Rating:  Summary: The Six Points of Jezebel Review: The Six Points of Jezebel 1. God wants to prosper YOU by giving YOU other people's property (1 Kings 21:7) 2. It's okay to lie if you get a blessing of God in return (1 Kings 21:13) 3. Stoning is the best way to take a blessing from someone else (1 Kings 21:14) 4. Take possession of your blessing as soon as you can (1 Kings 21:15) 5. You know God is on your side if you are prosperous (1 Kings 21:16) 6. Call for a fast when you REALLY want something like real bad (1 Kings 21:9)
Rating:  Summary: A Different Spin on "Territory" Review: "I interpret 'territory' as our divine potential and all that we can be as human beings. When I pray that my territory be enlarged, I'm praying that my consciousness be expanded so that I can express more love, wisdom, creativity, and compassion in my life. This enables me to live life to the fullest and, through my speaking, teaching, and writing to inspire and support others in their personal and spiritual growth. And it must be working. Last night I was a guest on a radio show that aired live in 41 states and worldwide on the Internet, and I was able to share my message of putting God first in our lives."So, in all that we do, let's seek first to enlarge the Kingdom of Heaven within us, and we'll be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Seen in this light, The Prayer of Jabez makes perfect sense to me and is tremendously inspiring, comforting, and reassuring." Kathleen Hawkins, Spiritual Strategist(TM), president of WinningSpirit.com, and author of Spirit Incorporated: How to Follow Your Spiritual Path from 9 to 5.
Rating:  Summary: Has changed my prayer life Review: I had heard about this book several months ago, and I didn't think much of it. Frankly, I couldn't see how such a small book was making such a fervor. I finally received it for Christmas, and I read a chapter each day as part of my daily devotion. WOW- this book takes the small prayer of Jabez and shows what strong Bibical truths are hidden in such a seemingly random prayer. The book will challenge the way you think and will make you reevaluate my prayer life. I begin each day with a prayer, and I've incorporated the principles in this book. I've already seen some great blessings! You will see how the prayer of Jabez reveals the need to ask God for his blessings;to want to expand your "territory," which can mean anything from your ministry to your family to your business; to keep God's hand upon you; and to keep you from evil. Although this book is short enough to be read in one sitting, I found it very valuable to only read short sections at a time. That way, you can reflect on each principle individually.
Rating:  Summary: A pop Christianity book that should be read with caution Review: Bruce Wilkinson is to be commended for bringing an obscure figure from the Old Testament into focus, because Jabez really is a remarkable man who overcame much to enter into God's blessings. And I am touched by the way the Lord has used this prayer in Wilkinson's own life. But I feel that the author has co-opted this prayer and has turned it into almost a formula for how to get God's blessing on your life, and I'm not sure that this is the way I take the prayer. The book is written almost like an infomercial: If you do 'this,' God will do 'this,' and you will experience 'this.' The fact of the matter is that many people all over the world have prayed prayers much like the prayer of Jabez, and have not always had the same experience. Read any of Phil Yancey's books, and you'll see lots of examples of Christians who have experienced this kind of disappointment with God. So read this book with caution and care.
Rating:  Summary: Play Hard and Pray Hard Review: I think theology has to be practical, in addition to being theological or being theoretical. And being merely theological or merely theoretical is of no good. This book outlines a practical thing we can do to change what we do and change ourselves. That one thing is prayer. Personally, I think that prayer is one of the greatest assets we have, and yet for some reason we do not tap into this power from above. This book has motivated me to pray deeper and harder, and to team myself up with the infinite.
Rating:  Summary: ANY BOOK THAT GETS PEOPLE TALKING TO JESUS IS BLESSED Review: This book has its multiple supporters (best seller in sales) and detractors (see many reviews). Perhaps St.Paul has the best perspective on this book and the controversy surrounding it: "Some preach Christ even from envy while some from goodwill; some indeed preach Christ from selfish ambition,but others out of love...what then? Only that in every way,whether in pretense or in truth Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice and will continue to rejoice!" (Philippians 1:15-18) Based on multiple interviews the author Dr. Wilkinson has given over the years and his follow-up book Secrets of the Vine, it is clear his motives are from goodwill and in love of truth. While it is understandable that many readers will get the wrong idea about the nature of genuine prayer, there is ample testimony about how many people have been blessed by having their relationship with Jesus established or re-established by this book. Any book that gets God's people praying more fervently is a blessing. Any book that challenges those who gave up on prayer or never believed in the Lord to begin a relationship with him is worth the controversy. As long as it is understood that no prayer can be a formula to get things out of God, or to be what Jesus warned about as 'vain repetition', praying to the Living God and His Son Jesus is just what this world needs right now. A good companion book to get people back to a deeper Biblical appreciation of the Lord's Prayer is Hank Hanegraaffs' Prayer of Jesus. Where Jabez scratches the surface, Jesus takes us to the depths of the Heart,Mind,Will of the Father. What Jabez whets the appetite for (Blessings from God), Jesus satisfies the deep heart's core by giving us the Blesser Who is God Himself, pouring out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Prayer of Jabez. Prayer of Jesus. Prayer of ________ (fill in your name). Thank you Lord for the privilege of relational prayer and Heaven's Kingdom blessings in Jesus' Name. AMEN&AMEN!
