perhaps they should write thier own. Put up or shut up, so to speak. By the way, I think God does answer ALL our prayers....only, some times the answer is "NO". Modeling daily petitions after Jabez could lead to a greater appreciation of what to ask for, patience, expectation, dissapointment and opening the doors of communication through 'knee-mail'. I commend Bruce Wilkinson for asking people to GET STARTED on some type of a faith walk when so many signals are screaming at us that no "Outside Help" of any kind is needed.
Rating:  Summary: Dangerous Results From Book Review: I expected good things out of this book, but was disappointed and disturbed by where this book went. First, the lack of proper biblical study that was done. God promised the nation of Israel many things, including land. Jabez' prayer was asking God to fulfill His promise. Jabez was right in asking these things. As believers today, what are we right in asking God for? What He has promised us, which include joy and peace, but also sufferings and trials. Jabez' prayer does not apply to us!Second, when the disciples asked Jesus, God himself, how they should pray, Jesus gave us a very specific example. The Lord's prayer does not resemble Jabez' prayer. The Lord's prayer seems much more God focused than "me" focused. Next, the results I have seen from people who have been praying Jabez' prayer are, to be open, scary and dangerous. After a series on the book, one church had a testimony time. The pastor had to stop the time because the people were only talking about how God was giving them money here, increased success there, etc. Does God do those things? Yes, but He also does the opposite. He allows trials and sufferings to further His kingdom. In fact, the most godly men we have examples of in the Bible, the disciples, were suffered horribly. They did not access for more land or greater influence. They asked for the furthering of His kingdom, and His will to be done. Wilkinson has some good things in the book, but they are far outweighed by the dangerous and wrong-focused ideas presented.
Rating:  Summary: comment on the prayer of Jabez Review: honestly! its the first time I discovered the Jabez prayer. I think and I am sure its a wonderfull prayer and very effective.even though I have not read any of the books I am happy to have found the prayer and have no doubt that there is a lot to write about it. allow me to congratulate the writer. thank you again.
Rating:  Summary: Less than one star Review: Many years ago, when I struggled in the throes of alcoholism I would have clasped this book to my bosom like a drowning person clasps a life saver. These type of books are very misleading, they encourage seeking after "cheap grace" and they totally ignore the Christian message of love and service toward others. This is a very bad, fast-food type religious book based on very shaky scholarship and is an example of what Fundamentalists like so much to do -- proof texting -- using one example to bolster an argument even if that example goes against the tenor of the whole work. Not worth the money or the time to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Prayer of Jabez Review: This was a very inspirational book. We have long been taught in church that we should not ask for "stuff" for ourselves. Now through this book we learn that God Blesses those who ask to be blessed, and want to expand our sphere of influence(Territory). Since I started praying this for myself and my family and friends God has blessed us richly. I recommend that everyone read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Jabez: one star Review: I tried to like this book, because the author is likeable, but yet the book falls prey to the 'pull a lever-push a button-and get results' spirituality that North American evangelical spirituality seems to thrive on. There are many good books on prayer-this isn't one of them. A recommended alternative is The Lord's Prayers by Elton Trueblood.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read! Review: A very remarkable prayer found hidden among the geneology of Abrahams ancestory. This prayer cannot be dismissed. Thank you Bruce Wilkinson for your God ordained investigation, insight, and remarkable explanation of such a wonderful hidden gem from God's word. The Prayer of Jabez; Breaking Through to the Blessed Life is an excellent addition to any Christian's library.
Rating:  Summary: Jabez is a great guide for prayer Review: When I first saw this book my thought was "Oh man here we go with another sugar coated pray for it and it will be your book", but man was I wrong. This simple little prayer offers us a outline for prayer to enrich our lives. It appears at first to be a selfish prayer for people who simply want what they want, but after reading on and studying, it is actually a challenging prayer in which you ask God for strength, wisdom, and ability to further His kingdom. This book is not about selfish desires, but instead about the selfless desire to receive God's blessings and gifts and share them with others to further His kingdom.
Rating:  Summary: whatever happened to the lilies of the field? Review: Aren't we supposed, as Christians, to let go of the desire for material gain and trust that the Lord will supply us with what we need as we see fit? This is a book for the "upwardly mobile" Western Christian who ignores the plight of Christians (and people of other religions) in poorer countries, preferring to pray for a new car or the end to his pain, rather than pray and work for the basic needs of others. On top of it all, this book reads like a bad chain letter, and the marketing tie-ins with it are disgusting.