Rating:  Summary: A Good Beginning, But Review: this book should point the reader onward to Malachi 3:10 where the true secret of prosperity is in the Bible for all who dare to take God up on His financial challenge. Overall, the Prayer of Jabez certainly did work for Jabez and is a good start for those not familiar with the Bible or its promises. The book is easy to read. I do recommend the book. - James Russell, Author of the Christian devotional book, "Walking With The Lord."
Rating:  Summary: Shocking that people are so easily led! Review: It saddens me to no end that people fall into line and accept without scrutiny whatever is popular. From the beginning, this book demands answers, that I feel Mr. Wilkinson cannot or will not give. One of the beginning sentences is . . ."I am going to teach you to pray a prayer, which when prayed every day, God always answers". WHAT??!! Is this voodoo chanting, or what? Since when is the only acceptable answer from God a yes? My parents raised me to understand that yes, no and later were all answers. Perhaps Mr. Wilkinson should learn this as well.
Rating:  Summary: Very glad I changed my mind about this book Review: I had heard about "The Prayer of Jabez" a few months ago and checked out the reviews on Amazon.com. Based on those reviews, I decided not to get the book. It seemed too greedy and grasping. But then I had the opportunity to hear Bruce Wilkinson on a recent "Focus on the Family" broadcast talking about Jabez and also his new book. It was immediately clear that Wilkinson was n-o-t coming from a greedy or grasping perspective. Absolutely the opposite. So I went out the next day, bought the book and am so glad I did. What have I learned? That it's perfectly all right to ask God to give you what He wants you to have. What a wonderful thing to know. P.S. Full disclosure. I am not a born-again Christian, not particularly "religious," not a church-goer - just someone who loves God and is interested in ways to have more of Him in my life.
Rating:  Summary: Prayer of Jabez Review: Imagine a prayer so simple it will bring untold blessings. Dr. Bruce Wilkinson in his new book, "The Prayer of Jabez", explains the mystery of Jabez and his powerful prayer for God's blessing. Jabez, born to a mother who at some point in life experienced great pain, gets his prayer tucked away into the lengthy roll-call of Tribes in the book of First Chronicles. No one is certain why. Wilkinson speculates here on meaning of the name Jabez. In the Hebrew language, Jabez means pain. Wilkinson guesses the name Jabez is possibly derived from of his mother's pain during childbirth. Imagine yourself a kid. Your name is Pain. Imagine the taunts you always get from playmates and classmates while you are at school. Imagine the tears you shed. Imagine the anger you feel toward your mother for giving you such a horrible name. You cry to your mom, "All the other kids are named with pride. Why did you name me Pain?" Imagine years of suffering to prove to everyone your name is your mantle and it has special meaning. At least that's what your mom tells you when you come home crying after one of the unending battles you fight. Somehow the Jabez prayer gets stellar placement amidst the many names of tribe members. His one sentence prayer, hidden in the midst of the First Chronicles, is a simple prayer request for blessings. Wilkinson calls it the Little Prayer, Giant Prize. He stops short of telling us this prayer is about abundance. This simple prayer unlocks the gates of divine source and abundance. He believes the Jabez prayer. Wilkinson challenges us to make Jabez ours for a 30-day period. He also lets us know that prayer, of any kind, won't work unless we believe in its power to bring about a life change. His challenge has created immense public interest Jabez and his one sentence prayer asking God to bless him. A bookstore customer referred me to the Prayer of Jabez. While working in the bookstore, she purchased Wilkinson's book. As I rang up her purchases, I asked her why she chose this book. She replied that one of her friends recommended the book to her after experiencing "minor miracles". Her friend observed some remarkable changes by making the petition on a daily basis. Word of mouth catapults this book to the number one slot on many best-seller lists. Publisher expectations were set for an initial run of 80,000 copies. At the posting of this review, "Prayer of Jabez" has sold over 4 million copies. The other day a friend asked me for a book recommendation. Although I hadn't at the time comitted to Wilkinson's challenge I was surprised when I blurted out..."Prayer of Jabez". reviewed by Robert A. Moore